Limbaugh: Iran Banking On Obama’s Narcissism

Rush Limbaugh

“The Iranians know this guy better than he knows himself.”

On his radio show Thursday, Rush Limbaugh responded to Iran’s “humiliation” of President Obama by essentially tearing up the framework for a nuclear deal supposedly agreed on last week. Iran was banking on Obama’s narcissism to see the deal through regardless of their repeated slaps in the face to the administration.

“The Iranians know this guy better than he knows himself.  They know he cannot ever admit error,” said Limbaugh, adding later, “Obama will do anything, any concession to keep it alive because he can never arrive at the point where he would have to admit that it’s a bad thing to have done.”

Limbaugh led into the comments by reading from a piece by Breitbart’s John Hayward titled, “Iran’s Humiliation Of Obama Continues: Sanctions Must End Instantly When Deal Signed,” which argued that Iran was “secure in the knowledge that Obama’s pathological inability to admit error will compel the Administration to make excuses and try to keep the ‘deal’ alive.”

LIMBAUGH: Boy, is that right on the money.  The Iranians know this guy better than he knows himself.  They know he cannot ever admit error.  He’s a narcissist.  It’s impossible.  In his own mind he can’t ever be wrong.  In his own mind he cannot ever have screwed up.  In his own mind he cannot ever have made a mistake.  And so no matter what happens, no matter what happens to this deal, if it continues to get torn apart, Obama will do anything, any concession to keep it alive because he can never arrive at the point where he would have to admit that it’s a bad thing to have done. 

After reading a passage from Hayward’s piece asserting that the worst part of the deal was that it “involved conceding precious legitimacy to the terror state” without requiring it to “make any concessions on its fanaticism, embrace of terrorism, hatred of Israel, or even hatred of America,” Limbaugh expanded on his premise that Iran knows Obama’s narcissism has him “stuck” in the deal:

LIMBAUGH: All they had to do was give Obama his little day in the sun for three months until June, but they couldn’t even hold back.  They had to go out and brag that they had snookered Obama.  They had to go out and brag and say that Obama’s lying about it.  “They’re unwilling to throw Obama even the smallest of public-relations bones,” because they don’t have to.  He is now stuck.  He cannot ever walk this back because he cannot ever admit that he may have had made a mistake or his negotiators did or what have you. So from this day forward, whatever the truth of this thing is, is gonna be made up and obfuscated by the Regime because he must be covered up for.

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