The hypocrisy of denouncing metal detectors at the Temple Mount

The Waqf officials are hypocrites, liars and rabble-rousers. Their purpose is to create bloodshed and cause conflict and murder. The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan should be pressured to remove these psychopaths… Otherwise, the responsibility for the actions of these lunatics, and the lunatics who follow them, rests with the Hashemite Kingdom. If Jordan is going to sponsor the Waqf, then it is responsible for the mistakes and the outright evil of its subordinates. The Waqf officials are a key part of the problem in the Levant. They make it worse. Always. Jordan needs to get rid of them.

Waqf officials, who oversee the religious management of the temple, instigated a protest outside the entrance. Dozens of worshipers instead conducted their afternoon prayers next to the gate. “This is a severe violation of the status quo,” said Shikh Omar al-Qiswani, the director of the al-Aksa Mosque, said in a statement. The Waqf officials were not required to pass through the detectors.

Metal detectors are a VERY, VERY MILD RESPONSE when terrorists stash guns in your sight and use them to murder innocent policemen in cold blood. Every other government on earth would have done the same thing, and probably much, much more. And only the Waqf, Israel’s Arab “leaders” and the rest of the anti-Semitic Israel-hating crowd are just plain hateful enough to portray this VERY, VERY MILD RESPONSE as some kind of “attack” on Muslims.

Terrorist attacks have consequences. Grow up.

Those entering the Western Wall Plaza and Western Wall, beneath the Temple Mount compound, for many years have been required to go through metal detectors.

Jews and Christians pass through metal detectors around the Temple Mount all the time, and have done so for years. No protests. No threats of violence by Israeli leaders.

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