Trump continues to align with left on foreign policy – Wants Israel to submit to mass-murdering Muslim terrorists

trump_clintonsDonald Trump [is] pushing an foreign policy agenda that’s largely indistinguishable from President Obama’s.

In a Republican primary in conservative South Carolina, that could prove significant, given assumptions about what GOP voters are looking for in a commander in chief and how the party’s eventual nominee might stack up against his Democratic counterpart. The New York celebrity businessman’s latest presumed foreign policy heresy came just this week, when he refused to side with Israel in the Jewish State’s ongoing struggle with the [so-called] “Palestinians”.

Asked by MSNBC host Joe Scarborough during a televised town hall from South Carolina about who’s to blame for the failure of the Israelis and [Arab Muslims] to make peace Trump said: “You know, I don’t want to get into it. I don’t want to get into it for a different reason.”

He continued: “I don’t want to get into it for a different reason, Joe, because if I do win, there has to be a certain amount of surprise, unpredictability, our country has no unpredictability. If I win, I don’t want to be in a position where I’m saying to you, and the other side now says: ‘We don’t want Trump involved, we don’t want -‘ Let me be sort of a neutral guy, let’s see what — I’m going to give it a shot. It would be so great.”

Trump’s comments came under heavy criticism Thursday from Republican foreign policy advisors.

There is no such thing as “Palestine” or a “Palestinian”. It is a lie and a propaganda war intended to destroy Israel the Jewish people. Click here for more information.

“Mr. Trump’s statement that he does not want to take sides in the Israeli-Palestinian matter demonstrates a fundamental misunderstanding of the nature of America’s relationship with Israel. He is closer to President Obama’s view of the world than the views of the GOP base,” said Robert C. O’Brien, a Los Angeles attorney who writes regularly on international matters.

“Israel is our closest ally in the Middle East,” added O’Brien, who advised 2012 Republican nominee Mitt Romney but is neutral in the 2016 primary. “The next president of the United States must make it clear to the world, including Hamas and Hezbollah and their sponsors, that there is no daylight between America and Israel.”

Aside from Trump refusing to lay out what his Middle East policy would be regarding the U.S.’s most important ally in the region, Trump’s answer about being an honest broker between the two sides is out of step with most elected Republicans and the rest of the GOP presidential field. Since the George W. Bush presidency, the Republican Party has generally favored Israel’s position in the conflict with the Palestinians and in any potential peace talks.

… His approach would align him more with the American political left.

President Obama and the Democrats regularly declare allegiance to Israel’s security and join Republicans in supporting billions in aid to Jerusalem. But de-emphasizing the alliance, and advocating that the U.S. exhibit neutrality, is progressive. The policy could be expected to elicit jeers from Republican voters; Obama has taken heat from the right over his falling out with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Meanwhile, expressing undivided support for Israel is a guaranteed applause line on GOP trail.

Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas, echoing the Republican field sans Trump, put it this way during a Wednesday evening town hall meeting that was hosted by CNN’s Anderson Cooper:

“We have abandoned our friends and allies [internationally,”] Cruz said. “Ripping to shreds the Iranian nuclear deal, moving the American embassy to Jerusalem. Both of those are within the power of the president, but they’re also powerfully symbolic. You know, moving the embassy to [Jerusalem] tells Israel, it tells all of our allies, it tells our enemies, America is back.”

… Indeed, Trump has gone further than Obama in challenging the bipartisan consensus on foreign policy that calls for the U.S. to play the role of guarantor of global security. It’s Trump that has questioned the value of keeping U.S. troops stationed in South Korea and throughout the Asia Pacific to counter North Korea and a rising China. It’s Trump who has questioned U.S. alliances in Europe and the Middle East.

And, Trump seems content to allow Russian strongman Vladimir Putin to exert his influence in the Middle East at the expense of the U.S. Indeed, where most Republicans have criticized Putin as a dictator who is not to be trusted, Trump has defended Putin as a strong leader whom he could get along with. The response from conservative foreign policy thinkers is indistinguishable from what they usually have to say about Obama.

“Trump continues to talk like a Democrat in the middle of the Republican primary,” said Republican foreign policy advisor Richard Grenell, who served under George W. Bush but is neutral in the 2016 primary. “He is arguing that the U.S. should not support Israel for fear of looking like we are taking sides, he thinks Russia is trying to take out ISIS while they are propping up [Syrian dictator Bashar] Assad and he doesn’t know basic national security tools like the nuclear triad.”


  • Feb 2015, Algeminer.

    On stage, Trump concluded his acceptance speech by asserting his strong support for the Jewish state. He told the audience, “We love Israel. We will fight for Israel 100 percent, 1,000 percent. It will be there forever.”

  • Cruz voted to arm Iran. He is a lying shiester.
    You all need to start looking into things, you’re just biased against trump

  • Trump is every bit as bad as Clinton. You think Trump is better? Are you insane?

    Here’s a good read for you:

    And some of the highlights just in case you miss them:

    You rally around a guy who supported amnesty as recently as 2013, employed illegal immigrants, and donated millions of dollars to open borders politicians like Rep. Nancy Pelosi, Sen. Chuck Schumer, and Hillary Clinton.

    You’re excited by the most vile statements and most cretinous behavior imaginable — not remotely deterred by any of it, no matter how many times he gloats over infidelity (that means cheating on his wives – you think he won’t cheat on America if he cheats on the woman he’s supposed to love as his family?), curses his opponents, and publicly ogles his own children — because, you say, it’s politically incorrect.

    You’re so fed up with political correctness that you celebrate political incorrectness without distinguishing between the healthy sort and the “LOL I slept with married women and I’m not sorry” sort. It doesn’t matter if you don’t personally agree, you say, you just respect the hell out of someone who’s willing to shoot straight, even when ”shooting straight” means comparing Ben Carson to a child molester, calling the entire electorate of Iowa stupid, and referring to women as “pieces of a**.”

    Trump won South Carolina on the support of Evangelical Christians who were so impressed with his alleged straight talk that they overlooked the fact that he’s a crass, cruel, unrepentant philanderer who says he does not need God’s forgiveness, and who praises Planned Parenthood as “wonderful” and his radically pro-abortion sister as a “phenomenal” candidate for the Supreme Court. That’s how much you pretend to admire bluntness in a man. So much that it overrides literally everything else.

    Perhaps this explains why you’re so worried about politicians who are “controlled by donors,” but you aren’t at all concerned about a politicians who is the very donor you didn’t want controlling the political process. “I’m sick of these donors influencing the government! I have an idea: let’s make one president!”

    It seems more like schizophrenia than anger.

  • Yaakov ben Yehuda

    Do you want to see what a cheater do on his countrymen just see how badly the Jews are treated denigrated in Israel netaniyahu cheats on his wife did many folds

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