California Senate Approves Assisted-Suicide Bill

assisted suicide euthanasiaWhether suicide, death panels, abortion, or eugenics, the left loves to embrace mass murder.

California is one step closer to becoming the sixth state to pass the controversial Death with Dignity bill. The legislation, condemned by many pro-life advocates, allows terminally ill patients to end their lives with a doctor’s prescription.

The California Medical Association, which initially opposed the bill, removed its opposition last week. Soon after, the state Senate appropriations committee approved it.

Similar legislation was just defeated in Scotland.

The debate over assisted suicide reached a climax last year when 29-year-old Brittany Maynard chose to end her life after receiving a fatal diagnosis. She was one of 750 people in Oregon to do so since the state passed the aid in dying law in 1997. The four other states which allow patients to take deadly medication are New Mexico, Montana, Washington, and Vermont.

TIME magazine has a list of factors that explain the divide on the right-to-die issue. On the advocate side are reasons such as retaining one’s autonomy and establishing clear guidelines: “The laws give patients the choice to use aid in dying if their suffering becomes unbearable” and “States that don’t authorize aid in dying have unclear and unenforceable laws.”

Opponents, on the other hand, argue the following: “Once the pills are available, anyone can administer them – particularly if that patient has lost mental and physical faculties – even if that patient has decided against taking the pills” and “It’s often difficult to predict which sick patient is going to die imminently, as opposed to getting better with intensive care.”

No one wants to see a loved one suffer. But, is there not something just inhumane about giving a patient the tools to end their lives? Don’t doctors spend years studying medicine and conducting research in order to save lives?

I hope these California lawmakers reconsider and follow Scotland’s lead.


  • Who are we to Judge ?
    Live and Let Die & Let it Be
    Most Americans are Against
    Suicide Prevention and Forced Living Extremism and
    Support the Right To Die for Any and All Suffering people.
    Mentally ill, Terminally ill and all other Suffering people who Request to Die & Give Explicit Consent
    Dr. Jack Kevorkian was a Hero

    • Dr. Jack Kevorkian Will Always be a Hero

      • Jack Kevorkian was and
        Always Will be a Hero ♥️♥️♥️

        • Jack Kevorkian wanted to Ultimately Extend the
          Right To Die, Death With Dignity to people with Unbearable Mental illness and other Suffering people who were Not Terminally ill

        • Jack Kevorkian was a
          Very Brave Man and a
          Believer in Human Freedom, Autonomy, Self-Ownership, Self-Determination,
          Personal Choice and Individual Rights
          A Very Compassionate Human Being

  • It’s about Quality of Life,
    Not Quantity, what about a
    Suffering person’s Right to
    Autonomy, Self-Ownership and Self-Determination.
    Most Americans are in Full Support of the Growing
    Right To Die Movement ,
    Voluntary Assisted Suicide,
    Voluntary Euthanasia for any and all Suffering people who Request to Die, Mentally ill, Terminally ill, etc

    • Suicide Prevention and Forced Living is Torture & Abuse of Suffering People.
      Many people have correctly pointed out that Suicide is NOT a Sin, the Real Sin is Forcing Suffering people to live in Misery Against Their Will, at all Costs to Suffer Even More

  • Shlomo , are you there ?
    What about the late
    Dr. Jack Kevorkian who Supported the Right To Die , to
    Voluntary Doctor Assisted Death for Any and All Suffering people who Hate Life and Hate their Lives
    For many Suffering people things Never get Better, just Worse and Worse
    Often Unbearable, Intolerable, Unspeakable problems in Life are sadly Permanent
    Pro-Life Suicide Prevention people are Full of Propaganda, Lies, Hypocrisy, Double Standards and False Hope that they give to Suffering people.
    Many have said that
    Suicide is NOT Selfish or Cowardly,
    But it is Selfish and Cowardly to Force Suffering people to Live in Misery against their will by Force at all costs, to suffer even more, that is Slavery and Terrorism against Suffering people
    What about Respecting the Rights and Wishes of Suffering Individuals ?

  • Shlomo , didn’t publish an article in the 2000’s that said
    America was Right for having
    Humane Eugenics and
    Forced Sterilizations in the past .
    The article on said that Eugenics and Forced Sterilizations became Taboo because of
    Genocidal misuse by
    Nazi Germany which murdered mentally and physically disabled , regardless of their racial origin
    That was wrong and Evil to
    Involuntarily Murder the Disabled . The Problem is that America and Many Other Nations just Allow Anyone and Everyone to Reproduce and have children , often spreading Horrible Mental and Physical disease to their Children. America and other Nations stupidly Allows Men and Women with Serious Mental illness to have children and very often the Children grow up to Also have very Serious Mental illness, Very Sick Children that grow up to be Very Sick Adults and have Ruined Lives . Adults who cannot even take care of themselves are Allowed to have children .

    • Eugenics and Forced Sterilization has been unjustly demonized and vilified because of Genocidal Misuse by Nazi Germany

    • I don’t take the view about people with Mental and Physical Conditions that
      “They should have Never have been born”
      I don’t look at it that way
      But rather that
      No one should be born into a Life of Unbearable Mental and/or Physical Sufferings , other Sufferings that they don’t want

  • Shlomo, has an article headlined
    “What Happens When Mentally Ill People Have Children”
    on JULY 29, 2015 A must read article

    • The sad ugly truth is that
      Many Men & Women with Mental illness are Not Fit to be parents
      The New York Post , has an article headlined
      “Too many children are at risk because of their parents’ mental illness”
      By Naomi Schaefer Riley
      on May 21, 2022
      I don’t agree with everything this article says, but it makes some good points

    • article by
      Marc Fitch is a Must Read , and also describes many Men with Mental illness who have Children when Men or Women with Mental illness or Mental illness in their families have children it sadly Very Often leads to them having Very Sick Children who grow up to become Very Sick Adults,
      They children then sadly often grow up in Very Dysfunctional Families, with Siblings from Hell , Brothers, Sisters from Hell , Abusive Brothers and Sisters

  • Plus when People with Mental illness have children, the Fathers and Mothers who have children who are also Severely Mentally ill, the parents often deeply regret having children and realize that the worst decision of their lives was having children

  • Plus , the children of Mentally ill parents who grow up to be Very Mentally Sick Adults with Ruined Lives then often deeply wish that they were Never Born and Blame their parents for spreading Mental illness to them .

    • It may seem “inhumane” to
      Forcibly Involuntarily Sterilize people with Serious Mental illness and other diseases that are often genetic and hereditary.
      However, it is Far More Inhumane, Far More Inhumane to Allow them to Spread Serious Mental illness to their Children, who often grow up to be Very Sick Adults
      Not Everyone is Fit to Reproduce or Adopt Children

    • Furthermore parents with Mental illness when they have children, the Children often have unbearable Mental illness and Very Unhappy Childhoods, the families are Very Dysfunctional and Miserable , it’s Very Sad

  • An article on is headlined “Whatever happened to Eugenics?” and it starts with the words :
    “Whatever happened to Eugenics? How is it that the prevention of human suffering came to be considered as the greater evil? ” The full article is online ,

  • Shlomo , Hello are you there ?
    Do you have any comments in Reply to the Right To Die Comments and Eugenics Comments

  • has an article headlined
    “Staying Child-Free Because of Mental-Health Concerns”
    By Rosa Inocencio Smith on
    DECEMBER 8, 2016

  • Shlomo, do you have a response to the comments here in
    Support of Voluntary Assisted Suicide for any and all suffering people who Request to Die . Why should any type of Suffering person be Forced to “live” in Misery against their will at all costs to suffer even more ? Do you have a Reply to the statements here in Support of Eugenics ?

  • Countless people in America and Worldwide are becoming
    Anti-Life , Pro-Suicide and Support Choice & Compassion for
    Suffering People, as Life becomes more hectic, Stressful, and Complicated . Life is Not a Gift
    It is a Cruel Unjust Imposition,
    Pro-Life Suicide Prevention people and “Professionals” are the Ones who are Unjustly playing God

    • The Medical and Mental Health “profession” in America makes impossible, Unreasonable demands upon Suffering people, wanting to squeeze every last drop of life out of Suffering people, keeping them alive till the bitter End, gaslighting Suffering people into living, ignoring Actual Quality of Life for Suffering people, Ignoring their Very Real Sexual Desires and Sexual Needs

  • Suicide Prevention and
    Forced Living is Torture.
    America makes Impossible Unreasonable Demands upon Suffering People.
    How the Hell can America Expect Incels and other Sex Starved people to go for Decades upon Decades upon Decades upon Decades upon Decades upon Decades without Sex
    America won’t Listen to Reason and be Reasonable and Legalize Prostitution for All Consenting Adults and in Every State
    Many people have pointed out that the “Freedom” in America is a Joke, Adults cannot even do what they want with their own lives and bodies, Pathetic
    Robin Williams should Not have had to brutally hang himself to End His Suffering
    Thankfully every day more and more people are speaking Out against the Evils and Wickedness of Suicide Prevention and in Support of the Right To Die , Death With Dignity Movement for any and all suffering people, including for people with Unbearable Mental illness
    Pro-Life BS and Suicide Prevention Extremism fills people with FEAR, Terror and Dread of the Future
    Suicide Prevention people and
    “Professionals” are what’s wrong with the World

    • Pro-Life Suicide Prevention people and “Professionals” ignore the Very Real Sexual Desires and Sexual Needs of the Countless
      Incels , Healthy and Disabled people alike who are unable to get Sex for Various Reasons, and they can’t legally pay for Sex

  • The Growing Right To Die,
    Death with Dignity Movement is about Choice, Compassion and Control
    Suicide Prevention idiots are Disgusting

  • Hello ? Can we have a
    Civil Mature Conversation about the Growing Right To Die, Death With Dignity Movement for Any and All Suffering People, including for people with unbearable Mental illness, Incels and other suffering people

  • Fun Fact: In 2002 Dr. Kevorkian was Nominated for the
    Nobel Peace Prize for helping suffering people Die with Dignity
    The More You Know

  • Many people have said that
    Life itself is Slavery
    For many Suffering people things Never get Better
    The More You Know

  • Many people have said that
    Suicide Prevention and Forced Living is State Sponsored Terrorism against Suffering People
    Pro-Life Suicide Prevention people are making everything worse in America and Worldwide

  • Suicide Prevention and
    Forced Living Extremism is Slavery and Exploitation of Suffering people as many people have pointed out. They also said how the
    “American Foundation for Suicide Prevention” in New York City is a Scam Organization and disgusting Exploiters of Suffering people .
    People Before Profits, Polls have shown the Vast Majority of Americans and People Worldwide support Voluntary Doctor Assisted Suicide, for any and all suffering people, including for people with Unbearable Mental illness

  • What are Pro-Life Suicide Prevention Dictators, Clowns and so-called “professionals” doing to Improve Actual Quality of Life for Suffering people, Get at the Root Causes of people’s Misery

  • On the Bright Side,
    More and More people are Speaking Up and Speaking Out against the Evils and Wickedness of Suicide Prevention and Forced Living Extremism and Pro-Life BS

  • Pro-Life Suicide Prevention Dictators, Clowns and
    “Professionals” are Relentless Parasites and Stalkers with their
    Pathological Obsession Fixation with Suicide Prevention and Life till the bitter end crap, they are
    a Cult , why must they Force their Views Upon Others ? Why ?

  • Suffering Mentally ill and other suffering people who want to Die are Persecuted, treated worse than Criminals, worse than animals all in the name of
    Suicide Prevention, Forced Living Extremism, Pro-Life Suicide Prevention people and “professionals” are straight out of the George Orwell Novel

  • As things sadly get worse and worse in America and Worldwide,
    More and More people are embracing Antinatalism , becoming Anti-Life, Pro-Suicide and Supporting the Growing
    Right To Die , Death With Dignity Movement for Any and All Suffering people, Mentally ill, Terminally ill, Incels , and all other Suffering people who Request To Die

  • Incels , People with Mental illness and countless other people are Suffering unbearably, they are
    Very Very Unhappy and live in
    FEAR of the Future, They are Very Afraid of the Future in this Uncertain Chaotic World
    Pro-Life Suicide Prevention Extremism is from the pits of Hell
    It is Also Reckless and Irresponsible of America and other Nations to just Allow Anyone and Everyone to Reproduce,
    Some people have spoken up in
    Support of Humane
    Eugenics and Forced Sterilization to Prevent Horrible Suffering

  • Polls have shown that Most Religious People,
    Most Christians, Roman Catholics , Jews, and people of other Religions are in Full Support of
    Voluntary Doctor Assisted Death , for Any and All Suffering people who Request To Die ,
    Not just the Terminally ill, but also for people with unbearable Mental illness , Incels , and all other Suffering people who Hate Life and Hate their Lives
    Countless people have pointed out that wanting to Die is Not a Mental illness
    The sad ugly truth is for many suffering people things Never get Better , only Worse and Worse, sadly many Problems are indeed Permanent

  • Never Forget that Pro-Life Suicide Prevention Dictators, Clowns, Extremists and so-called “professionals” are a large part of the Reason why America and the World is such a Living Hellish Nightmare.
    America and the World is
    Horribly Overpopulated and Overcrowded.
    Overpopulation is Not a “Myth”
    It’s a Fact
    Earth cannot handle 8 Billion people and growing
    Allowing Voluntary Legal Doctor Assisted Suicide, Quick, Peaceful, Painless and Free of Charge will Help to Combat Overpopulation
    Suicide Prevention is Evil

  • Never Forget that if
    Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was alive today he would be Boldly Speaking Out against the Evils and Wickedness of Suicide Prevention, Forced Living Extremism and he would Be Fully Supportive of the
    Growing Right To Die Movement for any and all suffering people, Including for people with Unbearable Mental illness , who often suffer the Most
    Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. would support the Right To Die, Peacefully with Dignity for Any and All Suffering people, Mentally ill, Terminally ill , Incels , and all other Suffering people who Hate Life and Hate their Lives

  • A person recently typed online in
    Support of the
    Right To Die that
    “Do genetics determine the rest of our lives? Do beautiful people who are Wicked ,Evil do better in life than ugly people with a good heart? Is our control over our lives limited? Are some people better off dead? If all of this is true, then what’s it mean about life and about Suicide?” The old
    Nature vs. Nurture debate

  • Why is Abortion Legal yet Suicide must be “Prevented” by Force at all Costs ? Why ?
    Abortion is Still Legal in America yet Suicide Must be
    “Prevented” by Force at all Costs ? Why ? Why ?
    Suicide Prevention is Diabolical
    More and More people are Speaking Out Against Pro-Life BS and Suicide Prevention and in
    Support of the Growing
    Right To Die Movement , it’s Sickening how Pro-Life Suicide Prevention people are Relentless Parasites that Never Know when to Quit

    • Why can’t Pro-Life Suicide Prevention people and so-called “professionals” just give it a rest
      They creep alot of people out

  • Dr. Jack Kevorkian Knew that it was horribly unjust how
    the Ninth Amendment is ignored
    The Ninth Amendment gives Americans many Rights, yet why is it ignored

  • Again why is the Ninth
    Amendment being Ignored ?

    has an article headlined
    “The Case For Forced Sterilization”

    Also why , Why is the Ninth Amendment being Ignored

  • We All Need to Peacefully Expose the Evils and Wickedness of
    Suicide Prevention, Forced Living Extremism and embrace the Growing Right To Die , Death With Dignity Movement
    Pro-Life People and “Professionals” are Full of Lies

  • Regarding the Ugly Truth about Suicide Prevention, a recent online article said
    “…Unfortunately for those with refractory mental illness who wish to be euthanized, suicide prevention programs and incentives are not part of the solution to their troubles, but part of the problem.”

    • The online Right To Die article also said about Pro-Life Suicide Prevention Oppression that
      “The suicide prevention incentives from suicide prevention advocates and programs often come across as coming from a place of “goodwill,” “love,” and “care” towards the community at large, especially for those who are suicidal. However, the “warmth and fuzziness” of these incentives is only present when suicidal individuals act according to the will of suicide preventing agents- that is, by getting help and/or making a verbal commitment to life and to not commit suicide. If someone who is suicidal refuses to give in to these expectations, the true colors of suicide prevention incentives and advocates comes about. Their attitudes towards the suicidal shift from being caring and compassionate, to being oppressive and demanding to the suicidal person, forcing them to submission to a pro-life, anti-death agenda; their messages change from the character of “you matter,” “you are loved,” or “we care about you,” to the character of “your thoughts don’t matter,” “you are confined to our will,” and “we will command what you are to do with regards to your life” as soon as anti-suicide public forces step in.”

  • The Right To Die article continues
    “As stated in a previous post, suicide preventing agents and incentives like parens patriae in the United States are willing to take their suicide preventing agenda quite far, from forcing a mentally ill person who wishes to be euthanized into going to a hospital on handcuffs in a police car, to persecuting them, to breaking into their homes, to seeking them out at their workplace to embarrass them. This is the true face of suicide prevention in many parts of the world, and it hardly resembles the loving, caring, and warm cosmetic appearance that is given to it by suicide prevention advocates in suicide prevention walks, rallies, and propaganda.”
    Psychiatry and the Mental Health “system” is Evil and rotten to the core

    • Everyone now knows that
      Dr. Jack Kevorkian did Nothing Wrong

    • People Before Profits , Greed is Evil
      “Suicide Prevention” and Forced Living Extremism, Fanaticism, Obsessiveness, Creepiness,
      Supremacism is Evil
      Pure Evil

  • Now many people have said that they wish that these
    Pro-Life Suicide Prevention people and “professionals” would quit and give it a rest already with all this Pro-Life Suicide Prevention BS , Propaganda, Lies , Hypocrisy, Double Standards and False Hope that they give to Suffering People. Why can’t these Suicide Prevention Clowns Stop, why can’t they just give it a rest already ? They are so Creepy , they are creeping alot of people out , they are becoming more Obsessive and Stalker like every single day, every single day More and More Suicide Prevention articles appear online, it’s so Disturbing
    The Right To Die Death with Dignity Movement for any and all suffering people continues to Grow in America and Worldwide
    People are Speaking Up for
    Choice, Compassion and the Freedom to Decide for Themselves
    And Not Just for the Terminally ill, but also for the Mentally ill, Incels and all other suffering people

  • We Need to Ask, why is the
    Ninth Amendment being Ignored ?
    Why ?
    Things are sadly falling apart in America and Worldwide, More and More people Hate Life with a Passion and are becoming
    Anti-Life , cursing the day that they were born and speaking out
    Against Suicide Prevention

  • Suicide Prevention and Forced Living Extremism is from the pits of Hell ,

  • Legality doesn’t Equal Morality ,
    Suicide Prevention and Forced Living Extremism is Diabolical and from the pits of Hell

  • has an article headlined
    “I Made The Difficult Choice Not To Have Children Because Of My Mental Illness”
    April 11, 2023 by KJ Aiello

  • Some claim that Eugenics and
    Involuntary Forced Sterilization is
    Pseudoscientific and Not an Exact Science , but think of all the Needless Unwanted Suffering it would have Prevented .. The Countless Other Comments I gave here in Support of Humane Eugenics, Forced Sterilization and Controlled Breeding
    America and Many Other Nations are Wrong, and Irresponsible for Allowing
    Anyone and Everyone to Reproduce and Have Children ,

  • Countless Parents, Countless Men & Women in America and other Nations have learned the lesson that if they have Mental illness themselves and/or Mental illness in their families that they definitely should Not have Children

  • Can we all agree that
    Eugenics and Forced Sterilization has been unjustly demonized and vilified because of Genocidal Misuse by Nazi Germany , can we at least All Agree on That
    Think of All the Needless Suffering that would have been Prevented if America and Other Nations had Humane Eugenics and Forced Sterilization Policies ,
    Where is the Common Sense
    Seriously Where is the Common Sense

    • Humane Eugenics and Forced Sterilization Policies Existed in America and Other Nations for a Reason

      • Humane Eugenics and Forced Sterilization Existed in Numerous Nations in the Past for VERY Good Reasons
        Very Good Reasons

    • Where is the common sense
      Goddammit Also
      Pro-Suffering people are Truly
      Sick and Twisted
      Really Disturbed Zealots and Nutters
      Pro-Life “Suicide Prevention”
      Extremists , Pro-Suffering idiots are Sadly Making Everything Worse, creating and worsening Countless Problems in America and Worldwide
      It’s their Fault
      Everyone Needs Money, but
      Excessive Greed is Evil
      People Before Profits

  • We Must All realize that America and the World is sadly a Living Hellish Chaotic Uncertain Nightmare in Large part because of All this Pro-Life “Suicide Prevention” and
    Forced Living Extremism
    It fills Countless people with
    FEAR , Dread and Mortal Terror of the Future

  • It’s Disgusting how America and Many Other Nations Stupidly Allows anyone and Everyone to Reproduce
    People unable to Work and/or care for themselves are allowed to have Children and Spread Mental illness to their Children
    Freaking Unbearable and Horrifying, Irresponsible
    People Breed Like Rabbits, without Stopping to Think for a Very Long Time , if they are Fit to be Parents, if they can Support Children. The innocent children grow up with Mentally Defective Parents , Not Everyone should be Allowed to have Children or Adopt , it’s to Prevent Suffering

    • People breed like Rabbits, Very Selfish, Reckless and Irresponsible of them to have Children .
      Very Selfish , people can’t control their urges to Reproduce and Procreate
      without Stopping to Think for a Very Long Time , if they are even Fit to be Parents, if they can Support Children, about what Mental and/or Physical Diseases are in their Families that could be spread to their Children

  • It’s to Prevent Suffering
    Humane Eugenics and Forced Sterilization is to
    Prevent Unspeakable Suffering
    So that innocent children are Not the victims of their parents Stupid Reckless Irresponsible Decision to Have Children
    Humane Eugenics and Forced Involuntary Sterilization has gotten a bad reputation because of
    Genocidal Misuse by Nazi Germany

  • Eugenics and Forced Sterilization has been unjustly demonized and vilified because of
    Genocidal Misuse by Nazi Germany
    Suicide was and is also being unjustly demonized and vilified and falsely viewed as “irrational”
    While the Right To Die ,
    Death With Dignity Movement for any and All Suffering people continues to Grow in America and Worldwide for any and All Suffering people
    Mentally ill, Terminally ill, Incels,
    Paraplegics, Quadriplegics, etc.
    People want Choice and the Peace of Mind Choice Brings

    • The Growing Right To Die, Death With Dignity Movement is about
      Choice, Control and the
      Incredible Relief and
      Peace of Mind Choice Brings
      It’s about Suffering Human Beings having the same Right to a Peaceful , Painless , Quick, Foolproof Death with Dignity that we give our Beloved Pets ,
      Dogs, Cats, Birds, etc.

  • Make no Mistake
    Pro-Life BS “Suicide Prevention”
    Fanaticism is Making
    Everything Worse
    More and More people are Speaking Out against the hideous Injustice of
    “Suicide Prevention”
    And in Support of Choice and the Growing Right To Die Movement for any and All Suffering people
    Especially for people with Unbearable Mental illness, Incels and other Suffering people who Despise Life and Hate Their Lives

  • Pro-Life Suicide Prevention
    BS artists like
    Kevin Hines are Disgusting Frauds

  • Countless people are Afraid
    Very Afraid of the Future
    They are Suffering from
    Crippling Debilitating Fear of the Future, Fear of the unknown
    The Pro-Life “Suicide Prevention”
    Dictators, Clowns , Policymakers and so-called “professionals” are making Everything Worse , adding to the Fear
    They want to deprive Suffering Mentally ill and other Suffering people the Freedom to Decide for themselves the time and manner of their deaths
    Online searches confirm that More and More people are
    Speaking Out Against
    Suicide Prevention and Forced Living Extremism and in Support of the Right To Die ,
    Voluntary Assisted Death with Dignity for any and All Suffering people , especially for people with Unbearable Mental illness
    They realize that the Growing
    Right To Die Movement Must Never Discriminate and be All Inclusive
    Life is Not a Gift, it is an
    No one gave consent to be born

  • Pro-Life “Suicide Prevention”
    Forced Living Extremists Such as
    E. Fuller Torrey , Wesley J. Smith & Kevin Hines make Everything Worse, why can’t they just mind their own business and Worry about themselves

  • In Fact many many people are saying that America and all Nations in the World need literal
    Voluntary “Suicide booths” like what was shown in
    “Futurama” the American animated science fiction sitcom created by Matt Groening
    The Total Lack of Bodily Autonomy in America is so
    Disturbing and Disgusting
    Suicide Prevention and Forced Living is Exploitation of Suffering people

  • Kevin Hines is a Fraud

  • Once Again , Kevin Hines is a Total Fraud
    Pro-Life “Suicide Prevention” Advocate
    Kevin Hines is a Fraud
    a Total Fraud

    • Pro-Life
      “Suicide Prevention” Advocate
      Kevin Hines is a Total Fraud and Charlatan , snake-oil salesman
      What is he doing to Improve Actual Quality of Life , Quality of Life for Suffering Mentally ill, Incels, and other Suffering people
      Is Mr. Hines giving Large Amounts of his Personal Money to Suffering people , helping them pay their Bills, Rent , Mortgage
      What about the Very Real
      Sexual Desires and Sexual Needs of Countless people unable to Get Sex Naturally , why won’t he Advocate for Every State in America
      All 50 States in America to
      Legalize Prostitution, Sex Work for Consenting Adults
      Kevin Hines and his ilk are full of Crap

      • Kevin Hines ,
        E. Fuller Torrey
        Wesley J. Smith make Countless people SICK
        Sick to the stomach with their
        Pro-Life “Suicide Prevention”
        Forced Living Crap

      • Kevin Hines makes Countless people Sick, they want to deprive Suffering people of Choice and the Peace of Mind Choice and Control Brings
        Kevin Hines is dishonest

  • The Right To Die , Voluntary Death With Dignity Movement is one of the Most Important Civil Rights, Human Rights Matters of Our Time
    A Vital Moral and Ethical Issue
    The Pros of the Growing
    Right To Die Movement
    Greatly outweigh the alleged cons
    Pro-Life, Pro-Suffering Extremists are Disgusting, Dogmatic and have Rigid , Black and White thinking

  • Pro-Life “Suicide Prevention” Extremists are the Root Cause of Countless Problems in America and Worldwide, they also Worsen Countless Problems, we Never Forgive and Never Forget the Needless unwanted Suffering they caused and Prolonged
    There is no Forgiveness

    • Again
      There is No Forgiveness for All this Pro-Life “Suicide Prevention”
      Forced Living Extremism
      People are Speaking Out in
      Support of Voluntary
      Free of Charge
      Doctor Assisted Death for any and All Suffering Adults who Request To Die, Suffering Mentally ill, Terminally ill and All other Suffering people who Hate Life and Hate Their Lives and want a Peaceful Exit
      The Twin Evils of
      Pro-Life BS “Suicide Prevention” and Forced Living Extremism as well as America and other Nations Stupidly Allowing Anyone and
      Everyone to Reproduce sadly creates all Sorts of Horrible Problems for Society
      Sadly Backfires Terribly
      Suicide Prevention and
      Suicide Prohibition is from the pits of Hell ,

  • Most people in America and Worldwide realize that all this
    Pro-Life “Suicide Prevention” Saving Lives and Forced Living Crap has gone way too far for far too long, and that it is Evil, Wickedness and unethical to Keep Any type of Suffering person alive Against Their Will at All Costs, to Suffer Even More
    What about Respecting the Personal Rights,
    Individual Rights and Individual Choices of Suffering people
    Many people have described
    Chronic Mental illness as Worse
    Much Worse than Physical Suffering
    How would Pro-Life
    “Suicide Prevention” people Feel if
    THEY were Forced to “live” in Misery Against Their Will, at all costs to Suffer Even More
    How would THEY Feel, how would THEY like it , that’s the Question
    Robin Williams deserved Better

  • Pro-Life , Pro-Suffering
    “Suicide Prevention” people are Incredibly Delusional and Deluded, they are dishonest frauds and Liars

  • Pro-Life “Suicide Prevention” Extremists are Cultists
    Something is seriously wrong
    seriously wrong , Evil & Wicked about any Nation or Society that Forces Suffering Mentally ill or any type of Suffering person to
    “live” in Misery, Against their Will, Against Their Will at All costs to Suffer even More
    People with Mental illness are
    NOT “stupid” or “incompetent” they are fully capable of making a Decision for a Voluntary Doctor Assisted Death , they are aware of the fact that they are Suffering Unbearably and that things often Never get Better

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