HORROR: University dean admits high school students dissected aborted babies

University of New Mexico School of Medicine dean Paul Roth admitted on video that researchers at the university procured aborted baby parts for dissection at a summer camp with high school students.

The admission confirms allegations by the U.S. House Select Panel on Infant Lives that staff at the university’s Health Sciences Center provided aborted baby brains to students, though Roth refused to discuss where the organs came from or how they were acquired, Life News reports.

In the video, posted to YouTube by New Mexico Alliance for Life, the camera woman approached Roth and asked him to repeat his comments at a UNM meeting about the human fetal remains.

“Can I ask you to repeat what you said before about the workshop with UNM fetal remains with high school students?” NMAL’s Marcie May questioned.

“Yes,” Roth replied. “We had a faculty member who obtained some tissue, and during one of these summer workshops, uh, dissected I think one or two fetal brains,” Roth said.

NMAL reports that Roth’s testimony in the meeting about the ordeal was “cold, clinical and dismissive.”

Roth’s admission confirms allegations outlined in a 291-page letter issued by the Select Panel to New Mexico Attorney General Hector Balderas requesting criminal charges against the university and Southwestern Women’s Options, an abortion provider identified in documents as the sole source of the aborted baby brains, Life News reports.

“In a July 22, 2015, letter to New Mexico legislators, Doctor #8 described five studies using aborted infant tissue conducted or being conducted by a neonatologist in the Department of Pediatrics. Further, Researcher has published at least eight studies which used tissue from aborted infants. Documents provided to the Panel list eighteen studies conducted in collaboration with SWWO since 1995,” according to the letter.

“The procurement notes provided to the Panel by UNM further confirm their acquisition of aborted infant tissue from SWWO for research purposes. References to specific studies were written in the notes along with lists of infant parts harvested. The lab tech wrote in May 2012 that someone from UNMHSC ‘asked clinic for digoxin treated tissue 24-28 weeks for methylation study + because (redacted) wants whole, fixed brains to dissect w/ summer camp students.”

The letter contends the researchers violated New Mexico’s Jonathan Spradling Revised Uniform Anatomical Gift Act prohibiting use of aborted baby parts for medical research, the news site reports.

“The video interview with Paul Roth corroborates the allegation made by the Select Panel. There should be immediate criminal charges filed against UNM and Roth, who apparently took no issue with high school kids dissecting aborted baby brains, and whoever requested the brains in the first place,” said Troy Newman, president of Operation Rescue, a pro-life advocacy group.

“Everyone at UNM and at Southwestern Women’s Options that were involved with the illegal aborted baby body parts scheme must also be charged,” he said. “Anything less is gross injustice.”

According to the Albuquerque Journal:

UNM officials acknowledged that a six-week “Neuroscience Summer Experience” in 2012 and 2014 involved fetal brain dissections. They said it was not a camp, but an educational research program in which all participating students were UNM undergraduate and graduate students or children of UNM faculty members. The brain dissections were conducted by faculty as program participants watched.

The news site also highlighted procurement notes from a lab assistant who celebrated the arrival of a “entire pancreas – whoo hoo!” and expressed disappointment when other organs were not delivered intact – “stomach broken, no panc (pancreas),” the researcher wrote along with a frowny face.


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