The history of we Jews is running from country to country and being mugged, murdered and massacred wherever we have lived. Pograms, beatings, isolation, discrimination, you name it. This is what we had to put up with throughout the ages. Germany is the best example of what can happen to Jews who think they have become a fairly integrated segment of the population. From what I have read, the German Jews in the 1920's would never have dreamt of what was to come. Hitler turned them against us in a second. Why? The answer is obvious: Jews are hated wherever we go, even if there's a veneer of politeness. If given a chance, they'll murder us in a second. That hatred is always there, even if it's hidden with a smile. There's only one country for Jews to be Jews and not to have to worry, and that's Israel. Of course, this is incorrect, too. The true irony for Jews is that now that we have our own Hashem-given country, we still can't live in peace there. Either we're worried about nuclear bombs from Iran, or we're worried that our own soldiers will force us from our own homes in Judea and Samaria. So bottom line: I think the world definitely does hate Jews and Israel, with the exception of the smallest and tiniest percentage. And I say YSV to Germany and Europe too! I should feel good because 1 out of a thousand people support Israel?