• Is Alex Stein right about 9 11 being an inside job?

    • About the Presidential debate
      A person typed online yesterday
      Kamala Harris won on style but offered no substance.

      Donald Trump lost on style because of a bloviated ego.

      ABC debate moderators, David Muir and Linsey Davis, lost respect as unbiased broadcast journalists.”

    • What about the claim that
      In the Presidential debate
      Kamala’s earrings were audio earrings with transmitters

    • Naveed Anjum himself a Muslim typed online yesterday
      “Never Forget the OTHER 9/11 which occurred on 9/11/12 as terrorists murdered Americans in Benghazi, including the sitting US ambassador to Libya.
      RIP Glen Dougherty- CIA Operative, Navy SEAL
      RIP Chris Stevens – US Ambassador
      RIP Tyrone Woods – CIA Operative, Navy SEAL
      RIP Sean Smith – Information Officer”

      About September 11, 2012

    • nypost.com has an article headlined
      “Poll: ‘Shy’ Jewish voters, key in swing districts, are turning against the Democrats”
      By Maury Litwack and Bradley Honan
      Published September 11, 2024

    • Chaplain Michael Green typed online today
      “Night in the City

      I prefer the night when the sounds and noises of this city cease, the jackhammer breaking the concrete, the cars and loud trucks and buses. The screeching sound of subways as they come into the station in the underground world of NYC. A world infested with rats and the stench of garbage and copious numbers of homeless, too many in a nation overflowing with money.

      The crime in this city continues to steadily increase plaguing the borough’s of New York, with slashings, stabbings, murder and mayhem. Sexual predators and perverts, mentally disturbed and deranged people roaming the streets and the bowels of New York, the subways.

      It is hard to find peace here in the concrete jungle, a jungle were the criminals have more rights then the ones they brutally victimize. A jungle when the police are handcuffed and the felons are no longer remanded to custody, they are set free within 24 hrs to go back and wreak havoc on the innocent.

      Tall buildings, 4 star hotels where thousands upon thousands of undocumented illegals sleep comfortably, while across the street in the rain and the cold a homeless American veteran huddles in a doorway with his dog, his only true friend.

      The undocumented illegal will be given more then an American in need in this city, a true stain on this nation.

      ~Chaplain Michael Green”

    • Fred Maroun typed online today
      “Some people are purposefully antisemitic, and there are people for whom antisemitism doesn’t matter enough to affect whom they associate with. The second group, the enablers, is just as dangerous, if not more, because they enable antisemites while at the same time, they don’t display obvious signs of antisemitism, so they get away with their behavior.

      It’s exactly the same with racism”

    • jns.org has an article headlined
      “Abbott reminds schools Jew-hatred ‘never acceptable in Texas’ ”
      September 13, 2024 by

      newsblaze.com has an article headlined
      “Will American Jews Listen To This Reasoning?”
      By Nurit Greenger Thu September 12, 2024

    • A Jewish person typed online today
      “The antisemitism that riles me the most is Jewish antisemitism. Far left Jews who find every opportunity to denigrate Jews. Their treachery appalls me.”

    • frontpagemag.com has an article headlined
      “Aysenur Ezgi Eygi Was Not An American”
      September 15, 2024 by Daniel Greenfield

      The Ugly Truth about the Turkish
      Terror Supporter is Exposed

    • A person typed online today
      “To all my Jewish friends. Meir Kahane is spinning in his grave. “Never Again”? and you dumb jews are walking right into the ovens, once again.”

    • A person typed online today
      “If you can’t understand the rise of MAGA and the fascination with Trump, read this. While seemingly unrelated this explains it all.

      Triggered by a decade or more of absolutely nutty, insane, radical, harmful, dangerous, bizarre, hypocritical, infuriating and warped thinking/policy/and laws that have changed America-there is a backlash. Millions of people are saying-enough!

      When an Ivy League school allows a “Professor” to remain at his post after saying what he said, it is reflective of the insanity that has taken hold in America. Moreover, if the subject of his hate was the LGBTQ or Black community he would have been fired in a NY minute.”
      A link is given to a
      nypost.com article headlined
      “Cornell prof who lauded Hamas attack as ‘exhilarating’ is back at school after dodging punishment”
      By Carl Campanile
      Published Sep. 15, 2024

    • A person typed online today
      “Greta Thunberg was crowned “Antisemite of the Week” by the Jewish group StopAntisemitism.

      From climate activist to spreading anti-Israel hate. She shared antisemitic symbols and then tried to play innocent. Sorry, we are not buying it.”
      A person typed in reply
      “Climate activists, pro-Palestinian activists, Progressives … they name themselves a lot but they are all antisemites, they use excuses for their hatred. Just as their predecessors, the Inquisition, the Pogrom, the Holocaust. Antisemitism is satanic. (Revelation 12:13)”

    • azure.org.il has an article headlined
      “An Attempt to Identify the Root Cause of Antisemitism”
      By A. B. Yehoshua
      Spring 2008

    • nypost.com has an article headlined
      “NYC Mayor Eric Adams compares self to Bible’s long-suffering Job, says, ‘Pray for me’ as federal probes swirl”
      By Marie Pohl and Steve Janoski
      Published September 8, 2024

    • Chaplain Michael Green typed online today
      “Antisemitic HATE CRIME at University of Michigan

      A 19 year old male student at

      A 19-year-old student at University of Michigan was approached by 6 men who demanded to known if he was Jewish.

      When he stated that he was, the perpetrators violently threw him to the ground, brutally assaulted and kicked the Jewish male and spit on him.

      Jewish students at America’s Liberal Colleges and Universities are terrified because the school Presidents and Administrators have allowed large mobs of anti-Jewish anti-Israel Pro-Hamas-PRO-Palestinians criminals to call for the genocide of Jews in Israel and calls for violence against Jews.


    • Another person typed online today regarding Greta Thunberg
      “Will Gremlin Greta post something in outrage over this? No. She’s too busy getting arrested “for Palestine.”

      And she’s not alone: most environmental activists have a mindless lefty confirmation bias that prevents them from actually giving a damn. These acts of environmental terrorism have been met with near-silence from the environmental activist community worldwide. I’ve looked. I’ve found next to nothing from the most famous activists and organizations.

      Most of the time, when pressed, you will get a “it’s not up to us to police the way resistance looks for oppressed people” counterargument. Which is an outrageous thing to say about people risking epic levels of environmental damage that affects us all, human and non-human alike.

      Meanwhile, Israel is a global leader in green tech, water purification, eco-friendly agriculture, and more.

      They’re too busy hating Jews and worshipping the biggest scumbags of the Middle East, from Houthis to (not remotely sorry) most Gazans, to actually giving a damn about the “values” they claim to hold.

      Their deepest-held value is Jew-hatred.

      Duly noted.

      Jews: We need to make sure we are being the best people we can be, and holding ourselves and Israel to as high of a standard as we can. But as for criticism from outside? Nah. I can’t take it seriously anymore. These are not serious people. They’re the same losers we have faced for millennia.”
      That was in response to an
      HonestReporting Post saying
      “Houthi Terrorists attacked a Greek oil tanker carrying the equivalent of 1,000,000 barrels of crude oil, risking one of the largest maritime oil spills in history.
      The silence from environmental
      activists- all in the name of
      “support for Gaza” is deafening.”

    • A person typed online today
      “In my opinion, Hashem and the Jewish matriarchs are like a husband and wife. A father takes care of his children, protects them from harm and sustains them, and the mother is nurturing with compassion. I believe that the Jewish matriarchs are beseeching Hashem with all their compassion to guard and protect the Jewish nation, his children.”

  • Nevada is a potential swing state. There is an Orthodox Jewish community in Las Vegas .
    Please to all who knows people there, get out the vote for Trump.

    • You mentioned Nevada
      Nevada is the only state in old fashioned
      Sexually Repressive Immature Childish Puritanical America with
      Legal Prostitution , and even then only in Ten counties out of 17 counties in the state
      Most Americans agree that it’s time to Legalize Prostitution in Every State of America , all 50 states of America and at Reasonable Prices

      • Most Americans Know it’s Time to Legalize Prostitution in
        Every State
        The Incel Crisis is sadly getting worse and worse

      • Let’s be Frank
        Incels are Human Beings with Feelings and Needs
        Chronic Incel
        Involuntary Celibacy Problems can happen to anyone as they Get older

      • Most Americans want
        Prostitution Legal in Every State and All the
        “Vice Squads” Abolished
        Most American Men & Women Support Making Prostitution Legal in Every State and at Reasonable Prices

      • I don’t think this forum has a huge audience for your issues. Perhaps expand to some psychological forums, legal etc.

      • The Incel Crisis is sadly getting worse and worse Every single day
        I don’t condone Rape
        It’s a Terrible crime
        But More Women Need to Realize it’s also in their best interest that
        Prostitution, Sex Work be made Legal and at Reasonable Prices in Every State
        Studies have shown that Legal Prostitution greatly Reduces Rape, Sexual Assault and crime in general
        Legal Prostitution will Protect Women
        The Pros outweigh the alleged cons

        • Once Again
          Incels and people with
          Involuntary Celibacy , Incel Problems are Not Monsters
          They are Human Beings with Feelings and Needs like Everyone Else

  • The Jerusalem Post
    jpost.com has an article headlined
    “Woke Jews are sacrificing their own at the altar of wokeness”

    ynetnews.com on
    August 9, 2024 has an article headlined
    “An open letter to Sarah Friedland, the Jewish director who condemned Israel”
    by Ben-Dror Yemini

  • stream.org has an article headlined
    “Is Christian Zionism Evil?”
    By Gerald McDermott
    August 15, 2024
    Explains why
    Christian Zionism is NOT Evil

  • Get out the Orthodox Jewish vote in all swing states.

  • Another person typed online today
    ““But the full funding represents something of a free pass to Egypt’s authoritarian general-turned-president, Abdel Fattah el-Sisi. The State Department’s latest annual country report on human rights found credible accounts in Egypt of arbitrary arrests, extrajudicial killings, torture and “harsh and life-threatening prison conditions”….

    Hmmm. Maybe we missed it, but where are the college campus demonstrations demanding a halt to military aid to Egypt? Honor killings, rape, torture….and the victims are Arab Muslims, yet the same folks who are frothing at the mouth about Israel don’t seem to care a wit about Muslims being brutalized in Egypt-a U S ally. Why?”
    With a link to a nytimes.com article about this headlined “Citing Gaza Help, Blinken waives Human Rights Conditions on Aid to Egypt”
    by Michael Crowley
    September 11, 2024

  • Many people also pointed out that the “Palestinians” already have a state , Jordan
    The Precious “Palestinians”
    poor little “Palestinians” already have a state Jordan
    The Fakestinians have Jordan
    Israel and the Jews owe the
    Fakestinians Nothing, they deserve Nothing and they will get Nothing
    While the Fakestinians owe Israel and the Jews Everything
    The Fakestinians owe Israel at least 100 Trillion dollars with a
    T for All the Wars and Terrorism they committed from even before Israel was reborn in

  • A person typed online today about White House Press Secretary
    Karine Jean-Pierre
    “I need you to really really listen to this.

    She is the official White House spokeswoman.

    When asked if the White House is concerned about the rise in antisemitism recently (which NO, the rise in anti-Muslim actions does not REMOTELY come close to in the same amount of time), she responds with how concerned the president is about Islamophobia. And then she sort of hints about the concern of any kind of bigotry.

    1. This is straight up “All Lives Matter”-ing the issue of antisemitism. In fact, it’s one of the worst examples of this, in that she doesn’t equate other bigotries and talk about them when the subject is antisemitism but just straight up changes the subject to be about bigotry towards another group. This is astonishingly bigoted and would never be tolerated by any other group. Imagine if someone asked her about the rise in homophobia and especially transphobia and she responded by talking about how concerned the White House is about anti-Black racism. Outrageous and unhinged.

    2. You know who one of the groups are who some of the MOST responsible for this rise in antisemitism: MUSLIMS. Don’t sugarcoat it. Don’t patronize us. Don’t bs us. It’s overwhelmingly from Muslims and leftists, and then WAY below that are white nationalists. So to ask what the President is doing about antisemitism and have the answer be to talk instead about the well-being of one of the main perpetrators of antisemitism in America is again, outrageous and unhinged.

    No other group but Jews would be asked to swallow this vile garbage. No one but Jews would be asked to tolerate this stupidity and disrespect.

    How dare you praise these people. They are villains. This is hideous.”
    A person typed about this video of KJP
    “Imagine if she were asked to address the rise in Racism against Black people by discussing an increase in Hate towards Neo-Nazis”
    Some other people typed the following comments in reply
    “ALSO, they just stopped a planned MASS MURDER to take place on October 7th by a Canadian Pakistani Muslim.

    What does she mean there have been no “credible threats?” Who does this lying biznatch even think she IS?!”
    “Awful response, hope the criticism comes pouring in as it should.”
    “Like I said, islamophobia does not exist. A Phobia is an irrational fear.”

  • Some Anti-War people say that
    Israel is committing
    “Genocide” Against
    Terrorist Fakestinians in Gaza
    Genocide my ass

  • A person typed online today
    “I am convinced of 2 things: The Democratic presidential candidate is an alcoholic and a coke addict. They go hand in hand.

    1) Kamala is a alcoholic. This is has been corroborated by those around her and who know her. It also explains the way in which she speaks in public, meandering, cackling, making non-sensical statements when speaking without a script or teleprompter.

    2) She is a also a cocaine addict – cocaine is used to pick her up from her drunkenness. This is common for alcoholics. The only way for her to get through public appearances as an alcoholic, is to do cocaine. Alcohol is a depressant, and cocaine a stimulant.

    3) If you watch the way she speaks without Coke, it’s a disaster. So she U.S. using a lot of cocaine, to offer the effects of massive amounts of liquor.

    4) I have seen 2 recent clips of Kamala in public — or when making a speech — and she is seen wiping her nose with her hand. When you snort coke, you get a runny nose and you wipe your nose for seemingly no reason. She doesn’t have the flu or suffer from seasonal allergies. This behavior is totally explainable in terms of drinking and then doing coke to give you a lift especially when in public, so that you don’t seem drunk and perform better.

    5) Watch the movie “Flight” with Denzel Washington who plays an alcoholic pilot – he’s about to testify in front of the FAA and he stone cold drink, and John Goodman arrives with a bag of cocaine to get him through the hearings. This movie illustrates my point about Kamala, but I know this firsthand from friends of mine who were or still are, functioning alcoholics.

    6) Remember the large bag of cocaine found in the inner chambers of the White House? You know how the FBI cracked the case? Exactly. They didn’t, at least not publicly. Why is that? Remember when the FBI cracked the case of the Las Vegas shooter, the one where there had to be MOUNTAINS of evidence? Oh right, they didn’t crack that case either. Remember the “pipe bombs” found outside of the DNC and RNC on January 6th? This was a high priority FBI case. Remember how they cracked that one? No? Oh, that’s because they didn’t. The one thing they all have in common? They’re FBI-involved coverups. The FBI knows whose bag of cocaine found in the White House, where there are HUNDREDS of cameras all over the place. It was found in a place that only Kamala and a few others access regularly. But they haven’t released the findings, which they are hiding. Why would they do that? They have DNA from the baggie, but crickets. In this case, they’re obviously protecting someone, and that someone is undoubtedly Kamala, not Hunter. No one cares if it’s Hunter’s cocaine as he’s a well known coke and crack addict.

    So there you have it. An alcoholic coke-addict could be our next president. The press isn’t even the least bit curious.

    https://youtu.be/duLZPT3fIFk?si=ffOC-fw77m8P85pz ” 😆

  • A person typed online today
    “Well gee…

    *Just In – ABC whistleblower allegedly will release an affidavit claiming the Harris campaign was given sample questions that were “essentially the same questions that were given during the debate,” as well as assurances that Trump would be “fact-checked” and she would not.*

    “I will be releasing an affidavit from an ABC whistleblower regarding the debate.

    I have just signed a non-disclosure agreement with the attorney of the whistleblower.

    The affidavit states how the Harris campaign was given sample question which were essentially the same questions that were given during the debate and separate assurances of fact checking Donald Trump and that she would NOT be fact checked.

    Accordingly, the affidavit states several other factors that were built into the debate to give Kamala a significant advantage. I have seen and read the affidavit and after the attorney blacks out the name of the whistleblower and other information that could dox the whistleblower, I will release the full affidavit.

    I will be releasing the affidavit before the weekend is out.”

    So Kamala basically cheated ?

  • israelforever.org has an article headlined
    “As a Jewish student, I feel unsafe on my campus.”
    By Lilia Gaufberg
    Scroll all the way down on this article to see the political cartoon
    Where the College Campus
    Administrator says during a typical Anti-Israel, Anti-Semitic
    “Protest” that
    “Free Speech on Campus is such a Beautiful Thing”
    Underneath the political cartoon it says
    “Just a Reminder
    This is How the Holocaust Got Started”

  • How the hell did Trump win the debate. His basic economic policies is tarrifs. That will cause inflation. He said so during the debate. He doesn’t even understand economics 101 and Trump is too vain to listen to his advisors. He claims other countries will pay the tariff. It is a lie.

    Trump could still win anyway because interestingly enough Harris is still too Pro Israel for those who hate Israel and trump says nothing and his support of Russia actually is more in line with the Israel haters than Harris. Trump didnt say one word how he would do anything to help Israel. Just like wtih Ukraine he would make a terrible peace deal. Should Trump-Vance position on Russia-Ukraine leave you pause that will do the same with Israel. Have them give up land and be defenseless and claim as a great peace deal. Are really dropping the ball here.

  • Nick Adams typed on
    August 13, 2024
    “AOC is a fool, Tim Walz is CLEARLY the least masculine man in America.
    Real men are voting for President Trump”

  • Chaim; Donald Trump is a piece of shit. Wake up. Smell the falafel.

  • Vote for the constitution party candidate.

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