We are proud of living in a First World country. If you think the West is so evil, you are free to move to any Third World [censored] country of your choice.
Your 'first world' is built upon genocide of native populations, so you're hardly in a position to make such demands.
Second, instead of venting your frustrations on the net, why don't you make the effort to send these people back? I don't think your 'first world' countries will
even consider your insane demands, because cheap labor from third-world reduces their costs considerably. So it'll be economic suicide for the 'first world' to control immigration.

Understand demand and supply principle, before writing nonsense. Politicians take economic considerations into account, not your silly rants against immigrants.
Which means, you must learn to live happily with your Muslim neighbors, perhaps you can date Muslim men, even marry them, and find out more about their culture. That way, understanding and mutual respect are preserved, thus making way for a peaceful world.