Netanyahu sends the UN $2.7 million after UN vote saying Israel has no right to Jerusalem

No, no… I’m only giving that bully a quarter of my lunch money.

Israel will contribute $2.7m this year to the UN, instead of the $10.7m that was originally earmarked. Why send the anti-semitic UN anything? Are you crazy?

Why is Netanyahu still kissing the tuchus of the United Nations?

From the Jerusalem Post:

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Wednesday directed the Foreign Ministry to deduct another $1 million from the funds Israel annually pays to the UN in response to UNESCO’s “delusional’ vote to disavow Israeli sovereignty in Jerusalem.

“There is a price for harassment,” Netanyahu said at the start of the weekly cabinet meeting. “I directed the director-general of the Foreign Ministry to deduct a further million dollars from the money Israel transfers to the UN.”

The price for “harassment”? Is that what you call anti-Israel hatred?

You mean the cowardly price to pure anti-Semitism is $2.7 million cash delivered straight to the Nazis that just voted to give the Jews’ holiest city to a bunch of violent Muslim terrorists. Don’t give them anything! Not even a penny!

Giving the money to the UN isn’t going to change them. It just helps them dole out more anti-Semitism, helps terrorists, and gets innocent Jews murdered. Give that money to the Jewish people.

Yeah, you “showed” them, Netanyahu. You only gave them almost $3 million as punishment.

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