Author Archives: Shlomo

Planned Parenthood sues Ohio after being caught dumping dead babies in landfills

Planned Parenthood sued Ohio’s health director on Sunday in a dispute over how the organization’s affiliates handle the disposal of fetal tissue in the state. The organization is accusing the state’s health department of changing the interpretation of a fetal tissue disposal rule without notice and then unfairly targeting Planned Parenthood, violating its due process and equal protection rights. The […]

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Netanyahu pledges to support junk-science global warming

While innocent Jews are being slaughtered in Israel, the phony “right” is more concerned about junk-science global warming and appeasing Obama and the UN. Israel “will do its part” to help slow global warming under the climate agreement signed in Paris, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said. “Like the other countries, we have an interest in ensuring that global warming, if […]

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Iran Deal Has Started Middle-East Nuke Race: Egyptian Making Deals with Moscow for “Nuclear Power Plant”

“Israel always warned that the agreement with Iran would lead to a nuclear Middle East and this is the first evidence that it is going to happen,” expert tells Post. An Egyptian delegation traveled to Moscow on Sunday to discuss the building of the country’s first nuclear power plant with Russian aid, Egyptian media reported. The high-level delegation will discuss […]

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Facebook CEO Zuckerberg-Backed Immigration Bill Would Allow Unlimited Muslim Immigration

In January of 2015, a handful of Senators quietly introduced new legislation in Congress that would allow for virtually unlimited Muslim immigration into the United States – lifting caps entirely on several categories of visas favored by immigrants from Muslim countries. The Mark Zuckerberg-backed legislation, S.153, is called the Immigration Innovation Act (or I-Squared), and it has taken on new […]

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Medical murder: Hospital set to ‘pull plug’ on patient who desperately wants to live

Texas law lets medical pros ‘make life-ending decisions against the family’s wishes’. A Texas mother and pro-life activists are fighting a Houston hospital in court after the facility cited a state law in its decision to refuse treatment for a 46-year-old man, despite the patient’s wishes and those of his family. Houston Methodist Hospital is standing behind the decision of an administrative panel that ruled it […]

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MSNBC’s Harris-Perry Claims Star Wars is Racist Because Darth Vader’s Costume is Black

It’s not a joke. Leftist MSNBC is really broadcasting that Star Wars is somehow “racist” because of Darth Vader’s black costume. Have you ever noticed that the people who scream racist the loudest are usually the real racists and completely obsessed with skin color? On her eponymously named Sunday morning show, MSNBC host Melissa Harris-Perry went into a mini-rant about […]

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Video: Arab Terrorist in Israel Repeatedly Stabs Soldier Until Being Shot Dead

Security cameras picked up the horrific stabbing attack outside Hevron’s Beit Hadassah on Wednesday, in which a soldier was moderately wounded and a civilian was lightly wounded. In the film, the Arab terrorist can be seen approaching the soldier before suddenly whipping out a knife and stabbing him repeatedly, as a civilian passing by steps in to try and help […]

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Hillary vs. the Benghazi Families

Clinton’s most brazen lie yet. There is little doubt this presidential campaign season is unique, at least in one respect: for the first time in a long time, the despicable nature of the [leftist] media’s double-standard is as much in focus as the candidates themselves. And perhaps nothing screams double-standard more than the calculated lack of attention on Hillary Clinton’s […]

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Common Core: Where a Wrong Answer Can be Right and the Right Answer Can Be Wrong

Another Common Core-aligned math problem is going viral. This time a 3rd grade math problem was marked as incorrect even though the student found the correct answer. On the other hand, submissions with the wrong answer have been counted right. The question asked the student to find the result of 5 multiplied by 3, using the “repeated addition strategy.” The […]

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Facebook censors pro-Israel groups, ignores anti-Semitic groups

Facebook has reportedly removed an image of former Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir from a pro-Israel group’s page, claiming it violated community standards, but it has yet to do anything about the many anti-Semitic and anti-“Zionist” images posted on the global social network. The now-deleted image featured a quote normally attributed to the former prime minister, which says, “Peace will […]

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Obama: another Iranian ballistic missile test should have “no effect” on our deal

I wonder if all the attention being paid to ISIS these days has the Iranians feeling a bit left out of the international headlines? While everyone else was busy delving into the affairs in Paris and San Bernardino, Iran took the opportunity to test fire another Ghadr-110 ballistic missile, a model allegedly capable of carrying a nuclear warhead and with […]

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CNN host says ‘Jews also committed terrorist attacks’

CNN host Ashleigh Banfield used a puzzling argument on Tuesday when discussing Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s controversial remarks about banning Muslims from entering the United States. Banfield was interviewing former Ronald Reagan White House administrator Jeffrey Lord about the comments, when she asked him whether Jews should also be banned from entering America. As the interview continued, Banfield claimed […]

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San Bernardino Shooter Visited 11 School Cafeterias

San Bernardino school officials have revealed that due to his job as a San Bernardino County health inspector, terrorist Syed Rizwan Farook inspected eleven school sites in the county for months before he massacred 14 people and wounded 21 others last week. Less than 24 hours before the massacre, San Bernardino City Unified School District officials discovered that Farook visited […]

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Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg Promises to ‘Fight to Protect the Rights of Muslims’

‘I Want You to Know [Muslims] That You Are Always Welcome Here’ -Zuckerberg Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg took to his own creation to promise to advocate for Muslims — especially on Facebook. In a post Wednesday evening, [self-hating Jew] Zuckerberg recalled growing up Jewish as his parents instilled in him the desire to “stand up against attacks” on general communities. […]

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UK Cops: ‘There Are Areas We Have To Ask Muslim Leaders’ Permission To Patrol’

A British policeman has hit back at the UK political establishment stating that there are some areas in the country where cops have to ask permission from local Muslim leaders in order to patrols.  There are areas of the UK “so radicalised the police are afraid for their lives” – a statement initially mocked by the British Prime Minister, the […]

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HUD Will “Choose Your Neighbors” through a Massive Social Engineering Rule

On July 8, 2015, the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) announced the final rule on Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH). HUD describes this rule – “everyone can access affordable, quality housing regardless of their “race, color, national origin, religion, sex, disability, or familial status.” HUD’s Secretary, Julian Castro, stated that “unfortunately, too many Americans find their dreams limited […]

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Liberals: “Constitution is Totally Outdated Piece of Paper”

Ed Schultz proclaims we need to “get rid of some of these jackasses who live by an old document.” Former MSNBC blowhard Ed Schultz has taken to doing web podcasts since losing his The Ed Show gig on that network, and Newsbusters reports that he recently vented about Republican “jackasses” who still oppose more restrictive gun control in the wake of the San Bernardino terrorist massacre. He may have been […]

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Liberals Praise Hillary Clinton’s New Ad With Homosexual Couples Kissing

The Hillary Clinton campaign is out with an ad highlighting her record as an advocate for LGBT rights. The spot includes images of gay couples kissing each other. The liberal website Slate praises Clinton for including same-sex kissing in her campaign ad, saying, “Given the distressingly puritanical rules that govern gay PDAs, it’s both impressive and heartening that Clinton includes […]

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Classified Letter Reveals: Islamic State Terrorists Targeting U.S. Refugee Program

But supposedly conservatives are just “afraid of orphan children.” What we have known to be true all along is now official. On Monday Rep Michael McCaul (R-TX) revealed contents from a classified letter from the National Counterterrorism Center which disclosed that ISIS and other Islamic [terrorists] have been and are targeting the U.S. refugee program as a way of entering the country. […]

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U.S. gives Hamas fundraising front $100,000

USAID taxpayer-funded organization gives grant to group banned in Israel and UAE for channeling cash to Hamas, Muslim Brotherhood. The US Agency for International Development (USAID), a taxpayer-funded aid organization, is giving a $100,000 federal grant to an Islamic charity banned in Israel for giving aid to Hamas and other terrorist organizations. Grant information on the USAID endowment reveals the […]

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‘Spinning up as we speak’: Email shows Pentagon was ready to roll as Benghazi attack occurred

As the attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi was unfolding, a high-ranking Pentagon official urgently messaged Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s top deputies to offer military help, according to an email obtained by Judicial Watch. The revelation appears to contradict testimony Defense Secretary Leon Panetta gave lawmakers in 2013, when he said there was no time to get forces […]

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Democratic Party Conducts “Outreach to Muslims” through Leader of Terrorist Group

Debbie Wasserman Schultz and company’s disturbing embrace of Islamic terrorists. In a push to do outreach to the local Muslim community, the Florida Democratic Party has officially recognized the American Muslim Democratic Caucus (AMDC), a group based in South Florida with members around the state. While this might look innocuous on its face, AMDC is headed by a woman, Ghazala […]

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Brazilian Jews moving to Israel in record numbers, fleeing recession and violence

“In Israel, we don’t feel threatened with imminent violence. The feeling of security with our police and army plus unity of the population reinforces the generalized feeling that we are not alone.” For four years, llana Lerner Kalmanovich rode a hot and crowded bus three hours each day to reach the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, where she was […]

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Massive Worldwide Support for Sharia Law Among Global Muslim Community

The Pew Research Center released some truly astonishing polling data on the support among Muslims worldwide for Sharia law. Have a look at these numbers: Everywhere we look around the globe, there are substantial—and generally dominant—percentages of Muslims who favor making Sharia the official law in their country. When broken down by region, the numbers are even more troubling: Since […]

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“Disrespecting” Islamic State Terrorists Will Get You Banned From Posting Videos

Youtube bans accounts with videos that are “offensive” to Islam, but Islamic State terrorist videos calling for mass-murder of innocent people are totally acceptable for them… along with videos praising Hitler. After being online for less than a week, this video mocking ISIS propaganda was banned by a video hosting service. In a takedown letter, the hosting service called the […]

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CRUZ MISSILE — Ted Cruz Shoots To 1st Place In Latest Iowa Poll

… After more than doubling his support in just two months. According to the latest Republican primary poll, Sen. Ted Cruz is now leading the pack in Iowa. In the poll — conducted by Monmouth University — Cruz earned 24 percent of the vote and “his first lead in any early state poll of the 2016 cycle.” Real estate mogul Donald Trump currently commands second place, garnering […]

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Dozens of Jews protest in Hevron over violence – Arabs throw rocks at them

Hevron area residents demonstrate after stabbing; police intervene after [Muslim] Arabs throw rocks at protestors. Dozens of people protested in the streets of Hevron on Monday night, hours after a [Muslim] Arab stabbed and seriously injured an Israeli in his forties. Men and women, young and old, came to protest the violence. Shortly after they began, however, a number of […]

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San Bernardino Terrorist’s Co-Workers Once Collected Money and Threw Baby Shower for Him and His Wife

It goes to show you that no matter how “nice” the left thinks you should be to these animals, it won’t save you. Colleagues [and victims] of San Bernardino [terrorist] Syed Farook told the Associated Press and the Los Angeles Times that co-workers once threw a baby shower and collected money for Farook and his wife, Tashfeen Malik, before the […]

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Jeb Bush, Who Wants More NSA Surveillance and Illegal Amnesty, Criticizes Ted Cruz

If Jeb Bush really wants to stop terrorism, then why does he support illegal immigration and open borders? Because he’s another RINO phony. “The husband flies to the Middle East, the husband is in contact with multiple people on the terror watch list, the wife is publicly pledging her allegiance to ISIS on social media and the Obama administration caught […]

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Arab stabbing and car attack in Jerusalem, 3 Jews injured

Terrorist begins stabbing pedestrians after failing to run over Israeli child. A [Muslim] Arab terrorist stabbed and rammed his car into three Israelis on Yirmiyahu st. in the Romema neighborhood of Jerusalem Sunday night, leaving three people lightly injured. ZAKA stated that the terrorist initially tried to run over a Jewish child, then rammed his car into a pedestrian. When that failed […]

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Obama Made it Easier for Islamic State Jihadis to Enter on 90-Day Fiancé Visas

Islamic State (ISIS) can export jihadis to the United States–such as Tashfeen Malik, who killed 14 in San Bernardino–by going online and arranging 90-day fiancé visas for as little as $375. Since 2009, President Barack Obama’s deputies have streamlined the process so that it can all be accomplished completely online–without any face-to-face check with a U.S. embassy official. There were […]

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Hillary Clinton: I Didn’t Lie to Benghazi Families — It Was ‘The Fog Of War’

Sunday on ABC’s “This Week,” while discussing the uncovered email showing Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton had told the Egyptian prime minister that “we know the attack in Libya had nothing to do with the film,” prior to telling them it was a YouTube video that caused the terror attack, Clinton said she did not lie to them but instead […]

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Judenrat Debbie Wasserman Schultz: Anti-Muslim Syrian “Refugee Rhetoric Is Same As Turning Away Jews in 1939”

Oh really? Did the Jews ever go into schools, religious institutions, shopping malls, and public places to mass-murder and slaughter innocent people while shouting “Allah akbar”? Syria is an enemy country full of barbaric and violent jihadists where the overwhelming vast majority support Islamic State and other Muslim terrorist organizations. The Democratic National Committee cannot tolerate Republican rhetoric against the Obama […]

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After CA Terrorism, New Yorker Mag Cover Targets Smiling White Gun Owners

Fresh off an Islamic terror attack carried out in strictly gun-controlled California, the leftist media haven’t missed a beat perpetuating their message that guns, not jihadists, are the problem that must be addressed. For the cover of its upcoming December 14th issue,  The New Yorker magazine chose artist Eric Drooker’s depiction not of a Muslim couple like the San Barnardino terrorists, but of a white […]

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