• Rock and roll came from black r and b. Give credit where due. Elvis was the white version of little Richard. They needed white singer’s in order to sell Rick music.

  • Singer Paula Abdul and NFL player Lyle Alzado both Jewish.

    • but however persons like baruch Goldstein and eliran Golan pi ten times Jewish
      because they are not simply were borned Jewish but they are more and fulfilled
      jewish principals and enough of the time that they are today not with us like and not
      with us today Nathan Zada and Asher weissgan too

      • and more one thing but namely enough of time that Chaim ben pesah
        never give his Mobil phone number here on his site because here are
        many kahanists here in Israel whose are interesting his Mobil phone number
        those are thing what i wished added here in this comment

    • How about Whoopi Goldberg.

      • Did she have an orthodox conversion al pi Halacha.

      • About Whoopi Goldberg
        Blogs.timesofisrael.com has an article by Justin Amler headlined
        “The Dangerous Lies of Whoopi Goldberg” on
        FEBRUARY 2, 2022,

        • In addition to the
          blogs.timesofisrael.com article about Whoopi Goldberg, also see
          The article from
          usatoday.com about
          Whoopi Goldberg
          “Whoopi Goldberg was wrong. But so are many others about Jews, race and the Holocaust.”

          Jonathan Zimmerman on
          February 2, 2022

  • Chaim , do a video debunking the Lie that Israel deliberately and intentionally attacked the
    U.S.S. Liberty in the 1967 War
    Knowing that it was an American Naval Vessel. A common claim of
    Anti-Israel Losers is that Israel knew the Liberty was an American Vessel and deliberately , intentionally tried to sink it
    Please refute the Liberty Lie
    The Liberty Libel
    Never Forget that the Arabs and the Arab Nations are the Ones who should be blamed for the Liberty Disaster, if the Arabs and Arab Nations didn’t Start the 1967 War, then it wouldn’t have led to Israel attacking the U.S.S. Liberty thinking that it was an Egyptian Naval Vessel

    • Chaim has mentioned the Liberty in years past and has always blamed the U.S. as he has for Pollard

      • Could you please provide a link to where Chaim has mentioned the U.S.S. Liberty Incident, Thanks

        • Can’t it was more than a dozen years ago. He said that the Israelis were scared the Americans were going to warn the Syrians of the upcoming Israeli assault on the Golan Heights

      • See this link about the
        Jonathan Pollard case

        • Thank God Jonathan Pollard was released from Prison in 2015 , countless people were terrified that he would die of old age in
          Does anyone else think
          Irv Rubin was murdered in Prison in 2002 ? That the circumstances surrounding his death were extremely suspicious and that his death was Not a Suicide ?

    • Let’s be Frank and Honest
      For the sake of Argument, we all Know and Realize , That
      Even if Israel did deliberately and intentionally attack the
      U.S.S. Liberty in 1967 knowing that it was an American Naval Vessel
      Israel had to have had
      Very Good Valid Legitimate damn good intelligence, National Security Reasons for doing so, that Israel had no Choice, Israel was trying to Fight for it’s Survival to prevent a
      Second Holocaust , it’s really tragic and sad that 34 crewmen on the Liberty died , but sadly War is War
      Many have said why was the U.S.S. Liberty doing there in the first place, was the U.S.S. Liberty going to give sensitive information to the Genocidal Arab Enemy
      Many people have repeated that
      Above Common Sense Intelligent Argument , Israel had no Choice, it was a gut-wrenching Agonizing Decision ,

  • A person typed online about
    The Liberty Incident
    “) First lie was in 1967 when the U.S. government declared that no U.S. ship was in the area.
    2) The second lie is the false argument about Israel trying to cover up the intentions to attack Syria. It is very clear now that Israel informed, through diplomatic channels, that Israel intended to attack Syria and it happened before the attack on the on the USS liberty.
    These are the two of the most basic lies used by the Jew hating USS Liberty crowd. That’s one of the longest Jew hating actions in the U.S. history. There are many friendly fire incidents, involving U.S. personnel, but no one is talking about any of them, only because Jews were involved the blaming them for no reason is fair game.
    In the very good thriller, directed by Robert De Niro, “The Good Shepherd” the general supervising the beginnings of the OSS (the precursor of CIA) says that the organization has to be “clean” which means ”No Jews, no Negroes, no Catholics”. The Jew hating crowd is still in charge of of the information gathering entities of the U.S. government (CIA, NSA, etc.). That’s the reason the USS liberty liars are allowed to say whatever they want about Israel and the Jews. I am sure they signed non-disclosure agreements with NSA but if one blames the Jews everything is fair game.
    Also the Jew hating leadership of the U.S. information gathering entities is the reason Jonathan Pollard got a much harsher sentence than Ames or Hanson who caused the death of many agents who worked as spies for the USA. If a Jew spies for Israel he is going to be smashed!
    The State Department and the Intelligence leadership are, probably, the most anti-Jewish parts of the U.S. government. They both are in a, very slow, process of change but hating Jews is still fair game in these communities.”

    The Double Standards & Hypocrisy Against Israel and the Jews is

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