Arab Muslim TV in Israel: “We are a thorn in the throat of Zionism”

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A song broadcast on official Palestinian TV in July and earlier this month brags that Palestinians are a “thorn in the throat of Zionism,” Palestinian Media Watch reports.

The upbeat song explicitly incites terrorist activity against Jews, with the lead singer proudly proclaiming, “We have given them a taste of grief – a thorn in the throat of Zionism!”

The song largely has a call-and-response format, which consists of the lead singer shouting out to “the people” of the different cities of Israel. However, it’s clear from the context in the song that “the people” of Jaffa, Haifa, Lod, Ramle, Acre, Nazareth, Galilee, Beer Sheva, Tiberias, Safed, Beit Shean and Jerusalem – are Palestinians, implying that the aforementioned cities are actually part of some Palestinian country.

In one verse, the singer points to a child and sings, “we swear in the name of the prisoners, in place of one [prisoner], here are ten!” The implication is that the number of Palestinianterrorists will increase tenfold – therefore, so will the number of jailed Palestinian terrorists.

Here is an excerpt of the song (translated by Palestinian Media Watch):
“We are not afraid of the enemy – a thorn in the throat of Zionism!
Palestinians – We are! We are!
The people of Jerusalem – We are! We are!
The people of Jenin – We are! We are! …
The people of Gaza…
The people of Jaffa – We are! We are!
The people of Haifa – We are! We are!
The people of Lod – We are! We are!
The people of Ramle
The people of Acre – We are! We are!
The people of Nazareth – We are! We are! …
We swear in the name of the prisoners
In place of one [prisoner], here are ten
We have given them [Israelis] a taste of grief
We have given them a taste of grief – a thorn in the throat of Zionism!”

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