Author Archives: Shlomo

Barack Hussein Obama Hosts Annual Ramadan Dinner at White House – Never Misses a Muslim Holiday

Obama proclaims too many have ‘distorted’ views of Muslims. President Barack Obama said Monday that Americans stand united in rejecting the targeting of any religious or ethnic group as he marked Islam’s holy month of Ramadan. Obama opened the White House to Muslim Americans for a traditional iftar dinner, which follows daily fasting from dawn to sunset. Ramadan ends with […]

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Israeli ambassador warns UN chief of dangerous consequences of Gaza-bound flotilla

Israel will not let Gazabound boats [full of Nazis and Muslim terrorists] reach the maritime zone adjacent to the Gaza Strip, Foreign Ministry director-general Dore Gold wrote to UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on Monday. “This attempt to challenge Israel’s naval blockade of Gaza holds the potential for dangerous consequences,” Gold wrote in a letter. “The flotilla’s sole purpose is to […]

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Ultimate Betrayal: Why Did a Major US Jewish Leader Criticize Israel as He Left Office?

The self-hating Jews at the Anti-Defamation League criticized Michael Oren, Israel’s former ambassador to the United States, for an “insensitive and unjustified attack on Barack Obama” when exposing the truth about Obama’s anti-Israel policies and his obsession with giving terrorist Iran nuclear weapons. With traitorous establishment Jews like this, who needs enemies? [Obama lapdog] Abe Foxman of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) […]

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New Islamic State Video Glorifies Child Cage Fighting

Video shows children fighting in steel cages, ducking under gunfire; experts believe it is a new recruitment tool. Islamic State (ISIS) has in the past uploaded videos of children holding weapons, in terror training and even performing executions – but terror training has reached an entirely new level. On Monday, the group uploaded a new propaganda video which goes beyond the pale, […]

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UN Releases Report: Israeli Self-Defense a ‘War Crime’ – Hamas Terrorists Salute UN Gaza Report

Hamas spokesman Fawzi Barhum says Hamas welcomes report; PLO says reinforces ‘our will to go to ICC’ Hamas saluted “condemnation” of Israel in a UN report released Monday on last summer’s conflict in Gaza that accused both sides of potential war crimes but focused primarily on Israel. “Hamas welcomes the report’s condemnation of the Zionist occupier for its war crimes during […]

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‘Abortion drone’ to drop abortion drugs over Poland to women

This week a drone will airdrop medical abortion pills to Polish women unable to legally terminate pregnancies. Reported by The Telegraph, now drones are being sent to murder unborn children: A drone carrying medical abortion pills is set to fly to Poland, where abortion is severely restricted for women. The ‘abortion drone’ is being sent by not-for-profit organisation Women on […]

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“Obama’s Approach to Iran Would Have Been Different Had the Ayatollahs Been Anti-Black Racists Rather than Anti-Semites”

Former Israeli Ambassador to the U.S. Michael Oren continued his criticism of the Obama administration Friday and speculated that President Barack Obama’s outreach to the Muslim world may have been motivated by his childhood trauma of being abandoned by his Muslim father and step-father. He also opined that the president would not likely have trusted Iran’s leaders with the ability […]

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Obama’s Definition of a Terrorist

From Bob Russell in Claremore, Oklahoma: Isn’t it amazing how Barack Obama refuses to label Muslim murderers as terrorists yet has no problem calling me a terrorist. My qualifications as a terrorist? I am white, a Christian, an honorably discharged veteran, a gun owner, and believe in the Constitution. I have NEVER committed ANY type of crime yet am labeled […]

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Jeb Bush on Global Warming: I ‘Embrace’ Carbon Reduction

The Undercurrent posted a clip of Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush taking question while walking through the hall at the Road to Majority Conference sponsored by the Faith and Freedom Coalition in which he said he “embraces” the current “reduction of carbon emissions.” When asked about his climate change position Jeb said, “I continue to embrace the reduction of carbon […]

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Jerusalem: Muslim Terrorist Stabs Jew in the Neck – Victim Critically Wounded

Police officer injured by Arab attacker near Damascus Gate; officer manages to fatally wound terrorist. A border policeman has been left seriously wounded after being stabbed by an Arab terrorist in Jerusalem, close to the Old City’s Damascus Gate. Security forces and paramedics are already at the scene. The victim, aged 20, is in critical condition and fighting for his life, with stab […]

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State Department Report on Iranian Terrorism Is a ‘Wake-up Call’ on Iran Nuclear Deal that ‘Endangers’ the World

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Sunday called the State Department’s new international terrorism report “a wake-up call”
 on Iranian “subversion and aggression.” Netanyahu also asserted that the deal currently being negotiated on Iran’s nuclear program will only enrich the Islamic Republic — allowing it to increase its terrorism sponsorship. “The U.S. State Department report on Iranian involvement in terrorism needs […]

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Obama Administration Outed Active Israeli Spy Mission in Iran

In March 2012 the Obama administration intentionally leaked information on Israel’s secret military alliance with Azerbaijan. According to a Foreign Policy report based on “four senior diplomats and military intelligence officers” Azerbaijan has given Israel permission to land planes on Azeri airfields after an attack on Iranian nuclear sites. The Obama Administration leaked this information putting the alliance in jeopardy […]

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American Tax-Deductible Contributions are funding Arab terrorists who kill Jews in Israel

American Jews Are Paying For Defense Of Arab Terrorists in Israel and Jerusalem. A few days ago in these pages we wrote about an extreme left-wing American Jewish organization, The New Israel Fund (NIF), which has the constant agenda of harming the State of Israel through a variety of mechanisms. The latest – as reported by Israeli media today – is […]

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Hillary Clinton Calls for Gun Control

Issuing an emotional plea following the South Carolina church shooting, Hillary Rodham Clinton called for “common-sense” gun reforms and a national reckoning with the persistent problem of “institutional racism.” Three days after nine black church members were gunned down in Charleston, Clinton said the country must take steps to keep guns from criminals and the mentally ill. Regulations, she said, […]

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Total Incompetence: Chinese Hackers Had Administrator Access to U.S. Government Computers

[New York Times] – For more than five years, American intelligence agencies followed several groups of Chinese hackers who were systematically draining information from defense contractors, energy firms and electronics makers, their targets shifting to fit Beijing’s latest economic priorities. But last summer, officials lost the trail as some of the hackers changed focus again, burrowing deep into United States […]

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Marco Rubio: “No Problem” With Pope Pushing Junk Science Global Warming

Republican presidential candidate Sen. Marco Rubio said Saturday that he had “no problem” with Pope Francis’ encyclical on climate change, but said he would only back policies that protect the nation’s economy. “I have no problem with what the pope did,” the senator, who is Roman Catholic, said before speaking at Lincoln Day Dinner sponsored by the Miami-Dade County Republican […]

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Sickening: Netanyahu Kisses Muslim Tuchus on Ramadan: ‘You are an integral part of Israeli society’

The prime minister concluded in Arabic saying “kol a’am wa antom bekhair,” meaning “I wish you goodness every year.” Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu released a videotaped greeting to Israel’s Muslim citizens on Thursday, in time for the start of the Muslim fasting month of Ramadan. Speaking in front of a background of the flag of Israel, and a bookshelf with a family […]

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Time for Hillary’s Huma Abedin to Come Out of the Muslim Terror Shadows

Huma Abedin, Hillary Clinton’s longtime confidante, is currently the vice chair of her 2016 presidential campaign. “I’m not sure Hillary could walk out the door without Huma,” Clinton adviser Mandy Grunwald said back during the days of Hillary’s first run for the presidency. Huma and Hillary are inseparable, including having been linked together on a private e-mail network while Ms. […]

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Rachel Dolezal Sued Black College For Discriminating Against Her… for Being White

The saga of Rachel Dolezal, the 37 year-old blonde-haired, freckle-faced white woman who was caught pretending to be black, just got a whole lot more interesting. Smoking Gun has uncovered a lawsuit Dolezal filed against Howard University — a historically black college — when she was still Rachel Moore in 2002. Dolezal sued the school for discriminating against her because […]

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Illegal Immigrant Enforcement? What Enforcement?

Three recent items highlight the continuing collapse of interior immigration enforcement under Obama. The first is information pried out of DHS by Senators Grassley and Sessions: One hundred twenty-one convicted criminals who faced deportation orders between 2010 and 2014 were never removed from the country and now face murder charges, according to Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). Just to be […]

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5 Things Obama Didn’t Mention When He Blamed America for the Charleston Shooting

At a predominately African American church in Charleston on Wednesday night, a South Carolina man named Dylann Storm Roof entered and later opened fire on the church attendants. The horrific mass shooting left nine people dead and the country shaken and searching for answers. President Obama delivered a speech addressing the nation on the tragic shooting that tilted towards condemnation of […]

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Reality is Fake, the Sham is Reality

I will begin this article by listing several propositions which are wholly and obviously true, and which should be entirely non-controversial, yet which are bound to create a good deal of contention when expressed. Bruce Jenner is a man Rachel Dolazel is a white woman The idea of two gay men or two lesbians marrying is ridiculous on its face […]

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Pro-Israel Ted Cruz to Fine State Dept. for Withholding Key Iran Report

Republican presidential candidate to fine Obama admin. for continuing to hide Iran human rights violation report that was due in February. Republican presidential candidate Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) is to file legislation this week to fine the US State Department for refusing to release a key report on Iran’s rampant human rights violations, which sources say is being withheld so as […]

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NY Muslim plotting to help ISIS with pressure cooker bomb attacks NYC agents with knife

A New York man suspected of plotting to help ISIS attacked law enforcement agents with a knife early Wednesday as they conducted one of several ongoing anti-terror operations against ISIS sympathizers in the U.S., authorities said. No one on the Joint Terrorism Task Force team, made up of state, local and federal law enforcement agents, was hurt in the attack […]

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Hillary Clinton Lied: Document Shows Classified Intel Sent in Personal Emails

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton used her personal email account to handle high level negotiations in 2011 for a no-fly zone to help topple Libyan dictator Muammar Qaddafi, according to a series of emails obtained by Fox News, challenging her claim the private server did not hold classified information. The emails, linked here, conflict with Clinton’s statement that she did […]

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The media explodes finding one white guy who killed blacks – but where is the outcry for all the millions murdered by blacks?

The homicide rate for blacks was almost 8 times higher than whites, and the victim rate 6 times higher. 93% of black victims are killed by blacks. Where is the outcry? Oh right, that would be “racist” according to the politically correct and leftist censorship police. To be honest, I’m surprised the story actually got so much attention since the […]

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Outrage After European Court Rules Disabled Man May Be Starved to Death

Whether it’s abortion, euthanasia, assisted suicide, or starving disabled people until they die, leftist governments always embrace mass murder. Support has surged in recent days for Vincent Lambert, a severely brain-damaged, 38-year-old Frenchman who has been sentenced to die by the European Court of Human Rights [when you see a government body with “human rights” in the name, it’s always the […]

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Gaza’s many NGOs don’t actually care about Hamas prisons and torture

[So-called] “Palestine” Press Agency (Fatah-leaning) has an article about the inhumane conditions in Hamas prisons and detention centers in Gaza. According to the article, Hamas prison cells meant for 20 people routinely have as many as 80. In the summer, temperatures can go past 40 degrees C (104F) with no ventilation. Prisoners with deadly contagious diseases are herded next to […]

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FBI: Muslim Man Tied to Texas Cartoon Shooting Planned to Attack Super Bowl

Calling him “off-the-charts dangerous,” authorities said a Phoenix man helped orchestrate a shooting at an anti-Islam event in Texas and had aspirations to join the Islamic State terrorist organization and attack the Super Bowl. Abdul Malik Abdul Kareem, 43, was arrested last week on charges related to the shooting at a Prophet Muhammad cartoon contest that led to the deaths […]

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Israel Religion Minister: ‘Reform Jews Are a Disaster to the Nation’

Religious Affairs Minister Azulai and Justice Minister Shaked discuss Women of the Wall, and their insistence on causing provocations. Religious Affairs Minister David Azulai (Shas) and Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked (Jewish Home) met on Tuesday to discuss the Women of the Wall (WoW), who despite being given an egalitarian area on the Western Wall are demanding a prayer space in […]

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TSA: 73 Workers with Terrorist Connections “Pose No Threat”

During testimony at a House of Representatives hearing Tuesday, the Transportation Security Agency said they found no threat from the 73 aviation workers who slipped through the security screening process. Stacey Fitzmaurice, TSA’s deputy assistant administrator for the Office of Intelligence and Analysis, told the Homeland Security subcommittee on transportation that TSA re-checked the workers cited in an inspector general’s […]

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Longtime Clinton confidant was “merely a conduit” for memos about Libya he forwarded to Hillary Clinton

Longtime Clinton confidant Sidney Blumenthal was “merely a conduit” and did not write the numerous memos about Libya he forwarded to then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, the chairman of the House panel investigating the deadly 2012 Benghazi attacks said Tuesday. Blumenthal was forwarding information from someone who may have had business interests in Libya, Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C. told Fox […]

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Families Protest Forced Cross-Dressing of Schoolchildren

Parents from the north of Italy have organized a massive demonstration, called “Defend Our Children,” against gender ideology in schools, which will be held this Saturday in the Saint John Lateran Square in Rome. The demonstrators will be protesting Italian educational programs that are meant to blur the sexual identity of children. In the northern Italian city of Trieste, parents are in […]

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