EU orders British press NOT to reveal when terrorists are Muslims

Muslims call for world domination - CopyWhich is pretty much 100% of the time.

A report from the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI) found there was an increase in hate speech and racist violence in the UK.

The report makes a whopping 23 recommendations to Theresa May’s Government for changes to criminal law, the freedom of the press, crime reporting and equality law.

Note the astronomical number of victims of violent jihadists; e.g. Muslim-on-Muslim violence; violent persecution of Christians, other infidels and apostates; the Islamic charters to obliterate Israel, and the hatred against Jews routinely propagated in Islamic states, as well as in mosques in Western lands; the abuse of up to a million girls in Britain by Muslim rape gangs; etc. etc. It is peculiar, in light of all that and more, Islamophobia continues to be prioritized by the ECRI.

So now the EU is said to be ordering the British press not to report when terrorists are Muslims, for fear of stirring up “Islamophobia.”

“Islamophobia” continues to be indoctrinated into Western minds as part of a strategy created by stealth jihadists to beat down critics of Islam; this EU order to the press will keep the voting public (which pays the wages of political authorities) in the dark as the West continues to be infiltrated by jihadists.

The ECRI Chair, Christian Uhlund, who blames the press for racism, also blamed Brexit for causing “anti-foreigner” sentiment…

 “The Brexit referendum seems to have led to a further rise in ‘anti-foreigner’ sentiment, making it even more important that the British authorities take the steps outlined in our report as a matter of priority.”

In a further mockery, the ECRI is supposed to be a human rights body:

ECRI is a human rights body of the Council of Europe, composed of independent experts, which monitors problems of racism, xenophobia, antisemitism, intolerance and racial discrimination.

Hardly an accurate description. The ECRI has become an accomplice in jihadist crimes against innocents, completely abandoning the human rights of victims of jihad.

“FREE SPEECH CRACKDOWN: EU orders British press NOT to reveal when terrorists are Muslims”, by Katie Mansfield, UK Express, October 5, 2016:

A report from the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI) found there was an increase in hate speech and racist violence in the UK from 2009 to March 2016.

Blaming the press, ECRI Chair Christian Ahlund, said: “It is no coincidence that racist violence is on the rise in the UK at the same time as we see worrying examples of intolerance and hate speech in the newspapers, online and even among politicians.”

The report makes a whopping 23 recommendations to Theresa May’s Government for changes to criminal law, the freedom of the press, crime reporting and equality law.

And despite the report not analysing coverage of the historic Brexit vote, Mr Ahlund saw fit to comment on the UK’s decision to leave the EU.

In a sweeping statement, he said: “The Brexit referendum seems to have led to a further rise in ‘anti-foreigner’ sentiment, making it even more important that the British authorities take the steps outlined in our report as a matter of priority.”

The report lays into the British press and urges the government to “give more rigorous training” to reporters.

In the 83-page report, the Commission said: “ECRI considers that, in light of the fact that Muslims are increasingly under the spotlight as a result of recent ISIS-related terrorist acts around the world, fuelling prejudice against Muslims shows a reckless disregard, not only for the dignity of the great majority of Muslims in the United Kingdom, but also for their safety.

“In this context, it draws attention to a recent study by Teeside University suggesting that where the media stress the Muslim background of perpetrators of terrorist acts, and devote significant coverage to it, the violent backlash against Muslims is likely to be greater than in cases where the perpetrators’ motivation is downplayed or rejected in favour of alternative explanations.”….

But as Britain prepares to leave the crumbling bloc, the Government waded in to defend freedom of expression.

In a written statement to the ECRI, the Government said: “The Government is committed to a free and open press and does not interfere with what the press does and does not publish, as long as the press abides by the law.”

ECRI is a human rights body of the Council of Europe, composed of independent experts, which monitors problems of racism, xenophobia, antisemitism, intolerance and racial discrimination.

The group writes reports on every member state every five years and says the documents are “analyses based on a great deal of information gathered from a wide variety of sources.

ECRI visited the UK in November 2015 as it gathered evidence for the report.

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