4 Jews murdered in Paris – Pastor Manning interviews Chaim Ben Pesach

Paster James David Manningבס”ד

The murder of four Jews in Paris is a warning from G-d that the Jewish people must return home to the land of Israel.

Please spread the word about this important video everywhere possible.


  • Israel, the glowing light in the middle east is being asked to take a chance on death and destruction by agreeing to a two state solution. NEVER!!!

  • Israel should know by now that negotiating with terrorists never works, don’t give up any more land for peace, Islam never keeps its word. We don’t know the timeline, but Hashem will come and settle this mess and let his people know he is with them forever.

  • I always thought that Palestinian border tax on goods revenue sounded phoney. I thought that Israel is paid by the US and others through grants/etc. to subsidize and pay for water and electricity to the Pals. Not surprised though. These muslims are hell bent on ruining their world, and the narcissistic and delusional left is their eager ally. Why do so called liberals ‘free thinkers” ‘social justice fans ally themselves with a religion that is opposed to everything they cherish such as freedom of speech, gay marriage, and separation of church and state. That’s just for starters. LOL

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