Cruz Hits Trump On Planned Parenthood Funding

During Saturday’s CBS Republican Presidential debate in South Carolina Sen. Ted Cruz was able to get Donald Trump to admit that he supports taxpayer funding for Planned Parenthood. It wasn’t easy. Cruz had to do it the face one of Trump’s many whiney and un-presidential tirades during which Trump falls back on his name calling — saying Cruz is lying, as Trump realized too slowly that Cruz had him dead to rights for his support of the aborted baby butchering planned parenthood. You can read the transcript of the planned parenthood exchange between Cruz and Trump below.

On Sunday the Cruz campaign released an ad hitting Trump for his support of planned parenthood. The ad makes it clear that Trump was the one lying about planned parenthood. Watch the ad:

Following is a transcript of the ad:

CRUZ DISCLAIMER: “I’m Ted Cruz and I approve this message”


“Between sips of wine and bites of salad, a Planned Parenthood doctor discusses getting money for tissue from aborted fetuses.”

 “Harvesting the organs of aborted fetuses for money.”

ANNOUNCER: “Planned Parenthood treats the unborn like another form of currency. And yet some politicians still defend them.”

TRUMP: “Planned Parenthood serves a good function.”

SEAN HANNITY: “With the debt we have should we even give them a penny?”

TRUMP: “We have to look at the positive.”

ANNOUNCER: “Donald Trump is just plain wrong.”

It should be remembered that what the Donald calls the wonderful the planned parenthood does represent much less of the organization’s business than  planned parenthood and its so-called fact checkers claim.

Here’s the transcript of the exchange between Cruz and Trump from Saturday’s debate during which Cruz forced the admission out of Trump:

CRUZ: You know, flexibility is a good thing, but it shouldn’t — you shouldn’t be flexible on core principles. I like Donald, he is an amazing entertainer, but his policies for most of his life…

TRUMP: Thank you very much, I appreciate it.

CRUZ: For most of his life, his policies have been very, very liberal. For most of his life, he has described himself as very pro-choice and as a supporter of partial birth abortion. Right now, today, as a candidate, he supports federal taxpayer funding for Planned Parenthood. I disagree with him on that.

That’s a matter of principle, and I’ll tell you…

TRUMP: You probably are worse than Jeb Bush. You are single biggest liar. This guy’s lied — let me just tell you, this guy lied about Ben Carson when he took votes away from Ben Carson in Iowa, and he just continues. Today, we had robo-calls saying, “Donald Trump is not going to run in South Carolina,” where I’m leading by a lot.

I’m not going to vote for Ted Cruz. This is the same thing he did to Ben Carson. This guy will say anything, nasty guy. Now I know why he doesn’t have one endorsement from any of his colleagues.

CRUZ: Don, I need to go on…

TRUMP: He’s a nasty guy.

CRUZ: I will say, it is fairly remarkable to see Donald defending Ben after he called, “pathological,” and compared him to a child molester. Both of which were offensive and wrong.

But let me say this — you notice Donald didn’t disagree with the substance that he supports taxpayer funding for Planned Parenthood. And Donald has this weird pattern, when you point to his own record, he screams, “Liar, liar, liar.” You want to go…

TRUMP: Where did I support it? Where did I…

CRUZ: You want to go…


TRUMP: Again, where did I support it?

CRUZ: If you want to watch the video, go to our website at

TRUMP: Hey Ted, where I support it?

CRUZ: You can see it out of Donald’s own mouth.

TRUMP: Where did I support?

CRUZ: You supported it when we were battling over defunding Planned Parenthood. You went on…

TRUMP: That’s a lot of lies.

CRUZ: You said, “Planned Parenthood does wonderful things and we should not defund it.”

TRUMP: It does do wonderful things, but not as it relates to abortion.

CRUZ: So I’ll tell you what…

TRUMP: Excuse me. Excuse me, there are wonderful things having to do with women’s health.

CRUZ: You see, you and I…

TRUMP: But not when it comes to abortion.

Just another whiney, un-presidential Trump melt down when Trump is caught lying about one of his positions that is much more like those of a Democrat than a Conservative.

And there is one more point to make. Sadly, during the South Carolina debate, Sen. Marco Rubio also said Cruz lied about planned parenthood:

RUBIO: He lies about Planned Parenthood.

I expected better from Rubio. [But we at JTF didn’t.]

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