Saudi ISIS-style terrorist regime to get nuclear bombs, G-d forbid (JTF video)
Please publicize this important video everywhere possible.
On Rumble:
On Odysee:
Please publicize this important video everywhere possible.
On Rumble:
On Odysee:
Saudi Arabia can Never be Trusted
That Nation caused 9/11
Never Forgive, Never Forget, Never Again ! Saudi Arabia is Eternally Forever Guilty for 9/11
They owe America TRILLIONS of Dollars in Reparations, Restitution on
January 9, 2015 has an article headlined
“Don’t Call Me Hebrew! The Mysterious Origins of the First Anti-Semitic Slur” by
Dr.Yitzhaq Feder
Any Insight
Furthermore an article online says :
“Have you ever heard a Jew called a “sheeny”? Did you realize that, whenever you hear this expression of contempt, it is a startling and literal fulfillment of the prophecy in Jer. 24:9? For the word translated “a taunt” is the Hebrew SHENINAH, and there is reason to believe that the vulgar slang “sheeny” is a corruption of the Hebrew word for “taunt” as applied to the Jew. Every time a joke is made against the Jew, prophecy is being fulfilled as the Jew is made “a reproach and a proverb, a taunt and a curse, in all places”
What do we think about
John Kirby and his recent statements about the Biden Administration & Iran ,
Is he being honest ?
Kirby , that name reminds me of the cute adorable video game character from the Kirby video game series for Various
Nintendo Systems 😆
But seriously the video game character of Kirby is Awesome
From the Wikipedia article
For the character of Kirby , it says in part
“Kirby has a pink, spherical, body with small stubby arms and large red feet (not shoes).[11] His eyes are a distinctive oval shape and are white (eye shine) at the top, black in the center and dark blue on the bottom (all black in early games) with rosy cheek-blushes near his eyes. His body is soft and flexible, allowing him to stretch or flatten and adopt different shapes, open his mouth very wide to inhale foes, or inflate himself with air and fly. He is 20 cm (about 8 in) tall.[2][12][13] “
John Kirby seems warm and friendly, but is he being
Completely Honest on Various Topics ?
Does anyone else watch
John Kirby speak on
Fox News
From an article is
“Don’t travel to these countries if you’re American, U.S. government warns”
Niamh Cavanagh
Tue, September 19, 2023
Anyone hear the tragic news that
Meir Kahane’s grandson was wounded in a terror attack
Send the migrants to Martha’s vineyard, Beverly hills and the Hamptons.
You forgot Nantucket.
Myrtle beach.
Provincetown and Fire Island
with the fegulahs.
What about Pasadena ?
What about Oxnard ?
They’ll rip off everything on Rodeo Drive.
How about Santa Monica
That’s where the classic sitcom
“Three’s Company” took place
has an article headlined
“The Evolutionary Psychology of Anti-Semitism”
Posted April 25, 2018 by
Glenn Geher Ph.D. About how Everyone Hates the Jews as Always
No one here reads.
Yimach shmo
To your mom pipsqueak. Imach shmoe × 10 to your celibate ass.
You mentioned
“celibate ass” are you aware of the pain, misery and Sufferings of Incels , people with
Involuntary Celibacy, Incel Problems
Stupid Diabolical, Wicked, Evil, Disgusting
America won’t have the Decency to Legalize Prostitution in Every State of America for the Countless people who are unable to Get Sex Naturally
America is Making people Suffer Even More
Incels are Human Beings with Feelings and Needs just like everyone else, Not Monsters
Prostitution being illegal is one of many Reasons why Countless people Hate & Despise America with a Passion
How about. Massage with a Happy Ending. Does that count?
Touch me down there, I like that
Let’s be serious , the Incel Crisis is sadly getting worse and worse in America and Worldwide
Also did anyone read the Various Editions of the book
“Your People Shall Be My People: How Israel, the Jews and the Christian Church Will Come Together in the Last Days”
by Don Finto
It’s Terrible and wrong what America is doing to Incels and other people unable to Get Sex Naturally
Mayor Adams doesn’t care. Get a hooker. There is a very high probability you won’t get arrested.
Doesn’t Mayor Adams care about the Incel Vote ?
Adams doesn’t care about enforcing the law. Go see a hooker. You will probably not get arrested.
Why can’t All 50 States just Legalize Prostitution, Sex Work
Why is America so Strict and Puritanical
It’s Also Very Disturbing how America has a Stupid
“War on Drugs” that Everyone Hates, and
Pro-Life BS
Suicide Prevention and
Suicide Prohibition, while Most Americans are in
Full Support of the Rapidly Growing Right To Die
Movement, and Not just for the Terminally ill, but Voluntary Doctor Assisted Death for any and All Suffering people who Request To Die, Mentally ill, Incels, and other Suffering people who Are Suffering in Silence , they want to Die and are unable to, yet America Unjustly Forces Suffering people to “live” in Misery till the bitter End, Squeezing every last drop of Life out of Suffering people
Countless Americans realize that they have a Moral Obligation to Speak Out against the Many Unjust “laws” in America and To Peacefully Work to Get these Unjust “laws” Changed
What would Really Count is if
America would Listen to Reason and be Reasonable and Change the Unjust Stupid Retarded Cruel Inhumane F–Ked Up “laws” in America that Ruin the Fun of American Adults
Countless American Citizens find these “laws” Extremely Disturbing and Far Too Restrictive,
Extremist in nature, Adults in America cannot even do what they want with their own lives and bodies, is that “Freedom”
The Unjust Stupid Unreasonable “laws” in The USA sadly backfire terribly on Society
The Sunni killing and gassing the Shi’a and vice versa, I’m perfectly fine with that. has an article about Meir Kahane headlined
“A Leader of Truth” on
Nov 4, 2020 has an article headlined
“Russell Brand Doubles Down—Moves From Anti-Israel to Jewish Stereotypes”
By Rabbi Shmuley Boteach 08/25/14 about the Creep
Russell Brand
Deport illegals.
No , it is Not “Freedom” when American Adults cannot even do what they want with their own lives and bodies,
Are you some kind of troll?
Not a troll , but speaking out Against Injustice and the Many Unjust, Stupid, Retarded, Sadistic, Barbaric, Outdated, Asinine, Cruel, Inhumane, “laws” in America and how they make Everything Worse, and about the Intense Sufferings of Incels , and other issues related to America, Israel, and the World
Countless Americans Hate and Despise America with a Passion, in large part because of the Unjust Stupid Retarded F–Ked Up
“laws” that sadly exacerbate the Sufferings of Incels, Mentally ill and other Suffering people, and sadly backfire terribly on Society
We have a Moral Obligation to Speak Out Against these Horrible Injustices
People aren’t getting married like in previous times. We have been sold a bunch of lies with encouraging college and careers for everyone. This has lowered the marriage and birth rate of American citizens. And look what they are doing. Bringing in thousands and thousands of migrants who do what they are told while working like slaves as cheaper labor. They don’t know the constitution and rights of being Americans.
And NYC is the epicenter of not getting married. Everything is rush rush for money. Where are the family activities?
And those who aren’t rich or high status in NY. Might as well be a priest.
Can you see why Many Americans are Not Patriotic, it’s because of the Lack of Libertarian Freedom that American Adults Desire
Sadly some Incels blame
“The Jews” for their Problems
Many Americans are deeply disappointed by the Very Severe Lack of Freedom in America
People aren’t getting married like in previous times. We have been sold a bunch of lies with encouraging college and careers for everyone. This has lowered the marriage and birth rate of American citizens. And look what they are doing. Bringing in thousands and thousands of migrants who do what they are told while working like slaves as cheaper labor. They don’t know the constitution and rights of being Americans.
And NYC is the epicenter of not getting married. Everything is rush rush for money. Where are the family activities?
And those who aren’t rich or high status in NY. Might as well be a priest.
Don’t want to be a priest , but do you think if the U.S. Government, Israeli Government and other World Governments are reading our comments on this website , even they know we make damn good Arguments and Comments, even they agree with us !! Are they reading all the comments on this site and archives going back to
October 2014
The total lack of Bodily Autonomy for American Adults is Extremely Disturbing and Sickening
The Complete Lack of Bodily Autonomy, Self-Ownership , Self-Determination for Adults in America is so damn Sickening, Disturbing, Disgusting and Creepy
Can you see why Countless Americans Hate and Despise The United States with a Passion . How are they supposed to have any love or respect for America ? has an article headlined
“New York and New Jersey are awful places to be single, according to new survey”
By Tom Shea • Published December 5, 2023
Involuntary Celibacy, Loneliness are very serious Problems
There is much talk on TV about Hunger in New York City, Food Insecurity
How Hunger and Food Insecurity is a very common serious problem
What about Hunger for Sex ?
Sex is a Vital Human Need Also
Hunger for Sex , countless people want Sex and yet are unable to Get it for Various Reasons, and America won’t Legalize Prostitution, Sex Work for people unable to Get Sex Naturally
Incels are Human Beings with Feelings
The Jerusalem Post has an article headlined
“The Palestinian conflict with Israel is rooted in antisemitism”
And we are all saying
No Shit Sherlock has an article by the late comedian
Jackie Mason headlined
“JACKIE MASON: There are three constants in life: death, taxes and antisemitism”
May 21, 2021 has an article headlined
“The Invisibles’ Reveals How Some Jews Survived Nazi Germany By Hiding In Plain Sight” on
January 29, 2019 by
Eleanor Beardsley
What is it about the year 2016 that made Anti-Semitism get out of Control in America and Worldwide, why 2016 ? Why the Shocking Rise in Anti-Jewish Hatred and Crimes Against Jews starting in 2016 and getting exponentially worse and worse every year has a Christian Zionism article headlined
“Thousands of Christians coming to Jerusalem for Feast of Tabernacles”
September 24, 2023
On the Fox News channel they talk about “Freedom” and
“Freedoms” in America , Oh Really
People are like What Freedom and Freedoms are they talking about ? Adults in America cannot even do what they want with their own lives and bodies in the United States , how is that
“Freedom” ? How ? Can someone please explain that to me has an article headlined
“The essence of the Palestinian heritage” by
Colonel (res.) Tal Braun on
September 26, 2023 has an article in Support of Israel headlined
“Why We Should Stop Saying ‘Pro-Israel’
Naya Lekht on
September 6, 2023
What do we think about this article ?
Peter Baum recently typed online
The true ‘ Nakba’ was the ethnic cleansing of Jews from Arab countries post 1948 and having had all their land and assets stolen
In 2023 the Arab population in Israel increased to 2.1 million
The number of Jews in Arab countries increased marginally as a direct impact of the Abraham Accords and are around 12,000 now” The More You Know
There is visibly a bunch to realize about this. I believe you made certain nice points in features also.