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Offline Raulmarrio2000

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Re: George Bush: "Ewww! Hatian grease!"
« Reply #50 on: March 28, 2010, 05:32:13 AM »
Anyway, the bad experiences you may have had with Blacks in USA does not entitle you to mock Haitians. I have had many problems with people here. Nationalists who hated me and my mother for being pro-British... later, Christians by name who hated me for trying to convert to Judaism or for being a Noahide. Teens who lit fires or placed objects to block my front door on the Shabbat. Should I hate Christians in a far away nation and mock them after a natural disaster then?

Offline Rubystars

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Re: George Bush: "Ewww! Hatian grease!"
« Reply #51 on: March 28, 2010, 05:44:15 AM »
Ok Raul thanks for replying. I think I understand why you feel the way you do now. Civilized people tend to have a lot of compassion for other people, especially if they see others suffering, and this is noble and understandable. I know this is a long post but please read it.

Honestly, I used to feel much the same way you do. When I was young, the schools I went to had mostly white kids in them (these days, it would be mostly Mexican more than likely), and the kids in my neighborhood that I played with as a young child were mostly white and some of them were Mexican. I saw some blacks at school, but I didn't really see the full "TNB", although I had glimpses of it.

Even as an adult with some knowledge of black behavior that I'd witnessed, I wanted to believe that stereotypes were only stereotypes, and that we should not use someone's race to pre-judge them or to guess how they would behave.

It took getting into the working world and college , doing my own shopping, etc. and actually witnessing how blacks behaved in packs and how blacks tended to show more of certain behaviors than other groups before I started to wake up.

One time, a friend of mine on Pal Talk who knew I liked Jews and Israel suggested that I join JTF. One of the first things I did was scroll down the page and click on the latest "Ask JTF" link, and listen. I heard Chaim talking about blacks in a disgusted tone of voice. I thought "This isn't the place for me, it's racist." I couldn't understand why a persecuted group like the Jews was having someone speak so harshly about another group that I felt had been persecuted.

Several things changed my mind. First, I saw how blacks behaved lazily in college, shoving their work off on other people, or if I was in a group with them, letting me do all the work. I didn't want to believe that it was because of their race. I tried to convince myself that they were just being bad individuals. I also saw blacks behaving very lewdly in ways that white people or even other nonwhite humans did not.

Two major things changed my mind completely: Hurricane Katrina and losing my promotion.

After Katrina, many very cruel, evil blacks came to my city Houston in Texas. They were VILE, nasty, criminal. They screamed racism at the slightest provocation. They used their race to get free stuff. They tried to steal donation cans, and they engaged in all types of horrible behavior at my jobs. One of them made me ten dollars short on my till by distracting me and grabbing a roll of quarters that I had gotten for my till. The Katrina evacuees killed people in Houston and criminals set up shop here. It was like a slap in the face after our city had opened our arms and hearts to them.

In the mean time, Houston blacks weren't that much better. I could tell you story after story of the crazy stuff they pulled.  I trained some blacks and time after time, they were promoted over me. I saw how I was the one being discriminated against, for being white! They got everything handed to them. I was denied advancement because I didn't contribute to diversity.

After all this I became very aware of racial differences, and when my friend suggested again that I join JTF, I was ready this time.

Offline Rubystars

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Re: George Bush: "Ewww! Hatian grease!"
« Reply #52 on: March 28, 2010, 05:49:54 AM »
Their culture was never stolen because they never really had a culture. Africa has always been a land of very primitive behaviors. There's a reason it's called the Dark continent and it wasn't because of the skin of its people.

Think "Dark Ages" for thousands upon thousands of years, with little or no change or advancement. 

You could argue they gained a lot more culture by coming to America. It's here that they got exposed to white music and began to be taught how to sing things like spirituals, gospel music, jazz, etc. that they have claimed as their own culture.

Anyway, the bad experiences you may have had with Blacks in USA does not entitle you to mock Haitians.

Hatians are for the most part degenerate, scummy. There are many sources for this and you don't have to look hard. I don't see why you can't see this.

I have had many problems with people here. Nationalists who hated me and my mother for being pro-British... later, Christians by name who hated me for trying to convert to Judaism or for being a Noahide. Teens who lit fires or placed objects to block my front door on the Shabbat. Should I hate Christians in a far away nation and mock them after a natural disaster then?

I'm very sorry they were treating you so poorly and no I dont' think that was Christian behavior. One problem is that blacks behave in an evil way no matter where they are or how much money or other aid has been given to them. If you give starving Africans seeds to plant a farm, they will eat all the seeds, and will still be starving.

Offline Raulmarrio2000

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Re: George Bush: "Ewww! Hatian grease!"
« Reply #53 on: March 28, 2010, 06:08:34 AM »
Many African tribes have some ancient primitive wisdom. Have you heard about a tribe who represented Cirus star thousands of years ago exactly as it is now known by modern spacial telescopes? In 1871, there were still some Blacks in Buenos Aires, and there was a tragic epidemics of some disease called the "Yellow fever" which decimated the population. Blacks had an ancient tradition that it was trasmitted by mosquitoes, nobody paid attention to that "superstion". Now we know they were right. Why should Africans have development in the Western Style? After all it's their continent and they can live in the stonage if they like. Why hating Africans for having problems with Black Americans. In Africa, there are still tribes who don't know how to light a fire. It's their life. Not ours. Do you dislike Blacks only for the attacks you have received, or is it that you also feel repulsion to primitives?

Offline Rubystars

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Re: George Bush: "Ewww! Hatian grease!"
« Reply #54 on: March 28, 2010, 06:17:16 AM »
Many African tribes have some ancient primitive wisdom. Have you heard about a tribe who represented Cirus star thousands of years ago exactly as it is now known by modern spacial telescopes? In 1871, there were still some Blacks in Buenos Aires, and there was a tragic epidemics of some disease called the "Yellow fever" which decimated the population. Blacks had an ancient tradition that it was trasmitted by mosquitoes, nobody paid attention to that "superstion". Now we know they were right. Why should Africans have development in the Western Style? After all it's their continent and they can live in the stonage if they like. Why hating Africans for having problems with Black Americans. In Africa, there are still tribes who don't know how to light a fire. It's their life. Not ours. Do you dislike Blacks only for the attacks you have received, or is it that you also feel repulsion to primitives?

They are free to live in the Stone Age in Africa if they so choose (and they do), but the problem comes in when these same people with a very primitive mindset  are trying to live in the first world and it just doesn't work well. Many can't make it on their own without welfare of some kind because they don't know how to work. Others get work handed to them and despite poor performance or absenteeism, are promoted and given large salaries. There are a few who are genuinely qualified, but they're in the minority.

Offline Raulmarrio2000

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Re: George Bush: "Ewww! Hatian grease!"
« Reply #55 on: March 28, 2010, 06:27:01 AM »
Now, let's suppose, just suppose, that they are genetically different and less developed and were created to live in the African jungle hunting and collecting fruits. Who is to blame for taking them to America? And why hating those who remain in Africa?

Offline Rubystars

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Re: George Bush: "Ewww! Hatian grease!"
« Reply #56 on: March 28, 2010, 10:25:02 AM »
Now, let's suppose, just suppose, that they are genetically different and less developed and were created to live in the African jungle hunting and collecting fruits. Who is to blame for taking them to America? And why hating those who remain in Africa?

Many different groups of people are to blame for taking them out of Africa. There were tribal wars in Africa, and they captured each other and made each other slaves. Then some of those slaves were sold to slave traders and brought to America. Some slave traders were white. To this day, Arabs have black slaves.

It was one of the biggest mistakes ever made to bring them in as slaves. However you have to understand that in those days they were basically considered to be a beast of burden, and not really ever meant to go out and create their own cesspools like the Detroit of today. There were no black ghettoes in America where it was a death sentence for a white to walk through. When they were slaves, it was understood they were different and not to be treated as if they were exactly the same as everyone else. The blacks were under tight control, only breaking out in occasional rebellion, certainly not causing the trouble they are today.

When Lincoln talked about freeing the slaves. He said that we would have to figure out how to send them all back. They were never intended to actually live among whites as equals .

Think about it, to this day the majority of them have not been able to master the English language, but they speak in broken dialect, ommitting what they consider to be unecessary words, such as "is". Anti-racist scholars realized that no matter how much teachers tried to break them of this incorrect speech pattern, that black students were simply mostly unable to learn to speak correctly. They resorted to calling this broken, lazy form of English "AAVE" (African American Vernacular English) in order to attempt to legitimize it. Every other group of immigrants to this country is able to learn how to pronounce things correctly after the first generation, no problem.

Offline IsraeliGovtAreKapos

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Re: George Bush: "Ewww! Hatian grease!"
« Reply #57 on: March 28, 2010, 10:29:08 AM »
Races don't exist; cultures do.

Offline Rubystars

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Re: George Bush: "Ewww! Hatian grease!"
« Reply #58 on: March 28, 2010, 10:33:08 AM »
Africans in Africa are doing things that are bad and do affect the world in a bad way. They are poaching to death endangered animals, like the mountain gorilla and rhinos.

They are murdering each other in massive numbers, which is a human tragedy regardless of however else you feel about them. Sometimes they even eat each other.

Horrible diseases come from Africa, such as AIDS, and Ebola Zaire. Yes, AIDS originated in Africa because of the bush meat trade there. They were cutting up chimpanzees and eating them and/or selling the meat. When they hacked the chimpanzees with a machete, chimp blood spattered on them, and the virus made the leap to them, and mutated into a form which can infect human to human.

Their massive sexual immorality, including having multiple partners and raping little kids, is spreading the disease.

They engage in horrible rituals such as holding a screaming, struggling child down and scarring the child's face with a broken piece of glass to make raised bumps as a rite of passage.

They murdered the whites of Rhodesia, and they have also ruined South Africa.

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Re: George Bush: "Ewww! Hatian grease!"
« Reply #59 on: March 28, 2010, 11:26:51 AM »
Raul I don't care what color the Haitians are and how dare you accuse me of being racist!? 
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

In your heart you know WE are right and in your guts you know THEY are nuts!

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Offline Rubystars

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Re: George Bush: "Ewww! Hatian grease!"
« Reply #60 on: March 28, 2010, 01:28:49 PM »
Raul I don't care what color the Haitians are and how dare you accuse me of being racist!? 

It's a shame how a funny video about Bush turned into all this isn't it. I think Raul has a really hard time understanding the issue because he lives in a 92% white country. I would almost kill to have those demographics here in the USA.

Offline Jochen

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Re: George Bush: "Ewww! Hatian grease!"
« Reply #61 on: March 28, 2010, 02:26:37 PM »
It's not about skin color or ethnic origin.

Somebody could be purple with flashing neon pink and green spots and I wouldn't hate them for it. Color or ethnic origin is not the issue. It's degenerate and evil behavior by this group of people. To pretend that all those blacks that act that way are only doing so as individuals who made bad choices would be turning a blind eye to an obvious pattern. There are righteous blacks but they are the exception to the rule, not the norm. Maybe one day that will change, but at the moment we need to face the reality as it is, not as we wish it to be.

Rubystar, no one said that our job is easy. And if we not the better ones, we to a useless job.

You see, its a very delicate video and unclear in intention. For some people is it only a funny video, for others has it racist intention.
The black Haitians are neglected and terrible misleadet and have hat a terrible fate. But the common Haitian have no special bad intention and epically not against the Jews. This guys are not your and not my enemies.
In my opinion, was Mr. Bush only mechanical thoughtless. No more, no less.

Schvartza's sounds very negative in my ears. First of all, this so called schvartza's are only humans with a special colour for protection against solar radiation. Very useful!
If we want to have success we have first of all to act justly, fair and considerately against everyone.

We have more to watch out to ourselves, otherwise we will loose.

Offline Raulmarrio2000

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Re: George Bush: "Ewww! Hatian grease!"
« Reply #62 on: March 28, 2010, 07:34:08 PM »
In fact Arabs, even milenia before Islam, were the first to involve in the slave trafficking. Slavery is as old as Humanity, but slave trade was began by Arabs. It is attested in the Torah that slave traders were travelling from Arabia to Egypt some 4000 years ago. It was one of those caravans who took Yoseph to Egypt. And slavery is still allowed in Islam, including slave women rape. It's silly that many Blacks still support Arabs. But it's also silly that so many Whites also support Muslims when they are eager to behead us.
Now what's the point of speaking against Blacks in a political forum? I don't mean that it was the fault of White Europeans only for bringing them out of Africa, many of them were captured by Arabs. But why hating them and saying they are a problem? Do you think it's possible to return them to Africa now, after about five centuries?

Offline cjd

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Re: George Bush: "Ewww! Hatian grease!"
« Reply #63 on: March 28, 2010, 08:07:53 PM »
Raul I don't care what color the Haitians are and how dare you accuse me of being racist!? 

It's a shame how a funny video about Bush turned into all this isn't it. I think Raul has a really hard time understanding the issue because he lives in a 92% white country. I would almost kill to have those demographics here in the USA.
I have to laugh when people who have very little dealings with blacks become their staunchest defenders. I would love to have the ability to arrange some quality time for them with the subject of their admiration. Not with the well dressed prissy almost like white folks blacks but real Planet Of The Apes like niggeras. If I took some of [censored] lovers for a ride on a hot day through some of the more impressive  black neighborhoods here in New York and told them they had to walk around with me there for a while to meet all the nice creatures living there most of them would never leave the car. Its all nice and high brow to preach racial doctrine but unless your able to say you have spent real time in the zoo don't tell the animal handlers how to deal with the animals.
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Offline Rubystars

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Re: George Bush: "Ewww! Hatian grease!"
« Reply #64 on: March 28, 2010, 08:24:49 PM »
I couldn't have said it better myself CJD! Awesome post!

Offline Jochen

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Re: George Bush: "Ewww! Hatian grease!"
« Reply #65 on: March 30, 2010, 03:00:40 PM »
I couldn't have said it better myself CJD! Awesome post!

Because of serious reasons (Schoa) most of us Europeans, especially the Germans take care what we say and we are very sensitive in this matter. I suppose most of us don't change their attitude only why two moderators and some other have different opinions,  and even if they are Jews!!!
This is unnegotiable!
This is dangerous ... like opening Pandora's Box.
Today the colored people, tomorrow the Gypsies and after tomorrow the Jews again?!?
With such insights I'm humorlessly, very humorlessly.
I hope you are able to respect this point of attitude.


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Re: George Bush: "Ewww! Hatian grease!"
« Reply #66 on: March 30, 2010, 06:16:53 PM »
I couldn't have said it better myself CJD! Awesome post!

Because of serious reasons (Schoa) most of us Europeans, especially the Germans take care what we say and we are very sensitive in this matter. I suppose most of us don't change their attitude only why two moderators and some other have different opinions,  and even if they are Jews!!!
This is unnegotiable!
This is dangerous ... like opening Pandora's Box.
Today the colored people, tomorrow the Gypsies and after tomorrow the Jews again?!?
With such insights I'm humorlessly, very humorlessly.
I hope you are able to respect this point of attitude.

No speaking  for myself I can not. First off do not compare what a good part of Europe did to the Jews during WW2  with how blacks were and are treated here in America. The situations are not the same in the least. Blacks here in America were never rounded up for slaughter and worse by white America. Europe had no reason to do what it did to its Jewish population. Jews in Europe were among the most productive people not welfare sponges and violent criminal animals for the most part like blacks tend to be here in the U.S. In my book anyone comparing blacks to Jews is a jacka-s. White America has bent over backwards and spent billions of dollars to give black society a opportunity  to set themselves to rights. The results could not be worse.  In my opinion all America is doing is setting itself up to become another South Africa. People in Europe are in no position to speak about opening Pandora's Box because if it was not for America Pandora's box would have never been closed. Europe today is a social mess people should get their own house in order before complaining about the homes of others.
He who overlooks one crime invites the commission of another.        Syrus.

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Offline Rubystars

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Re: George Bush: "Ewww! Hatian grease!"
« Reply #67 on: March 30, 2010, 10:38:36 PM »
I couldn't have said it better myself CJD! Awesome post!

Because of serious reasons (Schoa) most of us Europeans, especially the Germans take care what we say and we are very sensitive in this matter. I suppose most of us don't change their attitude only why two moderators and some other have different opinions,  and even if they are Jews!!!

I'm not Jewish. I'm a white Gentile and a Christian from Texas.

Now that we have that cleared up, I think you have to realize that blacks in the United States are very violent people in proportion to their population. They commit countless murders, rapes, armed robberies, and other acts of violence.

They would kill all white people and Jews if they could. They're just not as efficient at killing massive numbers of people as are evil people with higher IQs.

This is unnegotiable!

I can only assume you haven't had enough contact with evil, ghetto, apelike blacks.

This is dangerous ... like opening Pandora's Box.
Today the colored people, tomorrow the Gypsies and after tomorrow the Jews again?!?
With such insights I'm humorlessly, very humorlessly.
I hope you are able to respect this point of attitude.


According to you, if we judge blacks by the content of their character, and that judgment is unfavorable,t hen we want to kill Jews? What kind of logic is that? I think it's important to stand up for other righteous people if they are facing persecution, but blacks by and large are very evil.
« Last Edit: March 30, 2010, 10:49:26 PM by Rubystars »

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Re: George Bush: "Ewww! Hatian grease!"
« Reply #68 on: March 31, 2010, 09:54:20 AM »
In fact Arabs, even milenia before Islam, were the first to involve in the slave trafficking. Slavery is as old as Humanity, but slave trade was began by Arabs. It is attested in the Torah that slave traders were travelling from Arabia to Egypt some 4000 years ago. It was one of those caravans who took Yoseph to Egypt. And slavery is still allowed in Islam, including slave women rape. It's silly that many Blacks still support Arabs. But it's also silly that so many Whites also support Muslims when they are eager to behead us.
Now what's the point of speaking against Blacks in a political forum? I don't mean that it was the fault of White Europeans only for bringing them out of Africa, many of them were captured by Arabs. But why hating them and saying they are a problem? Do you think it's possible to return them to Africa now, after about five centuries?
You hit the nail on the head. Arabs invented the slavery of negroes, and yet to this very day, virtually ALL blacks support the Arabs. I do not see virtually all whites, especially in America, supporting the Arabs.

Offline Jochen

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Re: George Bush: "Ewww! Hatian grease!"
« Reply #69 on: March 31, 2010, 02:48:03 PM »
According to you, if we judge blacks by the content of their character, and that judgment is unfavorable,t hen we want to kill Jews? What kind of logic is that? I think it's important to stand up for other righteous people if they are facing persecution, but blacks by and large are very evil.

Racism needs no reasonable logic, only wide generalization.
Come to Europe. Here you can learn a lot about generalization.
The new antisemitism is called "offer criticism"
We have a growing anti-Semitism.
Do you think anti-Semitism is OK?
This guys here in Europe have a lot of explanations against the Jews and Israel and they generalize.
For your black problem you have not to quarrel. It was definitive not the intention from Africa's people to enter as slaves America.
You have to find reasonable solutions. There is no other way.
To be black is not a mental disease like the Islam ideology.

If you like to talk about brutal violence from societies against people, look to our history or to our churches, especially the catholic.
I can assure you, even this current scandal against innocent children is only the tip of the iceberg.
I know enough people who suffered therefore a whole live.
I'm neither a Christian nor a Jew but I belief on universal rules and something like a judgment day.
And I'm absolutely sure, it is counterproductive to talk to much thoughtless against the black people.

Offline Rubystars

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Re: George Bush: "Ewww! Hatian grease!"
« Reply #70 on: March 31, 2010, 05:07:34 PM »
According to you, if we judge blacks by the content of their character, and that judgment is unfavorable,t hen we want to kill Jews? What kind of logic is that? I think it's important to stand up for other righteous people if they are facing persecution, but blacks by and large are very evil.

Racism needs no reasonable logic, only wide generalization.
Come to Europe. Here you can learn a lot about generalization.
The new antisemitism is called "offer criticism"
We have a growing anti-Semitism.
Do you think anti-Semitism is OK?

Anti-Semitism or Jew hatred is not ok because the Jews are representatives of the Bible and are God's people.

This guys here in Europe have a lot of explanations against the Jews and Israel and they generalize.
For your black problem you have not to quarrel. It was definitive not the intention from Africa's people to enter as slaves America.

And yet, they are much better off here than they are in Africa. Ask the average black in America or Europe if he'd rather move to Africa and face the diseases and hardship there, or live in the first world and live a relatively easy life, and the vast majority would choose a first world lifestyle.

You have to find reasonable solutions. There is no other way.
To be black is not a mental disease like the Islam ideology.

They grow up being indoctrinated into very evil beliefs though and many are very sympathetic with Islam.

If you like to talk about brutal violence from societies against people, look to our history or to our churches, especially the catholic.
I can assure you, even this current scandal against innocent children is only the tip of the iceberg.
I know enough people who suffered therefore a whole live.
I'm neither a Christian nor a Jew but I belief on universal rules and something like a judgment day.
And I'm absolutely sure, it is counterproductive to talk to much thoughtless against the black people.

I have a feeling you know nothing or very little about blacks to speak as you do.

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Re: George Bush: "Ewww! Hatian grease!"
« Reply #71 on: March 31, 2010, 06:37:40 PM »
According to you, if we judge blacks by the content of their character, and that judgment is unfavorable,t hen we want to kill Jews? What kind of logic is that? I think it's important to stand up for other righteous people if they are facing persecution, but blacks by and large are very evil.

Racism needs no reasonable logic, only wide generalization.
Come to Europe. Here you can learn a lot about generalization.
The new antisemitism is called "offer criticism"
We have a growing anti-Semitism.
Do you think anti-Semitism is OK?

Anti-Semitism or Jew hatred is not ok because the Jews are representatives of the Bible and are G-d's people.

This guys here in Europe have a lot of explanations against the Jews and Israel and they generalize.
For your black problem you have not to quarrel. It was definitive not the intention from Africa's people to enter as slaves America.

And yet, they are much better off here than they are in Africa. Ask the average black in America or Europe if he'd rather move to Africa and face the diseases and hardship there, or live in the first world and live a relatively easy life, and the vast majority would choose a first world lifestyle.

You have to find reasonable solutions. There is no other way.
To be black is not a mental disease like the Islam ideology.

They grow up being indoctrinated into very evil beliefs though and many are very sympathetic with Islam.

If you like to talk about brutal violence from societies against people, look to our history or to our churches, especially the catholic.
I can assure you, even this current scandal against innocent children is only the tip of the iceberg.
I know enough people who suffered therefore a whole live.
I'm neither a Christian nor a Jew but I belief on universal rules and something like a judgment day.
And I'm absolutely sure, it is counterproductive to talk to much thoughtless against the black people.

I have a feeling you know nothing or very little about blacks to speak as you do.
Be very CAREFUL of people whose WORDS don't match their ACTIONS.

Offline Raulmarrio2000

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Re: George Bush: "Ewww! Hatian grease!"
« Reply #72 on: March 31, 2010, 08:10:28 PM »
Rubystars, anti-Semistism is wrong not only because Jews are the Chosen People, no people, even if not chosen, deserves the atrocities which were done to Jews.

It is true that blacks never suffered an Holocaust in America, but remember that some anti-Semites do not support the Holocaust either, but still hate the Jews even if they disagree with nazism.

One correction, neither Blacks or Whites who suppport Muslims are sympathetic with Islam, they are sympathetic with Muslim attitude against Israel and Europe. Tell any pro-Islamic Black or White if they agree with killing or enslaving or non-Muslims, and (except for those who are themselves Muslim) they will reply :NO. But they still prefer to support Arabs. Both the right wings (mostly in the past) and the left now are indoctrinated to hate Jews. No matter their skin colour or ethnical origin.
Here in Argentina there are no Blacks, but many many people are anti-Semite. They label themselves as anti-Zionist but don't even care to hide their hate towards the Jewish People and Judaism. And more than many, I'd say the majority, are anti-British.

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Re: George Bush: "Ewww! Hatian grease!"
« Reply #73 on: March 31, 2010, 08:23:00 PM »
Rubystars, anti-Semistism is wrong not only because Jews are the Chosen People, no people, even if not chosen, deserves the atrocities which were done to Jews.

You're right that Jews wouldn't deserve it, because Jews are not evil people. To compare Jews to blacks is a huge insult to Jews.

It is true that blacks never suffered an Holocaust in America, but remember that some anti-Semites do not support the Holocaust either, but still hate the Jews even if they disagree with nazism.

Don't be so sure they wouldn't support the Holocaust. They support a second Holocaust by taking the side of the mythical so-called Palestinians.

One correction, neither Blacks or Whites who suppport Muslims are sympathetic with Islam, they are sympathetic with Muslim attitude against Israel and Europe. Tell any pro-Islamic Black or White if they agree with killing or enslaving or non-Muslims, and (except for those who are themselves Muslim) they will reply :NO. But they still prefer to support Arabs. Both the right wings (mostly in the past) and the left now are indoctrinated to hate Jews. No matter their skin colour or ethnical origin.

Some people who are pro-Muslim are just plain stupid, but others really do support Islam as a religion. Blacks convert to Islam quite readily in prison, and huge numbers of blacks go to prison.

Here in Argentina there are no Blacks,

That explains everything you posted in this thread. Consider yourself blessed to live in such a country!

but many many people are anti-Semite. They label themselves as anti-Zionist but don't even care to hide their hate towards the Jewish People and Judaism. And more than many, I'd say the majority, are anti-British.

Anti-Zionist is pro-Holocaust. There's no getting around that fact.

Offline Raulmarrio2000

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Re: George Bush: "Ewww! Hatian grease!"
« Reply #74 on: March 31, 2010, 08:37:22 PM »
Anti-Zionists (except for those Jews who disagree with Zionism for some reason) are in fact pro-Holocaust. But those who label themselves as anti-Zionists, and even those who proudly admit they are anti-Semite will still falsely claim that they hate but do not support murder. If you allow any form of racial or ethnical discrimination or hate, they will have a point to claim their "right" to free speech. And remember that nazism is not yet fully outgone. Perhaps it is in America. But here, we still have some nazi-lke people willing to enjoy the Haitian earthquake and the Muslim attacks. Of course they also hate Muslims for being Arab Semites but enjoy when the Jews or Anglosaxons are attacked, just because both Jews, Americans and British opposed nazism during WWII.