Taxpayers paying for imprisoned murderer’s sex change operation

California taxpayers are paying the price for voting in left-wing nuts into their state government, literally. Shiloh Quine killed a man for $80 and his car while high on drugs and alcohol, but his daughter says she’s going to be forced to pay for his sex change as a taxpayer in California.

“My dad begged for his life,” said Farida Baig, who tried unsuccessfully to block Quine’s surgery through the courts. “It just made me dizzy and sick. I’m helping pay for his surgery; I live in California. It’s kind of like a slap in the face.”

Here’s more about the travesty playing out in my home state:

7-year-old convicted killer serving a life sentence has become the first U.S. inmate to receive state-funded sex-reassignment surgery, the prisoner’s attorneys confirmed Friday.

California prison officials agreed in August 2015 to pay for the surgery for Shiloh Heavenly Quine, who was convicted of first-degree murder, kidnapping and robbery for ransom and has no possibility of parole.

Quine’s case led the state to become the first to set standards that will allow other transgender inmates to apply to receive state-funded sex-reassignment surgery. It also prompted a federal magistrate to require California to provide transgender female inmates housed in men’s facilities with more female-oriented items such as nightgowns, scarves and necklaces.

“For too long, institutions have ignored doctors and casually dismissed medically necessary and life-saving care for transgender people just because of who we are,” said Kris Hayashi, executive director of the Transgender Law Center, which represents Quine and other transgender inmates.

This is what happens when we put feelings above science and nature. But don’t you worry, I’m sure this kind of absurd abuse of taxpayer money is headed to every state in the union.

From the Journal and Courier Online:

The medical experts said that Quine, who entered the prison system as Rodney, had severe gender dysphoria. They said feeling and looking female, but having male genitalia, caused profound distress for Quine.

Quine attempted suicide on multiple occasions and self-castration once, according to the documents. She has been treated with counseling and hormone therapy since 2009.

The medical experts said this helped, but the next step is to undergo surgery. They argued failure to get it will likely lead to further emotional anguish and self-harm.

Transgender civil rights organizations celebrated the decision.

Fox has a short video report on it:

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