Author Topic: Kick out Blacks, Muslims and Hispanics from USA  (Read 25289 times)

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Re: Kick out Blacks, Muslims and Hispanics from USA
« Reply #100 on: February 17, 2008, 01:00:35 AM »
Newman must be a womanizer. He called Sarah our "little girl" and wanted to save her from Islam and he called you our "nerd" because of your glasses in the video. He must just like younger women.

Now who's doing the insults?

I never called mills a nerd. Other postes described her glasses as geeky or nerdy. I agrred and added my aproval.

Offline DownwithIslam

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Re: Kick out Blacks, Muslims and Hispanics from USA
« Reply #101 on: February 17, 2008, 01:03:11 AM »
I actually think that both Newman, 1986 and Mills have valid points. Nobody needs to be warned. I actually believe that satmar is evil and their behavior is more vile than mexicans. At least mexicans don't wish  destruction  on their own people. Their is no question that the majority of blacks are sick evil monsters and their is no way to deny that so many of the hispanic immigrants who come here are evil and criminal. They give the legal and righteous hispanics such as the ones who are here a bad name.
I am urinating on a Koran.


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Re: Kick out Blacks, Muslims and Hispanics from USA
« Reply #102 on: February 17, 2008, 01:04:24 AM »
I can't believe you are so dumb as to not grasp the basic concepts that most 7th graders manage to. So I put it down to ignorance. If you read what I wrote, you'd understand what is meant and not post idiotic remarks like that one.

Maybe writing all this will make you feel better, and I really hope it does because you need it. But it still does not change the fact that you are very wrong, no matter how much convincing yourself it takes. And no doubt you want EVERYONE to fall into your pattern of ignorance.

Well guess what, some of us don't like living like that! And what is it with your SICK obsession with 7th graders? I do not want to know.

If I am 'wrong' then make your case and address my points of argument instead of saying..."you;'re wrong, you're wrong nyah nyah nyah-nyah nyah" like a petulent child.

Can't you prosecute an argument effectively?

Offline DownwithIslam

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Re: Kick out Blacks, Muslims and Hispanics from USA
« Reply #103 on: February 17, 2008, 01:06:31 AM »
I actually thought mills did a very righteous thing by making those videos at a time of turmoil for jtf. She certainly doesn't deserve to be belittled and anyone who did that is wrong. I think those videos and her radio show were entertaining and enjoyable. On another note, Newman is a great member of the forum with whom I agree with  alot.
I am urinating on a Koran.

Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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Re: Kick out Blacks, Muslims and Hispanics from USA
« Reply #104 on: February 17, 2008, 01:13:48 AM »
Hey Mills what were your videos about?

Offline DownwithIslam

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Re: Kick out Blacks, Muslims and Hispanics from USA
« Reply #105 on: February 17, 2008, 01:14:11 AM »
Lets remember that we all hate muslims. That should be enough to get us all to make up.
I am urinating on a Koran.

Offline DownwithIslam

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Re: Kick out Blacks, Muslims and Hispanics from USA
« Reply #106 on: February 17, 2008, 01:16:50 AM »
Mills made videos and even hosted an online radio show when the jtf site was down. They were very inspirational and very enjoyable to listen to. They just reassured people that a site isn't what makes jtf but rather its wonderful members who will always be there. They were really thoughtful and well done.
I am urinating on a Koran.


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Re: Kick out Blacks, Muslims and Hispanics from USA
« Reply #107 on: February 17, 2008, 01:17:46 AM »
I can't believe you are so dumb as to not grasp the basic concepts that most 7th graders manage to. So I put it down to ignorance. If you read what I wrote, you'd understand what is meant and not post idiotic remarks like that one.

Maybe writing all this will make you feel better, and I really hope it does because you need it. But it still does not change the fact that you are very wrong, no matter how much convincing yourself it takes. And no doubt you want EVERYONE to fall into your pattern of ignorance.

Well guess what, some of us don't like living like that! And what is it with your SICK obsession with 7th graders? I do not want to know.

If I am 'wrong' then make your case and address my points of argument instead of saying..."you;'re wrong, you're wrong nyah nyah nyah-nyah nyah" like a petulent child.

Can't you prosecute an argument effectively?

OK, so can an animal use sign language to tell his human teachers that his banana is pink...they can argue all they want to the animal and the animal will get upset, throw things at them etc..and yet still not comprehend that the banana is not pink?
Or have you heard the expression "talking to a wall"
That is what it is like with you. Someone disagrees with you and all you can do is insult people like a little "7th grader"

No one is asking you to change, especially me. All I said is that I disagree with you and do not see whatever you babble abut as ever being remotely valid. That;s it, I DON'T agree with you period and I NEVER will. LIVE with it and stop acting like an immature kid who gets mad when he doesn't get his way and reduces himself to just insulting people. Don't forget you started the insults.

If you argue about something purely subjective (like what wine tastes better) there is no need to justify your position as it is pure peronal preferrence.

However, if you say someone else is wrong to use certain phrases or construct an argument a certain way, you MUST back it up and make a rational case. You refuse to do that for vague and palpable reasons.

Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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Re: Kick out Blacks, Muslims and Hispanics from USA
« Reply #108 on: February 17, 2008, 01:20:30 AM »
Lets remember that we all hate muslims. That should be enough to get us all to make up.



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Re: Kick out Blacks, Muslims and Hispanics from USA
« Reply #109 on: February 17, 2008, 01:21:32 AM »
Do you think I will give you the time of day or....actually take you seriously enough to ever "argue" or debate with you? Do you honestly think that your opinion about this, about anything Or about me is of any value to me?
Well it is NOT. I don't care what you babble on about, you just like hearing yourself talk-talk talk and like anyone as long as they agree with you.

But I could care less if you like me or not. The most important thing is that IF you think I will give you the satisfaction of addressing anything that you would EVER point out, you are seriously wrong.  I like talking to those who's opinions I value, but with you, I HAVE to respect for since all you can do is yell at people with insults and obsessively talk about cars and 7th graders.
Just not worth it.
You are just going to have to learn to live with the fact that not everyone will agree with you or care about anything you say.
No one is asking YOU to change, don't ask others here to change just because you don't agree with them.

Not good enough. You're not addressing my points or making your case. That's called 'piking out'.

In terms you may better comprehend:

I win , you lose, I'm the king of the castle. :P


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Re: Kick out Blacks, Muslims and Hispanics from USA
« Reply #110 on: February 17, 2008, 01:40:58 AM »

Not good enough. You're not addressing my points or making your case. That's called 'piking out'.

In terms you may better comprehend:

I win , you lose, I'm the king of the castle. :P

Like I said all your points are WORTHLESS to me .............

Which ones and how so, exactly?

I already addressed your points in another thread
No you didn't. You piked out there, too.

  But keep going, you are only going to make MORE people here be sick of your attitude.
And it's so interesting, so many of us and only you. And gees, if many feel this way about you maybe it's for a reason.

"So many"? How many aproximately and who?


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Re: Kick out Blacks, Muslims and Hispanics from USA
« Reply #111 on: February 17, 2008, 02:00:23 AM »

Not good enough. You're not addressing my points or making your case. That's called 'piking out'.

In terms you may better comprehend:

I win , you lose, I'm the king of the castle. :P

Like I said all your points are WORTHLESS to me .............

Which ones and how so, exactly?

I already addressed your points in another thread
No you didn't. You piked out there, too.

  But keep going, you are only going to make MORE people here be sick of your attitude.
And it's so interesting, so many of us and only you. And gees, if many feel this way about you maybe it's for a reason.

"So many"? How many aproximately and who?

It's all in the other thread. Back then I actually respect you as a person and decided to talk to you.
But it turned out to be wrong of me to talk to a wall who thinks he's always right and everyone else is wrong.
And talk about "piked" from ran away like a scared child when I asked you said "all mexicans" and when I asked you about someone you retracted ....I asked you something about that again and yet never answered me. Nay, you refused to. you really insult ALL Mexicans like you said at first? ALL of them?
I explained that in the half dozen or more posts that YOU REFUSED TO READ (like in this thread)..............remember?

Which ones? what part of ALL don't you get?
You are really the RUDEST person I have ever met. You don't respect people's opinions!

I expect them to back their opinions up.

So, since you have been absolutely RUDE, I am giving  you my warning at this point. You don't go picking on people and bully them. Think about what you are doing, newman.
If you fold up at robust debate you havn't the bottle for the struggle to come.


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Re: Kick out Blacks, Muslims and Hispanics from USA
« Reply #112 on: February 17, 2008, 02:20:17 AM »

Not good enough. You're not addressing my points or making your case. That's called 'piking out'.

In terms you may better comprehend:

I win , you lose, I'm the king of the castle. :P

Like I said all your points are WORTHLESS to me .............

Which ones and how so, exactly?

I already addressed your points in another thread
No you didn't. You piked out there, too.

  But keep going, you are only going to make MORE people here be sick of your attitude.
And it's so interesting, so many of us and only you. And gees, if many feel this way about you maybe it's for a reason.

"So many"? How many aproximately and who?

It's all in the other thread. Back then I actually respect you as a person and decided to talk to you.
But it turned out to be wrong of me to talk to a wall who thinks he's always right and everyone else is wrong.
And talk about "piked" from ran away like a scared child when I asked you said "all mexicans" and when I asked you about someone you retracted ....I asked you something about that again and yet never answered me. Nay, you refused to. you really insult ALL Mexicans like you said at first? ALL of them?
I explained that in the half dozen or more posts that YOU REFUSED TO READ (like in this thread)..............remember?

Which ones? what part of ALL don't you get?
You are really the RUDEST person I have ever met. You don't respect people's opinions!

I expect them to back their opinions up.

So, since you have been absolutely RUDE, I am giving  you my warning at this point. You don't go picking on people and bully them. Think about what you are doing, newman.
If you fold up at robust debate you havn't the bottle for the struggle to come.

 NO expecting someone to debate you back  or "back up" anything does NOT excuse your insults and bullying! Lastly, I DON'T care what you think of me and my "struggle" ability since you don't know me personally. Others here do, their opinion is what matters to me. You don't know what I've been through in the past when it's come to debating those who defame Israel. So whatever you think of me...I could CARE LESS!
I like you, actually. But you can't debate worth a bean and you're too emotional. But I still value your talents as I did when you first began posting.

But what's still are NOT answering my question newman???

DO you really insult all Mexicans like you claimed? Just a simple yes or no you need me to refresh your memory?
Yes or no, it's very simple.

I'll make a deal.

I'll answer that question IF you read the following  and refute or agree with it point by point and answer my previous questions. Agreed?


I would say (on the whole) it's very level headed to look at reality backed up with mountains of evidence and then drawing conclusions based on the experience of many

For example:.

When we say that blacks* are a criminal society, we don't need to show that 100% of blacks are criminals, we just need to show that there is a severe criminal problem that is more pronounced among blacks than anyone else. If that is10% of the population, 30% of the population, 40% of the population, so be it, the exact numbers are inconsequential it's a question of per capita or proportionality.

*The same applies to mexicans & arabs being dirty, lazy and envious.


When we say that blacks are a society that produces illegitimate children, we don't need to show that 100% of blacks do this, again, we just need to show that it is a problem among blacks more than it is among anyone else, and that it is a particularly black problem, which it is. The severity of these things are unique to black communities, so it is fair game to point them out in generalized fashions.

It's just that whenever lierals see one of these broad statements, they instantly go into left/liberal reactionary mode, immediately believing that we mean every single black person. Their common defense of how they know some who are different than what we describe is an example of this.

Whenever there is a feature of the black community that is 1) disproportionate to blacks 2) recognized as a "black problem" 3) that's pervasiveness is unique to the black community, I'm going to recognize that as a component of the black community. Of course it doesn't have to even be a problem with the majority of people, just a large proportion.


When we point out anti-Semitism among Polish people for example, we don't need to prove that every single Polish person is an anti-Semite, we just need to point to the uniqueness of the problem to Poland, the pervasiveness of the problem, and the degree of the problem.


When we say Toyotas are reliable we don't mean every single one of the millions produced is. There are a few examoles of badly built or designed Toyotas but GENERALLY speaking the evidence of thousands of owner surveys and quality reports suggests that Toyotas ARE reliable.

These are the modes that these sort of things are discussed in and indeed when speaking of general habits of cultures and religions, this sort of thinking is commonly used all the time. Why should it not be used in reference to blacks, muSSlims, mexicans or anybody else?

It should be taken for granted that a statement beginning with.."Blacks are......" or "Arabs are......" or "Mexicans are......" is going to refer to the majority of them in general terms and not every, single one on the Planet.


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Re: Kick out Blacks, Muslims and Hispanics from USA
« Reply #113 on: February 17, 2008, 02:53:56 AM »
It's tempting...I'll have to think about it since I have to leave for the night. I mean, I do see it as being worthless to me so in all honestly I am not remotely interested in it. And I don't care if you like me or not especially after your rudeness in the way you have directed yourself to me, which means that while I respect you as a forum member, that's all I feel.

I guess the reason why I am also not interested is that I am not asking you to change, I just disagree on some points, but since I'm not interested in convincing anyone I just don't care to bother with anything else.
I also don't think your proposition is fair.
I am asking for a "yes" or "no" that's it. But you are asking a lot more than I'm interested in giving for a subject that I remotely care about and for someone who's insults have turned me into not valuing their point of view.
You will just say "yes" "no" and I will have to read a WHOLE thing, and point out where it's utterly wrong and debate etc....etc... and MOST likely be subjected to your insults again.

I especially do not find it fair since I already know your answer.
After you said you insult ALL mexicans, I asked you about someone and you said that you don't insult him since he's "proven" himself righteous. To which I replied something like: "but you said you insult ALL Mexicans" "where you lying?" "are you changing your mind?"  After that, there was no answer.

What you are asking of me is far more, and I don't see it as a fair deal. Plus I think it's insane for me to accept it or read it.  I'm just not the type of person who is interested in letting someone tell me to "debate them" "refute them" as if they have some kind of authority, as if I care about their request. I like debating when I like, not when someone tells me to and when I know it wont lead to anything.

All I ever wanted was to say I disagree is all. I don't want to change any minds.

Yes, but I've built up "asking credits" because you have repeatedly refused to answer my questions and refute my points (ten times more than I've ever done that with you) so I'm entitled to demand more. :)


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Re: Kick out Blacks, Muslims and Hispanics from USA
« Reply #114 on: February 17, 2008, 03:04:06 AM »
Yes, but I've built up "asking credits" because you have repeatedly refused to answer my questions and refute my points (ten times more than I've ever done that with you) so I'm entitled to demand more. :)

 I would not have my heart set on demanding things based on invisible credits AT ALL and I find the idea rather odd and overall preposterous. It just does not work this way.
Yes it does.

I did address things with you in the other thread.....
No, you were evasive.

............ but even then you got completely out of line with you insulting me. I don't think it's worth it for me to even try talking to someone like that.
"insult"? A few snide remarks. As Crocodile Dundee said:"That's not an insult......."
Why in the world would I want to talk to someone who can't make a point without the insults. I just DON'T have to take it.

Hey, at least I make and argument ASWELL. :)


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Re: Kick out Blacks, Muslims and Hispanics from USA
« Reply #115 on: February 17, 2008, 03:28:27 AM »
Yes I suppose that your "credits" work because you said so...but I will prove you wrong and NOT accept your unfair deal, so your credits can go to waste. They are no good to me.
You can default on a debt to the bank but the debt still stands.......and accumulates interest. ;)

And if others had call you out on your's because that's what they are INSULTS.
They're a minority of people and they're being overly sensitive.
I guess you will have to live with the fact that this is one person who will not bother with you. Yes, I will not give in to your little debate games. Maybe get someone else who'd be foolish enough to do so.
They're not foolish. Please don't insult those who debate with me, it's quite rude.  They just have sufficient conviction in their case to defend it.

And I did try to answer to you honestly to you before, so I know nothing about cars I admit that-I don't know what's kind is more reliable than another,.........
See? That's either missing the point, not understanding what an analogy is..........or being evasive. Given that I know you to be a clever girl, I suspect the latter.

I said my issue is not so much with "generalizing" it's just that I don't like to use generalizations as an excuse to call people derogatory names, that's it!
It's the best darned excuse anyone's come up with in 200 years! O0


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Re: Kick out Blacks, Muslims and Hispanics from USA
« Reply #116 on: February 17, 2008, 04:13:23 AM »
OK. Well I am also a woman who does NOT care about cars.
uh-huh  :o
I like cuteness, I'm a female! I thought the Yaris was cute and my brother got it for me. I don't care what type or "brand" (I don't know what cars are called) it is. It could be a honda, toyota or others and I would not favor one over the other. Maybe if I knew something about cars I could say which one I like better but I don't. So what, I'm not a car person. So giving me car examples don't do anything for me.

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!! (head banging on table). :'(

The car thing was an ANALOGY......a parrable (like yeshu used to use). When he spoke of the man building his house on sand, he wasn't really talking about construction techniques! He using an analogy to make a point. Like I did with the example of generalising about the merits of certain makes of car being similar to generalising about the traits of certain ethnicities.

Please tell me you get the point. Even if you don't get it, tell me you do or I'll go insane.

And the only credits that you see are in your mind, and they wont work with me. You are just a guy in a forum, that's it. Keep your "credits" and see if you can exchange them for $ in real life and not just in an internet forum.
They're worth satisfaction, not dollars. ;)

I just feel differently than you do. It's very simple indeed. I disagree with you in some points, it's not a big deal, the world wont end because someone disagrees with you. Like I said, I don't want anything else, not to change anyone's mind etc.
But you're still wrong.

Now, I am going to go to sleep.
Goodnight, Dear Mills. :)

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Re: Kick out Blacks, Muslims and Hispanics from USA
« Reply #117 on: February 17, 2008, 07:49:46 PM »
I can't believe you are so dumb as to not grasp the basic concepts that most 7th graders manage to. So I put it down to ignorance. If you read what I wrote, you'd understand what is meant and not post idiotic remarks like that one.
Consider yourself warned.

I concur here. I'm glad you locked this thread.

I, also, will not tolerate members insulting other members - especially the chief global moderator who is an incredible person with high intelligence and cares so much about the people on this forum. Mills didn't even need to defend herself.

This goes for everyone. Let's stop with insulting the wonderful members of the forum. It goes against the Torah and the values, ethics, and kindness we need to have toward one another here. Disagreeing is part of what makes everything work here but the unity of JTF is important if we want to be effective.

Being righteous is more important than having to be right.
"In the final analysis, for the believer there are no questions, and for the non-believer there are no answers." -Chofetz Chaim