Trump: I want ‘not nice people’ in my future administration

donald-trumpDonald Trump said on Tuesday he will hire “not nice people” to work in his administration when he becomes president of the United States.

Trump sidestepped the controversy surrounding his earlier remarks regarding whether the Second Amendment could help thwart judges that Hillary Clinton would select as president. Instead, he used his time onstage in Fayetteville to list people who would work in his administration, including New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn.

The GOP nominee drew upon his experience as a businessman to describe how he would govern.

“I might not have been nice, who cares?” Trump said. “We have some of the greatest business leaders in the world that have endorsed me and want me to win. … We will use these people. Some of them, are not nice people. Do we care? Do we care?”

The crowd shouted “No” in response and Trump continued, “We have very nice people right now. We have such nice people that they don’t put America first. They put America ninth. They don’t care about America.”

Trump’s avoidance of discussion about his earlier comments while onstage may be an intentional tactic to keep attention focused on his candidacy and what he might say next. During his second appearance in North Carolina on Tuesday evening, Trump said his wife, Melania, would soon hold a news conference to clear up questions about her immigration status. His wife wanted to put the issue to bed, Trump said, but he suggested she wait and drag the issue out.

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