• Lyle Alzado was Jewish.

  • Mark Ruffalo is a Loser

  • Just like mayor LaGuardia Jewish mom. People assume otherwise

  • mosaicmagazine.com has an article headlined
    “Is the Writing on the Wall for America’s Jews?” on August 8, 2022 by Ruth R. Wisse

  • israelhayom.com has an article headlined
    “They ‘support Palestine,’ but can’t find it on a map”
    By Neta Bar
    Published on 12-02-2019
    Read the article, look it up Supporters of
    “Palestine” are so stupid and Pathetic they can’t even find
    Palestine on a map

    • However , when Pro-Israel people read the news story that Most , the Vast Majority of Supporters of
      “Palestine” can’t even find it on a map , the Israel Supporters replied
      “Not the least bit surprised”

  • Morton Klein damn has Tourette’s shit Disorder

  • The Protests in Iran over the Death of Mahsa Amini , and the Iranian Regime’s Violent Crackdowns on the protesters are even more proof that Islam is Evil and Nobody’s Friend

  • Giacobo Wahlboghter

    Chaim- I don’t hear you mention the great organization Ateret Cohanim and their great Rabbi Aviner. Could you please talk about them sometime? They seem to be very accomplished kindred spirits to the JTF family. Thanks, and L’Shana Tova! Giacobo

  • factsandlogic.org on
    September 20, 2022 has an article headlined
    “Why a Two-State Solution based on land-for-peace is bound to fail”

  • The website
    israelhayom.com has an article headlined
    “Another Holocaust is possible, warns former chief rabbi”
    By Hanan Greenwood Published on 01-23-2020 Google it

  • The Jerusalem Post, jpost.com
    has an article headlined
    “Survivors, scholars say threat of another Holocaust is not to be ignored”
    By ILANIT CHERNICK Published: NOVEMBER 17, 2019

  • factsandlogic.org on
    September 6, 2022
    Has an article headlined
    “Why the Israel “Occupation” Myth is False—and How to Defeat It Using Actual Facts”

  • The Jerusalem Post website
    jpost.com has an article headlined
    “Nearly half of Israelis fear a second Holocaust is coming – poll”
    By JERUSALEM POST STAFF Published: APRIL 27, 2022

    • Plus if a Second Holocaust happens, hope it doesn’t, but if a Second Holocaust happens, it will because of the Fakestinian people and their Propaganda & Lies

  • Jewish children removed from Lev Tahor in Mexico.

  • Thanks to all the
    “Free Speech” on College and University Campuses in America.
    The shameless Abuse and Exploitation of Free Speech.
    Jewish students and Forced to hide their Jewishness , to hide the fact that they are Jewish, but often that it impossible if they look Jewish or sound Jewish or have Jewish surnames.
    We need the National Guard on all College and University Campuses in America to Protect Jewish Students and Staff.
    All the “Free Speech” has gotten out of Control, it’s gone way too Far for Far too long, when it infringes on the Rights of others.
    Most Americans would agree that all this “Free Speech” has gotten out of Control.

    • But Often That IS Impossible if they look Jewish or sound Jewish or have Jewish surnames

      • Fyvush Finkel

      • How many Jewish students on College and University Campuses in America are Permanently Traumatized for Life and Suffering from Severe
        PTSD because of the Anti-Semitism and Jew-Hatred they encountered on Campus, because of All this
        “Free Speech” having gone too Far. How many now have Severe PTSD , because of All the “Free Speech” gotten out of Control ? The Jewish Students Need to Take Out Lawsuits for Massive Financial Compensation .

  • Dice clay is Jewish.

  • Anyone forced to hide their Jewish identify should sue for discrimination.

    • Often it is Impossible for them to hide their Jewish identity if they look Jewish, if they look
      Jewish or sound Jewish, or have Jewish surnames. Even for many people who are half-Jewish it is still impossible for them to hide the fact that they have Jewish heritage. I’ve read that when a person is half-Jewish that the Jewish half is dominant, like when a Irish person and a Chinese person have a child, the child will look Chinese and grow up to look Chinese

  • Chaim, expose the Satanic
    Pay to Slay , Pay for Slay policy the Fakestinians have . It’s almost like the Fakestinians have a Quota of how many innocent Jews they have to Murder to get Money

  • The Ugly Renowned Expert on
    Everything Mark Ruffalo spews hate and lies against Israel, yet that Dumbass can’t even spell correctly, he spelled it as
    Isreal . Such a Cretin and Moron

  • The Pig no-talent “actor” Mark Ruffalo
    On May 24, 2023 tweeted about
    Jewish American History Month
    and urged People in Los Angeles to Report Hate Crimes against Jews and other Groups, someone replied to
    “Fuck off
    you are an outspoken hater. POS.” Another person typed in reply
    “So Mark is Now the Spokesperson for Jews”

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