Silent Intifada Weekly Summary: Over 140 terror attacks in Israel this week

islam_terrorists_koran3Over 140 terror attacks injure seven Jews.

This week as almost every week there were dozens of terror attacks of varying severity not reported in most major media outlets. We report on these silenced events to present a fuller picture of the reality in Israel and balance the picture presented to innocent readers abroad. We hope that by reporting these incidents we can raise awareness so that actions can be taken to rectify this problem and improve reality in the Jewish State.

This past week (Feb. 5th- Feb. 11th) there were over 140 terror attacks recorded in the Silent Intifada updates on Hakol Hayehudi. Seven Jews were injured in these attacks. The attacks included stabbings, shootings, and throwing of IEDs, stones, and firebombs at individuals and property.

Three stabbings took place this past week. This past Shabbat (Feb. 6th), a 65 year old Jewish woman was stabbed in Rahat. She was injured moderately and the attacker fled the scene. On Monday (Feb. 8th) an Arab stabbed an 11 year old child in Ramle. The child was taken for treatment with moderate injuries.  On Tuesday (Feb. 9th), a resident of Rush Tzurim was stabbed near the town of Neve Daniel. He was also moderately injured.

Two police officers were injured in rioting by Arabs and two Jews were injured when stones were thrown at their vehicles.

There were also two shooting attacks this week, both of which thankfully ended without injuries. On Friday night (Feb. 5th) Arabs near Ariel shot at Jews and on Wednesday (Feb. 10th) Arabs shot at border police near Beit Horon.

Full list of attacks:

Thursday Feb. 11th

  • Arabs throw firebombs at vehicles near Al-Arub in Gush Etzion.
  • Arabs throw firebombs in Burka.
  • Arabs throw stones at vehicles near Al-Arub.
  • Arabs throw stones at IDF forces in Nachal Kfira.
  • Arabs throw stones in Beit Dako.
  • Arabs throw stones at vehicles near Al-Hadr.
  • Arabs throw stones at vehicles near Karmei Tzur.
  • Arabs throw stones at vehicles in Ras Karkar in Gush Talmonim.
  • Arabs throw stones at IDF forces in Bitunia.
  • Arabs throw stones at Rachel’s Tomb.
  • Arabs throw stones at IDF forces in Silwan in Jerusalem.
  • Arabs throw stones in Dahashiya.
  • Arabs throw stones in Juyes.
  • Arabs throw stones in Umm Salmona.
  • Arabs throw stones near Ofra.
  • Arabs throw stones near Givat Assaf in Binyamin.
  • Arabs throw stones at IDF forces in Atarot.
  • Arabs throw stones at Jews in A-Tur.
  • Arabs throw stones near Machane Ofer.
  • Arabs throw stones at Jews in Hevron.
  • Arabs throw stones at Pesagot.
  • Arabs riot in Kabatia.
  • Arabs throw stones at the town of Kiryat Arba.

22:28- Arabs throw firebombs at vehicles near Beit Anun in Har Hevron.

22:01- Arab throw stones at vehicles near Hizme.

20:39- Arabs throw stones at vehicles on Route 443.

20:18- Arabs throw firebombs at vehicles near Azun in the Shomron.

19:46- Arabs throw stones at a bus near Beit Umar in Gush Etzion.

14:46- A Jew is injured from stones thrown by Arabs near Marda in the Shomron.

14:44- Arabs throw stones at vehicles near Sinjil in Binyamin.

14:38- Arabs throw stones at vehicles near Al-Arub in Gush Etzion.

12:38- Arabs riot in Gush Talmonim near Harasha.

12:26- Arabs throw stones at the Pharmacy Junction in Hevron.

12:23- Arabs throw stones at vehicles at the Post Office Junction in Gush Talmonim causing damage to vehicles.

11:59- Arabs throw stones at vehicles near Migdalim causing damage.

10:51- Arabs throw stones at vehicles on Route 443.

10:43- Arabs riot near the Pharmacy Junction in Hevron.

Wednesday Feb. 10th

  • Arabs riot in Azaria near Jerusalem.
  • Arabs throw firebombs at IDF forces near Beit Ur Atahta.
  • Arabs throw stones at vehicles near Beit El.
  • Arabs throw stones at vehicles on Route 443 near Makkabim.
  • Arabs riot in Silwan in Jerusalem.
  • Arabs riot near Ein Yavrud.
  • Arabs riot near Hizme in Binyamin.
  • Arabs throw stones at IDF forces in Bitunia.
  • Arabs throw stones at IDF forces in Nachal Kfira.
  • Arabs throw stones at vehicles on the Husan Bypass Road.
  • Arabs throw stones at the fence of the town of Pesagot.
  • Arabs throw stones at Jews in Hevron.
  • Arabs throw stones at IDF forces in Silwan.

22:03- Shooting: Arabs shoot at border police near Beit Horon.

20:00- Arabs throw firebombs in Anatot.

17:40- Arabs throw stones at the lighrail in Shuafat in Jerusalem.

15:55- Arabs throw stones at vehicles near Halhul in Har Hevron causing damage.

16:40- Arabs riot and roll burning tires near Migdalim.

15:26- A driver is injured during riots near Migdalim.

15:23- Arabs throw stones on the Avid Bypass Road causing damage to vehicles.

15:06- Arabs throw stones at vehicles near Migdalim causing damage.

13:41- Arabs place burning tires near the town of Kiryat Arba and riot. 

13:01- Arabs throw stones at vehicles near Tekoa.

12:37- Arabs throw stones at vehicles near Al-Arub in Gush Ezion.

00:33- Arabs throw stones near Naale.

Tuesday Feb. 9th

  • Arabs throw stones in Sharafat.
  • Arabs throw stones in A-Tira.
  • Arabs throw stones in Naama.
  • Arabs throw firebombs in Shuafat.
  • Arabs throw an IED at IDF forces in Rafidia.
  • Arabs throw firebombs in Beit Ur.
  • Arabs throw stones in Beit Anun.
  • Arabs throw stones in Nabi Saleh.
  • Arabs throw stones in Umm Salmona.
  • Arabs throw stones in Sucha.
  • Arabs throw stones near Rachel’s Tomb.
  • Arabs throw stones in Silwad.
  • Arabs throw stones in Dahit Al Barid.
  • Arabs throw stones near Pesagot.

23:57- Arabs throw smoke bombs near Kiryat Arba.

21:21- A police officer is injured during Arab rioting in silwan.

19:59- Arabs throw firebombs at IDF forces in Anatot.

17:26- Arabs throw stones at a bus between Gush Etzion and Hevron.

17:23- Stabbing: A Jew is stabbed near Neve Daniel.

17:12- Arabs throw stones at a bus near Yatib Junction in the Jordan Valley.

17:11- Arabs throw stones at a bus near Sinjil.

15:02- Arabs throw stones at a bus near Ofra in Binyamin.

13:07- Arabs throw stones at IDF forces near the Pharmacy Junction in Hevron.

13:00- Arabs throw stones at vehicles near Azun in the Shomron causing damage.

9:20- Attempted stabbing: An Arab attempts to stab police officers near the Shechem Gate of the Old City of Jerusalem.

8:42- Attempted stabbing: An Arab with a  knife is arrested near Karmei Tzur.

Monday Feb. 8th

  • Arabs throw stones at IDF forces in Abu Dis.
  • Arabs throw stones in Hevron.

20:04- Arabs throw stones near Adam Junction in Binyamin.

19:14- Arabs throw stones in A-Luban in Binyamin.

18:54- Arabs throw firebombs at vehicles near Al-Hadr in Gush Etzion.

18:03- Arabs throw firebombs at a Jewish home in Abu Tor in Jerusalem causing damage. 

17:00- Stabbing: An 11 year old child is injured in a stabbing in Ramle.

16:21- Arabs throw stones at the lighrail in Shuafat in Jerusalem.

16:15- Arabs throw firebombs at the fence of Kiryat Arba.

14:39- Arabs throw stones at a bus near Al-Arub in Gush Etzion.

14:38- Arabs attempts to penetrate the town of Kiryat Arba.

14:24- Arabs throw stones at vehicles near Beit Umar in Gush Etzion causing damage.

13:40- ARabs throw stones at a bus near Samtat Erez in Hevron.

13:00- Arabs throw stones at vehicles near Beit Umar in Gush Etzion.

Sunday Feb. 7th

  • Arabs throw stones in Surkiya.
  • Arabs throw stones in Luben A-Sharkiya.
  • Arabs throw stones near Sawana.
  • Arabs throw stones near Tekoa.

19:13-Arabs throw stones at Elias Junction in Har Hevron.

13:55- Arabs throw stones at vehicles near Beit Umar causing damage.

12:59- Arabs throw stones at IDF forces near Avud in Binyamin.

Shabbat Feb. 6th

  • Arabs throw firebombs at police in Silwan in Jerusalem.
  • Arabs riot in Dahashiya.

22:41- Arabs throw stones at vehicles on Route 443.

20:12- Arabs riot in Jenin.

20:07- Arabs riot in Al-Hadr.

20:05- A police officer is injured from stones thrown by Arabs near Rachel’s Tomb.

19:52- Arabs riot near Tekoa.

17:00- Stabbing: A Jewish woman is stabbed in Rahat.

15:09- Arabs riot in Kabatia.

14:55- Arabs riot on the Halhul Bridge.

14:53- Arabs throw stones at Jews in A T-ur in Jerusalem.

Friday Feb. 5th

  • Arabs throw stones in Gilo in Jerusalem.
  • Arabs throw stones in Atarot.
  • Arabs throw firebombs in Al-Arub.
  • Arabs throw firebombs at the Zeitim Junction in Jerusalem.
  • Arabs throw firebombs in Abu Dis.
  • Arabs throw firebombs near Anatot.
  • Arabs throw stones near the Erez checkpoint.
  • Arabs throw stones at Moshav Nativ HaAsara.
  • Arabs throw stones in Dahit Al-Bird.
  • Arabs throw stones near Rachel’s Tomb.
  • Arabs throw stones near Beit Haggai.
  • Arabs throw stones at the Yehuda Junction.
  • Arabs riot in Issawiya.
  • Arabs throw stones in Beit Umar.
  • Arabs throw stones in Beit Fajar.

20:46-Shooting: Arabs shoot at vehicles near Ariel in the Shomron.

16:36- Arabs throw six firebombs in Azariya.

15:46- Arabs throw stones and firebombs on the Halhul Bridge.

15:04- Arabs throw stones at vehicles on the road from Jerusalem to Gush Etzion.

14:57- Arabs riot near Halhul.

13:49- Arabs riot on the Modeh road.

13:44- Arabs throw IEDs at security forces in Kabatia.

12:30- Arabs throw stones at the lightrail forcing it to temporarily stop service.

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