Trump Defends Hefty Campaign Contribution To Florida Attorney General During Trump University Fraud

donald-trumpOf course he does.

Donald Trump is pushing back against charges of impropriety in his foundation’s $25,000 campaign contribution to Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi’s reelection campaign, at a time when her office was contemplating joining a lawsuit against Trump’s fraudulent Trump University in 2013.

Both Bondi and Trump have been the subject of complaints seeking charges on the basis of campaign contribution malfeasance after it was reported that the Florida attorney’s political committee had received the donation while deliberating a fraud case against the Republican nominee’s now-defunct real estate school.

Bondi has publicly denied the reports in recent months, a response Trump echoed Monday.

“I’ve just known Pam Bondi for years. I have a lot of respect for her. Never spoke to her about that at all,” Trump said Monday, as reported by CBS’ Sopan Deb.

The real estate mogul insisted the contribution came out of admiration for Bondi’s performance as attorney general.

And anything else, like the timing, is simply a coincidence, right?

Trump also exuded confidence about the still-pending Trump University case, which has shrouded his campaign in controversy.

“Many of the attorney generals turned that case down because I’ll win that case in court,” he said. “Many turned that down.”

Maybe it’s just me, but Trump’s insistence that he didn’t know Bondi’s office was considering joining a suit against him at the time his foundation made the very generous campaign contribution, sounds a lot like a politician insisting he didn’t know the files were classified, or that having classified documents contained on a private server in his home was wrong.

Why does that feel so familiar?

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