Steve Bannon out of White House, Submitted Resignation August 7

Stephen Bannon was also Trump’s Campaign CEO

WE TOLD YOU SO! Breitbart that helped get Trump elected now responds to Bannon dismissal at White House in one ominous word: “#WAR”

Here’s a list of everyone in Trump’s own administration that he has fired so far:

Maggie Haberman reports that President Donald Trump plans to remove White House Chief Strategist Steve Bannon, the former executive chairman of Breitbart News. She writes that Bannon submitted his resignation from the White House over a week ago.

From the New York Times:

President Trump has told senior aides that he has decided to remove Stephen K. Bannon, the embattled White House chief strategist who helped Mr. Trump win the 2016 election, according to two administration officials briefed on the discussion.

The president and senior White House officials were debating when and how to dismiss Mr. Bannon. The two administration officials cautioned that Mr. Trump is known to be averse to confrontation within his inner circle, and could decide to keep on Mr. Bannon for some time.

As of Friday morning, the two men were still discussing Mr. Bannon’s future, the officials said. A person close to Mr. Bannon insisted the parting of ways was his idea, and that he had submitted his resignation to the president on Aug. 7, to be announced at the start of this week, but it was delayed in the wake of the racial unrest in Charlottesville, Va.

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