Conservative Author Mark Levin Endorses Ted Cruz for President

Conservative author and Constitutional scholar Mark Levin has endorsed Ted Cruz as his choice to become the next president of the United States.

Levin, who is also a nationally syndicated radio host and the editor-in-chief of Conservative Review, announced the endorsement on his new Levin TV online channel.

He said during the night’s episode of Levin TV: “My purpose here tonight is to tell you why I support Ted Cruz for President of the United States.”

Levin praised Cruz for his adherence to constitutional principles, describing the Texas Senator as the most steady conservative candidate who he believed could win the general election.

Cruz is best when it comes to “the Constitution, the Republic, individual sovereignty, separation of powers, the Bill of Rights, family, faith, a secure border,” and “our national security,” Levin explained.

“Nobody’s perfect. My great idol Ronald Reagan was not perfect,” Levin, who served in the Reagan administration, observed. “So it’s not that we seek perfection, or that we look for nitpicking ways to oppose somebody. No, you look at the whole picture. You take the whole life of the individual. You look at their entire career over a period of time,” he explained.

One comment

  • One cannot deny that Donald Trump has served an extremely vital role in 2016. He has awakened many who, until now, have been speechless while the good ship, USA Titanic has collided with 0bama-berg. At last, John Q. and Jane Public feel someone is speaking for them.

    Be that as it may, however, Senator Ted Cruz is the far better choice for both America and Israel.

    OK – I’m Goyim, but in a heartbeat, I would lay down my life for Israel. Eretz Israel is the land of my Savior and Jerusalem is His throne. I am floored that many American Jews continue to vote for democrats even though democrats back policy that would divide Jerusalem. That is outlandish and must never happen!

    I spent two weeks in Jerusalem (the Old City, Gloria Hotel), and I saw its beauty, felt its majesty, and heard its plea for Bnei Yisrael to come together! I plead with any liberal Jew reading this, please, for the sake of Abraham, Issac, Jacob, and your future, vote for the one who will unabashedly stand with Israel. In my heart I feel that is Ted Cruz.

    Shalom – George.

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