I vote Kelly Maureen for President

. She would make our already great country even greater.
To Daniel or anybody else interested in reading this, while I can understand feeling offended when somebody openly expresses animosity toward Blacks, I have to say that I feel a sense of relief that there at least this one place on Earth that I can express exactly how I feel about them as well as some other groups. Freedom of speech was never made a law because of mild speech; there would be no need for such a rule in that case. Freedom of speech is precisely intended to protect controversial speech.
Plus, I have to say, that as somebody who loves the truth, I really detest political correctness. While islamofascism is definitely our most dire external threat, there is no question in my mind that political correctness is the most insidious force from within American life. Nobody is allowed to say anything that does not fit the liberal agenda; if we dare to break the mold, we are labeled racists, sexists, homophobes, islamophobes, and who else knows what other phobes as well. We cannot even talk about the weather anymore, without the politically correct police mocking those of us who realize that global warming is utter nonsense.
Besides, some of us have a rather complicated relationship with whatever groups toward which we happen to have a less favorable attitude. I think of my own attitude toward Blacks. Yes, there are many Blacks that I dislike, but they tend to be of a certain, well-defined type which I already mentioned in a previous post (hint: Jesse Jackson. Al Sharpton. OJ Simpson. Konye West). Yet there are other Blacks who I deeply respect; in fact, I regard Thomas Sowell (along with British historian Paul Johnson) to be the two wisest gentiles living today.
Plus, I actually think I am the very opposite of a racist, precisely because I am disappointed and disgusted with Blacks whenever they do NOT act as civilized as the rest of us. I expect more from them than many liberals/Blacks do. President Bush was quite right when he spoke about the soft racism of lowered expectations.
While the vast majority of us here do share a love of Israel or we would not be here, each of us are different people with different experiences. We are bound to have differing opinions as well. Before we can even get into arguing our respective positions, we must at least agree on respecting the right of each of us to express our views as we see fit.