Monthly Archives: April 2015

Nine-year-old sex slave is made pregnant by 10 Islamic State terrorists raping her

A nine-year-old girl is pregnant after suffering horrific sexual abuse at the hands of ISIS [terrorists] in northern Iraq, aid workers report. The Yazidi girl has recently been released after nearly a year as a prisoner in the Islamic State, where women and young girls from the religious minority are known to be kept as ‘sex slaves’. Earlier this week, […]

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Obama Hobnobs With Communist Dictator Castro in Panama

President Barack Obama and Cuban President Raul Castro, head of an oppressive communist regime that forbids free speech, persecutes the faithful, tortures dissidents and jails homosexuals for “re-education,” shook hands Friday evening in Panama. Obama, who in the 2008 campaign vowed to engage with America’s adversaries, seeks to restore ties between the Cold War foes. Experts excpect him to remove […]

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Iran Says US Conceded on All Its Red Lines in Nuclear Deal

Iranian Revolutionary Guards Commander Jafari accuses US of ‘psychological warfare’ in faking nuclear fact sheet to dupe its allies. Iranian leadership continues to state clearly that the framework deal announced in Lausanne, Switzerland earlier this month constitutes a major achievement of the Islamic regime, which didn’t give up on its nuclear program at all and forced the US to fold. Iranian […]

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Boston Marathon Bombers’ Mother: The US ‘Will Pay for My Sons and the Sons of Islam’

Boston Marathon bombers Tameralan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev’s mother, Zubeidat Tsarnaeva, erupted into an angry all-caps tirade on social media after her surviving son Dzhokhar was found guilty on all 30 counts related to the bombing and the Tsarnaevs’ violent rampage across Boston as they sought to escape from police. Vocativ translated Tsarnaeva’s message, after a tip from the sister of a […]

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Obama mocks Netanyahu on Twitter

White House ‘bomb cartoon’ pokes fun at U.N. speech The White House took to Twitter to send a mocking message Israel’s way, using a graphic Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu relied on in his 2012 address to the United Nations as a springboard to defend the looming U.S.-Iran nuclear deal. Netanyahu presented a diagram before the United Nations General Assembly two […]

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New York Nazi Times fears Netanyahu’s demands to save Israel from a nuclear holocaust will cost Iranian jobs

The New York [Nazi] Times editorial board warned this week that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s “unworkable” demands on Iran threaten not only to scuttle a potential nuclear deal between Washington, D.C., and Tehran but may also lead to job loss in the Islamic republic. One of Netanyahu’s supposedly “unrealistic” demands regarding the pending nuclear agreement calls for Iran to […]

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Hamas: “Stabbing Israeli soldiers natural response to Israeli extremism”

[Forward: There is no such thing as a “Palestinain” people. It is a lie and a propaganda war used against Israel.] Al Qassam website – Islamic Resistance Movement, Hamas, hailed the stabbing of two Israeli soldiers on Wednesday morning by a Palestinian man south of Shilo settlement to the north of the West Bank. Hamas spokesman abroad Husam Badran said, […]

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Why Was Colorado Baby’s Death Not a National Story About Abortion?

Lauren Ashburn, a regular guest on MediaBuzz on the Fox News Channel, wrote an article for Mediaite on how the [leftist] media doesn’t really want to engage the country in a discussion about “gruesome abortion stories.” “Yet contrast abortion coverage with the endless hours and words devoted to batting down Indiana’s religious freedom law,” she wrote. “Conservatives got plenty of […]

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9 Important Issues That Were Conspicuously Absent from Rand Paul’s Announcement Speech

Did you notice anything missing from Sen. Rand Paul’s speech on Tuesday announcing that he’s running for president? During the speech, Paul mentioned the word “liberty” eleven times and “government” seven times. There were, however, some important issues the senator from Kentucky neglected to talk about: Israel Free Speech Religious Liberty Obamacare Second Amendment Sanctity of Life Common Core Marriage/Family Faith All […]

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US Army: ‘Iran helping Hamas, Hezbollah build fleet of suicide drones’

The report was published by the US Army’s Foreign Military Studies Office at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. Iran is building an explosive fleet of so-called “suicide kamikaze drones” while also providing know-how on assembling these new weapons to its terrorist allies Hamas and Hezbollah, according to a new report commissioned by the US Army. The report, which was cited by the […]

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IRS Agents are acting like thugs

“I did not serve three combat tours in Iraq only to come home and be extorted,” Andrew Clyde, a US Navy veteran, told an oddly united House Ways and Means subcommittee in a February hearing. Clyde is now a gun store owner near Athens, Georgia, a college town located roughly 70 miles outside of Atlanta. He told members of the […]

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Bill O’Reilly: Obama More ‘Skeptical of Christians’ Than of Muslims

President Barack Obama’s comment this week’s that some Christians are acting “less than loving” makes him appear critical of Christians, Fox News host Bill O’Reilly says. … “in the political arena, it seems like President Obama is more skeptical of Christians than he is of Muslims.” Obama also said at the National Prayer Breakfast in February that Christians should not […]

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“Jewish Communal Fund” (JCF) is helping to pay for accusing Israel of “ethnic cleansing and racism”

Another self-hating, leftist, anti-Israel “charity” devoted to boycotting Israel: The Jewish Communal Fund (JCF) manages $1.3 billion in charitable assets for 3,100 funds. The organization exists to help super-rich Jews funnel money to non-profit Jewish organizations. The type of people they hold money for is evident from an endorsement on their website from the former Chairman of Citigroup, billionaire Sandy […]

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Iran: Nuke Deal Doesn’t Include Inspection Of Our Military Sites

No one saw this coming right? Iran’s Defense Minister Brigadier General Hossein Dehqan categorically rejected as a “lie” a Guardian report alleging that Tehran has granted access to its military facilities under the recent framework agreement with the world powers.“No such agreement has been made; principally speaking, visit to military centers is among our redlines and no such visit will […]

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Hillary Clinton Hires Google Exec As Chief Technology Officer For Her 2016 Presidential Campaign

Anticipated 2016 presidential contender Hillary Clinton has reportedly hired a top executive from Google to serve as the chief technology officer for her campaign. Both Reuters and The Washington Post cited unidentified Democratic sources Wednesday confirming Stephanie Hannon, Google’s director of product management for civic innovation and social impact, as Clinton’s new hire. Hannon will reportedly lead the effort to develop new technologies to […]

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Muslim Arab Terrorists in Israel Get $100 Million from Qatar

Qatar “loaned” the [so-called] “Palestinian” Authority $100 million dollars today, to help pay salaries and make up for the tax revenue being withheld by Israel after [Fatah] took unilateral steps against Israel in the ICC and the UN, according to a Reuters report. PA Chairman Mahmoud “Abu Mazen” Abbas officially thanked Qatar. Qatar owns the Al Jazeera news station.

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Obama calls for end to gay ‘conversion’ therapy for youth

Obama doesn’t believe in the freedom to get your kids counseling if it doesn’t support homosexuality. WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama is calling for an end to psychiatric therapy treatments aimed at changing the sexual orientation or gender identity of gay, lesbian and transgender youth. The move comes in response to an online petition posted on the White House […]

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Federal Judge Refuses to Lift Injunction Against Obama’s November Executive Amnesty

Federal judge Andrew Hanen has declined to lift his injunction against President Obama’s November executive amnesty, ruling yesterday that the government has not “shown any credible reason for why this Directive necessitates immediate implementation.” The ruling is a temporary victory for the 26 states, led by Texas, that have filed suit against the president’s Deferred Action for Parental Accountability (DAPA). […]

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School District Discriminates Against Pro-Life Clubs

Two students seeking to start school pro-life clubs in Fargo, North Dakota, are claiming they are victims of unconstitutional discrimination from officials opposed to their cause. According to a complaint letter sent by the Thomas More Society (TMS), a public interest law firm assisting the students, Brigid O’Keefe of Fargo North High School and Katie McPherson of Fargo Davies High School have each […]

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Sharia: So Awesome You’ll Marry Your Rapist

Another example of the total awesomeness of Sharia law. Kabul, Afghanistan (CNN)It is an unimaginably hideous outcome.To be raped by your cousin’s husband; be jailed for adultery as your attacker was married; to suffer the ignominy of global uproar about your jailing and assault, but be pardoned by presidential decree; and then to endure the shame and rejection from a […]

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Ted Cruz´s Fundraising Hauls Are Off The Charts

Cruz super-PACs make $31 million haul in first week of campaign. Sometimes it pays to go first. Ted Cruz jumped into the official presidential race first among serious contenders, eschewing the usual “exploratory committee” route to go directly into campaign mode. The gamble appears to have worked, as Cruz-affiliated super-PACs hauled in a record first-week avalanche of donations totaling $31 […]

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Russian Hackers Reached White House, State Dept. Computers

Russian hackers have been able to penetrate the White House’s computer system and see non-classified emails, CNN reports. The hack didn’t get access to classified materials, government sources told CNN, but still was able to see sensitive information such as real-time nonpublic details of the president’s schedule. Hackers first managed to hack into State Department computers and tricked an employee […]

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Our infrastructure is a joke: Blackout in Washington, DC

[ABC News] – On Tuesday, American news was dominated by the story of a power outage in parts of Washington, D.C., caused by a problem with a transmission line. “Breaking news coming out of the nation’s capital,” reported CNN. “Widespread power outage D.C. area leaving the White House, State Departments, and Capitol hill in the dark,” reported Fox. “A major power outage hitting major […]

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Netanyahu Asks Why Iran Deal Ignores Nuclear Missile Program

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu kept up his criticism of the framework nuclear deal with Iran on Tuesday, pointing out that it fails to address Tehran’s long-range missile arsenal that he argues is meant to enable a nuclear strike against Israel. “Why doesn’t the framework address Iran’s intercontinental ballistic missile program whose sole purpose is to carry nuclear payloads?” he asked on his official Twitter account, reports AFP. He said the […]

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Left-Wing AFP: Islamophobia caused Kenya University massacre

The left-wing AFP has released an article claiming that “experts” agree that the underlying reasons for the Garissa University College attack was the “marginalization of Muslims”. In the Garissa attack, five Muslim terrorists walked onto the campus of a local University and went classroom to classroom, dorm to dorm slaughtering people. Before they would initiate the slaughter, they would ask […]

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Unbelievable: White House Tells Israelis That Obama’s Security Commitment to Israel ‘Has Been Greater Than Any President’s to Date’

White House deputy national security adviser Ben Rhodes took to Israeli television news shows Monday to try to persuade jittery Israelis that the framework agreement over Iran’s nuclear program is the “best deal” that could have emerged from negotiations and that President Barack Obama’s commitment to the Jewish state has been unmatched by previous presidents. “This is a president who […]

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ACLU sues over abortion rights for illegal immigrants

The American Civil Liberties Union wants religious organizations to provide abortions to illegal immigrant children. The ACLU is petitioning for a court order that would force the U.S. government to release documents related to their dealings with religious organizations that assist illegals. “Many unaccompanied teenagers come into the U.S. fleeing abuse and torture in their home countries. Many have been […]

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Islamic State panel at the University of New Mexico whitewashes jihad and sharia

American university campuses have become cesspools of leftist indoctrination, with increasingly open pro-jihad sentiments. Here is an ugly example of this, courtesy the University of New Mexico chapter of the Muslim Brotherhood org known as the Muslim Student Association. UNM student Samuel Ryu sent me this appalling account of a recent “anti-ISIS” panel there that was really yet another academic […]

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Joe Biden to Chinese: US Emphasis on Human Rights Just Politics

During conversations with Chinese President Xi Jinping in 2011 and 2012, Vice President Joe Biden said that American presidents speak about human rights because of “political imperative,” according to an article in the latest New Yorker. “No president of the United States could represent the United States were he not committed to human rights,” he told Xi when asked why […]

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USA TODAY: U.S. secretly tracked billions of calls for decades

WASHINGTON — The U.S. government started keeping secret records of Americans’ international telephone calls nearly a decade before the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, harvesting billions of calls in a program that provided a blueprint for the far broader National Security Agency surveillance that followed. For more than two decades, the Justice Department and the Drug Enforcement Administration amassed logs of […]

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Obama claims “global warming” is making Americans sick – what about Nuclear fallout from Iran?

I would have to say that a nuclear Iran is about as bad for the human population as it gets… but Obama is too busy trying to spin fake junk science for politics. From the New York Post: WASHINGTON — Global warming isn’t just affecting the weather, it’s harming Americans’ health, President Barack Obama said Tuesday as he announced steps […]

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