Trump official says he’s willing to compromise on The Wall to help Dems pass amnesty

Trump should rename his book to “The Art of Selling Out.”

OK. Listen. Read this paragraph very, very carefully. It’s from ABC News. 

The top House Democrat and a senior White House official both indicated Tuesday they are open to compromise on border security to expedite legislation to help immigrants brought here illegally as children.


Doesn’t that sound like Trump is willing to compromise on something he wants, in order to give the Democrats something they want? Isn’t that like… the opposite of good deal-making?

Here’s more:

White House legislative director Marc Short said at a Christian Science Monitor breakfast that despite President Donald Trump’s advocacy for a southern border wall, “I don’t want us to bind ourselves into a construct that makes reaching a conclusion on DACA impossible.”

I don’t want to mislead you here – later Short says that Trump is dedicated to the wall. It’s just that he’s not going to force the Democrats to accept the wall in order to pass the Dream Act.

But why wouldn’t he do that? Isn’t that what deals are? They get something and we get something?

UNLESS – Trump has always wanted amnesty for “Dreamers.”

Here’s the paragraph where Short says the prezzy is still dedicated to the wall:

“The president is committed to sticking by his commitment that a physical structure is what is needed to help protect the American people,” Short said. “Whether or not that is specifically part of a DACA package or a different legislative package, I’m not going to pre-judge here today. But he is committed to making sure that wall is built.”

But if he caved during the budget battle on the wall, and is caving with the Dream Act on the wall, when exactly will all the winning begin?

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