Chaim , just read that
Iran says it will form joint naval force with Saudi Arabia, UAE, Oman and that the
Iranian navy chief claims alliance will also include Qatar, Bahrain, Iraq, India and Pakistan;
What is Iran planning ?
From see the article
“(Not THAT) Rabbi Meir Kahana Chosen as Religious Zionist Candidate for Israel’s Chief Rabbi”
By Hana Levi Julian June 4, 2023
About a Rabbi Currently Living in Israel named Meir Kahana ,
Similar Name with a Similar Spelling , Not to be Confused with Rabbi Meir Kahane 1932-1990
Read the article
Anyone Remember the NBC TV Movie
World War II: When Lions Roared (also known as Then There Were Giants) is a 1994 American war television miniseries , which aired
April 19, 1994
About being horny, what about the Countless Americans who are
Incels – Involuntary Celibates and
Stupid Disgusting Evil Wicked America won’t have the Decency, Humanity and Sanity to
Legalize Prostitution in Every State at Reasonable Prices
Involuntary Celibacy, Incel Problems are sadly on the rise , it’s about Sex but also Companionship with the Sex Workers
How can America expect people to go Without Sex
Sexual Freedom is a Vital Human Right
Yet Giuliani wanted to Shut Down all Sex Shops in New York City
He was against Strip Clubs, Topless and Full Nude Places
But didn’t he have a decent Sex Life , he was Never Incel . Is he aware of the Intense Sufferings of Incels , Involuntary Celibates, people suffering from
Involuntary Celibacy Problems
Yet Stupid America won’t have the Decency to Legalize Prostitution in Every State of America at Reasonable Prices, while Prostitution for Consenting Adults is Perfectly Legal in Most Other Nations of the World, but Heaven Forbid Not America
Not being a Pussy , Many Men would go to a massage parlor but they don’t want to be Arrested
America has Stupid Retarded
Unjust F–ked Up “Laws” that
Sicken Most Americans
America Needs to Stop being a Sexually Repressive Puritanical Immature Childish Nation and think about the Sexually Less Fortunate and Sexually Frustrated, the Incel Crisis and Sufferings of Incels is getting worse and worse every day
Romantic Rejection is Extremely Painful
Did the AIDS infected parasite
Yasser Arafat ever mention
Rabbi Meir Kahane ? Certainly Arafat knew who Meir Kahane was , other enemies of
Jews & Israel mention Meir Kahane at times has an article about this border attack that killed 3 Israeli soldiers and the Pure Evil, Wickedness of Egypt headlined
“Wary of harming Israel ties, Egypt looks to bury popular praise for border attack”
by Lazar Berman
14 June 2023 This article mentions Another Disturbing
Egyptian Arab Terrorist Attack in 1985 , 6 years after the BS
“Peace” Treaty Israel signed with
Not only that sources say that this attack by the Egyptian border Police officer was pre-planned
Plus has an article headlined
“Egyptians are not bound by peace deal with Israel: journalist says”
June 5, 2023 Egyptian Evil & Wickedness is Exposed in this article
At least you have a girlfriend and Sex , Countless Men are Incels , unable to get Girlfriends and Sex
Stupid Evil, Wicked America won’t Legalize Prostitution , Stupid America won’t have the Decency to Legalize Prostitution
Countless Sex Crimes and Non-Sex Crimes in America are sadly taking place because of
Sexual Frustration has an article about this headlined
“A sexual frustration theory of aggression, violence, and crime”
by Adam Lankford
Journal of Criminal Justice
Volume 77, November–December 2021, 101865
Stupid Evil, Wicked, Disgusting
Puritan America forces
Special Needs People to go
Without Sex
Involuntary Celibacy is Everyone’s Problem,
Incels are Human Beings with Feelings and Needs
Anyone can become disabled
and/or Incel as they get older
Countless Americans are Not
More about Incels and the Growing
Incel Crisis has an article headlined
“The Rise Of The Female Incel”
By Ossiana Tepfenhart — Written on May 28, 2023
Involuntary Celibacy is No Laughing Matter
America is Evil and Disgusting for Persecuting people unable to Get Sex Naturally
Never Forget that God is
Pro-Sex , God created Sex
The God of the Bible is No
Prude or Puritan
Ever read the book
“Song of Solomon” in the Old Testament of the Bible
The God of the Bible is definitely Not a Prude or Puritan
God himself would support helping Incels has an article headlined
“Ronald Reagan’s shameful legacy: Violence, the homeless, mental illness”
PUBLISHED SEPTEMBER 29, 2013 Now, E. Fuller Torrey is a
Heartless Evil, Wicked
Pro-Life Suicide Prevention Dictator , but he made good points in this article
Chaim: Why did you put this perverted video on the website? Do you think we don’t know what perverted scumbags these 2 pricks are? Do you think you changed any sane person’s mind by posting this shit? has an article headlined
“How Do Femcels and Incels Differ?”
Updated July 18, 2023 by
Karen Wu Ph.D About the Involuntary Celibacy Crisis , did anyone read it has an article about the Intense Misery of Incels headlined :
“Study identifies three distinct “incel” profiles and suggests “incels” should not be broadly labeled as violent extremists”
by Eric W. Dolan on August 22, 2023 Did anyone read it ? has an article headlined
“Why incels should read Michel Houellebecq” by
Kathleen Stock on
August 25, 2023
America and the World needs to do More to Help people with
Incel Problems
Also from another article is headlined
“The Case for Redistribution”
MAY 04, 2018 This article discusses Sexual Needs of Incels
A person said online recently about how some women are so unattractive that no man would want to have Sex with them that
“Women that truly fit the definition of a femcel are rare. I’ve hardly heard a woman complaining about being celibate because no man wants her. On the other hand, We do have a surplus of women being snobby about remaining celibate because the men that are attracted to them aren’t to their liking and so they won’t settle, and blah, blah, blah, and so they think they’re femcels, but they’re not really femcels because the fact that they ‘choose’ to be celibate puts them in a different category that has nothing to do with inceldom.” has an article on the Incel Crisis headlined
“First official study reveals what creates incels” by
Holly Evans
on October 25, 2023
Most Incels are Not Violent
Make no mistake
Dr. E. Fuller Torrey is a unethical
Heartless Pro-Life Suicide Prevention Dictator , oppressed to the Growing Right To Die , Death With Dignity Movement in America and Worldwide for Suffering Mentally ill, Terminally ill, and all other Suffering people who want CHOICE and the Peace of Mind Choice Brings , Not to be Slaves and have their ass be Government Property
How is he Improving Actual Quality of Life for Suffering People
Suffering Mentally ill, Incels and other Suffering people, getting at the Root Causes of People’s Misery, Incels and Countless other people
are starving for Sex , Human Touch and Contact
The Whole World Knows that sadly America Sucks in Many Ways, Most Americans realize that , and that is why Patriotism is at an All Time Low
Typo, My Bad , it should read
It shows read
“Make no mistake
Dr. E. Fuller Torrey is a unethical
Heartless Pro-Life Suicide Prevention Dictator , OPPOSED to the Growing Right To Die, Death with Dignity Movement in America and Worldwide for Suffering Mentally ill, Terminally ill and all other Suffering people…”
People are Speaking Up and Speaking Out against
Pro-Life BS , Suicide Prevention BS and Forced Living Insanity ,
Forced Living Extremism, Fanaticism, Obsessiveness , Creepiness, Madness
Incels are Human Beings with Feelings who are created in God’s Image , Not Monsters
America is Wicked, Evil and Diabolical for Making Countless people to Go Without Sex
Can we All See Why Countless Americans Hate America with a Passion for Making Suffering People Suffer Even More,
Adults cannot even do what they want with their own lives and bodies , Not even that, Not even that, Not even that,
The insane Unjust Failed
“War on Drugs”
Pro-Life BS & Suicide Prevention Forced Living Extremism & Supremacism , America won’t Legalize Prostitution, Sex Work for the Countless people unable to Get Sex Naturally for Various Reasons
We Definitely Need Class Action Lawsuits,
Many Class Action Lawsuits to Get
Prostitution Legalized in Every State of America at Reasonable Prices. The Incel Crisis is getting worse and worse
Countless people Hate America because the “Freedom” in America is a Joke , Adults cannot even do what they want with their own lives and bodies
Who else Hates America for
Denying Incels the Right to Legalized Prostitution
Incels are Suffering from All sorts of hideous Mental Health Problems
People with Incel Problems are Human Beings with Feelings, what will America and the World do to Help
This makes me horny.
Chaim , just read that
Iran says it will form joint naval force with Saudi Arabia, UAE, Oman and that the
Iranian navy chief claims alliance will also include Qatar, Bahrain, Iraq, India and Pakistan;
What is Iran planning ?
Plus Iran unveiled it’s first hypersonic missile and claims it can evade all Israeli Air Defenses
From see the article
“(Not THAT) Rabbi Meir Kahana Chosen as Religious Zionist Candidate for Israel’s Chief Rabbi”
By Hana Levi Julian June 4, 2023
About a Rabbi Currently Living in Israel named Meir Kahana ,
Similar Name with a Similar Spelling , Not to be Confused with Rabbi Meir Kahane 1932-1990
Read the article
Anyone Remember the NBC TV Movie
World War II: When Lions Roared (also known as Then There Were Giants) is a 1994 American war television miniseries , which aired
April 19, 1994
About being horny, what about the Countless Americans who are
Incels – Involuntary Celibates and
Stupid Disgusting Evil Wicked America won’t have the Decency, Humanity and Sanity to
Legalize Prostitution in Every State at Reasonable Prices
Involuntary Celibacy, Incel Problems are sadly on the rise , it’s about Sex but also Companionship with the Sex Workers
How can America expect people to go Without Sex
Sexual Freedom is a Vital Human Right
Actor Jaime Foxx blood clot in brain. Vaccine?
Was Jaime Foxx ever Incel ?
I doubt it , Hollywood Celebrities should help Incels
Hollywood Celebrities should Help Incels
Why the Hell was Giuliani dressed in Drag ?
5 Fakestinian “Militants” were killed in a blast in Lebanon. Israel gets blamed for it
Yet Giuliani wanted to Shut Down all Sex Shops in New York City
He was against Strip Clubs, Topless and Full Nude Places
But didn’t he have a decent Sex Life , he was Never Incel . Is he aware of the Intense Sufferings of Incels , Involuntary Celibates, people suffering from
Involuntary Celibacy Problems
Yet Stupid America won’t have the Decency to Legalize Prostitution in Every State of America at Reasonable Prices, while Prostitution for Consenting Adults is Perfectly Legal in Most Other Nations of the World, but Heaven Forbid Not America
Stop being a p*ssy. Go to massage parlor.
Not being a Pussy , Many Men would go to a massage parlor but they don’t want to be Arrested
America has Stupid Retarded
Unjust F–ked Up “Laws” that
Sicken Most Americans
Massage parlors are legal.
Still Police & “Vice Squads” raid them
They need to get over that fear.
America Needs to Stop being a Sexually Repressive Puritanical Immature Childish Nation and think about the Sexually Less Fortunate and Sexually Frustrated, the Incel Crisis and Sufferings of Incels is getting worse and worse every day
Romantic Rejection is Extremely Painful
Did you ever learn in Geography class that Carson City is the capital of Nevada?
Did Anthony Weiner have a Metzitzah B’Peh?
How does that relate to the Suffering of Incels ?
The Face of Meir Kahane should Also be on Israeli
Currency, Israeli Money
To Honor Him
Did Rabbi Kahane ever mention the Altalena.
Did the AIDS infected parasite
Yasser Arafat ever mention
Rabbi Meir Kahane ? Certainly Arafat knew who Meir Kahane was , other enemies of
Jews & Israel mention Meir Kahane at times
What did Arafat ever say
About Meir Kahane ?
Anyone Know ?
Hal Turner should be on Israeli currency.
Never heard of Hal Turner , no relation to the late Tina Turner ?
Chris Christy should sell donuts.
Mmmmmm…. Donuts
Krispy Kreme
Jaimee Foxx got sick from the vaccine.who is to say that certain samples were more dangerous than others? Foxx is blind and paralyzed from the shot.
Are you sure of that?
If desantis is invited to the bilderberg meeting, then you know he’s in with the establishment.
Three Israeli Soldiers were killed near the border with Egypt
Egypt hasn’t changed
Egypt Sucks
Other articles say that the Three
Israeli soldiers were killed by an
Egyptian border police officer has an article about this border attack that killed 3 Israeli soldiers and the Pure Evil, Wickedness of Egypt headlined
“Wary of harming Israel ties, Egypt looks to bury popular praise for border attack”
by Lazar Berman
14 June 2023 This article mentions Another Disturbing
Egyptian Arab Terrorist Attack in 1985 , 6 years after the BS
“Peace” Treaty Israel signed with
Not only that sources say that this attack by the Egyptian border Police officer was pre-planned
Plus has an article headlined
“Egyptians are not bound by peace deal with Israel: journalist says”
June 5, 2023 Egyptian Evil & Wickedness is Exposed in this article
Give Trump credit for two things. Beating Hillary. Reversing Roe v Wade.
My girlfriend needs an abortion. Fuck Trump.
Your mom brought you in.
At least you have a girlfriend and Sex , Countless Men are Incels , unable to get Girlfriends and Sex
Stupid Evil, Wicked America won’t Legalize Prostitution , Stupid America won’t have the Decency to Legalize Prostitution
Countless Sex Crimes and Non-Sex Crimes in America are sadly taking place because of
Sexual Frustration has an article about this headlined
“A sexual frustration theory of aggression, violence, and crime”
by Adam Lankford
Journal of Criminal Justice
Volume 77, November–December 2021, 101865
Stupid Evil, Wicked, Disgusting
Puritan America forces
Special Needs People to go
Without Sex
Involuntary Celibacy is Everyone’s Problem,
Incels are Human Beings with Feelings and Needs
Anyone can become disabled
and/or Incel as they get older
Countless Americans are Not
More about Incels and the Growing
Incel Crisis has an article headlined
“The Rise Of The Female Incel”
By Ossiana Tepfenhart — Written on May 28, 2023
Involuntary Celibacy is No Laughing Matter
America is Evil and Disgusting for Persecuting people unable to Get Sex Naturally
Never Forget that God is
Pro-Sex , God created Sex
The God of the Bible is No
Prude or Puritan
Ever read the book
“Song of Solomon” in the Old Testament of the Bible
The God of the Bible is definitely Not a Prude or Puritan
God himself would support helping Incels
Again, We Must Remember that
God is Pro-Sex
Our God is definitely Not a Prude or Puritan
Reagan ruined the middle class.
The Stupid Reagan Administration
sadly created much violence and Homelessness in America has an article headlined
“Ronald Reagan’s shameful legacy: Violence, the homeless, mental illness”
PUBLISHED SEPTEMBER 29, 2013 Now, E. Fuller Torrey is a
Heartless Evil, Wicked
Pro-Life Suicide Prevention Dictator , but he made good points in this article
Anyone else think that
E. Fuller Torrey should have his medical license revoked
Why wasn’t Reagan impeached and removed from Office because of the
Iran–Contra scandal ? Why ?
Reagan was Heartless in Many Ways , Make No Mistake
Chaim: Why did you put this perverted video on the website? Do you think we don’t know what perverted scumbags these 2 pricks are? Do you think you changed any sane person’s mind by posting this shit?
Did anyone hear that Robert Hanssen, former FBI agent convicted of spying for Russia, dead at 79 in supermax prison
The same end should have happened to that traitor Jonathan Pollard.
Pollard wasn’t a Traitor
Don’t believe the Lies told about Pollard
The Iron Sheik of Iran WWE legend dead at 81. The only Iranian I ever loved.
E. Fuller Torrey is a
Very unethical person
A Heartless Inconsiderate
Pro-Life Suicide Prevention
Forced Living Dictator has an article headlined
“How Do Femcels and Incels Differ?”
Updated July 18, 2023 by
Karen Wu Ph.D About the Involuntary Celibacy Crisis , did anyone read it has an article about the Intense Misery of Incels headlined :
“Study identifies three distinct “incel” profiles and suggests “incels” should not be broadly labeled as violent extremists”
by Eric W. Dolan on August 22, 2023 Did anyone read it ? has an article headlined
“Why incels should read Michel Houellebecq” by
Kathleen Stock on
August 25, 2023
America and the World needs to do More to Help people with
Incel Problems has an article headlined
“An Interview With Robin Hanson, the Sex Redistribution Professor”
MAY 04, 2018
Also from another article is headlined
“The Case for Redistribution”
MAY 04, 2018 This article discusses Sexual Needs of Incels
A person said online recently about how some women are so unattractive that no man would want to have Sex with them that
“Women that truly fit the definition of a femcel are rare. I’ve hardly heard a woman complaining about being celibate because no man wants her. On the other hand, We do have a surplus of women being snobby about remaining celibate because the men that are attracted to them aren’t to their liking and so they won’t settle, and blah, blah, blah, and so they think they’re femcels, but they’re not really femcels because the fact that they ‘choose’ to be celibate puts them in a different category that has nothing to do with inceldom.”
Another article about the Sadly Growing Incel Crisis
is from
“The Psychology of the Incel -”
July 24, 2023 — by
Ghaffar Hussain has an article on the Incel Crisis headlined
“First official study reveals what creates incels” by
Holly Evans
on October 25, 2023
Most Incels are Not Violent
Make no mistake
Dr. E. Fuller Torrey is a unethical
Heartless Pro-Life Suicide Prevention Dictator , oppressed to the Growing Right To Die , Death With Dignity Movement in America and Worldwide for Suffering Mentally ill, Terminally ill, and all other Suffering people who want CHOICE and the Peace of Mind Choice Brings , Not to be Slaves and have their ass be Government Property
How is he Improving Actual Quality of Life for Suffering People
Suffering Mentally ill, Incels and other Suffering people, getting at the Root Causes of People’s Misery, Incels and Countless other people
are starving for Sex , Human Touch and Contact
The Whole World Knows that sadly America Sucks in Many Ways, Most Americans realize that , and that is why Patriotism is at an All Time Low
Typo, My Bad , it should read
It shows read
“Make no mistake
Dr. E. Fuller Torrey is a unethical
Heartless Pro-Life Suicide Prevention Dictator , OPPOSED to the Growing Right To Die, Death with Dignity Movement in America and Worldwide for Suffering Mentally ill, Terminally ill and all other Suffering people…”
People are Speaking Up and Speaking Out against
Pro-Life BS , Suicide Prevention BS and Forced Living Insanity ,
Forced Living Extremism, Fanaticism, Obsessiveness , Creepiness, Madness
It Should Read , It Should Read
Incels are Human Beings with Feelings who are created in God’s Image , Not Monsters
America is Wicked, Evil and Diabolical for Making Countless people to Go Without Sex
Can we All See Why Countless Americans Hate America with a Passion for Making Suffering People Suffer Even More,
Adults cannot even do what they want with their own lives and bodies , Not even that, Not even that, Not even that,
The insane Unjust Failed
“War on Drugs”
Pro-Life BS & Suicide Prevention Forced Living Extremism & Supremacism , America won’t Legalize Prostitution, Sex Work for the Countless people unable to Get Sex Naturally for Various Reasons
Countless Millions upon Millions of Americans are Forced to go without Sex because of Inhumane Unjust “Laws”
Incels are Suffering Unbearably
It’s Terrible and Wrong what America is doing to Incels
Why is America so Heartless
Incels are Human Beings too
We Definitely Need Class Action Lawsuits,
Many Class Action Lawsuits to Get
Prostitution Legalized in Every State of America at Reasonable Prices. The Incel Crisis is getting worse and worse
Countless people Hate America because the “Freedom” in America is a Joke , Adults cannot even do what they want with their own lives and bodies
Who else Hates America for
Denying Incels the Right to Legalized Prostitution
America is Aiding and Abetting the Suffering of Incels and worsening, the Incel Crisis
Incels are Suffering from All sorts of hideous Mental Health Problems
People with Incel Problems are Human Beings with Feelings, what will America and the World do to Help