• A Christian posted a day ago on
    “As Israel celebrates its 75th birthday, it is important for us as Christians to stand with our brothers and sisters in the Holy Land. Israel has been an important part of Christian history and is the birthplace of our faith. We have a biblical mandate to bless Israel and to pray for the peace of Jerusalem (Psalm 122:6).

    As a Christian body, we must recognize the significance of Israel and the Jewish people to our faith. We must also stand with them in their struggles, both past and present. Israel has faced many challenges over the years, including wars, terrorism, and anti-Semitic attacks. Despite these challenges, Israel has managed to build a thriving and democratic nation.

    One way we can support Israel is through prayer. We must pray for the safety and security of Israel and for its leaders. We must also pray for the peace of Jerusalem, that it may be a place of harmony and unity for all people. Our church has a regular prayer group that specifically prays for Israel and its people.

    In addition to prayer, our church has also provided financial support to Israel on a regular basis. We have partnered with various organizations that provide aid to Israel and its people. This support has helped provide critical resources such as medical care, food, and shelter to those in need.

    As Christians, we must also remember the importance of showing love and support to our Jewish brothers and sisters. We must be a voice against anti-Semitism and stand in solidarity with Israel in the face of any threat. We must recognize the significance of the Jewish people to our faith and honor their history and contributions.

    In conclusion, as Israel celebrates its 75th birthday, let us as Christians stand with our brothers and sisters in the Holy Land. Let us pray for their safety and security, provide financial support where we can, and stand in solidarity with them in the face of any threat. Together, we can help ensure that Israel continues to thrive and be a beacon of hope in the world.

    Happy birthday Israel! 🇮🇱”

  • thejewishvoice.com has an article headlined
    “Op-Ed: The Road to Hell is Paved with Good Intentions”

    By: Lauri B. Regan
    About Jews and their Fight Against Anti-Semitism
    Many Americans agree that all the “Free Speech” in America has gotten out of Control , especially when it infringes on the Rights of Others, they say that America Needs to create Laws Against Hate Speech like Canada and Other Nations Worldwide have Hate Speech Laws and Enforcement of them to Protect Hated Groups

  • Jerry Springer is resting in a warm place without AC.

  • The Jerusalem Post ,
    jpost.com has an article about
    Roger Waters headlined
    “Roger Waters compares Israelis to aliens in bizarre rant – watch”
    By TAMAR URIEL-BEERI Published: MAY 10, 2019
    Roger Waters is completely Insane

  • More about Roger Waters
    blabbermouth.net has an article headlined
    “DISTURBED Singer Says ROGER WATERS Is ‘A Very Sick Man’ Who Is ‘Wrapped Up In His Own Psychosis And His Own Hatred’ ” on
    July 1, 2019

  • The Bible says in
    Psalms 50:2
    “From Zion, perfect in beauty, God shines forth.”

  • Is Slovakian model
    Veronika Rajek Jewish ? In many pictures she wears a large
    Star of David , Mila Kunis is also Jewish, Mila Kunis was once voted “Sexiest Woman Alive” and in another time was called
    the “Most F-ckable Celebrity”

    • About Veronika Rajek The New York Post website nypost.com has an article headlined “Life is hard for beautiful people:’ I’m so hot, people think I’m fake”
      By Andrew Court
      November 5, 2021

    • marca.com has an article on
      April 4, 2023 about
      Veronika Rajek headlined
      “Veronika Rajek sends powerful message to haters: “Don’t be an a** hole, this mindset is so sick” she talks about wearing the
      Star of David in her modeling pics

      • About Veronika Rajek
        On October 3, 2023
        dailystar.co.uk has an article headlined:
        “Tom Brady’s sexy megafan’s whopping cleavage is ‘the eighth wonder of the world’ ”
        By Fasika Zelealem

  • Iran is sadly starting trouble yet again , the Iranian “navy” has seized an oil tanker in the Gulf of Oman on it’s way to Houston
    What is Iran planning ?

  • Why does Tucker Carlson hate Trump so much ? Plus
    usatoday.com has an article on
    April 27, 2023 headlined
    “‘You’re a smart country’: Ron DeSantis, in Israel, says US should not ‘butt into’ their internal affairs”
    by David Jackson Anyone else agree ?

  • Sadly Israel has many
    Self-hating Jews that have
    No Honor and betray their own nation meforum.org has an article about this headlined
    “Israel’s Academic Extremists”
    by Solomon Socrates
    Middle East Quarterly
    Fall 2001, pp. 5-14

  • unwatch.org has an article headlined
    “BILD on UNRWA: ‘Germany pays for hatred of Jews in Palestinian schools’ ”
    April 27, 2023
    Germany should have Never have been Reunified in 1990
    Is it Possible to Get Germany Legally and Peacefully Redivided into East and West
    Do we agree ?

  • Not only have many people pointed out that German Reunification in 1990 was a Terrible Mistake and they said
    Germany should be Legally and Peacefully Redivided into
    East and West , and this time stay Divided Forever, many people have Matter of Fact stated that
    Germany should Never have been Unified in 1871 , that the two World Wars would Never have taken place if Germany was Never Unified in 1871
    Imagine a Political Slogan
    “Make Germany Divided Again”

  • Support small businesses.
    Always serve on jury duty. Last time I served the jury pool was full of liberal transplants in Brooklyn NY.

    • About business, people have said that Sex Work is Work, Valid Legitimate Work, think about the countless Incels unable to get Sex
      Involuntary Celibacy is Everybody’s Problem, it can happen to anyone
      But what about Germany , anyone else Support Legally and Peacefully making Germany Redivided into East & West and Keeping it Forever Divided
      Not all Germans are bad or evil

  • They come to this country to work and support their families. After all they come here because by the U.S. screws up their economies so we are obligated to take them in.

  • Some Good News, Fakestinian Terrorist
    Khader Adnan dies in an Israeli jail after 86 days on hunger strike
    At least the Self-hating Israeli Government didn’t try to Force Feed him and save his life at all costs , but of course Israel and
    “The Jews” are going to be unjustly blamed for his death

  • From hnn.us website
    “The Myth of Arab Innocence”
    by Elliott A. Green

  • If you cut taxes on corporations make sure they don’t get any corporate welfare.

    • Also Fellow Anonymous Poster if
      America would Legalize Prostitution in Every State at Reasonable Prices it would help the Economy and Society in many ways and help Incels
      It won’t cure Incels , but it will help them

  • m.independent.ie has an article on March 12, 2023 headlined
    “Saturday Night Live sketch criticised for ‘horribly offensive’ Irish stereotyping” Oh Boo Hoo
    When have the Irish ever suffered anything like the Holocaust , or everywhere all throughout human history like the Jews have

  • Harry Belefonte the Communist Castro supporter died yesterday.

    I recently learned from a friend he was Pro Castro. That’s sad.

    I like his music.

    He almost lived to a hundred even survived Covid.

    G-d has required his soul.

  • irishcentral.com has an article headlined
    “The origins of anti-Irish jokes and how they impacted Irish worldwide” by
    Padraig Colman in Sri Lanka April 12, 2023 Again, Boo Hoo ,
    Oh Boo Hoo , The Unspeakable Horror of Anti-Irish Jokes , did the Irish ever suffer anything like the Holocaust ?

    • israelnationalnews.com has an article about the Unattractive Irish
      Anti-Semite Sally Rooney
      “Writer Sally Rooney – anti-Semite of the month”
      Jack Engelhard on
      October 14, 2021 Rooney talked about “Palestinian civil society”
      What “civil society” ?

  • when have the Irish ever been Hated , Persecuted and Murdered Everywhere All Throughout Human History like the Jews have ?

    • Also about the Irish ,
      Countless Irish people living in
      Ireland Today are Vile Anti-Semites , Jew-Haters & Anti-Israel Bigots, so they shouldn’t Cry about Harmless Jokes that they consider

  • Chaim is the meshiach!

  • Let’s Take a JTF Survey, how many people here want to see Germany Peacefully and Legally Redivided into
    East & West again ?

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