Anti-Trump documentary ‘The Sociopath’ hits the internet, and it’s already making waves

trump_sociopathThe Howe Creative team, lead by filmmaker Ben Howe, has finally released their promised documentary about Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, and the delivery is right on time as people are deciding who to cast their ballot for at polling locations across the country.

Titled “The Sociopath,” Howe, a prominent anti-Trump conservative, and his team detail the reasons they believe the brash billionaire rose to the top, and how he became the Republican presidential nominee, all amid the turmoil and division that engulfed the GOP during this election season.

For those hoping to make sense of the madness, and become more informed about the state of the Republican Party, “The Sociopath” is hoping to offer voters a road map explaining how conservative politics got to the place it is today. It’s Howe’s wish is that the documentary not only give viewers perspective about the election, but the future of right-wing politics, too.

“I believe that what happens after this election will define the future more than the election itself. I sincerely hope America rejects Trump, because in doing so, I believe they will salvage conservatism which I don’t believe could survive a Donald Trump presidency,” Howe told TheBlaze. “Nothing that lies ahead is easy or fun, but my hope is that this film could be the conversation starter for something new.”

When Howe Creative set out to create “The Sociopath,” they did so by starting a fundraising page on GoFundMe with the goal of $30,000. As of this writing, the goal is nearly met with over $28,000 provided by 406 donors. Howe says he is expecting more donors to sign on in the coming days.

While many in the Republican Party would rather this documentary stay in the shadows, it would appear that there are many who look fondly on the video. The comments on the video’s YouTube page are largely positive, and its thumbs-up to thumbs-down ratio is five to one.

Watch the 40-minute documentary below:

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