The coming economic catastrophe (Chaim Ben Pesach interviews Bob Unger)
Please promote this important video everywhere possible.
Please promote this important video everywhere possible.
Was the famous inventor
Thomas Edison ,
Thomas Alva Edison an
Anti-Semite as some claim ? If he was , like on a scale of
1-10 with , 10 being the most
Anti-Semitic, how would we rate him ? Some said his views on Jews were mixed, complicated ?
Also what do we think is the difference if any between an
Anti-Semite & a Jew-Hater .
Someone once said in an article about Jeremy Corbyn, that only God can know for certain what is in a person’s Heart and Mind
Jeremy Corbyn is a Creep
Edison was not an antisemite but he was friendly with Henry Ford who WAS an antisemite.
Henry Ford will Not be Returning to Earth , he is Suffering in Hell and then the Lake of Fire for his Crimes .
The Bible Teaches that Countless great people in human History who have passed away and are currently alive and conscious in Heaven, that those people will All Ultimately Return to Earth, to this Physical Planet Earth to Live Forever on the New Earth, where there will be No Evil, Suffering or Injustice. Don’t Worry
Henry Ford and his hateful ilk will Never be Returning to Earth
Henry Ford owned the Dearborn Independent where he published the protocols of the Elders of Zion.
That’s Why Henry Ford will Not be Returning to Earth , because he Promoted Jew-Hatred
Henry Ford will Never Return to Earth
What about Walt Disney ?
Have you driven a Ford lately?
Nikola Tesla was a Serb born in Croatia.
Was Nikola Tesla an Anti-Semite ?
Again , what about
Walt Disney ? Or
William Shakespeare ?
How about Charles Dickens and Billy
Walt Disney was a great American.
Is Judge Judy a fan of
Rabbi Meir Kahane ?
Judge Judy likes former mayor doomberg.
Why is Judge Judy a fan of
Bloomberg ? What would Kahane think of Judge Judy ?
Does she keep a glatt kosher home?
She endorsed Bloomberg for pres.
What about Russiagate ?
Donald Trump’s ties to Russia ?
Was there Collusion between Trump and Russia in the 2016
U.S. Presidential Election. ? Did the Russians intervene in the 2016 Election, what about the
Mueller Report ? It does look
Suspicious all the ties and links between Trump and the Russians prior to the 2016 Election.
Was Russiagate a Hoax ? A Democrat Hoax ? Would Putin have invaded Ukraine if
Trump was still President ?
Did Trump deserve to be Impeached in 2019 and then again in 2021 ? Anyone else Not Sure who or what to believe ?
Has Kyrie Irving been banned from all Sports yet ? We can’t give up, create online Petitions , it Works
He’s a schwartze. Nothing works on them and the Jews are to blame.
Still, we can’t just Give up on getting him banned from All Sports
We can’t give up on getting
Kyrie Irving banned from All Sports Forever
Ban Kyrie Irving from All Sports Forever , don’t make Excuses for him
The MotherFucker Kyrie Irving has signed a Sneaker Deal with Anta , can we get it Cancelled
More about the pig
Kyrie Irving has an article headlined
June 11, 2023
The Asshole pig Kyrie Irving is trending again on Internet Searches
Kyrie Irving was banned from playing Basketball for at least 5 games from the Brooklyn Nets, it must have been Torture for him , how did he cope ?
How did Kyrie cope ?
Must have been a Living Nightmare for Kyrie Irving Not being to play basketball for his team
Whatever did
Kyrie do ?
Eh, Unger doesn’t say anything new on the economy… Unfortunately, these days, all critique of monetary theory includes the incorrect notion that central banking is not a good thing…
I don’t think that the monetary policy in the US was better off when Wells Farge was hauling payroll cash in wagons from state to state…
I do agree though that a morally corrupt country will be punished by G-D through their central bank. But I do not disagree with the concept of a central bank.
How can we refute the belief that many Anti-Zionist Jews had prior to 1948 , their belief that only God and/or the Jewish Messiah had the right to Establish a Jewish Homeland
Take them to Auschwitz and show them the blue-stained gas chamber walls.
How Also can we Refute Anti-Zionist Jews using the Bible ?
Read “The Jewish Idea” by Rav Kahane
Thank you, Chaim, for bringing back Bob UNGER!! But I disagree what he says about how If we stop printing money and that it would lead to a great depression? I mean We should stop printing money because we don’t want to go into debt and eventually into a depression. How does stopping the mints lead to it? Am I missing something?
No need for a recession when everyone dies suddenly if you say hurry up.
From see the section on the Israel Wing of the site
“Myths & Facts Chapter 12: Human Rights”
By: Mitchell G. Bard
Arab Lies Refuted
Albert Einstein was offered the Job of President of Israel in 1952 , would he have been a good
President of Israel ? Was
Albert Einstein a Self-hating Jew ?
Who cares. President of Israel is a caretaker job with no power.
So you are saying in Israel that the Prime Minister has the Real Power ,
Plus has an article headlined
“Zelensky Discusses Possibility of World War III Breaking Out”
January 11, 2023
No offense to Zelensky, but I do not need him to tell me the obvious. We are already on the verge of WW3. it is a matter of when – not if.
G-d forbid if should ever happen, of course. The question is what will be the teetering point?
The only way I think we can save America is a sesesesion. Whites and those who want to work can live in Jesus land, the rest can live in the LEft Coast. Its gonna sink into the ocean I bet.
Keep functioning ,terrific job!