Anti-Semite Alex Jones claims white supremacist protesters were “Jewish actors disguised as Nazis”

Remember that this is the same Alex Jones that is very close to Donald Trump.

Alex Jones’ mind works in strangely anti-Semitic ways.

The conspiracy theorist, creator of InfoWars and host of “The Alex Jones Show” on the Genesis Communications Network and WWCR in Austin, Texas, is now peddling a theory that “Unite the Right” protesters were Jewish actors disguised as Nazis.

The actors, Jones believes, were inciting violence to quell conservative unity.

This flies in the face of accounts of the Charlottesville, Va. violence on Saturday, which left one woman dead and nearly 20 injured. Those numbers come from the initial skirmish — more were injured in brawls and two state troopers died in a helicopter crash.

James Fields Jr., who is reportedly a neo-Nazi white supremacist, plowed a gray sedan through a crowd of counter-protesters in the Virginia college town. The white supremacists originally gathered to protest the planned removal of a Confederate statue.

Jones said on Sunday that the events in Charlottesville were “false flags” — suggesting a wider government conspiracy meant to control the populace with planned terror attacks, writes.

Jones shares similar beliefs with the Sandy Hook shooting and 9/11.

Jones believes the KKK protesters were Jewish actors who looked like “the cast of Seinfeld,” according to Media Matters.

He said, “Nothing against Jews in general, but they are leftists Jews that want to create this clash and they go dress up as Nazis. I have footage in Austin — we’re going to find it somewhere here at the office — where it literally looks like cast of ‘Seinfeld’ or like Howard Stern in a Nazi outfit. They all look like Howard Stern.”

He continued, saying, “They almost got like little curly hair down, and they’re just up there heiling Hitler. You can tell they are totally uncomfortable, they are totally scared and it’s all just meant to create the clash.”

Jones also took to YouTube to argue his bizarre and unfounded theory. An hour-long video finds Jones railing aganst the Black Lives Matter movement, philanthropist George Soros, politicians, globalists and elitists, among others.

On Monday, he took to Twitter to further his conspiracy, saying that the “race riots” in Charlottesville have a deeper origin.

A tweet showing Hillary Clinton and Debbie Wasserman Schultz reads, “Reminder: Democrats lied to the Electoral College about fake Russian conspiracies in an attempt to install Hillary Clinton as our first dictator!”

In the midst of his conspiratorial rhetoric, Jones also defended his past, saying he’s protested the KKK before — and has been labeled a racist without evidence.

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