Four soldiers wounded by Arab terrorist car ramming attack in West Bank

Four IDF soldiers were wounded Thursday when they were run down by a [Arab terrorist] in a ramming attack near Kafr Luban in the West Bank on a road leading to the settlement of Beit Aryeh.

A black Isuzu sedan plowed into the soldiers as they were carrying out a road-security mission, then sped away, an army spokeswoman said.

Magen David Adom paramedics found a 19-year-old soldier with moderate-to-serious wounds and three others in good condition, before taking all four to the Rabin Medical Center-Beilinson Campus, Petah Tikva.

Police later found the vehicle abandoned with an M-16 rifle and a stun grenade inside. Numerous army units were searching the area for the attacker, who remained at large.

On Wednesday, two terrorist attacks took place in the West Bank, leaving four Israelis wounded.

[An Arab] terrorist wounded an IDF soldier and a civilian in a stabbing attack near Beit Hadassah in Hebron’s Jewish Quarter.

Hours later, an Israeli couple was wounded in a driveby shooting near Tulkarm in the northern West Bank.

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