Trump Says He Saved Ted Cruz’s Life!

El Trumpo just has to keep ramping up the rhetoric always, it’s his only tactic. In this case, he appears to be flailing about in an attempt to get the press to cover something, ANYTHING,other than the disastrous Khan family controversy. Now he’s saying he saved Ted Cruz’s life when he stepped out after his speech at the GOP convention.

Here’s the video – he says it at the 2 minute mark.

Does he really think his followers were about to storm the stage and tear him limb from limb? And what does that say about his followers? I thought they were all peaceful and it was just the Bernie-lovers who were inspiring violence? Of course, to demand reason and consistency from the Donald is like demanding a cow play a violin concerto from Mozart.

Clearly Cruz seriously got under Trump’s skin because he just can’t let it go and attack Hillary,like he promised he would before the convention.

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