CULTURAL MARXISM UPDATE: Boy Scouts Announces They’ll Start Accepting Girls

NBC News reports the Boy Scouts of America will start accepting girl scouts.

The Boy Scouts of America announced on Wednesday that girls will soon be allowed to become Cub Scouts and to earn the coveted rank of Eagle Scout, the organization’s highest honor.

“We believe it is critical to evolve how our programs meet the needs of families interested in positive and lifelong experiences for their children,” said Michael Surbaugh, chief executive of the Boy Scouts.

No, not Girl Scouts. Just girls, plain and simple.

As scouts.

So, like Girl Scouts but Boy Scouts…for girls.

It’s just all so…

It makes one wonder what the Boy Scouts purpose is if their spines are this soft.

There is value in having separate groups for boys and girls. But, apparently, we’ve unlearned that.

One comment

  • Oh noes. Does it mean they actually made it into the 21st century and do not follow your book written by some crazy Hebrews? Whoops. LOL

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