• Do not underestimate Sliwa and call him a long shot. He has bullshitted New Yorkers for over 4 decades and he will continue to do so for decades to come. If we got through Dinkins we can get through Eric Adams. But not Sliwa. JTF should back Adams like we backed Grace Meng.

  • God No!
    Eric Adams is no good. However, unfortunately Curtis Sliwa has a slim chance. Eric Adams is worse than Sliwa and the same as De Blasio. Eric Adams is probably worse than “Do Nothing Dinkins”

    • If you vote for Sliwa join the guardian angels patrol all night and get stabbed by a Cushi.

      • Ha,ha.I usually use schwartzes when I’m
        speaking English.To your point,Sliwa is a phony putz .However,Eric Adams is worse.Eric Adams is the same as the Guardian Angels.Do you think one would get stabbed by a deSPICable
        before a schwartze…

      • Vote for Eric Adams he’ll teach you ebonics and you teach him Hebrew.
        You’ll have to translate it to him in written ebonics.And if Eric likes you enough,you can shtup his sister.
        That’s equitably horrendous as getting stabbed by a schwartze. See that you
        conduct the lesson/s in Jamaica Queens or some other schwartze community.

    • Ha,ha.I usually use schwartzes when I’m
      speaking English.To your point,Sliwa is a phony putz .However,Eric Adams is worse.Eric Adams is the same as the Guardian Angels.Do you think one would get stabbed by a deSPICable
      before a schwartze…

  • I moved to Hartsdale, Westchester County 4 years ago after living for 65 years in Queens. All I have to do is put up with that Leo Gorcey dummy on the news. You have drunk the KoolAid and you will deal with him for 8 years. I can change the channel/dial. How about you

  • Fakistinian last 2 escapees from Gilbao prison recaptured.

  • Vaccinated people infect others in the same way as unvaccinated people.

  • thanks again

  • You knew and will be seen. https://www (dot) projectveritas)dot) com/news/federal-govt-whistleblower-goes-public-with-secret-recordings-government/

  • I’m gonna write in Anthony Weiner.

  • https://gettr(dot)com/post/pbt6ac2cd5

    Jello-bloods are walking abortion clinics.

  • How did we get here where we’re the largest richest city in the U.S. and all we have running for mayor are a pair of third trimester abortions.

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