Abbas Condemns Israel’s Temple Mount Defense from Muslim Violence as ‘Attack’

Mahmoud-abbas-and-portrait-of-yasser-arafatMahmoud Abbas strongly condemned the Israel Police on Sunday, calling their defense during an Arab mob riot an “attack.”

“The presidency strongly condemns the attack by the occupier’s military and police against the Al-Aqsa mosque and the aggression against the faithful who were there,” a statement from his office said.

Earlier Sunday, masked Muslim rioters hurled rocks and fireworks at police on the Temple Mount, as well as firebombs near two entrances to the site. Jerusalem District Police and Border Police were forced to respond with riot dispersal measures.

No injuries were reported during the clashes.

The Temple Mount, on which the mosque stands, is the holiest site in Judaism. Arabs have repeatedly tried to erase the Jewish nature of the site, where the First and Second Temples stood, by destroying ancient Jewish artifacts and building illegally.

Arab riots against Jewish visitors have become somewhat routine, particularly during Jewish holidays and Ramadan.

Enforcing Israeli law at the site has been made difficult by the arrangement Israel has with Jordan over the Mount; the site is under the iron grip of the Jordanian Muslim Waqf, despite Israel liberating the Mount in 1967, and under the deal Jews are banned from religious worship there.

One comment

  • That’s because Obama is a Muslim and part of the Muslim Brotherhood. Look how Morsi ran Egypt’s economy into the ground……so Obama is doing this to America. I hope Americans are waking up to the fact that he’s out to destroy America, take their money, and let Islam rule.

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