UK Chief Rabbi: Teach Islam in Jewish Schools

ephraim-mirvisThis is a sickness, a moral sickness from which a large segment of my people suffer: the sanction of the victim. The number of reported anti-Jewish incidents in the UK has increased by more than 50%, driven by Islamic Jew-hatred. Anti-Semitism in the UK is rampant, with hate crimes against London’s Jewish community surging by 93%. Synagogues across the UK and Europe are targets of islamic attacks. And the chief rabbi in the UK recommends that we  …. submit, and submit our children, no less.

British Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis recommended in an interview published Wednesday that Jewish schools teach Islam.

Has this dhimmi rabbi actually read what the Quran says about the Jews?

Has the Rabbi commented on Muhammad’s extermination of an entire Jewish tribe?

Does the Rabbi believe that Jewish children should be educated in the numerous Islamic texts and teachings that call for the slaughter of the Jews?

This quisling is lower than the kapo — they had a gun to their heads.

“British Chief Rabbi Backs Teaching Islam in Jewish Schools,” Haaretz, December 15, 2015

‘It is more important than ever that our children have a better understanding of Islam and that we build strong relationships with British Muslims,’ Mirvis’ spokesman says.

British Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis recommended in an interview published Wednesday that Jewish schools teach Islam.

Mirvis’s spokesperson said that teaching Islam will give children the opportunity to learn about a “poorly understood” religion.

“It is more important than ever that our children have a better understanding of Islam and that we build strong relationships with British Muslims,” a spokesman for Mirvis told the London-based Jewish Chronicle.

“As such, the Chief Rabbi has recommended that schools take this opportunity to teach students Islam, a faith which is widely discussed but often poorly understood in public discourse,” the spokesman said.

Beginning in September, British schools will be required to teach two faiths as part of their curriculum in order to receive a General Certificate of Secondary Education certification in religious studies. Religious groups had lobbied against the new requirement.

Mirvis has not issued any formal guidelines on the subject.

The requirement to teach two religions was implemented by the British government as part of efforts to counter religious extremism and promote tolerance.

One comment

  • Islam does not bring principles or a secure and prosperous life. Put Godly prayer back in schools, acknowledge the One true God.

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