True Social Justice: Activists Shouting ‘Black Lives Matter’ Bring Hillary Speech To A Halt

blacklivesmatterhillaryHillary Clinton just got a dose of her own medicine. Pass the popcorn please.

On Friday, a Hillary Clinton speech was arrested by activists chanting “black lives matter” and singing, who generally took over the show. This already great news has an even greater twist, though: the event thus interrupted was the African Americans for Hillary rally in Atlanta, as noted at The Right Scoop on Friday evening. Here’s a tweet showing a close up of some of the demonstrators.

The interruption, involving only between ten and twenty people, started five minutes after Clinton began her speech and continued for over half an hour.

There is little so amusing as watching leftist Democrat divisional teams going to the playoffs against each other. Just recently it happened when Hillary herself attacked The Socialist as being sexist.

In this case what is so great is watching liberal politicians (old white ones, you might add) struggling to figure out how to react. Look how awkward and uncomfortable and weird Hillary comes across there. They are so sure they have their “down with the struggle” card checked that they expect to be listened to. When they are disrupted, they act exactly as paternalistically as you might expect. Note Hillary’s “I’m going to talk a lot about that in a minute” objection. Hang on and shut up, I’m trying to do you a favor here.

And that’s exactly what Democrats think, isn’t it? That’s really their whole game. ‘We know what’s best for you, so shut up and let us do it.’ 

ABC reports another comment from Hillary along these lines:

“I’m sorry they didn’t listen because some of what they’ve been demanding, I am offering,” Clinton said.

Breathtaking, isn’t it?

The group behind the disruption is apparently #AUCShutItDown, who say this on their Twitter bio: “A movement mobilizing AUC(Spelman,Morehouse,Clark Atlanta,ITC) students for justice.” They have posted several items about the event, including this statement:

Although they were chanting “Black Lives Matter”, late Friday evening they tweeted that were not affiliated with the Black Lives Matter organization who run the website and hashtag but only the movement in general.

One comment

  • Serves her right. These incedents reveal the true nature of the so-called progressive wing of the democratic party, for they are not democrats, but trotskyites who seek to subvert American society that they concider “bourgeois”.

    Progress cannot occur when the party in power has a hidden agenda to destroy the country’s basic social structures.

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