FACEPALM: Trump makes “Pocahontas” joke during Native American war hero event

Trump made a dumb Pocahontas joke about Elizabeth Warren today during an event where he was honoring Native American code talkers for being war heroes during WWI and WWII.


I’ve never had any problem with Trump mocking Elizabeth Warren for lying about her heritage to advance her professional career. He absolutely should because she deserves it and the media has never cared about it.

But c’mon dude, there’s a time and a place.

Look I’m not outraged by any stretch but it was kind of a ‘facepalm’ moment, as it was inappropriate for Trump to make such a joke at a venue like this. He’s there to honor war heroes and I wish he would just stay focused on that out of respect for the event and the men standing before him.

Also, I’m not even sure they got the joke by the looks on their faces.


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