Save Western Civilization => Save Europe => Topic started by: Ulli on August 08, 2008, 09:36:13 AM

Title: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: Ulli on August 08, 2008, 09:36:13 AM
What is your oppinion about the new war in South Ossetia?

Christians are fighting Christians.

Has anybody more informations about it?
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: IslamIsCancer on August 08, 2008, 09:58:21 AM
What is your oppinion about the new war in South Ossetia?

Christians are fighting Christians.

Has anybody more informations about it?

I don't know much about South Ossetia but I know that Joseph Stalin - a Georgian - hated Armenians and gave parts of Armenia to Georgia. Now Armenian schools and churches are being closed by Christian Georgian authorities. I hope they settle that one problem peacefully but if you ask me I have little sympathy for Georgians but I don't hate them.
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: Ulli on August 08, 2008, 10:13:58 AM
What is your oppinion about the new war in South Ossetia?

Christians are fighting Christians.

Has anybody more informations about it?

I don't know much about South Ossetia but I know that Joseph Stalin - a Georgian - hated Armenians and gave parts of Armenia to Georgia. Now Armenian schools and churches are being closed by Christian Georgian authorities. I hope they settle that one problem peacefully but if you ask me I have little sympathy for Georgians but I don't hate them.

Is there a difference beween the Armenian and Georgian church?
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: mord on August 08, 2008, 10:26:35 AM
Is russia fighting the Georgians?   


 MUSA SADULAYEV, Associated Press Writer
17 minutes ago

TSKHINVALI, Georgia - Georgian troops launched a major military offensive Friday to regain control over the breakaway province of South Ossetia, prompting a furious response from Russia — which vowed retaliation and sent a column of tanks into the region.

More than two dozen were reported dead in the worst outbreak of hostilities since the province won defacto independence in a war that ended in 1992.

Ten Russian peacekeepers were killed and 30 wounded when their barracks were hit in Georgian shelling, said Russian Ground Forces spokesman Col. Igor Konashenkov. Russia has soldiers in South Ossetia as peacekeeping forces but Georgia alleges they back the separatists.

Separatist officials in South Ossetia said 15 civilians had been killed in fighting overnight, and Georgian officials said seven civilians were wounded in bombing raids by Russia.

The main hospital in Tskhinvali, the provincial capital, had ceased functioning and ambulances were unable to reach wounded civilians, said international Red Cross spokeswoman Maia Kardova in Tbilisi, Georgia.

The fighting broke out when much of the world's attention was focused on the start of the Olympic Games and many leaders, including Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin and President Bush, were on their way to Beijing.

Georgia's President Mikhail Saakashvili, who insists his government's military action was provoked, noted the timing in an interview with CNN.

"Most decision makers have gone for the holidays," he said. "Brilliant moment to attack a small country."

Speaking earlier on Georgian television, Saakashvili accused Russia of sending aircraft to bomb Georgian territory, which Russia denied.

Russia's Defense Ministry said it was sending reinforcements for its peacekeepers, and Russian state television and Georgian officials reported a convoy of tanks had crossed the border. The convoy was expected to reach the provincial capital, Tskhinvali, by evening, Channel One television said.

Georgian State Minister for Reintegration Temur Yakobashvili said government troops were now in full control of the city.

"We are facing Russian aggression," said Georgia's Security Council chief Kakha Lomaya. "They have sent in their troops and weapons and they are bombing our towns."

Putin has warned that the Georgian attack will draw retaliation and the Defense Ministry pledged to protect South Ossetians, most of whom have Russian citizenship.

Georgia, which borders the Black Sea between Turkey and Russia, was ruled by Moscow for most of the two centuries preceding the breakup of the Soviet Union. The country has angered Russia by seeking NATO membership — a bid Moscow regards as part of a Western effort to weaken its influence in the region.

An Associated Press reporter saw tanks and other heavy weapons concentrating on the Russian side of the border with South Ossetia. Some villagers were fleeing into Russia.

"I saw them (the Georgians) shelling my village," said Maria, who gave only her first name. She said she and other villagers spent the night in a field and then fled toward the Russian border as the fighting escalated.

Georgia declared a three-hour cease-fire to allow civilians to leave Tskhinvali. Georgian Interior Ministry spokesman Shota Utiashvili said troops were observing the cease-fire, which began at 3 p.m. local time (7 a.m. EDT).

Yakobashvili said Georgian forces have shot down two Russian combat planes over Georgian territory. He gave no details. Russia's Defense Ministry denied an earlier Georgia report about one Russian plane downed and had no immediate comment on the latest claim.

Yakobashvili said that one Russian plane had dropped a bomb on the Vaziani military base near the Georgian capital, but no one was hurt.

More than 1,000 U.S. Marines and soldiers were at the base last month to teach combat skills to Georgian troops. Georgia has about 2,000 troops in Iraq, making it the third-largest contributor to coalition forces after the U.S. and Britain.

The White House on Friday urged Russia and Georgia to peacefully resolve their dispute over South Ossetia.

"We urge restraint on all sides — that violence would be curtailed and that direct dialogue could ensue in order to help resolve their differences," White House spokeswoman Dana Perino told reporters.

NATO Secretary General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer said he was seriously concerned about the fighting and that the alliance is closely following the situation.

South Ossetia officials said Georgia attacked with aircraft, armor and heavy artillery. Georgian troops fired missiles at Tskhinvali, an official said, and many buildings were on fire.

Georgia's president said Russian aircraft bombed several Georgian villages and other civilian facilities.

"A full-scale aggression has been launched against Georgia," Saakashvili said in a televised statement. He also announced a full military mobilization with reservists being called into action.

Seven civilians were wounded when three Russian Su-24 jet bombers flew into Georgia and bombed the town of Gori and the villages of Kareli and Variani, Deputy Interior Minister Eka Sguladze said at a briefing.

She said that four Russian jets later bombed Gori, the hometown of Soviet dictator Josef Stalin, but that raid didn't cause any casualties.

Saakashvili urged Russia to immediately stop bombing Georgian territory. "Georgia will not yield its territory or renounce its freedom," he said.

A senior Russian diplomat in charge of the South Ossetian conflict, Yuri Popov, dismissed the Georgian claims of Russian bombings as misinformation, the RIA-Novosti news agency reported.

Russia's Defense Ministry denounced the Georgian attack as a "dirty adventure." "Blood shed in South Ossetia will weigh on their conscience," the ministry said in a statement posted on its Web site.

"We will protect our peacekeepers and Russian citizens," it said without elaboration.

Russia's President Dmitry Medvedev later chaired a session of his Security Council in the Kremlin, vowing that Moscow will protect Russian citizens.

"In accordance with the constitution and federal law, I, as president of Russia, am obliged to protect lives and dignity of Russian citizens wherever they are located," Medvedev said, according to Russian news reports. "We won't allow the death of our compatriots go unpunished."

Saakashvili long has pledged to restore Tbilisi's rule over South Ossetia and another breakaway province, Abkhazia. Both regions have run their own affairs without international recognition since splitting from Georgia in the early 1990s and built up ties with Moscow.

Relations between Georgia and Russia worsened notably this year as Georgia pushed to join NATO and Russia dispatched additional peacekeeper forces to Abkhazia.

The Georgian attack came just hours after Saakashvili announced a unilateral cease-fire in a television broadcast late Thursday in which he also urged South Ossetian separatist leaders to enter talks on resolving the conflict.

Georgian officials later blamed South Ossetian separatists for thwarting the cease-fire by shelling Georgian villages in the area.
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: IslamIsCancer on August 08, 2008, 10:30:50 AM
What is your oppinion about the new war in South Ossetia?

Christians are fighting Christians.

Has anybody more informations about it?

I don't know much about South Ossetia but I know that Joseph Stalin - a Georgian - hated Armenians and gave parts of Armenia to Georgia. Now Armenian schools and churches are being closed by Christian Georgian authorities. I hope they settle that one problem peacefully but if you ask me I have little sympathy for Georgians but I don't hate them.

Is there a difference beween the Armenian and Georgian church?

Maybe a few formal differences, I don't really know I'm not an expert on the subject.
But I know they have very good church music and beautiful dances.
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: DownwithIslam on August 08, 2008, 10:33:25 AM
I am pretty sure that Russia can wipe out the Georgians really quickly. That is unfortunate though because Russia who is stuffing Iran with weapons needs a big blow.
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: IslamIsCancer on August 08, 2008, 10:40:09 AM
Let's hope they end this madness and start negotiating instead.
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: Ulli on August 08, 2008, 10:45:01 AM
After I read the article Mord has posted. It looks like Saakashvili got mad.

Imo he wants to rope in the USA and the NATO in his conflict with South Ossetia and Russia.

But after the evil things they did with Serbia Russia will not withdraw.  :(

Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: mord on August 08, 2008, 10:51:35 AM
What are  Ossetians
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: IslamIsCancer on August 08, 2008, 10:54:23 AM
What are  Ossetians

from wikipedia

Today the majority of Ossetians, from both North and South Ossetia, follow Eastern Orthodoxy. As the time went by, Digor in the west came under Kabard and Islamic influence. It was through the Kabardians (an East Circassian tribe) that Islam was introduced into the region in the 17th century. Today, a minority profess Sunni Islam). Tuallag in the southernmost region became part of what is now Georgia, and Iron, the northernmost group, came under Russian rule after 1767, which strengthened Orthodox Christianity considerably. Most of the Ossetes today are Eastern Orthodox Christians.
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: mord on August 08, 2008, 10:56:52 AM
What are  Ossetians

from wikipedia

Today the majority of Ossetians, from both North and South Ossetia, follow Eastern Orthodoxy. As the time went by, Digor in the west came under Kabard and Islamic influence. It was through the Kabardians (an East Circassian tribe) that Islam was introduced into the region in the 17th century. Today, a minority profess Sunni Islam). Tuallag in the southernmost region became part of what is now Georgia, and Iron, the northernmost group, came under Russian rule after 1767, which strengthened Orthodox Christianity considerably. Most of the Ossetes today are Eastern Orthodox Christians.
oh i see
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: IslamIsCancer on August 08, 2008, 11:00:23 AM
After I read the article Mord has posted. It looks like Saakashvili got mad.

Imo he wants to rope in the USA and the NATO in his conflict with South Ossetia and Russia.

But after the evil things they did with Serbia Russia will not withdraw.  :(

Sakashvili is an A hole he's gonna drag his people into a bloody war.
Americans and NATO are behind this, and the current unrest in Armenia is also financed and supported by the United States. America has its largest embassy in Armenia and they are financing and backing left wing pro TURK scumbags like Levon Ter-Petrosyan may he die of cancer. America wants to destroy our alliance with Russia, just like in Serbia.
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: Ulli on August 08, 2008, 11:03:30 AM
After I read the article Mord has posted. It looks like Saakashvili got mad.

Imo he wants to rope in the USA and the NATO in his conflict with South Ossetia and Russia.

But after the evil things they did with Serbia Russia will not withdraw.  :(

Sakashvili is an A hole he's gonna drag his people into a bloody war.
Americans and NATO are behind this, and the current unrest in Armenia is also financed and supported by the United States. America has its largest embassy in Armenia and they are financing and backing left wing pro TURK scumbags like Levon Ter-Petrosyan may he die of cancer. America wants to destroy our alliance with Russia, just like they are doing in Serbia.

I agree. I have a very bad feeling about this war.

This idiot Sakashvili is so stupid. Why don't let the things like they are?

Thousands of people have now to die for nothing. Only for the egotrip of this idiot.  >:( >:( >:(
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: IslamIsCancer on August 08, 2008, 11:18:30 AM
After I read the article Mord has posted. It looks like Saakashvili got mad.

Imo he wants to rope in the USA and the NATO in his conflict with South Ossetia and Russia.

But after the evil things they did with Serbia Russia will not withdraw.  :(

Sakashvili is an A hole he's gonna drag his people into a bloody war.
Americans and NATO are behind this, and the current unrest in Armenia is also financed and supported by the United States. America has its largest embassy in Armenia and they are financing and backing left wing pro TURK scumbags like Levon Ter-Petrosyan may he die of cancer. America wants to destroy our alliance with Russia, just like they are doing in Serbia.

I agree. I have a very bad feeling about this war.

This idiot Sakashvili is so stupid. Why don't let the things like they are?

Thousands of people have now to die for nothing. Only for the egotrip of this idiot.  >:( >:( >:(
Honestly I don't think Sahakashvili would take on Russia if he wasn't sure the West and NATO were behind him.
Maybe this is a NATO exercise IDK.
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: Ulli on August 08, 2008, 11:24:42 AM
Yes the USA have sent military instructors. But I doubt that the USA are really behind this. The implications are too enormous.  :(

They have enough problems all over the world. If it will come hard on hard - They will loose this conflict for shure.

The American public will never support a war against Russia because of Georgia.
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: IslamIsCancer on August 08, 2008, 11:25:03 AM
haha watch the first 5 seconds of this
I think she almost got sniped... dumb reporters!!
Stay the hell out of the battle zone.
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: mord on August 08, 2008, 11:27:58 AM
haha watch the first 5 seconds of this
I think she almost got sniped... dumb reporters!!
Stay the hell out of the battle zone.
This reporters go in war zones and when they killed their news services or reporter4s without border whine.Bullets don'nt know the difference between reporters and normal people ;D
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: Dr. Dan on August 08, 2008, 11:33:31 AM
i don't know much, but i say, leave it to the Georgians...it might not be about religion...but have to look into it.

Also, the only time i would support intervention is if an evil nazi or evil muslim group is trying to take it over...

and so it goes if it were any other enemy such as the communists of the coldwar time period.
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: IslamIsCancer on August 08, 2008, 11:36:16 AM
Yes the USA have sent military instructors. But I doubt that the USA are really behind this. The implications are too enormous.  :(

They have enough problems all over the world. If it will come hard on hard - They will loose this conflict for shure.

The American public will never support a war against Russia because of Georgia.
Would you go against Russia if you know you'd be on your own? I sure as hell wouldn't.
Somebody is behind this, small countries like Georgia would NEVER take on Russia.
Russia is weak but Georgia is even weaker.
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: Ulli on August 08, 2008, 11:38:29 AM
Yes the USA have sent military instructors. But I doubt that the USA are really behind this. The implications are too enormous.  :(

They have enough problems all over the world. If it will come hard on hard - They will loose this conflict for shure.

The American public will never support a war against Russia because of Georgia.
Would you go against Russia if you know you'd be on your own? I sure as hell wouldn't.
Somebody is behind this, small countries like Georgia would NEVER take on Russia.
Russia is weak but Georgia is even weaker.

Some people are nuts or they only think, that they have the support, they obviously don't have. Or do you think the USA want a war with Russia?  ???
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: IslamIsCancer on August 08, 2008, 11:45:40 AM
Yes the USA have sent military instructors. But I doubt that the USA are really behind this. The implications are too enormous.  :(

They have enough problems all over the world. If it will come hard on hard - They will loose this conflict for shure.

The American public will never support a war against Russia because of Georgia.
Would you go against Russia if you know you'd be on your own? I sure as hell wouldn't.
Somebody is behind this, small countries like Georgia would NEVER take on Russia.
Russia is weak but Georgia is even weaker.

Some people are nuts or they only think, that they have the support, they obviously don't have. Or do you think the USA want a war with Russia?  ???
Proxy war, they won't directly attack Russia but it seems they do want that somebody fights Russia.
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: Americanhero1 on August 08, 2008, 11:52:19 AM
Yes the USA have sent military instructors. But I doubt that the USA are really behind this. The implications are too enormous.  :(

They have enough problems all over the world. If it will come hard on hard - They will loose this conflict for shure.

The American public will never support a war against Russia because of Georgia.
Would you go against Russia if you know you'd be on your own? I sure as hell wouldn't.
Somebody is behind this, small countries like Georgia would NEVER take on Russia.
Russia is weak but Georgia is even weaker.

I would
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: mord on August 08, 2008, 11:58:30 AM
The U.S. is friendly with Georgia but i don'nt think they want to have a war over it
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: Gruzinit on August 08, 2008, 12:00:52 PM
As I have been watching this situation for months I can tell you this was a long time coming, everyone in my family knew this would happen, that Russia always set it sights on Georgia, because like Chechnya, they believe it is theirs.

NATO will not get involved. The fact is that most people couldn't find Georgia on a map, and many don't care to send thier soldiers to nomadic peacekeepers.
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: Americanhero1 on August 08, 2008, 12:02:12 PM
As I have been watching this situation for months I can tell you this was a long time coming, everyone in my family knew this would happen, that Russia always set it sights on Georgia, because like Chechnya, they believe it is theirs.

They also think Ukraine is there also
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: mord on August 08, 2008, 12:02:48 PM
As I have been watching this situation for months I can tell you this was a long time coming, everyone in my family knew this would happen, that Russia always set it sights on Georgia, because like Chechnya, they believe it is theirs.

Are the Georgian people friendly to theJews who live there?
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: Ulli on August 08, 2008, 12:14:07 PM
I have found some background information on the bolschwewik BBC:

Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: Gruzinit on August 08, 2008, 12:14:31 PM
As I have been watching this situation for months I can tell you this was a long time coming, everyone in my family knew this would happen, that Russia always set it sights on Georgia, because like Chechnya, they believe it is theirs.

Are the Georgian people friendly to theJews who live there?

I cannot speak for myself, but from my parents personal experience, Georgia was very warm to its Jewish community. My mother, who lived in Borjomi, was one of a few Jewish families in the village, and got along relatively well with her Christian neighbors.

But when compared to the Anti-semitism in Russia, Ukraine and the Blatic states, it might not be the best standards.

I also know lots of stories of Askenazi Jews (Mainly Russian) who came to Georgia to escape persecution they endured under the Russian Federation. My uncle's wife is also half-Armenian, her side came to Georgia to escape Turkish persecution.

Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: mord on August 08, 2008, 12:17:13 PM
So it's pretty good to people fleeing persecution
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on August 08, 2008, 12:21:59 PM
I don't know enough about the conflict, but Russia is generally the bad guy all the time and I will never support Russia trying to crush a smaller country by brute force (unless it is a Muslim Nazi nation like Chechnya).
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: Ulli on August 08, 2008, 12:25:05 PM
Here are the most fresh informations about what is happening over there. But the website takes long loading times:

Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: mord on August 08, 2008, 12:25:34 PM
I don't know enough about the conflict, but Russia is generally the bad guy all the time and I will never support Russia trying to crush a smaller country by brute force (unless it is a Muslim Nazi nation like Chechnya).
chechnya is filled with savages
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: Ulli on August 08, 2008, 12:27:02 PM
I don't know enough about the conflict, but Russia is generally the bad guy all the time and I will never support Russia trying to crush a smaller country by brute force (unless it is a Muslim Nazi nation like Chechnya).
chechnya is filled with savages

Yes this are mostly Wahabi savages. The most cruel and evil form of Muslims on this earth.  >:(
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: mord on August 08, 2008, 12:28:02 PM
I don't know enough about the conflict, but Russia is generally the bad guy all the time and I will never support Russia trying to crush a smaller country by brute force (unless it is a Muslim Nazi nation like Chechnya).
chechnya is filled with savages
This is very true

Yes this are mostly Wahabi savages. The most cruel and evil form of Muslims on this earth.  >:(
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: mord on August 08, 2008, 12:30:17 PM
Here are the most fresh informations about what is happening over there. But the website takes long loading times:

It's pretty fair article
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: briann on August 08, 2008, 01:10:45 PM
Ive said for some time that Putin has ONE goal... And that is to bring the Soviet Union back together.

His country is very powerful... and he has huge revenues from record oil prices.
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: Ulli on August 08, 2008, 01:12:35 PM
Ive said for some time that Putin has ONE goal... And that is to bring the Soviet Union back together.

His country is very powerful... and he has huge revenues from record oil prices.

But the offender in this conflict is obviously the George Soros buddy Michail Saakaschwili  8;)

P.S.: I correct it: the former George Soros buddy

Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: IslamIsCancer on August 08, 2008, 01:34:12 PM
It's about oil again. America and Russia are fighting for the territory for the oil pipelines.
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: Manch on August 08, 2008, 01:54:42 PM
I am pretty sure that Russia can wipe out the Georgians really quickly. That is unfortunate though because Russia who is stuffing Iran with weapons needs a big blow.

I seriously doubt it - I support Georgia and wish that Georgia will give Russia a bloody nose for interfering in its own affairs.
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: Manch on August 08, 2008, 02:01:03 PM
I've learned that Israel was selling arms to Georgia and that they stopped their shipments about 10 days ago. What whores!
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: Ulli on August 08, 2008, 02:04:33 PM
I've learned that Israel was selling arms to Georgia and that they stopped their shipments about 10 days ago. What whores!

Do you have a source for this?
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: Manch on August 08, 2008, 02:24:51 PM
I've learned that Israel was selling arms to Georgia and that they stopped their shipments about 10 days ago. What whores!

Do you have a source for this?

I just talked on the phone with a friend in Israel. She mentioned that.
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: t_h_j on August 08, 2008, 02:40:57 PM
 sakashvilli was an idiot to invade south ossetia... If he's lucky, he'll get out of this conflict with his life.
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: P J C on August 08, 2008, 02:51:15 PM
We should give Georgia all of the same weapons that Russia is giving Iran, and see how Russia likes the taste of their own medicine.
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: White Israelite on August 08, 2008, 02:57:50 PM
This explains a bit more

Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: t_h_j on August 08, 2008, 02:59:02 PM
We should give Georgia all of the same weapons that Russia is giving Iran, and see how Russia likes the taste of their own medicine.

we have financed the georgian military for years now.  We basically pick up the tab.  Look at how its helping them.
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: P J C on August 08, 2008, 03:01:54 PM
We should give Georgia all of the same weapons that Russia is giving Iran, and see how Russia likes the taste of their own medicine.

we have financed the georgian military for years now.  We basically pick up the tab.  Look at how its helping them.
We will see the outcome. I hope very shortly.
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: t_h_j on August 08, 2008, 03:02:49 PM
We should give Georgia all of the same weapons that Russia is giving Iran, and see how Russia likes the taste of their own medicine.

we have financed the georgian military for years now.  We basically pick up the tab.  Look at how its helping them.
We will see the outcome. I hope very shortly.

from what i've read in other places so far, its going very, very badly for the Georgians...
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: P J C on August 08, 2008, 03:06:44 PM
We should give Georgia all of the same weapons that Russia is giving Iran, and see how Russia likes the taste of their own medicine.

we have financed the georgian military for years now.  We basically pick up the tab.  Look at how its helping them.
We will see the outcome. I hope very shortly.

from what i've read in other places so far, its going very, very badly for the Georgians...

What a shame. I just wish Russia got into an altercation with a country that is at least 45% Muslim, to see what they are funding. Savages!!
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: Ulli on August 08, 2008, 03:08:45 PM
We should give Georgia all of the same weapons that Russia is giving Iran, and see how Russia likes the taste of their own medicine.

At least a righteous US-gouvernment could threaten with it.

But I really don't advise to to it in the end. This will kill thousands of more people. :(

Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: t_h_j on August 08, 2008, 03:10:27 PM
We should give Georgia all of the same weapons that Russia is giving Iran, and see how Russia likes the taste of their own medicine.

we have financed the georgian military for years now.  We basically pick up the tab.  Look at how its helping them.
We will see the outcome. I hope very shortly.

from what i've read in other places so far, its going very, very badly for the Georgians...

What a shame. I just wish Russia got into an altercation with a country that is at least 45% Muslim, to see what they are funding. Savages!!

cough cough CHECHNYA cough cough
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on August 08, 2008, 03:12:27 PM
No country is going to help Georgia because everybody is addicted to Russian oil and natural gas. I am certain that Israel is. America isn't, but we are addicted to Muslim Nazi petroleum, and Muslim Nazis are anti-Georgia also.

Anyhow this is really quite sad.  :(

PS: The Chechen Muslim Nazis will destroy Russia, but not nearly as fast as we need them to.
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: P J C on August 08, 2008, 03:14:10 PM
We should give Georgia all of the same weapons that Russia is giving Iran, and see how Russia likes the taste of their own medicine.

At least a righteous US-gouvernment could threaten with it.

But I really don't advise to to it in the end. This will kill thousands of more people. :(

So what. I don't care if more people die. Quite frankly, neither should you. Because does Russia care about how many people dis in the middle east!? NO! So why should we care how many people die in their region. As far as Russia is concerned..... fongool!
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: RanterMaximus on August 08, 2008, 03:19:27 PM
Will this conflict affect the price of oil?  It's a good excuse for the oil powers that be.
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: Ulli on August 08, 2008, 03:21:32 PM
We should give Georgia all of the same weapons that Russia is giving Iran, and see how Russia likes the taste of their own medicine.

At least a righteous US-gouvernment could threaten with it.

But I really don't advise to to it in the end. This will kill thousands of more people. :(

So what. I don't care if more people die. Quite frankly, neither should you. Because does Russia care about how many people dis in the middle east!? NO! So why should we care how many people die in their region. As far as Russia is concerned..... fongool!

We have to see the military reality in this special region.

I wish this war has never be started. The best would be if this war will end quickly and the status-quo will be there like before the war.

This is the best for Georgia South Ossetia and Russia.
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: Gruzinit on August 08, 2008, 03:29:00 PM
Will this conflict affect the price of oil?  It's a good excuse for the oil powers that be.

I will most likely effect oil prices in Europe. Which get most of its oil from Russia via the Caspian Sea. Most of the pipelines that tranpost oil are spread throughout the Caucuses, mainly Russia, Georgia and Ukraine.
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: P J C on August 08, 2008, 03:29:24 PM
We should give Georgia all of the same weapons that Russia is giving Iran, and see how Russia likes the taste of their own medicine.

At least a righteous US-gouvernment could threaten with it.

But I really don't advise to to it in the end. This will kill thousands of more people. :(

So what. I don't care if more people die. Quite frankly, neither should you. Because does Russia care about how many people dis in the middle east!? NO! So why should we care how many people die in their region. As far as Russia is concerned..... fongool!

We have to see the military reality in this special region.

I wish this war has never be started. The best would be if this war will end quickly and the status-quo will be there like before the war.

This is the best for Georgia South Ossetia and Russia.

I don't think you understand what I am saying. I do not want the best for Russia. I'll be damned if they want the best for us.
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: White Israelite on August 08, 2008, 03:30:22 PM
I've learned that Israel was selling arms to Georgia and that they stopped their shipments about 10 days ago. What whores!

Your friend is wrong


Georgia denies Israeli arms trade freeze reports

20:17 | 05/ 08/ 2008

TBILISI, August 5 (RIA Novosti) - Georgia dismissed Tuesday reports that Israel had halted military equipment sales to the Caucasus state over objections from Russia, which is locked in a feud with its ex-Soviet neighbor.

The Israeli newspaper Maariv reported Tuesday that Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni had ordered the suspension of military supplies to Georgia. The Foreign Ministry refused to comment on the report.

"This is a fairytale told by some tabloid," Georgian Reintegration Minister Temur Yakobashvili said. "The Georgian agencies involved have already contacted Israel's Foreign Ministry, and nothing has been said about the freeze."

An Israeli government source told RIA Novosti that the Foreign Ministry could influence the country's contacts in the military sphere, but was not authorized to unilaterally impose arms embargoes.

Yakobashvili said the report was linked to internal political fighting in the Jewish state.

Israel sells drone aircraft to Georgia, one of which was downed by a Russian Air Force plane over the breakaway region of Abkhazia in April in an incident that further strained relations between Tbilisi and Moscow.

The unrecognized republic later said it had hit several other Georgian pilotless spy planes.

Russia's Defense Ministry said Israel also supplied Georgia with infantry weapons and electronics for artillery systems, and planned to supply armored vehicles and small arms.

Israeli military experts have been training Georgian reconnaissance units since the fall of 2007.

Ties between Russia and Georgia have been strained over a host of issues, including disputes over two breakaway regions and Tbilisi's drive to join NATO.

Israel has criticized Russia for supplying weapons to countries that pose a threat to Israel.

Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: Ulli on August 08, 2008, 03:36:22 PM
I understand you 100%. I agree with you on the Russian weapon supply for i.e. Iran. This is inexcusable.

But the people in Georgia and South Ossetia will pay the price for this war. I don't agree that this is necessary.

After all I have read this evening is Saakaschwili out of his mind to start this whole issue.

He is totally wrong, if he believes that the EU, Nato or the USA will go to war because of Georgia.

His people will suffer terrible and in the end he will loose.

He should negotiate with the goal to reinstate the status-quo.
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on August 08, 2008, 03:36:44 PM
Russia is truly the modern-day Babylon. For the Christians here, many Christians believe that the "whore of Babylon" in the book of Revelation in the N.T. is Russia.
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: t_h_j on August 08, 2008, 03:48:09 PM
Russia is truly the modern-day Babylon. For the Christians here, many Christians believe that the "whore of Babylon" in the book of Revelation in the N.T. is Russia.

some cold war bias might have to do with that interpretation...
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: White Israelite on August 08, 2008, 03:57:23 PM
Raw Video : Georgia And S. Ossetia Exchange RPG And Gunfire, 6 Wounded.

Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: Ulli on August 08, 2008, 04:05:48 PM
Raw Video : Georgia And S. Ossetia Exchange RPG And Gunfire, 6 Wounded.


The military standart there is sub-optimal. White sandsack barrieres without    defilade, no real professional emplacements for the single soldiers. No change-emplacements.

All soldiers shoot from the same improvised-emplacement

They use their focus weapons (RPG) like    firecrackers.

Everbody fills up his own magazine - great tactic  ::)

BUT perhaps this is better in this way, so less people will die before peace comes.  :)
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: White Israelite on August 08, 2008, 04:09:54 PM
Georgian Jets Join Battle

Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: White Israelite on August 08, 2008, 04:10:50 PM
Raw Video : Georgia And S. Ossetia Exchange RPG And Gunfire, 6 Wounded.


The military standart there is sub-optimal. White sandsack barrieres without    defilade, no real professional emplacements for the single soldiers. No change-emplacements.

All soldiers shoot from the same improvised-emplacement

They use their focus weapons (RPG) like    firecrackers.

Everbody fills up his own magazine - great tactic  ::)

BUT perhaps this is better in this way, so less people will die before peace comes.  :)

Well it's claimed that Israel supplied Georgia with small arms (Tavor TAR-21 assault rifle) and trained them, it's hard to tell from the video i'm seeing?
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: Ulli on August 08, 2008, 04:12:59 PM
This soldiers have had no serious military education. It is obvious. I can tell.
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: IslamIsCancer on August 08, 2008, 04:17:56 PM
This soldiers have had no serious military education. It is obvious. I can tell.

Georgia has the weakest military in the region. If I'm not mistaken they have about 30.000 active troops, half the number we have. Even azzies are stronger than Georgia, it's obvious that this war is not between Georgia and South Ossetia, it's between the US and Russia. They want to control the region because of the oil pipelines from the Caspian sea. BELIEVE ME IT'S ABOUT OIL.
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: White Israelite on August 08, 2008, 04:23:07 PM
This soldiers have had no serious military education. It is obvious. I can tell.

Georgia has the weakest military in the region. If I'm not mistaken they have about 30.000 active troops, half the number we have. Even azzies are stronger than Georgia, it's obvious that this war is not between Georgia and South Ossetia, it's between the US and Russia. They want to control the region because of the oil pipelines from the Caspian sea. BELIEVE ME IT'S ABOUT OIL.

I wouldn't doubt it, theres a shitfest brewing on the Stormfont forums claiming how Georgia is controlled by Zionists and how Georgia is full of muds. It definitely sounds like a proxy war, but it seems like it's the fashionable thing for everyone to blame the Jews for war.
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: Ulli on August 08, 2008, 04:24:00 PM
This soldiers have had no serious military education. It is obvious. I can tell.

Georgia has the weakest military in the region. If I'm not mistaken they have about 30.000 active troops, half the number we have. Even azzies are stronger than Georgia, it's obvious that this war is not between Georgia and South Ossetia, it's between the US and Russia. They want to control the region because of the oil pipelines from the Caspian sea. BELIEVE ME IT'S ABOUT OIL.

I have a different oppinion. It is all about the egotrip of Saakaschwili.

He thought that the NATO and EU will help him out. But this is a big mistake.  ::)
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: syyuge on August 08, 2008, 04:28:06 PM
Theoretically there should be peace between Georgia and Russia.

But practically Russia should get seriously involved in Georgia, without any interference form nato or west. This is to ensure that the attention and priority if any of Russia is diverted from Iran.

Meanwhile Iran shall be judiciously selected for the ZZZzzz and in successful turn all Russian demands on Chechen and Georgia are to be met. The Olympics shall continue as ever.
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: White Israelite on August 08, 2008, 04:56:51 PM
Burning Georgia tanks

Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: White Israelite on August 08, 2008, 05:02:30 PM

Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: syyuge on August 08, 2008, 05:13:37 PM
Tbilisi has been very negatively mentioned in a religious Book (B).
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: Manch on August 08, 2008, 05:41:54 PM
 I hope Georgia will defend itself and will preserve the integrity of its borders. Georgians were always great friends of the Jewish people. Russia out of Georgia! Long live Georgia!
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: P J C on August 08, 2008, 07:01:07 PM
I hope Georgia will defend itself and will preserve the integrity of its borders. Georgians were always great friends of the Jewish people. Russia out of Georgia! Long live Georgia!
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: P J C on August 08, 2008, 07:09:17 PM
Geoergia is also taking troops out of Iraq the fight these anti-Israel Russian pigs, which is really bothering the Bush administration.
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on August 08, 2008, 07:19:27 PM
Without some kind of major Western help, Georgia is cooked. And 90% of West is dependent on Russia for basic materials.
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: White Israelite on August 09, 2008, 09:50:33 PM
I have a lot of new photos and video, Russia is murdering citizens and neo nazis are backing the Russians in this nearly 100 percent.

The guys wearing skimasks/marpat looking camo are Georgia soldiers and the guy running in bombed out cities are Georgians, the others are russians.

Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: White Israelite on August 09, 2008, 09:52:14 PM
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: Shamgar on August 09, 2008, 10:04:11 PM
"And I heard a great voice out of the Temple saying to the seven angels, Go your ways and pour out the vials of the wrath of God upon the earth."
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: White Israelite on August 09, 2008, 10:22:27 PM

Dead Georgian soldiers on the battlefield, some of it is graphic


Russians murdering civilians dropping bombs on towns, some graphic here.

Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: t_h_j on August 09, 2008, 11:52:22 PM
I hope Georgia will defend itself and will preserve the integrity of its borders. Georgians were always great friends of the Jewish people. Russia out of Georgia! Long live Georgia!

they started this.
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: SerbChicago on August 10, 2008, 12:12:25 AM
If you ask me LONG LIVE RUSSIA!
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: White Israelite on August 10, 2008, 12:51:54 AM
If you ask me LONG LIVE RUSSIA!

Your supporting the Russians who give weapons and assistance to Iranians?


President: Georgia defeats Abkhazia's attacks on Kodori gorge



www.chinaview.cn 2008-08-09 23:31:28 Print


MOSCOW, Aug. 9 (Xinhua) -- Georgia has defeated all attacks on the upper part of the Kodori gorge, the Itar-Tass news agency quoted Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili as saying Saturday.


"I maintain contacts in the gorge with those who ensure security of the gorge. Today they've defeated all attacks on the gorge," the president said when he met with parliament speaker David Bakradze and opposition leaders.


The president believed Georgia is capable of repelling any attacks on the upper part of the Kodori gorge.


Abkhaz leader Sergei Bagapsh confirmed earlier that its "aviation is currently conducting an operation in the upper part of the Kodori gorge of Abkhazia controlled by Georgia." He said the operation will continue.


Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: SerbChicago on August 10, 2008, 01:08:30 AM
Yes and i will stand by it.When Russia was saying don't give independence to Kosovo or Ossetia will separate no one didn't believe in that,so it has happened.Plus you have to see bigger picture.US and Europe are supporting Georgia just for one reason and that is oil pipe line and that's it,just like they did with Kosovo.Georgia has attack Ossetia first and let's not forget that!Ossetia is part of Georgia and it's pro Russian,they wanted to separate from Georgia and they didn't let them,just like we didn't want Kosovo to separate.So it's ok for Kosovo but not for Ossetia?What they where thinking?That they can come to Russian back yard and nothing will happen?Michael Savage was talking about it on friday and he was supporting Russia!He is a very smart man...
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: White Israelite on August 10, 2008, 01:13:41 AM
Yes and i will stand by it.When Russia was saying don't give independence to Kosovo or Ossetia will separate no one didn't believe in that,so it has happened.Plus you have to see bigger picture.US and Europe are supporting Georgia just for one reason and that is oil pipe line and that's it,just like they did with Kosovo.Georgia has attack Ossetia first and let's not forget that!Ossetia is part of Georgia and it's pro Russian,they wanted to separate from Georgia and they didn't let them,just like we didn't want Kosovo to separate.So it's ok for Kosovo but not for Ossetia?What they where thinking?That they can come to Russian back yard and nothing will happen?Michael Savage was talking about it on friday and he was supporting Russia!He is a very smart man...

Your supporting a country that is openly anti-semitic and arms the very nation that threatens Israels existance. Maybe you are better off at StørmFrønt since the Nazis there support Russias war on Georgia as well. The majority of people in Gaza and West bank are Arabs, they occupy a chunk of what belongs to Israel and the majority support creating this fake nation called Palestine, do you support that too? You know what the Ossetians are?

Ossetia (Ossetic: Ирыстон (Iryston); Russian: Осетия, (Osetiya); Georgian: ოსეთი (Oset'i)) is an ethnolinguistic region located on both sides of the Greater Caucasus Mountains, largely inhabited by the Ossetians, an Iranian people who speak the Ossetic language (an Eastern Iranian language, Indo-European group of languages.

Yep that's right.
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: t_h_j on August 10, 2008, 01:17:48 AM
Yes and i will stand by it.When Russia was saying don't give independence to Kosovo or Ossetia will separate no one didn't believe in that,so it has happened.Plus you have to see bigger picture.US and Europe are supporting Georgia just for one reason and that is oil pipe line and that's it,just like they did with Kosovo.Georgia has attack Ossetia first and let's not forget that!Ossetia is part of Georgia and it's pro Russian,they wanted to separate from Georgia and they didn't let them,just like we didn't want Kosovo to separate.So it's ok for Kosovo but not for Ossetia?What they where thinking?That they can come to Russian back yard and nothing will happen?Michael Savage was talking about it on friday and he was supporting Russia!He is a very smart man...

Your supporting a country that is openly anti-semitic and arms the very nation that threatens Israels existance. Maybe you are better off at StørmFrønt since the Nazis there support Russias war on Georgia as well. The majority of people in Gaza and West bank are Arabs, they occupy a chunk of what belongs to Israel and the majority support creating this fake nation called Palestine, do you support that too? You know what the Ossetians are?

Ossetia (Ossetic: Ирыстон (Iryston); Russian: Осетия, (Osetiya); Georgian: ოსეთი (Oset'i)) is an ethnolinguistic region located on both sides of the Greater Caucasus Mountains, largely inhabited by the Ossetians, an Iranian people who speak the Ossetic language (an Eastern Iranian language, Indo-European group of languages.

Yep that's right.

The Ossetians are Christians.  Do more research next time.  That is, unless you are just saying that all people that are iranian, even if they are not muslim, are evil.
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: IslamIsCancer on August 10, 2008, 01:23:41 AM
NATO-backed Georgia attacked the Russian peacekeepers in Ossetia after which Russia responded.
The US media is totally twisting the facts, Americans are not getting the real picture of this war.
CNN claims it was the Russians who attacked first, this is Yugoslavia all over again.
I'd advise JTFers to watch BBC and EuroNews because they tend to be more or less objective.
Georgia used Israeli & American equipment to slaughter the Ossetians, these Ossetians hold Russian passports but they are not Russian by descent. Stalin made Ossetia part of Georgia because he was Georgian.
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: SerbChicago on August 10, 2008, 01:26:16 AM
Don't talk to me that way ok!I support Israel and this got nothing to do with that!You do the research cause you already made up your mind!And about StørmFrønt...is that where you get your information!?
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: SerbChicago on August 10, 2008, 01:27:31 AM
NATO-backed Georgia attacked the Russian peacekeepers in Ossetia after which Russia responded.
The US media is totally twisting the facts, Americans are not getting the real picture of this war.
CNN claims it was the Russians who attacked first, this is Yugoslavia all over again.
I'd advise JTFers to watch BBC and EuroNews because they tend to be more or less objective.
Georgia used Israeli & American equipment to slaughter the Ossetians, these Ossetians hold Russian passports but they are not Russian by descent. Stalin made Ossetia part of Georgia because he was Georgian.

Thank g-d for you!
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: IslamIsCancer on August 10, 2008, 01:29:43 AM
This is what he said:

"I strongly condemn the outbreak of violence in Georgia, and urge an immediate end to armed conflict. Now is the time for Georgia and Russia to show restraint, and to avoid an escalation to full scale war. Georgia's territorial integrity must be respected. All sides should enter into direct talks on behalf of stability in Georgia, and the United States, the United Nations Security Council, and the international community should fully support a peaceful resolution to this crisis."

How about Serbia, you disrespected the territorial integrity of Serbia.
I hate to say this but both McCain and Osama are wrong on this issue.
Ossetians are mostly Christian they suffered under Stalin now they
should be independent.

Bush: http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=fb3_1218303593
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: SerbChicago on August 10, 2008, 01:33:35 AM
I am with you.It is Yugoslavia all over againe as you sad!
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: syyuge on August 10, 2008, 01:37:41 AM
The opposition to Stalinist Georgia has nothing to do or compare with the support to Israel or to the the larger Jewish cause.

Things should not be mixed up unnecessarily.

Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: IslamIsCancer on August 10, 2008, 01:39:26 AM
I am with you.It is Yugoslavia all over againe as you sad!
NATO has to be stopped on its tracks right in Georgia because next is Armenia they are already financing suicidal left wing pro-turk candidates like Levon Ter-Petrosyan... America wants to surround Russia with hostile states and meanwhile the people of those countries will suffer. America should stay the hell out of the Caucasus let them have Iraq and Afghanistan but stay away from the Caucasus.
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: syyuge on August 10, 2008, 01:42:04 AM
The opposition to Stalinist Georgia has nothing to do or compare with the support to Israel or to the the larger Jewish cause.

Things should not be mixed up unnecessarily.

It is the so-called independence to Kosovo, that is backfiring at S. Ossetia.
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: IslamIsCancer on August 10, 2008, 01:44:23 AM
The opposition to Stalinist Georgia has nothing to do or compare with the support to Israel or to the the larger Jewish cause.

Things should not be mixed up unnecessarily.

It is the so-called independence to Kosovo, that is backfiring at S. Ossetia.

There are differences between S. Ossetia and Kosovo.
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: syyuge on August 10, 2008, 01:46:02 AM
In spite of all the criminal acts by its leaders, let Georgia be remain united, but its Stalinio-Fascist leaders must go.
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: IslamIsCancer on August 10, 2008, 01:47:15 AM
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: SerbChicago on August 10, 2008, 01:47:45 AM
You have a bigger picture in what is happening not the narrow mind Russia-bad,NATO -good.And everyone sad Kosovo is different story!If they start pushing others ex-Russian states to NATO they will only create bigger problems in the region!Nato stay hell out of the way of Russia!And i will pray for Armenians!I hope that they don't end like Serbia.
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: GodGunsAndGlory on August 10, 2008, 01:50:21 AM
Are they going to fabricate another Racak massacre?
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: IslamIsCancer on August 10, 2008, 01:53:09 AM
You have a bigger picture in what is happening not the narrow mind Russia-bad,NATO -good.And everyone sad Kosovo is different story!If they start pushing others ex-Russian states to NATO they will only create bigger problems in the region!Nato stay hell out of the way of Russia!And i will pray for Armenians!I hope that they don't end like Serbia.

Somebody needs to eliminate Levon and all other pro turk NATO leaders... this is suicide.
The US has its largest embassy in Armenia, why would they do that? Why isn't their largest embassy in turkey or in the UK?
Because they want to destabilize the country, do you remember the bloody protests 2 months ago? There's still a danger that this mongrel may take power and surrender Artsakh to please his turk brothers. America should stay the hell out of the Caucasus and enjoy turkey.
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: SerbChicago on August 10, 2008, 01:54:49 AM
Good link.
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: SerbChicago on August 10, 2008, 01:57:02 AM
I am just wondering are they all nuts?
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: SerbChicago on August 10, 2008, 02:03:08 AM
The opposition to Stalinist Georgia has nothing to do or compare with the support to Israel or to the the larger Jewish cause.

Things should not be mixed up unnecessarily.

It is the so-called independence to Kosovo, that is backfiring at S. Ossetia.

There are differences between S. Ossetia and Kosovo.
Well good explained.
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: SerbChicago on August 10, 2008, 02:04:47 AM
The opposition to Stalinist Georgia has nothing to do or compare with the support to Israel or to the the larger Jewish cause.

Things should not be mixed up unnecessarily.

Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on August 10, 2008, 02:18:51 AM
Meir Cohen, the StørmFrønt comment was completely out of line. You owe SerbChicago an apology.

SerbChicago, I do not know enough about this particular situation, but Russia is not a noble nation simply because it has been a historical ally of the Serbs. Russia is extremely anti-Israel and anti-American (and this has nothing to do with the issue of the Serbs), and abandoned Serbia in 1999 when it needed it most.
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: syyuge on August 10, 2008, 03:13:53 AM

QUOTE>>  Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili, seen in 2004 during talks with then Iranian president Mohammad Khatami in Tehran. Iran, watching conflict in the Caucasus unfold virtually on its doorstep, has said it was "ready to offer any help" to end the crisis in South Ossetia. <<UNQUOTE

Hmmm... Stalinist ruling junta at Georgia seems to have managed good faith with Tehran.
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: IslamIsCancer on August 10, 2008, 03:17:01 AM

QUOTE>>  Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili, seen in 2004 during talks with then Iranian president Mohammad Khatami in Tehran. Iran, watching conflict in the Caucasus unfold virtually on its doorstep, has said it was "ready to offer any help" to end the crisis in South Ossetia. <<UNQUOTE

Hmmm... Stalinist ruling junta at Georgia seems to have managed good faith with Tehran.

No they are not friends with Iran, this conflict is not about Iran. This is about the Caspian oil.
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: syyuge on August 10, 2008, 03:23:37 AM

QUOTE>>  Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili, seen in 2004 during talks with then Iranian president Mohammad Khatami in Tehran. Iran, watching conflict in the Caucasus unfold virtually on its doorstep, has said it was "ready to offer any help" to end the crisis in South Ossetia. <<UNQUOTE

Hmmm... Stalinist ruling junta at Georgia seems to have managed good faith with Tehran.

No they are not friends with Iran, this conflict is not about Iran. This is about the Caspian oil.

It only goes on to explain, how much opportunistic Mikhail Saakashvili is.
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: Muck DeFuslims on August 10, 2008, 05:38:28 AM
If you ask me LONG LIVE RUSSIA!

I don't have a firm opinion because I don't feel that I have a comprehensive enough understanding of the situation to form one.

But I'll tell you this....When I see people that support Russia saying "I'd advise JTFers to watch BBC and EuroNews because they tend to be more or less objective"....and "LONG LIVE RUSSIA!"....I'm immediately inclined to support Georgia.

LONG LIVE RUSSIA ?? Are you freaking kidding me ?
The BBC is more or less objective ?? They're not objective in their coverage of Israel, so why should I think this situation is any different ?

Nope, haven't made up my mind yet, it could be that neither side is worthy of support. But there's no way that I'm going to be convinced that the BBC is a reliable, objective source of information. And I'm certainly not going to wish a nation that is supplying Iran with nuclear technology, radars, missiles, and other advanced armaments, which endanger Israel and the USA, a 'long life'.
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: mord on August 10, 2008, 08:11:19 AM

Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: EagleEye on August 10, 2008, 09:11:18 AM
I can't make a decisive position of who's side I am on except that I am on the side of ending the conflict, as to me it seems rather pointless.
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: P J C on August 10, 2008, 09:47:17 AM
This is just going to escalate.
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: ItalianZionist on August 10, 2008, 10:01:33 AM
Georgians are distinct culture..linguistically and ethnically..Russia has always bugged them and tried to take them over..Let's really pray the Russians lose this war.
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: P J C on August 10, 2008, 10:08:13 AM
Georgians are distinct culture..linguistically and ethnically..Russia has always bugged them and tried to take them over..Let's really pray the Russians lose this war.
I highly doubt that the Georgians will come out on top.
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: Rubystars on August 10, 2008, 10:14:15 AM
Georgians are distinct culture..linguistically and ethnically..Russia has always bugged them and tried to take them over..Let's really pray the Russians lose this war.

If that is so then I hope the Georgians win and have an indepedent and strong and healthy state in which to express their own culture.
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: Zelhar on August 10, 2008, 11:04:08 AM
Here are my thoughts about this situation:

Georgia made a terrible strategic mistake by launching a full assault. They obviously have no way of reuniting Georgia by such action and nobody is going to fight Russia for them. If I were in the Georgian president's place, I would try to be much more friendly with Russia because like it or not Russia is the main power in this region and better be friends with Russia than its enemy.

America is not behind this attack, in fact I am sure that's the last thing they wanted. America and western countries want their access to the Caspian and Kazakh natural treasures to bypass Russia but they don't need war in Ossetia to do that. America should have made clear that Georgia should not be a part of NATO.

The Israeli involvement is blown way out of its true proportion. Israel is not a major weapon supplier to Georgia (America and France are).  Israel caved to Russia's protests and scaled down arms supplies to Georgia, which anyway were mainly of surveillance equipment and not offensive equipment.

Israel should not have an official view about this conflict, it must remain neutral. However we are trying to prevent the delivery of advance air defense system to Iran and Syria, and of SAMs, ATMs, and rockets to Hizbullah. If Russia refuses to refrain to supply with advanced weapons our sworn enemies, than I think we must help Georgia by supplying it with advanced weapons.

About South Osseria: It is part of the historical Kingdom of Georgia. The Ossetians came as refugees to Georgia, fleeing from the Mongols and Tatars. Georgia offers south Ossetia a full autonomy which I think is fair and just.
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: AsheDina on August 10, 2008, 11:08:09 AM
Let's hope they end this madness and start negotiating instead.

 Please, I sure hope so, it is as if a HUGE bear is eating a little bunny rabbit, this is sad.
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: IslamIsCancer on August 10, 2008, 11:23:01 AM
Let's hope they end this madness and start negotiating instead.

 Please, I sure hope so, it is as if a HUGE bear is eating a little bunny rabbit, this is sad.

The bunny rabbit has stolen lots of territories from their neighboring countries thanks to their dictator Joseph Stalin.
But I'm not surprised that most JTFers support the fascist Stalinist Georgia in this conflict, after all Sahakashvili is Bush's puppet there. Watch BBC and EuroNews they are more objective about this than CNN and FOX.
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: Americanhero1 on August 10, 2008, 11:24:21 AM
Let's hope they end this madness and start negotiating instead.

 Please, I sure hope so, it is as if a HUGE bear is eating a little bunny rabbit, this is sad.

The bunny rabbit has stolen lots of territories from their neighboring countries thanks to their dictator Joseph Stalin.

Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: Zelhar on August 10, 2008, 11:34:31 AM
Let's hope they end this madness and start negotiating instead.

 Please, I sure hope so, it is as if a HUGE bear is eating a little bunny rabbit, this is sad.

The bunny rabbit has stolen lots of territories from their neighboring countries thanks to their dictator Joseph Stalin.
But I'm not surprised that most JTFers support the fascist Stalinist Georgia in this conflict, after all Sahakashvili is Bush's puppet there. Watch BBC and EuroNews they are more objective about this than CNN and FOX.
South Ossetia was part of Georgia before Stalin.
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: IslamIsCancer on August 10, 2008, 11:37:21 AM
Let's hope they end this madness and start negotiating instead.

 Please, I sure hope so, it is as if a HUGE bear is eating a little bunny rabbit, this is sad.

The bunny rabbit has stolen lots of territories from their neighboring countries thanks to their dictator Joseph Stalin.
But I'm not surprised that most JTFers support the fascist Stalinist Georgia in this conflict, after all Sahakashvili is Bush's puppet there. Watch BBC and EuroNews they are more objective about this than CNN and FOX.
South Ossetia was part of Georgia before Stalin.

Javakh was Armenian and still is populated by Armenians, whys should it be part of fascist Georgia?
They are closing down Armenian schools and churches and behaving like muslim beasts.
Stalin hated us and gave our territories to Georgians and Turks.
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: Tzvi Ben Roshel1 on August 10, 2008, 11:44:02 AM
Not necessarily the facts( that will happen), but still very interesting!
The fighting broke out when much of the world's attention is focused on the start of the Olympic Games and many leaders, including Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin and President Bush were attending a luncheon for world leaders hosted by the Chinese president.

The situation has deteriorated rapidly in the last twenty-four hours and fighting along the border has broken out. Russian jets reportedly bomb Georgian military airbase. Georgian tanks and infantry, aided by Israeli military advisers, captured the capital of breakaway South Ossetia, Tskhinvali.

Last year, the Georgian president commissioned from private Israeli security firms several hundred military advisers, estimated at up to 1,000, to train the Georgian armed forces in commando, air, sea, armored and artillery combat tactics. They also offer instruction on military intelligence and security for the central regime. Tbilisi also purchased weapons, intelligence and electronic warfare systems from Israel.

Israel owns a strong interest in Caspian oil and gas pipelines reaching the Turkish terminal. In recent weeks, Moscow has repeatedly demanded that Israel halt its military assistance to Georgia, finally threatening a crisis in bilateral relations. Israel responded by saying that the only assistance rendered Tbilisi was “defensive.” This has not gone down well in Russia. Therefore, as the military crisis intensifies in South Ossetia, Moscow may be expected to punish Israel for its intervention. Meanwhile, Russia is baiting Israel to act against Iran. In response, Israel threatened Russia if it goes through with the sale of its most advanced anti-aircraft missile system to Iran, Israel will use an electronic warfare device to neutralize it and as a result present Russia will be vulnerable to air infiltrations.

Georgia is located on the Black Sea coast on the border of Turkey. What does all this mean for us? For prophecy observers, The Vilna Gaon, zsk'l, says that when Russian weaponry enters Turkey territory, get dressed in Shabbat clothes in honor of the coming Moshiach.

Sandhedrin סנהדרין צ"ז
באמר רבא: מתוך שעתידין ליגאל בשביעית, לפיכך קבעוה בשביעית. והרי אמר
בששית קולות, בשביעית מלחמות, במוצאי שביעית בן דוד בא
In the 6th, voices of war -5767
In the 7th, war (Shemita year) 5768
END of 7th, Moshiach Ben David arrives
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: IslamIsCancer on August 10, 2008, 11:49:09 AM
Yes, good to see Russia win this war it's time to put an end to turko-American domination in the region. Georgia is a Stalinist fascist state that occupies parts of Armenia and treats them worse than muslims.
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: Zelhar on August 10, 2008, 12:12:32 PM
Let's hope they end this madness and start negotiating instead.

 Please, I sure hope so, it is as if a HUGE bear is eating a little bunny rabbit, this is sad.

The bunny rabbit has stolen lots of territories from their neighboring countries thanks to their dictator Joseph Stalin.
But I'm not surprised that most JTFers support the fascist Stalinist Georgia in this conflict, after all Sahakashvili is Bush's puppet there. Watch BBC and EuroNews they are more objective about this than CNN and FOX.
South Ossetia was part of Georgia before Stalin.

Javakh was Armenian and still is populated by Armenians, whys should it be part of fascist Georgia?
They are closing down Armenian schools and churches and behaving like muslim beasts.
Stalin hated us and gave our territories to Georgians and Turks.

I know nothing about Javakh so no comment about that. From what I hear by Georgian Jews in Israel, Georgians are tolerant and peaceful folk. Unfortunately many of them still regard Stalin as a Georgian Hero. That is disgusting but doesn't makes them fascists, for example, Gengis Khan is the national hero of Mongolia yet the modern Mongols are peaceful people.

Like I said South Ossetia had been part of Georgia since before the Ossetian came to the region. If The Ossetians want an independent country then they should have North Ossetia first.
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: SerbChicago on August 10, 2008, 12:23:12 PM
Meir Cohen, the StørmFrønt comment was completely out of line. You owe SerbChicago an apology.

SerbChicago, I do not know enough about this particular situation, but Russia is not a noble nation simply because it has been a historical ally of the Serbs. Russia is extremely anti-Israel and anti-American (and this has nothing to do with the issue of the Serbs), and abandoned Serbia in 1999 when it needed it most.
I can hard find to believe that in the case of war between Israel and someone else that Russia would support "someone else".They are Christians and they believe in g-d so they have obligation to protect Israel.I see that they support Iran but i see that they are doing it just to contradict US.Why?Because US is really pushing them a lot!Can you see it?With missile deal with Poland,inviting ex-Russian territories to Nato and surrounding them with Nato.What would you do if you see your enemy surrounding you?Why would US support Germany?Why would they support Muslims and nazi Croats and bomb Serbs?Why would they hate so much orthodox Christians?Why would Bush go to Croatia and say that they believe in same g-d and US and Croatia are 'same' and that they have struggled through history foe their independence?Don't they all know the history?Don't they all know that Serbs where alias and Croat and Bosnian muslims where with Nazis?Struggle through history for their independence!Is that why they have had to kill 1.8 million Serbs and 90.000 Jews!Listen thank you for stepping up and saying to that guy to apologies to my for StørmFrønt comment!Thank you and i don't think that i deserve that for someone to tell me something like that.I am maybe wrong about this,but all that i can see trough history and now is telling me that they are wright and others are wrong.Please everyone else don't come to conclusion that i hate Israel because that is not simple truth!I love Israel and i would fight for it,but in this issue it's not about Israel.It's about playing with the fire and when fire burned you,you where wondering what happened.I will be honest with you and say that i hate NATO.Why?You all know why(Croatia,Bosnia,Kosovo).That is why i support Russia in this matter, regarded to Russia supporting Iran i think they are wrong and i just hope it would stop.
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: SerbChicago on August 10, 2008, 12:29:10 PM
If you ask me LONG LIVE RUSSIA!

I don't have a firm opinion because I don't feel that I have a comprehensive enough understanding of the situation to form one.

But I'll tell you this....When I see people that support Russia saying "I'd advise JTFers to watch BBC and EuroNews because they tend to be more or less objective"....and "LONG LIVE RUSSIA!"....I'm immediately inclined to support Georgia.

LONG LIVE RUSSIA ?? Are you freaking kidding me ?
The BBC is more or less objective ?? They're not objective in their coverage of Israel, so why should I think this situation is any different ?

Nope, haven't made up my mind yet, it could be that neither side is worthy of support. But there's no way that I'm going to be convinced that the BBC is a reliable, objective source of information. And I'm certainly not going to wish a nation that is supplying Iran with nuclear technology, radars, missiles, and other advanced armaments, which endanger Israel and the USA, a 'long life'.

Sorry but we all do have our opinion and againe this is not about Israel.
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: IslamIsCancer on August 10, 2008, 12:34:09 PM
Let's hope they end this madness and start negotiating instead.

 Please, I sure hope so, it is as if a HUGE bear is eating a little bunny rabbit, this is sad.

The bunny rabbit has stolen lots of territories from their neighboring countries thanks to their dictator Joseph Stalin.
But I'm not surprised that most JTFers support the fascist Stalinist Georgia in this conflict, after all Sahakashvili is Bush's puppet there. Watch BBC and EuroNews they are more objective about this than CNN and FOX.
South Ossetia was part of Georgia before Stalin.

Javakh was Armenian and still is populated by Armenians, whys should it be part of fascist Georgia?
They are closing down Armenian schools and churches and behaving like muslim beasts.
Stalin hated us and gave our territories to Georgians and Turks.

I know nothing about Javakh so no comment about that. From what I hear by Georgian Jews in Israel, Georgians are tolerant and peaceful deleted. Unfortunately many of them still regard Stalin as a Georgian Hero. That is disgusting but doesn't makes them fascists, for example, Gengis Khan is the national hero of Mongolia yet the modern Mongols are peaceful people.

Like I said South Ossetia had been part of Georgia since before the Ossetian came to the region. If The Ossetians want an independent country then they should have North Ossetia first.

Well you don't know about Javakhk then it's pointless to argue.
A country that steals other's territories and the closes their schools and churches cannot have my sympathy.
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: SerbChicago on August 10, 2008, 12:45:30 PM
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on August 10, 2008, 02:00:55 PM
SerbChicago and IslamIsCancer:

Both NATO and Russia are Nazi powers--can we agree on that much?

Russia happened to be right on the issue of Kosovo (even though it didn't do anything to help its Serb brothers). NATO happens to be on the right side on this issue (even though it isn't doing anything to help Georgia). This isn't because either power is right in any way, but simply due to circumstances.

SerbChicago, I am a little amazed at your praise of Russia. Most Russians are NOT "Orthodox Christians" (most are completely atheistic Communists who hate religion), but even if they were, most Russian Orthodoxy is extremely anti-Semitic. For hundreds of years, the Russian Patriarch himself ordered and sanctioned some of humankind's most hideous pogroms--some of which rivaled and exceeded atrocities committed by Muslim Nazis. Why do you think so many Russian Jews are blond-haired and blue-eyed? The answer is because hundreds of thousands of innocent Jewish girls were raped over the centuries by Russian Nazi cretins.

What nation has been the primary armorer of the big Arab armies of the world (Syria, Egypt, Iraq, etc.) for 50 years?
Where does Hezbollah get its heavy weaponry from?
What nation built Iran's reactor and is supplying it with missiles to defend it from U.S./Israeli airstrikes?
What nation took over the sovereign nations of Korea, Vietnam, Czechoslovakia, etc. without provocation?

Russia has been a chauvinistic Nazi nation long before Serbia was an issue. None of what is going on has anything to do with Serbia. We have to examine each conflict independently.


PS: I don't know much about Mr. Sakashvili (sp?), but last time I checked Vladimir Putin pretty much took first place hands-down in the greatest fascist Stalinist contest.
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: Dr. Dan on August 10, 2008, 02:02:24 PM
SerbChicago and IslamIsCancer:

Both NATO and Russia are Nazi powers--can we agree on that much?

Russia happened to be right on the issue of Kosovo (even though it didn't do anything to help its Serb brothers). NATO happens to be on the right side on this issue (even though it isn't doing anything to help Georgia). This isn't because either power is right in any way, but simply due to circumstances.

SerbChicago, I am a little amazed at your praise of Russia. Most Russians are NOT "Orthodox Christians" (most are completely atheistic Communists who hate religion), but even if they were, most Russian Orthodoxy is extremely anti-Semitic. For hundreds of years, the Russian Patriarch himself ordered and sanctioned some of humankind's most hideous pogroms--some of which rivaled and exceeded atrocities committed by Muslim Nazis. Why do you think so many Russian Jews are blond-haired and blue-eyed? The answer is because hundreds of thousands of innocent Jewish girls were raped over the centuries by Russian Nazi cretins.

What nation has been the primary armorer of the big Arab armies of the world (Syria, Egypt, Iraq, etc.) for 50 years?
Where does Hezbollah get its heavy weaponry from?
What nation built Iran's reactor and is supplying it with missiles to defend it from U.S./Israeli airstrikes?
What nation took over the sovereign nations of Korea, Vietnam, Czechoslovakia, etc. without provocation?

Russia has been a chauvinistic Nazi nation long before Serbia was an issue. None of what is going on has anything to do with Serbia. We have to examine each conflict independently.


PS: I don't know much about Mr. Sakashvili (sp?), but last time I checked Vladimir Putin pretty much took first place hands-down in the greatest fascist Stalinist contest.

NATO is NOT a Nazi power!!! You mean to tell me that Saudi Arabi and NATO are both the same Nazis?!
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: Zelhar on August 10, 2008, 02:03:28 PM
Let's hope they end this madness and start negotiating instead.

 Please, I sure hope so, it is as if a HUGE bear is eating a little bunny rabbit, this is sad.

The bunny rabbit has stolen lots of territories from their neighboring countries thanks to their dictator Joseph Stalin.
But I'm not surprised that most JTFers support the fascist Stalinist Georgia in this conflict, after all Sahakashvili is Bush's puppet there. Watch BBC and EuroNews they are more objective about this than CNN and FOX.
South Ossetia was part of Georgia before Stalin.

Javakh was Armenian and still is populated by Armenians, whys should it be part of fascist Georgia?
They are closing down Armenian schools and churches and behaving like muslim beasts.
Stalin hated us and gave our territories to Georgians and Turks.

I know nothing about Javakh so no comment about that. From what I hear by Georgian Jews in Israel, Georgians are tolerant and peaceful deleted. Unfortunately many of them still regard Stalin as a Georgian Hero. That is disgusting but doesn't makes them fascists, for example, Gengis Khan is the national hero of Mongolia yet the modern Mongols are peaceful people.

Like I said South Ossetia had been part of Georgia since before the Ossetian came to the region. If The Ossetians want an independent country then they should have North Ossetia first.

Well you don't know about Javakhk then it's pointless to argue.
A country that steals other's territories and the closes their schools and churches cannot have my sympathy.

Your argument applies to Russia even more. Lets limit this discussion to Ossetia. To the best of my knowledge s. ossetia had been part of Georgia before any Ossetian settled there. Then why do you say Georgia stole this land ?
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on August 10, 2008, 02:04:48 PM
Yes, Dr. Dan, that is exactly what I am saying. NATO commits genocide against innocent Serbs. You know that.

NATO does the bidding of Nazi nations like Saudi Arabia. NATO is a military organization controlled by pro-Muslim Western leaders. Did you hear Chaim's response to IslamisCancer's question on last week's Ask JTF?
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: Jericho Missile on August 10, 2008, 02:10:08 PM
More bad news for Georgia.  The Georgian's dont even have an airforce, and an army of only 18,000.  They weren't ready for this war with Russia, and they paid for it.
Georgia hired a thousand Israeli military personel to prepare for this war.  First of all Israel, Israel can't or won't  neutralize hezbolla.    I hope Israel didn't try to convince the Georgians they had a chance in this war, at this time.  Wow, what a military blunder, it's all wrecked now

Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: Dr. Dan on August 10, 2008, 02:11:21 PM
Yes, Dr. Dan, that is exactly what I am saying. NATO commits genocide against innocent Serbs. You know that.

NATO does the bidding of Nazi nations like Saudi Arabia. NATO is a military organization controlled by pro-Muslim Western leaders. Did you hear Chaim's response to IslamisCancer's question on last week's Ask JTF?

I'm afraid that I disagree with that notion. NATO is an anti-communist alliance involving the US, Canada and European nations...Secondly, whatever "bidding" that NATO did for Saudi Arabia against Serbia would be more like a Chamberland or appeasement act towards Nazis...that doesn't make them Nazis...Nazis go and mame and kill and destroy Jews...or directly call for it. Those who appease Nazi type people are appeasers...not Nazis...If that were to be so, then every person who isn't JTF is a Nazi...
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on August 10, 2008, 02:14:11 PM
Dr. Dan, average people who don't belong to JTF don't go around incinerating civilian cities. That's the kind of thing the Luftwaffe did.

That is the key here.

NATO engages in Nazi actions and does the bidding of Muslim Nazi governments and, even more so, Jew-hating Western leaders. It is extremely likely that someday it will attack Israel if it fails to "obey" the West's orders for it to commit suicide. So yes, it is a Nazi organization.
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on August 10, 2008, 02:19:48 PM
IslamisCancer, most Armenians are anti-Semitic. Granted, this is partially due to years of contact with Muslim Nazi cultures, but that doesn't excuse it.

I can't judge between Georgians and Armenians because I don't know enough about that conflict.
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: IslamIsCancer on August 10, 2008, 02:25:45 PM
IslamisCancer, most Armenians are anti-Semitic. Granted, this is partially due to years of contact with Muslim Nazi cultures, but that doesn't excuse it.

I can't judge between Georgians and Armenians because I don't know enough about that conflict.
I'm not antisemitic and I have always fought antisemitism.
But Israel gives a lot of reasons for Armenians to be antisemites though I disagree with the universal Jew hate.
Universal muslim hate is appropriate because all muslims are evil but that's not the case with the Jews.
I support the righteous Jews but the Israeli government is helping a nation that has committed a holocaust against my people, put yourselves in our shoes.
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: IslamIsCancer on August 10, 2008, 02:32:29 PM
IslamisCancer, most Armenians are anti-Semitic. Granted, this is partially due to years of contact with Muslim Nazi cultures, but that doesn't excuse it.

I can't judge between Georgians and Armenians because I don't know enough about that conflict.
PLUS it's important to not here that I don't support Russia because of Israel or the arabs, I support them because they are defending our border with the genocidal turks. If you destroy Russia, you will automatically destroy or damage Armenia.
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: IslamIsCancer on August 10, 2008, 02:37:13 PM
I think we should put all the threads about this conflict in Golden Pheasant's thread because there's going to be more developments and this general discussion section will be flooded with threads about S. Ossetia.
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on August 10, 2008, 02:43:00 PM
IslamisCancer, obviously I didn't mean every Armenian. I know that you are a pro-Israel Armenian. Still, most Armenians do hold anti-Semitic attitudes, or at least chauvinistic ones.

Yes, Israel is STUPIDLY helping the Turks and Azeris, but Armenian anti-Semitism existed long before Israel even existed. Therefore, this idiotic Israeli alliance is not the cause. Do you remember Chaim saying on Ask JTF that Greece joined the Arab Nazi states in declaring war on the new nation of Israel in 1948, and that Israel approached Greece seeking an alliance with it, but was rejected and then went to Turkey?

Regardless of whether Russians might help Armenians right now, Russia is a genocidal Nazi power and so are Turkey and NATO. Opposing one does not mean siding with the other.
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: syyuge on August 10, 2008, 02:45:06 PM
Proud and independent Armenians have also suffered one of the history's most diabolical genocide at the hands of Muzzieturks. Georgia too seems to have taken advantage of their plight.

hebcal.com: Jewish Calendar Tools
Sun, 10 August 2008   -   9th of Av, 5768   -   Tish'a B'Av

It means that if I am not wrong, the sacred YEAR 5768 has arrived.  O0 O0 O0 O0 O0 O0 O0 O0

Iran where were you? Where was Syria and who were Arabs? BTW what is a muzzie? :D ;D
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: ~Hanna~ on August 10, 2008, 02:45:55 PM
For a moment, I thought you were talking about Atlanta....


Oh my smiles work again here, WOO HOO!!!
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: IslamIsCancer on August 10, 2008, 02:48:21 PM
IslamisCancer, obviously I didn't mean every Armenian. I know that you are a pro-Israel Armenian. Still, most Armenians do hold anti-Semitic attitudes, or at least chauvinistic ones.

Yes, Israel is STUPIDLY helping the Turks and Azeris, but Armenian anti-Semitism existed long before Israel even existed. Therefore, this idiotic Israeli alliance is not the cause. Do you remember Chaim saying on Ask JTF that Greece joined the Arab Nazi states in declaring war on the new nation of Israel in 1948, and that Israel approached Greece seeking an alliance with it, but was rejected and then went to Turkey?

Regardless of whether Russians might help Armenians right now, Russia is a genocidal Nazi power and so are Turkey and NATO. Opposing one does not mean siding with the other.
Greeks and Armenians are different peoples. Israel would never approach Armenia since Armenia is weaker than Turkey.
Armenian ex-dictator Levon's wife was and still is Jewish, if we were what you're accusing us of being we would not allow that to happen.
P.S. Levon is trying to give Nagorno Karabakh to the turks so he's a disgusting rat.
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on August 10, 2008, 02:51:33 PM
I don't know anything about Armenian politics, so will take your word for it. There are obviously self-hating traitors in all nations.

I did not say Greeks and Armenians are identical, but they have similar national mindsets and tend to agree on international issues, including Israel. Obviously I feel very bad for the genocide victims, but today most Armenians are no friends of Jews whatsoever.

I am sorry that this has to be said, but it is fact. Of course I support Armenia over Turkey or Azerbaijan, but that does not mean it is innocent. In any event, how does this current conflict involve Armenia?
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: IslamIsCancer on August 10, 2008, 02:56:40 PM
I don't know anything about Armenian politics, so will take your word for it. There are obviously self-hating traitors in all nations.

I did not say Greeks and Armenians are identical, but they have similar national mindsets and tend to agree on international issues, including Israel. Obviously I feel very bad for the genocide victims, but today most Armenians are no friends of Jews whatsoever.

I am sorry that this has to be said, but it is fact. Of course I support Armenia over Turkey or Azerbaijan, but that does not mean it is innocent. In any event, how does this current conflict involve Armenia?
Georgian dictator Stalin stole some of our territories and Georgia has always tried to Georgianize those territories. This is how it affects us and they want to build railroads with azzies and turks to completely isolate Armenia, but the saddest part of the story is that the railroad will go through Armenian populated regions and my people will suffer.
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: Dr. Dan on August 10, 2008, 03:07:45 PM
Dr. Dan, average people who don't belong to JTF don't go around incinerating civilian cities. That's the kind of thing the Luftwaffe did.

That is the key here.

NATO engages in Nazi actions and does the bidding of Muslim Nazi governments and, even more so, Jew-hating Western leaders. It is extremely likely that someday it will attack Israel if it fails to "obey" the West's orders for it to commit suicide. So yes, it is a Nazi organization.

it's not....then everything is nazi that isn't JTF...i don't subscribe to that point of view..that type of point of view is a One world one opinion one theology mentality.
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: IslamIsCancer on August 10, 2008, 03:10:04 PM
Please admins move all the threads about this war over here to keep the section tidy.
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on August 10, 2008, 03:12:00 PM
Did you see what I wrote? I disagreed with your characterization of me that "everything that is not JTF is Nazi" based on the fact that average people who are not a part of our movement do not act like Nazis.

NATO deliberately targeted civilians and civilian infrastructure (neighborhoods, businesses, freeways, etc) in an effort to bring Serbia to its knees. That is Nazilike behavior by anyone's standards.

I don't see average non-JTFers murdering people at will.
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: syyuge on August 10, 2008, 03:44:37 PM
I don't know anything about Armenian politics, so will take your word for it. There are obviously self-hating traitors in all nations.

I did not say Greeks and Armenians are identical, but they have similar national mindsets and tend to agree on international issues, including Israel. Obviously I feel very bad for the genocide victims, but today most Armenians are no friends of Jews whatsoever.

I am sorry that this has to be said, but it is fact. Of course I support Armenia over Turkey or Azerbaijan, but that does not mean it is innocent. In any event, how does this current conflict involve Armenia?
Georgian dictator Stalin stole some of our territories and Georgia has always tried to Georgianize those territories. This is how it affects us and they want to build railroads with azzies and turks to completely isolate Armenia, but the saddest part of the story is that the railroad will go through Armenian populated regions and my people will suffer.

Don't worry dear... :D ;D
       BIG TIME is near... O0 O0 O0
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: Dr. Dan on August 10, 2008, 04:08:16 PM
Did you see what I wrote? I disagreed with your characterization of me that "everything that is not JTF is Nazi" based on the fact that average people who are not a part of our movement do not act like Nazis.

NATO deliberately targeted civilians and civilian infrastructure (neighborhoods, businesses, freeways, etc) in an effort to bring Serbia to its knees. That is Nazilike behavior by anyone's standards.

I don't see average non-JTFers murdering people at will.

Actually bill Clinton authorized that...i guess he's a nazi then?
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: syyuge on August 10, 2008, 04:26:52 PM

Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on August 10, 2008, 04:31:05 PM
What is the evidence that average Georgians support Stalin?

He murdered tens of thousands of Georgians too. He was not by any means pro-Georgia.
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: P J C on August 10, 2008, 04:38:01 PM
Bush said that there will be a U.N. resolution if necessary.
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: syyuge on August 10, 2008, 06:00:54 PM
What is the evidence that average Georgians support Stalin?

He murdered tens of thousands of Georgians too. He was not by any means pro-Georgia.

Albeit Stalin murdered tens of thousands of Georgians too, he was not by any means pro-Georgia. But he was considered a hero of WW2 and the topmost leader (Dictator) of USSR and an international leader. So in the eyes of hapless Georgians he was a national hero.

Mikhail Sakashvilli behaved as a Stalinist Fascist when he in a childish but most brazen manner directed his tanks, howitzers and rockets to fire fiercely at the city, thus killing 2000 civilians within no time.

When the Russians approached and retaliated, this coward turned back and ran away like Fascist Mussolini.

Any such behaviour may be O.K. for power hungry politicians, but the public at Tbilisi were honking their horns for hours when the Ossetian city was bombed.

I have no reason for any special sympathy with the Ossetians, but such foolish acts by Georgian President tantamount to religious infightings and lead to bolstering of the Muzzies there and everywhere else. USA must be remembering the old proverb that a Foolish friend is worse than a wise enemy.

Now at one stroke 2000 Georgian warriors have been removed from the War on Terror.   

Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: Gruzinit on August 10, 2008, 06:09:32 PM
Bush said that there will be a U.N. resolution if necessary.

Great.We know that will solve the problem.
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: syyuge on August 10, 2008, 06:16:15 PM
Bush said that there will be a U.N. resolution if necessary.

Great.We know that will solve the problem.

Whosoever follows UNO gets ditched. ;)
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on August 10, 2008, 06:49:43 PM
Mikhail Sakashvilli behaved as a Stalinist Fascist when he in a childish but most brazen manner directed his tanks, howitzers and rockets to fire fiercely at the city, thus killing 2000 civilians within no time.
According to Stalinist Russian propaganda sources.

I have no reason for any special sympathy with the Ossetians, but such foolish acts by Georgian President tantamount to religious infightings and lead to bolstering of the Muzzies there and everywhere else.
The Ossetians are not nice Christian people, but are pro-Russian Marxists. Don't forget that North Ossetia won independence from Georgia through a brutal terror war.

USA must be remembering the old proverb that a Foolish friend is worse than a wise enemy.
The enemy of your enemy may be your enemy as well. At the very least, all parties in this conflict are evil: certainly Russia, and also Turkey and NATO.

Now at one stroke 2000 Georgian warriors have been removed from the War on Terror.
We wouldn't need them or any other aid if Bush would stop caring more about "Muslim civilians" than American lives. He could have won this war in three weeks like his father did in Desert Storm in '91 if he wanted to.
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on August 10, 2008, 06:50:28 PM
Actually bill Clinton authorized that...i guess he's a nazi then?
Well, only Nazis commit genocide against nations for no reason at all.
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: Gruzinit on August 10, 2008, 07:10:26 PM
Let's hope they end this madness and start negotiating instead.

 Please, I sure hope so, it is as if a HUGE bear is eating a little bunny rabbit, this is sad.

The bunny rabbit has stolen lots of territories from their neighboring countries thanks to their dictator Joseph Stalin.
But I'm not surprised that most JTFers support the fascist Stalinist Georgia in this conflict, after all Sahakashvili is Bush's puppet there. Watch BBC and EuroNews they are more objective about this than CNN and FOX.
South Ossetia was part of Georgia before Stalin.

Javakh was Armenian and still is populated by Armenians, whys should it be part of fascist Georgia?
They are closing down Armenian schools and churches and behaving like muslim beasts.
Stalin hated us and gave our territories to Georgians and Turks.

I know nothing about Javakh so no comment about that. From what I hear by Georgian Jews in Israel, Georgians are tolerant and peaceful deleted. Unfortunately many of them still regard Stalin as a Georgian Hero. That is disgusting but doesn't makes them fascists, for example, Gengis Khan is the national hero of Mongolia yet the modern Mongols are peaceful people.

Like I said South Ossetia had been part of Georgia since before the Ossetian came to the region. If The Ossetians want an independent country then they should have North Ossetia first.

Well you don't know about Javakhk then it's pointless to argue.
A country that steals other's territories and the closes their schools and churches cannot have my sympathy.

So you think because of Stalin's actions Georgians should suffer. That's similar to arguements made by the White Army that because Marx and Trotsky were Jews, Bolshevism was a jewish invention which all Jews must be punished.

And lest we forget, Georgia declared independence in 1918 after a century under Tsarist control. In 1921, the Bolsheviks, alongside the Turks invaded Georgia. By 1924,after three years of bloody conflict, the Russians were victorious and created Transcaucasian Socialist Federative Soviet Republic, which combined the territories of Georgia with Armenia and Azerbaijan (which the USSR had captuered in 1920). Thsi was all done under Lenin leadership, as Stalin would not assume power until 1927.

And let's not forget the Soviets contempt for the concepts of nationalism and the nation-state, which they saw as distractions towards the issue of class warfare. Thus the Sovietization of all institutions and communities in the Republics was undertaken as a method to preserve their polyglot empire.

Putin needs South Ossetia to block western influence in the caucuses. He was furious because in 2004 Saakashvili defeated his hand-picked candidate, a man who took oders not from Tblisi, but from the Kremlin.

Russian troops have been stationed in S.O. and Abkhazia for months,training and providing weapons for a conflict they full anticipated and wanted. In the previous months, they shot down a Georgian spy plane while conducting their own and even dropping missles (which luckily did not go off). As for Russia's "peacekeepers", they're about as helpful as the U.N. peacekeepers in Lebanon.

This low-level conflict came to a climax when several Georgian policemen were killed by a roadside bomb planted by S.O. seperatists, knowing they would respond. Putin has been goading Georgia to make the first move, eized the oppurtunity he has been waitng years to order.
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: Dr. Dan on August 10, 2008, 07:12:45 PM
Actually bill Clinton authorized that...i guess he's a nazi then?
Well, only Nazis commit genocide against nations for no reason at all.

No Nazis are Germans and white nationalists who either commit or desire to comitt genocide against a specific group of people...reason or no reason.  NATO is not a nazi alliance.
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on August 10, 2008, 07:14:05 PM
Dr. Dan, I think Chaim would beg to differ on this. Anybody who wants to murder innocent ethnicities or religious groups, especially Jews, is a Nazi.

Are you saying that Al Sharpton is not a Nazi because he is not a White Nationalist?
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on August 10, 2008, 07:23:16 PM
Gruzinit is correct here. IslamisCancer, you are a valued member who is very often correct on things and contributes tremendously to this forum, but you are thinking here as an Armenian above all else. Armenians have certainly suffered from tremendous genocide and suffering through the years (yimach schmo to the Turks), but they are not innocent either. Most Armenians today, unfortunately, are anti-Semites. There were even Armenian PLO members at one time (such as Hagopian, who took part in the Black September attack at the Munich Olympics). The Armenians in Israel are constantly siding with the Arabs, accusing the IDF of invading their churches and the like. Just because Armenians are victims does not mean that they have clean hands.

I believe Georgia is much less anti-Semitic than Armenians are, and is closer to the Serbs in that regard.

Anyhow, enough of this distraction. Nazi Russia, the mother of all pogroms and the nation that more than once attempted a second Shoah--a colossus of a Babylon that is the ally of Muslim Nazi Iran, Muslim Nazi Syria, Muslim Nazi Hezbollah, and Nazi North Korea and Nazi China, and its Muslim ally Abkhazia--has long used its North and South Ossetian proxy terrorists to attack tiny Georgia in much the same way that evil Western powers have used the Albanian Muslim Nazis to attack tiny Serbia and the Tamil Muslim Nazis to attack tiny Sri Lanka. Aside from a shift in the major powers involved, there is no difference between the Georgians, Serbs, Israelis, and Sinhalese.

Nobody here is defending the Nazis of NATO. But the enemy of your enemy is not necessarily your friend. In the end, Russia will crush everybody under its iron fist in its mad desire to rebuild the old Soviet Union, now that it has tons of oil wealth and has Europe by the cojones because of energy.
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: Gruzinit on August 10, 2008, 08:18:05 PM
Russia is now sending its troops into Georgia proper? If this issue was solely about "protecting" South Ossetia, then they had already achieved their military objectives.

The main reason behind this war was to fufill their political objective, oust Saakashvili and reinstate some puppet government like they had in the early years after the disintegration of the Soviet Union, and prevent any Western influence into the Caucuses.
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: Dr. Dan on August 10, 2008, 08:19:13 PM
Dr. Dan, I think Chaim would beg to differ on this. Anybody who wants to murder innocent ethnicities or religious groups, especially Jews, is a Nazi.

Are you saying that Al Sharpton is not a Nazi because he is not a White Nationalist?

Al sharpton acts like a Nazi and talks like a nazi but is nothing more than a big fat black racist!
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on August 11, 2008, 12:47:40 AM
Anyone who wants to murder people solely because of their race, ethnicity, or religion is a Nazi. They do not have to have formal membership in a Nazi group.
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: muman613 on August 11, 2008, 02:13:25 AM
Anyone who wants to murder people solely because of their race, ethnicity, or religion is a Nazi. They do not have to have formal membership in a Nazi group.


Is this a formal definition, or your own personal definition. I have not heard this before. Maybe a very general definition of a Nazi fits your definition, but there are others who also fit that definition. I try to use the term to only describe those qualities in a person who is German or who adores the cult of Adolph Zitler {may his name be squashed} . Calling people Nazi is not very good because it minimizes the atrocities the nazi regime caused in this world. There are still people who espouse the hateful, racist, antisemitic ideals of Nazis today. These are our enemies.

Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: t_h_j on August 11, 2008, 02:19:00 AM
Russia is now sending its troops into Georgia proper? If this issue was solely about "protecting" South Ossetia, then they had already achieved their military objectives.

The main reason behind this war was to fufill their political objective, oust Saakashvili and reinstate some puppet government like they had in the early years after the disintegration of the Soviet Union, and prevent any Western influence into the Caucuses.

they haven't, at least not yet.
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: t_h_j on August 11, 2008, 02:19:32 AM
Let's hope they end this madness and start negotiating instead.

 Please, I sure hope so, it is as if a HUGE bear is eating a little bunny rabbit, this is sad.

The bunny rabbit has stolen lots of territories from their neighboring countries thanks to their dictator Joseph Stalin.
But I'm not surprised that most JTFers support the fascist Stalinist Georgia in this conflict, after all Sahakashvili is Bush's puppet there. Watch BBC and EuroNews they are more objective about this than CNN and FOX.
South Ossetia was part of Georgia before Stalin.

Javakh was Armenian and still is populated by Armenians, whys should it be part of fascist Georgia?
They are closing down Armenian schools and churches and behaving like muslim beasts.
Stalin hated us and gave our territories to Georgians and Turks.

I know nothing about Javakh so no comment about that. From what I hear by Georgian Jews in Israel, Georgians are tolerant and peaceful deleted. Unfortunately many of them still regard Stalin as a Georgian Hero. That is disgusting but doesn't makes them fascists, for example, Gengis Khan is the national hero of Mongolia yet the modern Mongols are peaceful people.

Like I said South Ossetia had been part of Georgia since before the Ossetian came to the region. If The Ossetians want an independent country then they should have North Ossetia first.

Well you don't know about Javakhk then it's pointless to argue.
A country that steals other's territories and the closes their schools and churches cannot have my sympathy.

So you think because of Stalin's actions Georgians should suffer. That's similar to arguements made by the White Army that because Marx and Trotsky were Jews, Bolshevism was a jewish invention which all Jews must be punished.

And lest we forget, Georgia declared independence in 1918 after a century under Tsarist control. In 1921, the Bolsheviks, alongside the Turks invaded Georgia. By 1924,after three years of bloody conflict, the Russians were victorious and created Transcaucasian Socialist Federative Soviet Republic, which combined the territories of Georgia with Armenia and Azerbaijan (which the USSR had captuered in 1920). Thsi was all done under Lenin leadership, as Stalin would not assume power until 1927.

And let's not forget the Soviets contempt for the concepts of nationalism and the nation-state, which they saw as distractions towards the issue of class warfare. Thus the Sovietization of all institutions and communities in the Republics was undertaken as a method to preserve their polyglot empire.

Putin needs South Ossetia to block western influence in the caucuses. He was furious because in 2004 Saakashvili defeated his hand-picked candidate, a man who took oders not from Tblisi, but from the Kremlin.

Russian troops have been stationed in S.O. and Abkhazia for months,training and providing weapons for a conflict they full anticipated and wanted. In the previous months, they shot down a Georgian spy plane while conducting their own and even dropping missles (which luckily did not go off). As for Russia's "peacekeepers", they're about as helpful as the U.N. peacekeepers in Lebanon.

This low-level conflict came to a climax when several Georgian policemen were killed by a roadside bomb planted by S.O. seperatists, knowing they would respond. Putin has been goading Georgia to make the first move, eized the oppurtunity he has been waitng years to order.

seems the georgian propaganda machine has had some success after all...
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: Kahane-Was-Right BT on August 11, 2008, 02:29:39 AM
Jewish, iraq-war veteran, proponent of Medinat Yehudah warns Jewish patriots of the folly of abkhazia

Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: Scriabin on August 11, 2008, 02:49:01 AM
I try to use the term to only describe those qualities in a person who is German.


Pheasant is German.

So was the Greatest Man who ever lived, Ludwig van Beethoven.
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: muman613 on August 11, 2008, 02:51:48 AM
I try to use the term to only describe those qualities in a person who is German.


Pheasant is German.

So was the Greatest Man who ever lived, Ludwig van Beethoven.


I did not say ALL GERMANs are Nazis. But when a German espouses those hateful rhetorics, then I will call them Nazis, along with the neo-Nazis who adore the Zitler.

I hope you realize that and were not trying to imply that I was saying it about all Germans. As a matter of fact my step-Dad is of German ancestry.

Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: Gruzinit on August 11, 2008, 03:04:48 AM

seems the georgian propaganda machine has had some success after all...

I don't promote propaganda. I'm merely state the facts. And in case you haven't watched the new, the Russians are currently bombing Tblisi, Georgia's capital, and have refused to recognize Georgia's reuest for a cease-fire.

Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: t_h_j on August 11, 2008, 04:03:11 AM

seems the georgian propaganda machine has had some success after all...

I don't promote propaganda. I'm merely state the facts. And in case you haven't watched the new, the Russians are currently bombing Tblisi, Georgia's capital, and have refused to recognize Georgia's reuest for a cease-fire.


yes, they are.  I'm surprised you think georgia just spontaneously attacked S. ossetia.  Their attack took weeks to prepare.  Sakashvilli has been building up the Georgian military for years.
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: Gruzinit on August 11, 2008, 05:02:12 AM

seems the georgian propaganda machine has had some success after all...

I don't promote propaganda. I'm merely state the facts. And in case you haven't watched the new, the Russians are currently bombing Tblisi, Georgia's capital, and have refused to recognize Georgia's reuest for a cease-fire.


yes, they are.  I'm surprised you think georgia just spontaneously attacked S. ossetia.  Their attack took weeks to prepare.  Sakashvilli has been building up the Georgian military for years.

Neither was Russia, there armies (or so-called peacekeepers) have been in S.O. and Abkhazia for months .

Saakashvili's openly campaigned on a platform to get back both territories, but if he expects NATO or the E.U. for assistance he is sorely mistaken. There so-called support will consist mainly of empty suiting talking, but doing nothing.

Georgia's action are similar to those of Serbia in the 1990's – it is attempting to regain control over historical territory into which a neighboring ethnic group had migrated en masse.

The tragic irony and hypocrisy is that the United States and NATO betrayed and bombed Serbia, because we had a President who created a "wag the dog" war to save his image and get his sexual scandals out of the headlines. Clinton collaborated with Iran to secretly supplied Bosnia's mujahidin, including al-Qa'ida, by funneling millions of dollars of weapons and supplies. If you don't believe me, I suggest you read this book:


Russia, the so-called defender of Pan-Slavism now openly helps Iran, the same country that helped train the Bosnian mujahidin, in which Arab Muslims joined Bosnian Muslims in the Balkans with the sole purpose of slaugthering Serbs and creating a Muslim nation in the heart of Europe. Russia is solely concerned with it's own interests, pure and simple.
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: AussieJTFer on August 11, 2008, 06:17:51 AM
The Russians are the biggest hypocrites on the planet. They are the first to condemn Israel for defending herself yet they bombard an entire country to its knees. They can sell weapons to Iran and the arabs and build up Iran's nuclear program yet they command Israel to stop its arms sales to Georgia.
The Russians have killed more Georgian civilians in a day than Israel has for the entire intifada (not that muslims can be considered innocent civilians) and the mainstream media throughout the world stays silent. If it were Israel doing this, Israel and the Jews would be vilified beyond belief.
There has never been any real anti-semitism in Georgia as oppossed to Russia which is historically the most anti-semitic country on the planet so it isn't difficult to feel sorrow for the Georgians and absolutle revulsion for the Russians.
Israel should double its arms sales to Georgia and provide as much military support as possible.
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: Gruzinit on August 11, 2008, 06:41:28 AM
The Russians are the biggest hypocrites on the planet. They are the first to condemn Israel for defending herself yet they bombard an entire country to its knees. They can sell weapons to Iran and the arabs and build up Iran's nuclear program yet they command Israel to stop its arms sales to Georgia.
The Russians have killed more Georgian civilians in a day than Israel has for the entire intifada (not that muslims can be considered innocent civilians) and the mainstream media throughout the world stays silent. If it were Israel doing this, Israel and the Jews would be vilified beyond belief.
There has never been any real anti-semitism in Georgia as oppossed to Russia which is historically the most anti-semitic country on the planet so it isn't difficult to feel sorrow for the Georgians and absolutle revulsion for the Russians.
Israel should double its arms sales to Georgia and provide as much military support as possible.

The Russians have killed more people in three days than Israel did during the 34-day joke of a war in Lebanon. Unlike Hizbullah, Georgian soldiers are fully uniformed and identifiable and are not hiding amongst the civilian poulation.

If Georgia was a Muslim country, there would be a unanimous international outcry to end this war. Of course the only military the elites hate is the U.S. military.
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: AussieJTFer on August 11, 2008, 06:57:58 AM
The Russians are the biggest hypocrites on the planet. They are the first to condemn Israel for defending herself yet they bombard an entire country to its knees. They can sell weapons to Iran and the arabs and build up Iran's nuclear program yet they command Israel to stop its arms sales to Georgia.
The Russians have killed more Georgian civilians in a day than Israel has for the entire intifada (not that muslims can be considered innocent civilians) and the mainstream media throughout the world stays silent. If it were Israel doing this, Israel and the Jews would be vilified beyond belief.
There has never been any real anti-semitism in Georgia as oppossed to Russia which is historically the most anti-semitic country on the planet so it isn't difficult to feel sorrow for the Georgians and absolutle revulsion for the Russians.
Israel should double its arms sales to Georgia and provide as much military support as possible.

The Russians have killed more people in three days than Israel did during the 34-day joke of a war in Lebanon. Unlike Hizbullah, Georgian soldiers are fully uniformed and identifiable and are not hiding amongst the civilian poulation.

If Georgia was a Muslim country, there would be a unanimous international outcry to end this war. Of course the only military the elites hate is the U.S. military.

The only wars the leftists hate are the ones involving the US or Israel in defensive wars against the muslim barbarians as you said. Russia, the most disgusting non-muslim country on the planet can bombard a nation's civilian population only for the oil pipelines and colonialism (the exact same charges laid at the US and Israel) and these same leftist monkeys are nowhere to be seen or heard of.
I know of Jews whose family came from Georgia and they have always said that the Georgians were respectful and friendly to them. I hope the Russian anti-Semites pay for their crimes.
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: Dr. Dan on August 11, 2008, 06:59:00 AM
Anyone who wants to murder people solely because of their race, ethnicity, or religion is a Nazi. They do not have to have formal membership in a Nazi group.

Therefore, based on that definition, the fact that we hope for the death of all Muslims makes us Nazis...Gee, thanks a lot, CF!!!

Again, I stand by that you are very wrong...
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: Shamgar on August 11, 2008, 07:52:07 AM
Talk radion shows this morning are saying that one of Bush's options that is being considered is to put US soldiers in Georgia guarding the pipeline.

This could escalate very quickly.

All this problem would go away if the US would just start a concerted effort (like our country's survival depended on it) to drill our own oil and build our own refineries. I hate the liberals.
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: Zelhar on August 11, 2008, 12:29:46 PM
IslamisCancer, obviously I didn't mean every Armenian. I know that you are a pro-Israel Armenian. Still, most Armenians do hold anti-Semitic attitudes, or at least chauvinistic ones.

Yes, Israel is STUPIDLY helping the Turks and Azeris, but Armenian anti-Semitism existed long before Israel even existed. Therefore, this idiotic Israeli alliance is not the cause. Do you remember Chaim saying on Ask JTF that Greece joined the Arab Nazi states in declaring war on the new nation of Israel in 1948, and that Israel approached Greece seeking an alliance with it, but was rejected and then went to Turkey?

Regardless of whether Russians might help Armenians right now, Russia is a genocidal Nazi power and so are Turkey and NATO. Opposing one does not mean siding with the other.
Greeks and Armenians are different peoples. Israel would never approach Armenia since Armenia is weaker than Turkey.
Armenian ex-dictator Levon's wife was and still is Jewish, if we were what you're accusing us of being we would not allow that to happen.
P.S. Levon is trying to give Nagorno Karabakh to the turks so he's a disgusting rat.

Israel has diplomatic and trade relations with Armenia. I suppose that arms export to Armenia are out of the question because Israel is so desperate to be friendly with Azergayjan and Turkey.
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: Zelhar on August 11, 2008, 12:33:20 PM
There are plenty of Muslim to fight in the Caucasus. Why can't the Russian trouble the Muslims over there and leave Christian Georgia alone ?
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: IslamIsCancer on August 11, 2008, 01:56:52 PM
There are plenty of Muslim to fight in the Caucasus. Why can't the Russian trouble the Muslims over there and leave Christian Georgia alone ?

Stalinist Georgia started this they have to face the consequences. F. NATO.
No NATO in my backyard!!!!!!
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on August 11, 2008, 02:11:45 PM
Stalinist Georgia started this they have to face the consequences. F. NATO.
No NATO in my backyard!!!!!!
IslamisCancer, this is crazy talk. Georgia is not a Stalinist nation, and Stalin represented Georgia no more than Karl Marx represented Judaism.

What is your basis for this constant slander against Georgia? Is Mr. Sakashvili sending tens of thousands of people to concentration camps simply because he suspects that someone might not like him? Is he starving half of the population and seizing their farms, homes, businesses in the name of communalization? Is he sending the Georgian Army in to massacre villages where he suspects there is dissent? Mr. Sakashvili is a pro-democracy Western leader who is only being attacked because he isn't a Stalinist Putin puppet.

Prove these outlandish claims you are making about Georgia. And explain to me why Mr. Putin is not a Stalinist.

I don't believe oil is a factor, or that there is a conspiracy by the U.S. to take Russia's oil, but pretending that this is the case, what is wrong with that? I think that American citizens deserve oil more than a Nazi nation that uses its wealth to build bigger and better nukes each year and aim them on our cities and that arms every Muslim Nazi nation on the planet and is helping them to get nuclear weapons of their own.

Edit: You never answered the fact that most Armenians are anti-Semites, more than Georgians are. Like I said before, I understand that not all are, and that Armenia has suffered horribly at the hands of Muslim Nazis, but this is still something that Armenians need to take accountability for. Some Armenians today actually choose to believe that the Ottoman Muslim Nazis who murdered them were Jews. Did you know anything about the alliance that many Armenians had with the PLO at one time?

Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: Shamgar on August 11, 2008, 02:12:58 PM
The oil pipeline that runs across Georgia and supplies oil to the West is what the Russians have thier eye on.
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: IslamIsCancer on August 11, 2008, 02:22:07 PM
The oil pipeline that runs across Georgia and supplies oil to the West is what the Russians have thier eye on.

Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: syyuge on August 11, 2008, 02:37:00 PM
Russia has broken the backbones of Chechen muzzies.  O0

Now it is the turn of NATO to return Kosovo to Serbia and get the gold medal.  O0 O0
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: IslamIsCancer on August 11, 2008, 03:24:58 PM
Stalinist Georgia started this they have to face the consequences. F. NATO.
No NATO in my backyard!!!!!!
IslamisCancer, this is crazy talk. Georgia is not a Stalinist nation, and Stalin represented Georgia no more than Karl Marx represented Judaism.

What is your basis for this constant slander against Georgia? Is Mr. Sakashvili sending tens of thousands of people to concentration camps simply because he suspects that someone might not like him? Is he starving half of the population and seizing their farms, homes, businesses in the name of communalization? Is he sending the Georgian Army in to massacre villages where he suspects there is dissent? Mr. Sakashvili is a pro-democracy Western leader who is only being attacked because he isn't a Stalinist Putin puppet.

Prove these outlandish claims you are making about Georgia. And explain to me why Mr. Putin is not a Stalinist.

I don't believe oil is a factor, or that there is a conspiracy by the U.S. to take Russia's oil, but pretending that this is the case, what is wrong with that? I think that American citizens deserve oil more than a Nazi nation that uses its wealth to build bigger and better nukes each year and aim them on our cities and that arms every Muslim Nazi nation on the planet and is helping them to get nuclear weapons of their own.

Edit: You never answered the fact that most Armenians are anti-Semites, more than Georgians are. Like I said before, I understand that not all are, and that Armenia has suffered horribly at the hands of Muslim Nazis, but this is still something that Armenians need to take accountability for. Some Armenians today actually choose to believe that the Ottoman Muslim Nazis who murdered them were Jews. Did you know anything about the alliance that many Armenians had with the PLO at one time?

Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: syyuge on August 11, 2008, 03:39:42 PM
The oil pipeline that runs across Georgia and supplies oil to the West is what the Russians have thier eye on.


Oh, I thought it was >>> DOOM!!! THERE GOES THE TURK PIPELINE!!... :)
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: briann on August 11, 2008, 03:44:18 PM
Russia has broken the backbones of Chechen muzzies.  O0

Now it is the turn of NATO to return Kosovo to Serbia and get the gold medal.  O0 O0

For every Muzzie that Russia has fought... theyve fought 10x as many christians.

MOST IMPORTANTLY, they side with everyone who hates the west... especially Iran.

The war is NO LONGER is South Ossetia.  it is now all over.... literally cutting Georgia in half.  Russia said they would ONLY be dealing with S. O. but now they are in Abkhazia (Which they justify by saying that it ALSO had a separatist movement), AND they are in many cities now that have NOTHING do with the provinces in question.

And... Russia is lying about Everything.  Before Monday, saying they would only focus on S.O. and that they only wanted Georgia to remove its troops from there,  and now they have spread the war all over Georgia...  as if S.O. was nothing more than a red herring.

Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: Dr. Dan on August 11, 2008, 03:49:14 PM
First off, the Cold War never ended.

Russia is trying to put a foothold into the Islamic nations and some Eastern Block nations to prevent America and NATO from spreading eastward.  This includes NATO bombing Serbia which was allied with Russia.  It had nothing to do with religion or Christianity or even Islam.

(also, i'm basing this on speculation).
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: IslamIsCancer on August 11, 2008, 04:10:00 PM
I just found out that Sahakashvili is half Armenian on his father's side, may he die of AIDS.
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: briann on August 11, 2008, 04:35:16 PM

Russia troops have entered black sea port of Poti.
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: judeanoncapta on August 11, 2008, 04:41:11 PM

Russia troops have entered black sea port of Poti.

I can't wait until the Russian navy crosses the Bosphorous.
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: syyuge on August 11, 2008, 04:51:15 PM

Russia troops have entered black sea port of Poti.

I can't wait until the Russian navy crosses the Bosphorous.

Ukraine perhaps says it may stop the movement of Russian Navy in Black Sea. Let us see.  8;)
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: P J C on August 11, 2008, 05:30:54 PM

Russia troops have entered black sea port of Poti.

I can't wait until the Russian navy crosses the Bosphorous.

Ukraine perhaps says it may stop the movement of Russian Navy in Black Sea. Let us see.  8;)
Ukraine will do nothing, If they did then they would most likely be mowed through. But if they do, I hope they succeed.
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: Taylor on August 11, 2008, 05:36:04 PM
It seems as if Pravda is blaming the Jews http://avideditor.wordpress.com/2008/08/11/russia-blames-georgia-war-on-the-jews/
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: syyuge on August 11, 2008, 05:40:33 PM
The war should not move beyond Georgia, otherwise it may start turning in to WW3 and Muzzies may be the immediate beneficiaries of it in the short run.
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on August 11, 2008, 05:41:48 PM
I just found out that Sahakashvili is half Armenian on his father's side, may he die of AIDS.
This is just obscene.
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on August 11, 2008, 05:42:26 PM
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: P J C on August 11, 2008, 05:44:38 PM
The war should not move beyond Georgia, otherwise it may start turning in to WW3 and Muzzies may be the immediate beneficiaries of it in the short run.
The Muzzies will have a feild day if WW3 broke loose, that is their DREAM!
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: Ulli on August 11, 2008, 05:50:30 PM
I just found out that Sahakashvili is half Armenian on his father's side, may he die of AIDS.
This is just obscene.

I think Sahakashvili's descendent is not important in this whole issue. So far I agree.

Althrough he brought great suffering to his people and the Ossetians.

Imo Sahakashvili's tv-statements are the real obscenety.

Let us hope, that this insane war is finished as soon as possible. The best would be if all is like before the war.

Let us hope, that Russia don't will take over Georgia and that the Georgians will not suffer, because of their insane leader.  :'(

Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on August 11, 2008, 06:01:14 PM
Althrough he brought great suffering to his people and the Ossetians.

Imo Sahakashvili's tv-statements are the real obscenety.
What are you talking about?

The Ossetians are a nation of Marxist terrorists. For over a decade they have been committing atrocities against the Georgians. They deserve everything they have gotten, and a lot more.
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: briann on August 11, 2008, 06:10:51 PM
The timing of all this seems more than coincidental.  Russia has desperately been building up its war machine above cold war levels, and they saw 2 things happening.

1) The majority of US troops will be most likely leaving Iraq in the next 18 to 24 months.
2) The price of Oil looks like it had peaked (Russia gets most of its wealth to build its war-machine from oil)

This is the window for them... now!!!
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: Ulli on August 11, 2008, 06:16:55 PM
Althrough he brought great suffering to his people and the Ossetians.

Imo Sahakashvili's tv-statements are the real obscenety.
What are you talking about?

The Ossetians are a nation of Marxist terrorists. For over a decade they have been committing atrocities against the Georgians. They deserve everything they have gotten, and a lot more.

I doubt this.

His TV statements are twisted and they are telling a lot about his believes and ideology. He does everything to rope the USA and the EU in this conflict.

The dead of thousands of people (Georgians and Ossetians) he is responsible for will not come to life again.

And Sahakashvili is nuts. If he would have been developed his country in a righteous way, he would have reached his goals in a long term.

He is a cynical political leader of the worst kind.

P.S.: I am no fan of Russia of today.
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: IslamIsCancer on August 11, 2008, 06:22:25 PM
I just found out that Sahakashvili is half Armenian on his father's side, may he die of AIDS.
This is just obscene.

I think Sahakashvili's descendent is not important in this whole issue. So far I agree.

Althrough he brought great suffering to his people and the Ossetians.

Imo Sahakashvili's tv-statements are the real obscenety.

Let us hope, that this insane war is finished as soon as possible. The best would be if all is like before the war.

Let us hope, that Russia don't will take over Georgia and that the Georgians will not suffer, because of their insane leader.  :'(

Georgia will be divided into many many small countries FREE JAVAKH AND OSSETIA
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on August 11, 2008, 06:34:00 PM
Why do you hate America so much?

Don't tell me it is all because of the Serbs, because I don't buy that.

Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: syyuge on August 11, 2008, 06:35:52 PM
Even ww3 will end on a good day but a puzzle will always remain unsolved, as to who suggested Sakashvilli to go for action on such a murky occasion?  :-\

Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: briann on August 11, 2008, 06:53:27 PM
Althrough he brought great suffering to his people and the Ossetians.

Imo Sahakashvili's tv-statements are the real obscenety.
What are you talking about?

The Ossetians are a nation of Marxist terrorists. For over a decade they have been committing atrocities against the Georgians. They deserve everything they have gotten, and a lot more.

I doubt this.

His TV statements are twisted and they are telling a lot about his believes and ideology. He does everything to rope the USA and the EU in this conflict.

The dead of thousands of people (Georgians and Ossetians) he is responsible for will not come to life again.

And Sahakashvili is nuts. If he would have been developed his country in a righteous way, he would have reached his goals in a long term.

He is a cynical political leader of the worst kind.

P.S.: I am no fan of Russia of today.

THere is simply no comparison between Saakashvili and Putin. Although Misha may be un-righteous and clumsy, he's still pro-democracy and pro-west, and Putin is a despot who has built up a war-machine and propogating, in the same was that Iran is, that the US is the true evil empire. 

Focusing on Georgia as the bad guys, is like focusing/blaming Poland's leadership in October of 1939. 

Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: IslamIsCancer on August 11, 2008, 07:03:22 PM
Why do you hate America so much?

Don't tell me it is all because of the Serbs, because I don't buy that.

I don't hate America I hate the turks and America is in bed with them.
Georgia occupies Javakh and that territory will be independent sooner or later.
That turk pipeline has to go BOMB BOMB BOMB THE PIPELINE!!!
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: Shamgar on August 11, 2008, 07:47:23 PM
"And ye shall hear of wars & rumors of wars...For nation shall rise against nation, & kingdom against kingdom:"
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: Ulli on August 11, 2008, 07:52:01 PM
Althrough he brought great suffering to his people and the Ossetians.

Imo Sahakashvili's tv-statements are the real obscenety.
What are you talking about?

The Ossetians are a nation of Marxist terrorists. For over a decade they have been committing atrocities against the Georgians. They deserve everything they have gotten, and a lot more.

I doubt this.

His TV statements are twisted and they are telling a lot about his believes and ideology. He does everything to rope the USA and the EU in this conflict.

The dead of thousands of people (Georgians and Ossetians) he is responsible for will not come to life again.

And Sahakashvili is nuts. If he would have been developed his country in a righteous way, he would have reached his goals in a long term.

He is a cynical political leader of the worst kind.

P.S.: I am no fan of Russia of today.

THere is simply no comparison between Saakashvili and Putin. Although Misha may be un-righteous and clumsy, he's still pro-democracy and pro-west, and Putin is a despot who has built up a war-machine and propogating, in the same was that Iran is, that the US is the true evil empire. 

Focusing on Georgia as the bad guys, is like focusing/blaming Poland's leadership in October of 1939. 

I disagree. Saakashvili is the prototype of a real western politician. He has learned a lot during his studies in the USA and Europe. Obviously from the wrong people.  :(

Why are you defending this evil person?

It will take years for the USA to put things straight in Georgia.

By supporting him, you don't help the USA or Israel.
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: SerbChicago on August 11, 2008, 07:56:17 PM
Ok people stop arguing there is no point.Islamiscancer is not alone in this one.All Serbs support Russia just like you all support what US is doing.We all have our differences but we all have same believes too.Like some of you think that NATO is not nazi organization but i do think.Why?Germans have always support Croats,Bosnian muslims and Albanians just like NATO is now!And for Bush to go to Croatia and say:"We and you are same.We have struggled through history to be independent just like you."What a moron!Doesn't he know that there are with the nazis in ww2 and killed 1.8 million Serbs,90.000 Jews!So not everyone loves America(i personally hated it too but i change my mind when i got over here and heard American people who are on our side like my biggest fan Michael Savage and so on)just like there is people that hate Russia.Lets just get with our lives on and focus on bigger things like Obama and Democrats and Israel,Serbia,Armenia... issues,ok!
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on August 11, 2008, 08:04:47 PM
Why are you defending this evil person?
So being on America's side and standing up to a monstrous empire makes him evil?

SerbChicago, I obviously hate what the West has done to Serbia just as much as you do, but how is this Georgia's fault? Do you think all Americans are evil because of what America's treasonous leaders have done?

Average American citizens do not care about Serbia one way or another. The Nazi Clinton's attacks were not their fault.
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: SerbChicago on August 11, 2008, 08:14:17 PM
Why are you defending this evil person?
So being on America's side and standing up to a monstrous empire makes him evil?

SerbChicago, I obviously hate what the West has done to Serbia just as much as you do, but how is this Georgia's fault? Do you think all Americans are evil because of what America's treasonous leaders have done?

Average American citizens do not care about Serbia one way or another. The Nazi Clinton's attacks were not their fault.
That is persisly my point!I have realized that not all Americans hate Serbs and support what Clinton and Bush did to my country but as much as i support Russia that is exactly how much you support America.We will always bias when it comes to America or Russia.In your opinion US is right but in my it's Russia so can we just get of this subject because i really don't want you all to think that i what ever...Thought your eyes you are right but thought my it's me.Let's just respect each others differences,that is my point.
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on August 11, 2008, 08:17:54 PM
So you think nothing of the fact that Russia built North Korea's nuclear facilities, is building Iran's, is supplying Iran with the most modern ICBMs on the planet, and has provided Hezbollah with all of its tank and antiaircraft missiles?

You still didn't tell me what Russia did to save Serbia in 1999.
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on August 11, 2008, 08:25:33 PM
The tragic irony and hypocrisy is that the United States and NATO betrayed and bombed Serbia, because we had a President who created a "wag the dog" war to save his image and get his sexual scandals out of the headlines. Clinton collaborated with Iran to secretly supplied Bosnia's mujahidin, including al-Qa'ida, by funneling millions of dollars of weapons and supplies. If you don't believe me, I suggest you read this book:


Russia, the so-called defender of Pan-Slavism now openly helps Iran, the same country that helped train the Bosnian mujahidin, in which Arab Muslims joined Bosnian Muslims in the Balkans with the sole purpose of slaugthering Serbs and creating a Muslim nation in the heart of Europe. Russia is solely concerned with it's own interests, pure and simple.
And I would like to see what our Serb friends here have to say to this.

I can understand Serbs being outraged at American politicians, who committed a holocaust against their nation. But that is not the American public. During Clinton's blitzkrieg in 1999, most Americans didn't even know or care what Kosovo was. No Americans died (because Clinton carpet-bombed Serbia into submission, something no president would ever do to a Muslim nation), so Serbia stayed off our radar. We had nothing to do with what our evil president committed our military to in that war.

And I still haven't heard from the Serbs what Russia did to protect you when you were being butchered by NATO and the U.S. Air Force. Yeltsin and Primakov barked and whined, but, like Bush with Georgia, did absolutely nothing. For that matter, what did Putin do when Kosovo declared independence this year with full Western backing? Is that really the kind of ally that you want to have?

I wish that all the Serbs here would wake up and see that despite the similar language/ethnicity/religion, Russia is not their friend.
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: SerbChicago on August 11, 2008, 08:31:34 PM
So you think nothing of the fact that Russia built North Korea's nuclear facilities, is building Iran's, is supplying Iran with the most modern ICBMs on the planet, and has provided Hezbollah with all of its tank and antiaircraft missiles?

You still didn't tell me what Russia did to save Serbia in 1999.
No i don't support what they do with Korea and Iran but i do support them on this issue.Why?When Kosovo wanted to separated Russians did say that will create presedan for all separatistic movement and they also sad that Ossetia if wanted to separated they will supported if other support Kosovo.What  exactly you wanted Russians to do when it came to Kosovo?To start ww3!They will have to crush half of Europe to help us!That is not what the answer.And they have oppose all rulings against Kosovo that is what they did for us.I think that is good inuf from them.Just like you don't support every thing that US is doing i don't support every thing that Russia is doing too.
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: SerbChicago on August 11, 2008, 08:38:01 PM
The tragic irony and hypocrisy is that the United States and NATO betrayed and bombed Serbia, because we had a President who created a "wag the dog" war to save his image and get his sexual scandals out of the headlines. Clinton collaborated with Iran to secretly supplied Bosnia's mujahidin, including al-Qa'ida, by funneling millions of dollars of weapons and supplies. If you don't believe me, I suggest you read this book:


Russia, the so-called defender of Pan-Slavism now openly helps Iran, the same country that helped train the Bosnian mujahidin, in which Arab Muslims joined Bosnian Muslims in the Balkans with the sole purpose of slaugthering Serbs and creating a Muslim nation in the heart of Europe. Russia is solely concerned with it's own interests, pure and simple.
And I would like to see what our Serb friends here have to say to this.

I can understand Serbs being outraged at American politicians, who committed a holocaust against their nation. But that is not the American public. During Clinton's blitzkrieg in 1999, most Americans didn't even know or care what Kosovo was. No Americans died (because Clinton carpet-bombed Serbia into submission, something no president would ever do to a Muslim nation), so Serbia stayed off our radar. We had nothing to do with what our evil president committed our military to in that war.

And I still haven't heard from the Serbs what Russia did to protect you when you were being butchered by NATO and the U.S. Air Force. Yeltsin and Primakov barked and whined, but, like Bush with Georgia, did absolutely nothing. For that matter, what did Putin do when Kosovo declared independence this year with full Western backing? Is that really the kind of ally that you want to have?

I wish that all the Serbs here would wake up and see that despite the similar language/ethnicity/religion, Russia is not their friend.
It's easy to say it's the president not the people who bombed us!I can say it's president of Russia who is bombing Georgia not the Russian people!But who elected that president?Didn't senate approved the bombing?Doesn't they all represent majority of people?I am sorry my friend is like me saying to you America is not your friend.As i sad we all have our differences so lets just respect each other.
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on August 11, 2008, 08:38:26 PM
When Kosovo wanted to separated Russians did say that will create presedan for all separatistic movement and they also sad that Ossetia if wanted to separated they will supported if other support Kosovo.What  exactly you wanted Russians to do when it came to Kosovo?To start ww3!They will have to crush half of Europe to help us!
The Russians didn't lift a finger to help you. One or two NATO planes shot down by Russian fighters would have ended the war really quick. Clinton didn't have the balls to take Russia. He would have slinked away with his tail between his legs.

So you are admitting that even now while it is crushing a tiny nation very similar to Serbia, at risk of war with the West, Russia didn't stand up to the West to help Serbia when it needed it the most?
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: SerbChicago on August 11, 2008, 08:41:22 PM
You do realize that it would be WW3.
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on August 11, 2008, 08:42:58 PM
It's easy to say it's the president not the people who bombed us!I can say it's president of Russia who is bombing Georgia not the Russian people!But who elected that president?Didn't senate approved the bombing?Doesn't they all represent majority of people?I am sorry my friend is like me saying to you America is not your friend.As i sad we all have our differences so lets just respect each other.
The vast majority of the Russian public is nationalistic, pro-Putin, and anti-Georgia. This is fact. Georgians are hated throughout Russia for "defying" it.

BTW the Senate did not approve the bombing as I recall. It was a unilateral declaration made by Clinton.
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: SerbChicago on August 11, 2008, 08:45:33 PM
And for Russians to shoot down plain they would have to fly through half of Europe and violate air space of those nations.(Try not to get shoot down while doing it)
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: t_h_j on August 11, 2008, 08:45:43 PM
So you think nothing of the fact that Russia built North Korea's nuclear facilities, is building Iran's, is supplying Iran with the most modern ICBMs on the planet, and has provided Hezbollah with all of its tank and antiaircraft missiles?

You still didn't tell me what Russia did to save Serbia in 1999.

uhm, what ICBMs is russia supplying Iran with?
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on August 11, 2008, 08:46:28 PM
Ever heard of the Shahab system? All based on Russian designs with modern technology.
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: t_h_j on August 11, 2008, 08:47:57 PM
Ever heard of the Shahab system? All based on Russian designs with modern technology.

thats not a russian ICBM.... its just an iranian upgrade of the ancient SCUD missile.  Not modern at all, very unreliable.
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: SerbChicago on August 11, 2008, 08:48:36 PM
It's easy to say it's the president not the people who bombed us!I can say it's president of Russia who is bombing Georgia not the Russian people!But who elected that president?Didn't senate approved the bombing?Doesn't they all represent majority of people?I am sorry my friend is like me saying to you America is not your friend.As i sad we all have our differences so lets just respect each other.
The vast majority of the Russian public is nationalistic, pro-Putin, and anti-Georgia. This is fact. Georgians are hated throughout Russia for "defying" it.

BTW the Senate did not approve the bombing as I recall. It was a unilateral declaration made by Clinton.
Senat could stop him if they wanted too!He gave them insurance that it would be only air strike!They could stop him if they wanted too!
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: briann on August 11, 2008, 08:51:43 PM
I cannot beleive what I am seeing.  How can any reasonable person side with Russia here. 

Russia wants us wiped off the map.   Mark my words.

Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on August 11, 2008, 08:52:34 PM
thats not a russian ICBM.... its just an iranian upgrade of the ancient SCUD missile.  Not modern at all, very unreliable.
1: The Scud is a Russian design.
2: The Russians are probably sharing guidance and warhead-separation technology based on the new Topol system with the Iranians.
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on August 11, 2008, 08:54:27 PM
Many Republican senators did want to stop the airstrikes and were trying to hold emergency hearings on it.

And no, Russian intervention would not have caused WWIII. Clinton was a word that rhymes with "wussy" and would have backed down quickly.
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: SerbChicago on August 11, 2008, 08:54:34 PM
thats not a russian ICBM.... its just an iranian upgrade of the ancient SCUD missile.  Not modern at all, very unreliable.
1: The Scud is a Russian design.
2: The Russians are probably sharing guidance and warhead-separation technology based on the new Topol system with the Iranians.
Probably is the key word!We don't know anything about this and we are discussing it like we know it all.
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: SerbChicago on August 11, 2008, 08:56:14 PM
I cannot beleive what I am seeing.  How can any reasonable person side with Russia here. 

Russia wants us wiped off the map.   Mark my words.

Ok stop with insalt ok!"Reasonable person".US would do same thing to Russia too!
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: t_h_j on August 11, 2008, 08:56:34 PM
thats not a russian ICBM.... its just an iranian upgrade of the ancient SCUD missile.  Not modern at all, very unreliable.
1: The Scud is a Russian design.
2: The Russians are probably sharing guidance and warhead-separation technology based on the new Topol system with the Iranians.

the warhead doesn't separate from the scud...
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on August 11, 2008, 08:59:15 PM
The Shahab is not the same thing as a Scud. It is a Scud VERY heavily modified with Russian help. Comparing a Scud to the most recent models of the Shahab is like comparing a .22 rimfire with 5.56. It is a couple generations removed from it, and we don't have a lot of good intelligence on what its warhead-targeting systems are.
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: SerbChicago on August 11, 2008, 09:02:37 PM
The Shahab is not the same thing as a Scud. It is a Scud VERY heavily modified with Russian help. Comparing a Scud to the most recent models of the Shahab is like comparing a .22 rimfire with 5.56. It is a couple generations removed from it, and we don't have a lot of good intelligence on what its warhead-targeting systems are.
As i remember they have lunch 4 and 1 or 2 of them didn't hit the target so i don't think they are advance as you say.Am i right?
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on August 11, 2008, 09:04:07 PM
That is a 50% hit rate, very good. And they are getting more Russian radar and fire-control by the day.  :(
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: t_h_j on August 11, 2008, 09:05:08 PM
That is a 50% hit rate, very good. And they are getting more Russian radar and fire-control by the day.  :(

LOL how is a 50% hit rate good?
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: t_h_j on August 11, 2008, 09:05:36 PM
That is a 50% hit rate, very good. And they are getting more Russian radar and fire-control by the day.  :(

post some evidence of russia helping them with this missile please.
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: Kahane-Was-Right BT on August 11, 2008, 09:17:06 PM
That is a 50% hit rate, very good. And they are getting more Russian radar and fire-control by the day.  :(

post some evidence of russia helping them with this missile please.

I have also read of Russia supplying Iran with weaponry, but more importantly, Russia has been the driving force behind Iran's nuclear program, and it was only with the uranium shipment agreement with Russia that Iran was able to build a program at all!
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: White Israelite on August 11, 2008, 09:26:36 PM
Ever heard of the Shahab system? All based on Russian designs with modern technology.

Actually the Shahab-3 is a Iranian ICBM based off the North Korean RODONG-1

Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: Kahane-Was-Right BT on August 11, 2008, 09:30:19 PM
That is a 50% hit rate, very good. And they are getting more Russian radar and fire-control by the day.  :(

post some evidence of russia helping them with this missile please.

I have also read of Russia supplying Iran with weaponry, but more importantly, Russia has been the driving force behind Iran's nuclear program, and it was only with the uranium shipment agreement with Russia that Iran was able to build a program at all!

In fact I still remember to this day, Russia's statements at the signing of those agreements, when they "assured" the world by saying "don't worry, Iran won't use the uranium for any weapons program, they promised us and we promise you, it is only for energy."   LOL, I remember laughing then at what a joke those claims were, and now we have seen where that went.....   Not so funny anymore.
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: Hail Columbia on August 11, 2008, 09:34:35 PM
Are we talking about Georgia or Iran here?
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: Kahane-Was-Right BT on August 11, 2008, 09:39:16 PM
Are we talking about Georgia or Iran here?

I don't know, people were mentioning Russia's arming of Iran, so I commented on it.   I do not care for Russia at all.   The place is full of Jew-hating garbage and Russia is arming Iran, after it abused and persecuted millions of Jews under its Soviet Regime.   There is just no way I can possibly sympathize with Russia in this affair.
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on August 11, 2008, 10:35:36 PM
Quote from: KahaneWasRight-BT
I don't know, people were mentioning Russia's arming of Iran, so I commented on it.   I do not care for Russia at all.   The place is full of Jew-hating garbage and Russia is arming Iran, after it abused and persecuted millions of Jews under its Soviet Regime.   There is just no way I can possibly sympathize with Russia in this affair.
Amen. Russia is a modern-day Babylon and threatens the entire earth.
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: t_h_j on August 11, 2008, 11:37:28 PM
That is a 50% hit rate, very good. And they are getting more Russian radar and fire-control by the day.  :(

post some evidence of russia helping them with this missile please.

I have also read of Russia supplying Iran with weaponry, but more importantly, Russia has been the driving force behind Iran's nuclear program, and it was only with the uranium shipment agreement with Russia that Iran was able to build a program at all!

In fact I still remember to this day, Russia's statements at the signing of those agreements, when they "assured" the world by saying "don't worry, Iran won't use the uranium for any weapons program, they promised us and we promise you, it is only for energy."   LOL, I remember laughing then at what a joke those claims were, and now we have seen where that went.....   Not so funny anymore.

you know that Iran has uranium mines, right...
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: syyuge on August 12, 2008, 12:02:40 AM
Anyhow there is still a good time when the Iran should be targeted and not merely talked. O0

Forget Georgia and go for Iran and the Iranian King will be caught in Egypt. ;)
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: syyuge on August 12, 2008, 12:16:14 AM
The moot question again, who was behind Sakashvilli?

Only someone who can be an immediate beneficiary...

Maccain can not be benefited by the imbroglio in Georgia.

So it has to be a some one with a so-called aura behind him.

Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: briann on August 12, 2008, 12:47:48 AM
I cannot beleive what I am seeing.  How can any reasonable person side with Russia here. 

Russia wants us wiped off the map.   Mark my words.

Ok stop with insalt ok!"Reasonable person".US would do same thing to Russia too!

OMG, I cant beleive I have to explain this. There is a huge difference.   If you cant tell the difference between the US and Russia, then you cant tell the difference between Israel and the Arab world. 

In case you havent figured out the difference.... here it is:

If Israel dropped its millitary.... it would dissapear.
If the Arab world dropped its millitary.. both Israel and the Arab world would live in peace.

If USA/west dropped its millitary.... Russia would seize control and anex the west.. ASAP.
If Russia dropped its millitary.....  the west and the USA would NOT anex Russia.... we would do nothing other than ensuring that there is a democracy there.

If you don't believe my above statements... than I can't argue with you.

Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: Kahane-Was-Right BT on August 12, 2008, 02:16:05 AM
That is a 50% hit rate, very good. And they are getting more Russian radar and fire-control by the day.  :(

post some evidence of russia helping them with this missile please.

I have also read of Russia supplying Iran with weaponry, but more importantly, Russia has been the driving force behind Iran's nuclear program, and it was only with the uranium shipment agreement with Russia that Iran was able to build a program at all!

In fact I still remember to this day, Russia's statements at the signing of those agreements, when they "assured" the world by saying "don't worry, Iran won't use the uranium for any weapons program, they promised us and we promise you, it is only for energy."   LOL, I remember laughing then at what a joke those claims were, and now we have seen where that went.....   Not so funny anymore.

you know that Iran has uranium mines, right...

source?   Proof?    From what I have read, Iran is NOT one of the world's uranium-mining countries.   

Needless to say, it has nothing to do with the point that I already made, which is that Russia made a deal to send its spent nuclear fuel to Iran for a so-called "energy program" that russia and Iran promised would NOT be used for a nuclear weapons program (which it was, and if you believed that promise when it was made, you had to be quite naive or ignorant or both).   So whether or not your statement is correct, which I suspect it isn't, it seems to have nothing to do with anything I said, so why exactly did you say it? 

Now I must ask you, did you have a point, and if so, what exactly WAS your point?  Please elaborate.    And this will also require proof of your claim which I seriously doubt especially considering the deal with Russia.   Whether what you said was true or false, it has no bearing on what I said.   So obviously you are intending something else.   But someone making "know-it-all" quips like you should at least have facts to back himself up.
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: Dr. Dan on August 12, 2008, 02:30:40 AM
Bottom line, it seems that Georgia started the fight.  Russia has the right to do whatever she feels like...However, I'm personally rooting for Georgia because Russia is a more evil nation.

The reason why I take the stance that Russia has the right to do whatever it wants is because I feel that if an Arab nation attacks Israel, SHE has the right to raise all hell on that Arab nation and take over its land.

So for the record, I will not be a hipocrit.

Nations can fight each other..it is their right...however, war is a terrible thing because it results in chaos, heartache, and the death of innocent civilians. I prefer a world with peace than one with war. I prefer love over hate.  I prefer togetherness and friendship over seperatism and enemies.
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: Zelhar on August 12, 2008, 08:39:20 AM
Ok people stop arguing there is no point.Islamiscancer is not alone in this one.All Serbs support Russia just like you all support what US is doing.We all have our differences but we all have same believes too.Like some of you think that NATO is not nazi organization but i do think.Why?Germans have always support Croats,Bosnian muslims and Albanians just like NATO is now!And for Bush to go to Croatia and say:"We and you are same.We have struggled through history to be independent just like you."What a moron!Doesn't he know that there are with the nazis in ww2 and killed 1.8 million Serbs,90.000 Jews!So not everyone loves America(i personally hated it too but i change my mind when i got over here and heard American people who are on our side like my biggest fan Michael Savage and so on)just like there is people that hate Russia.Lets just get with our lives on and focus on bigger things like Obama and Democrats and Israel,Serbia,Armenia... issues,ok!
JTFers support America but no one here justifies what America and NATO did to Serbia. When America is wrong we point it out. On the other hand you stand blindly behind Russia no matter what evil or atrocity it commits, it is justified according to you because Russia is your ally. And the joke is on you because your ally does very little for Serbia, instead it uses Kosovo as an excuse to commit a crime of its own. Two wrongs don't cancel each other, they add up to a bigger wrong.
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: Zelhar on August 12, 2008, 08:48:43 AM
Bottom line, it seems that Georgia started the fight.  Russia has the right to do whatever she feels like...However, I'm personally rooting for Georgia because Russia is a more evil nation.

The reason why I take the stance that Russia has the right to do whatever it wants is because I feel that if an Arab nation attacks Israel, SHE has the right to raise all hell on that Arab nation and take over its land.

So for the record, I will not be a hipocrit.

Nations can fight each other..it is their right...however, war is a terrible thing because it results in chaos, heartache, and the death of innocent civilians. I prefer a world with peace than one with war. I prefer love over hate.  I prefer togetherness and friendship over seperatism and enemies.
Russia had invaded into Georgian territory and annexed it defacto by giving citizenship to Ossetians and Abkhazis and by backing the expulsion of ethnic Georgians from Abkhazia. Recently Russia was moving even further toward official annexation.

This is clearly a Casus Beli for Georgia however stupid it was from their part to try and solve their differences with Russia with further violence.

There is another important point. The Georgian started this open war by shelling Ossetian cities which is appalling since their civilians were not targeted by the Ossetians as far as I know.
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: SerbChicago on August 12, 2008, 09:08:14 AM
I cannot beleive what I am seeing.  How can any reasonable person side with Russia here. 

Russia wants us wiped off the map.   Mark my words.

Ok stop with insalt ok!"Reasonable person".US would do same thing to Russia too!

OMG, I cant beleive I have to explain this. There is a huge difference.   If you cant tell the difference between the US and Russia, then you cant tell the difference between Israel and the Arab world. 

In case you havent figured out the difference.... here it is:

If Israel dropped its millitary.... it would dissapear.
If the Arab world dropped its millitary.. both Israel and the Arab world would live in peace.

If USA/west dropped its millitary.... Russia would seize control and anex the west.. ASAP.
If Russia dropped its millitary.....  the west and the USA would NOT anex Russia.... we would do nothing other than ensuring that there is a democracy there.

If you don't believe my above statements... than I can't argue with you.

O my g-----d!I can belive that i have to explaine this!All that you sad is based on your personal belives not actual fact!If you don't belive my statement...than i can't argue with you.
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: SerbChicago on August 12, 2008, 09:17:53 AM
Ok people stop arguing there is no point.Islamiscancer is not alone in this one.All Serbs support Russia just like you all support what US is doing.We all have our differences but we all have same believes too.Like some of you think that NATO is not nazi organization but i do think.Why?Germans have always support Croats,Bosnian muslims and Albanians just like NATO is now!And for Bush to go to Croatia and say:"We and you are same.We have struggled through history to be independent just like you."What a moron!Doesn't he know that there are with the nazis in ww2 and killed 1.8 million Serbs,90.000 Jews!So not everyone loves America(i personally hated it too but i change my mind when i got over here and heard American people who are on our side like my biggest fan Michael Savage and so on)just like there is people that hate Russia.Lets just get with our lives on and focus on bigger things like Obama and Democrats and Israel,Serbia,Armenia... issues,ok!
JTFers support America but no one here justifies what America and NATO did to Serbia. When America is wrong we point it out. On the other hand you stand blindly behind Russia no matter what evil or atrocity it commits, it is justified according to you because Russia is your ally. And the joke is on you because your ally does very little for Serbia, instead it uses Kosovo as an excuse to commit a crime of its own. Two wrongs don't cancel each other, they add up to a bigger wrong.
That if funny how you pulled that one out.Did you see after that that i have sad that i don't support what Russia is doing with Iran?I don't know have you heard Michael Savage yesterday?He is on the Russian side of this issue and he is Jewish too.You know you have to put a side that filling "evil empire" and be honest and see who really started all of this and who committed genocide against Ossetian  first.Georgia started all of this and Europe and US told them go a head we will support you,and now look what they got them self into!
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: Shamgar on August 12, 2008, 09:24:09 AM
It's also interesting to note that just before Russia initiated it's military attack, Georgia was hit with multiple massive cyber attacks in an attempt to disrupt coomunications, internet and utilities.

The radio is saying that the cyber attacks were initiated by organizations within Russia known as the Russian Business Network which is a criminal empire. Looks like the Russian governement works hand in hand with the criminals or they are the one and the same.

We can expect cyber attacks to be the new first wave of any attack in modern warfare.
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: Zelhar on August 12, 2008, 10:58:43 AM
Ok people stop arguing there is no point.Islamiscancer is not alone in this one.All Serbs support Russia just like you all support what US is doing.We all have our differences but we all have same believes too.Like some of you think that NATO is not nazi organization but i do think.Why?Germans have always support Croats,Bosnian muslims and Albanians just like NATO is now!And for Bush to go to Croatia and say:"We and you are same.We have struggled through history to be independent just like you."What a moron!Doesn't he know that there are with the nazis in ww2 and killed 1.8 million Serbs,90.000 Jews!So not everyone loves America(i personally hated it too but i change my mind when i got over here and heard American people who are on our side like my biggest fan Michael Savage and so on)just like there is people that hate Russia.Lets just get with our lives on and focus on bigger things like Obama and Democrats and Israel,Serbia,Armenia... issues,ok!
JTFers support America but no one here justifies what America and NATO did to Serbia. When America is wrong we point it out. On the other hand you stand blindly behind Russia no matter what evil or atrocity it commits, it is justified according to you because Russia is your ally. And the joke is on you because your ally does very little for Serbia, instead it uses Kosovo as an excuse to commit a crime of its own. Two wrongs don't cancel each other, they add up to a bigger wrong.
That if funny how you pulled that one out.Did you see after that that i have sad that i don't support what Russia is doing with Iran?I don't know have you heard Michael Savage yesterday?He is on the Russian side of this issue and he is Jewish too.You know you have to put a side that filling "evil empire" and be honest and see who really started all of this and who committed genocide against Ossetian  first.Georgia started all of this and Europe and US told them go a head we will support you,and now look what they got them self into!
The Jews are not a side in this conflict, I simply express my opinion. Why do you accuse me of dishonesty I don't understand at all. As far as Georgia is concerned N. Ossetia has always been part of their land hence they have every right to enforce their sovereignty there by force if necessary. The fact that it is incredibly stupid of them to take on Russia in an open war is another matter. If Serbia tried to reestablish its sovereignty over Kosovo in that way I would have the same opinion- it's their right, and yet trying going to war against an Empire thousand time their size would be incredibly foolish. 
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: IslamIsCancer on August 12, 2008, 11:02:33 AM
Ossetia independence on its way!
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: TheCoon on August 12, 2008, 11:27:46 AM
I think Russia is an evil nation that should be wiped off the face of the Earth.
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: Americanhero1 on August 12, 2008, 11:28:56 AM
I think Russia is an evil nation that should be wiped off the face of the Earth.
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: Zelhar on August 12, 2008, 11:43:01 AM
I think Russia is an evil nation that should be wiped off the face of the Earth.
I think Russia is sufficiently large so it should be contained to its current border ans stop harassing its neighbors, the non Muslim ones.
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: syyuge on August 12, 2008, 11:58:09 AM
Thanx G_d its over.  :)

Somebody wanted to start ww3 on a wrong foot, Dzhugashvili should be asked who.  ;)

Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: Shamgar on August 12, 2008, 12:01:58 PM
According to sources in Georgia, the Russians are still bombing and shelling.

Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: t_h_j on August 12, 2008, 12:16:30 PM
According to sources in Georgia, the Russians are still bombing and shelling.

lol, you can't believe Georgian sources.  According to them, they have destroyed 100 tanks, and shot down 80 planes.
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: syyuge on August 12, 2008, 12:21:20 PM
According to sources in Georgia, the Russians are still bombing and shelling.

Let us hope, Dzhugashvili remains safe.
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: Shamgar on August 12, 2008, 12:22:21 PM
According to sources in Georgia, the Russians are still bombing and shelling.

lol, you can't believe Georgian sources.  According to them, they have destroyed 100 tanks, and shot down 80 planes.

The US government is now recommending that all US citizens leave. If this is winding down, why are they still evacuating? Not argueing with you just curious.
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: t_h_j on August 12, 2008, 12:44:00 PM
According to sources in Georgia, the Russians are still bombing and shelling.

lol, you can't believe Georgian sources.  According to them, they have destroyed 100 tanks, and shot down 80 planes.

The US government is now recommending that all US citizens leave. If this is winding down, why are they still evacuating? Not argueing with you just curious.

I didn't say it was winding down.  Just don't believe that they are being shelled and not firing back.
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: SerbChicago on August 12, 2008, 07:37:11 PM
Ok people stop arguing there is no point.Islamiscancer is not alone in this one.All Serbs support Russia just like you all support what US is doing.We all have our differences but we all have same believes too.Like some of you think that NATO is not nazi organization but i do think.Why?Germans have always support Croats,Bosnian muslims and Albanians just like NATO is now!And for Bush to go to Croatia and say:"We and you are same.We have struggled through history to be independent just like you."What a moron!Doesn't he know that there are with the nazis in ww2 and killed 1.8 million Serbs,90.000 Jews!So not everyone loves America(i personally hated it too but i change my mind when i got over here and heard American people who are on our side like my biggest fan Michael Savage and so on)just like there is people that hate Russia.Lets just get with our lives on and focus on bigger things like Obama and Democrats and Israel,Serbia,Armenia... issues,ok!
JTFers support America but no one here justifies what America and NATO did to Serbia. When America is wrong we point it out. On the other hand you stand blindly behind Russia no matter what evil or atrocity it commits, it is justified according to you because Russia is your ally. And the joke is on you because your ally does very little for Serbia, instead it uses Kosovo as an excuse to commit a crime of its own. Two wrongs don't cancel each other, they add up to a bigger wrong.
That if funny how you pulled that one out.Did you see after that that i have sad that i don't support what Russia is doing with Iran?I don't know have you heard Michael Savage yesterday?He is on the Russian side of this issue and he is Jewish too.You know you have to put a side that filling "evil empire" and be honest and see who really started all of this and who committed genocide against Ossetian  first.Georgia started all of this and Europe and US told them go a head we will support you,and now look what they got them self into!
The Jews are not a side in this conflict, I simply express my opinion. Why do you accuse me of dishonesty I don't understand at all. As far as Georgia is concerned N. Ossetia has always been part of their land hence they have every right to enforce their sovereignty there by force if necessary. The fact that it is incredibly stupid of them to take on Russia in an open war is another matter. If Serbia tried to reestablish its sovereignty over Kosovo in that way I would have the same opinion- it's their right, and yet trying going to war against an Empire thousand time their size would be incredibly foolish. 
I don't accuse you of anything.We all express our opinion but sometimes they are different but that doesn't mean that we all have to agree on everything.I don't like what Russia is doing in Iran also i don't like what West is doing to Russia too.
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: Manch on August 13, 2008, 07:31:41 PM
According to sources in Georgia, the Russians are still bombing and shelling.

lol, you can't believe Georgian sources.  According to them, they have destroyed 100 tanks, and shot down 80 planes.

I trust Georgian reports much more than Russians. Georgian tactic was one of avoiding direct confrontation. I think that Russians knew that taking Tbilissi would be extremely bloody for them.
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: Ulli on August 14, 2008, 04:53:13 AM
Why are you defending this evil person?
So being on America's side and standing up to a monstrous empire makes him evil?

SerbChicago, I obviously hate what the West has done to Serbia just as much as you do, but how is this Georgia's fault? Do you think all Americans are evil because of what America's treasonous leaders have done?

Average American citizens do not care about Serbia one way or another. The Nazi Clinton's attacks were not their fault.

No this is not what I wrote. Please read my posting again.  ;)
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: Ambiorix on August 22, 2008, 08:14:12 AM

OMG, I cant beleive I have to explain this. There is a huge difference.   If you cant tell the difference between the US and Russia, then you cant tell the difference between Israel and the Arab world. 

In case you havent figured out the difference.... here it is:

If Israel dropped its millitary.... it would dissapear.
If the Arab world dropped its millitary.. both Israel and the Arab world would live in peace.

If USA/west dropped its millitary.... Russia would seize control and anex the west.. ASAP.
If Russia dropped its millitary.....  the west and the USA would NOT anex Russia.... we would do nothing other than ensuring that there is a democracy there.

If you don't believe my above statements... than I can't argue with you.

I think that is a naive statement.
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: t_h_j on August 25, 2008, 01:07:54 PM

OMG, I cant beleive I have to explain this. There is a huge difference.   If you cant tell the difference between the US and Russia, then you cant tell the difference between Israel and the Arab world. 

In case you havent figured out the difference.... here it is:

If Israel dropped its millitary.... it would dissapear.
If the Arab world dropped its millitary.. both Israel and the Arab world would live in peace.

If USA/west dropped its millitary.... Russia would seize control and anex the west.. ASAP.
If Russia dropped its millitary.....  the west and the USA would NOT anex Russia.... we would do nothing other than ensuring that there is a democracy there.

If you don't believe my above statements... than I can't argue with you.

I think that is a naive statement.

its an incredibly naive statement, especially since they have a neighbor to the east named "China"
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: Ultra Requete on August 31, 2008, 02:16:25 PM
Russia has taken the mantle of both Soviet and tzarist empire, that's why even our naive pro EU (german) goverment agreed on US anti missile bases in Poland just days after this war.
I'm not Jewish but Russia is close alie to both Iran and Syria greatest enemies of Israel now... USA although imperfect  is our best bet to survive the next few years.... that's why Husein Osama must be stoped... Weak US will tip the balance for the Germany in Europe, Rusia and China in Asia, and Russia and Iran in ME... basicly speaking Gog and Magog scenario.   
Title: Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
Post by: Hungarian on September 01, 2008, 10:29:47 AM
Russia has taken the mantle of both Soviet and tzarist empire, that's why even our naive pro EU (german) goverment agreed on US anti missile bases in Poland just days after this war.
I'm not Jewish but Russia is close alie to both Iran and Syria greatest enemies of Israel now... USA although imperfect  is our best bet to survive the next few years.... that's why Husein Osama must be stoped... Weak US will tip the balance for the Germany in Europe, Rusia and China in Asia, and Russia and Iran in ME... basicly speaking Gog and Magog scenario.   

My opinion Georgia deserves our support. Ultra Requete, from your avatar you are a Polish? If yes:
„Polak, Węgier, dwa bratanki, i do szabli, i do szklanki,”