Europe went into the dark ages because of a barbarian invasion. From there it went forward.
Thank you for proving my point.
The muSSlims (unlike europe) had NO barbarian invasian and STILL descended into barbarism. What's their excuse?
The history of Islamic defeats at the hands of the West--in trade, technology, printing, science, philosophy, political development, modernization, diplomacy, war--stretches back 600 years. In 1502 Venice warned the Ottoman Sultans of the threat posed to the spice trade by the sea route Vasco de Gama had opened up between Europe and Asia. The Ottomans ignored the warning, just as they ignored many other problems, and the Muslim East eventually felt the results.
Simply, the rise of the west made Islam to sink. In the book The Middle East Bernard Lewis - one of the best Arabists and Islamists in the world says himself the Islamic world was much more advanced then the Europeans, especially because of the what the Muslim created as a result of the meeting of the Arab rich culture and other ancient middle east cultures.
Though the Chinese invented saltpetre gunpowder, and used it in their fireworks, it was the Arabs who worked out that it could be purified using potassium nitrate for military use. Muslim incendiary devices terrified the Crusaders. By the 15th century they had invented both a rocket, which they called a "self-moving and combusting egg", and a torpedo - a self-propelled pear-shaped bomb with a spear at the front which impaled itself in enemy ships and then blew up.
By the 9th century, many Muslim scholars took it for granted that the Earth was a sphere. The proof, said astronomer Ibn Hazm, "is that the Sun is always vertical to a particular spot on Earth". It was 500 years before that realisation dawned on Galileo. The calculations of Muslim astronomers were so accurate that in the 9th century they reckoned the Earth's circumference to be 40,253.4km - less than 200km out. The scholar al-Idrisi took a globe depicting the world to the court of King Roger of Sicily in 1139.
The modern cheque comes from the Arabic saqq, a written vow to pay for goods when they were delivered, to avoid money having to be transported across dangerous terrain. In the 9th century, a Muslim businessman could cash a cheque in China drawn on his bank in Baghdad.
Carpets were regarded as part of Paradise by medieval Muslims, thanks to their advanced weaving techniques, new tinctures from Islamic chemistry and highly developed sense of pattern and arabesque which were the basis of Islam's non-representational art. In contrast, Europe's floors were distinctly earthly, not to say earthy, until Arabian and Persian carpets were introduced. In England, as Erasmus recorded, floors were "covered in rushes, occasionally renewed, but so imperfectly that the bottom layer is left undisturbed, sometimes for 20 years, harbouring expectoration, vomiting, the leakage of dogs and men, ale droppings, scraps of fish, and other abominations not fit to be mentioned". Carpets, unsurprisingly, caught on quickly.
and there are more and more...
Read here: great. ONE thing they didn't manage to destroy!
![Cheesy :D](
A form of chess was played in ancient India but the game was developed into the form we know it today in Persia. From there it spread westward to Europe - where it was introduced by the Moors in Spain in the 10th century - and eastward as far as Japan. The word rook comes from the Persian rukh, which means chariot.
A thousand years before the Wright brothers a Muslim poet, astronomer, musician and engineer named Abbas ibn Firnas made several attempts to construct a flying machine. In 852 he jumped from the minaret of the Grand Mosque in Cordoba using a loose cloak stiffened with wooden struts. He hoped to glide like a bird. He didn't. But the cloak slowed his fall, creating what is thought to be the first parachute, and leaving him with only minor injuries. In 875, aged 70, having perfected a machine of silk and eagles' feathers he tried again, jumping from a mountain. He flew to a significant height and stayed aloft for ten minutes but crashed on landing - concluding, correctly, that it was because he had not given his device a tail so it would stall on landing. Baghdad international airport and a crater on the Moon are named after him.
To stop moving forward IS 'stalling'. Anthropologists call the australian aborigines an 'arrested culture'. That means it stood still and didn't move forward. It doesn't mean it went in reverse.
Really, stop capitalize the words, it doesn't make you more correct or less correct.
The Australian aborigines culture is 'arrested culture' because they didn't developed a thing but got stucked in the tribal culture, the Chinese didn't so when their culture don't advance, it goes backward.
The Muslims couldn't go backwards technologically because they NEVER had technology of their own. All they 'invented' was by non-muSSlim cultures and peoples. They were near stonework then. They are near stone-age now. No difference.
This is nonsense! Stop being blind to history because of your hatred to Islam.
Europe was staring to recover economical from the end of X century when the Viking/Norman and Hungarian raids stoped, becouse the greeco-roman knowledge was already there hiden in monasteries and when last of barbarians settled it could be retrived and used again; so already in XIII centuries Europeans were building gothic cathedras higher than any roman biuldings, And Muslimes yes were "good" for some Jews becouse they needed MDs, administrators, merchants just like they need wetern engineers now to operate their oil fields; in reality ME outside Arabia was populated by mayority of those greek, armenian, persian, jewish dhimis who supported by taxes and expertise the ruling muslime warior aristocracy untill Crusades. After them Muslimes have made the purges and were the mayority ending the golden age. Ever wonder why muslime world never manged to recover the "golden Age" after Mongol invasions in XIII/XIV centuries?
I am talking about the 5th century Barbarian invasion, infact the Vikings helped Europe in some ways. The Gothic architecture was the only style that was European made. The Mongol invasion never stopped the Islamic golden age, it actually helped it. When the golden horde converted to Islam and other Mongols tried to take over Egypt it made to Muslims influenced and they started to advance, it's actually good the Arabs stopped them otherwise those Mongols would have probably ruin Jerusalem. Just to refrash your memory, the Mongol invasion started at the 11 century and ended at the 12-13, the Muslim golden age finished in the 14th-15th century or even the 16 century because then the Ottoman empire started to lose from it's power.