I'm all for arab's right of return .... Back to mecca
"white Western colonial zionist" heh , well i'm white , sure , but my ancestors never really left the "East" ,+ jews never really wanted to go away , it was the muslims and byzinte empire that forced them to relocate to other places ,and many jews tried to remain in israel , and even defeat the invading enemies . now that we return , you say we are colonialists ? about colonialism .... that is truely islam one main achievment , they colonized the entire middle east , "ethnically" cleansing anyone who is not a "beliver" , and claiming the whole place as their own ... so , read well your history ... you support the sons of the colonialists in their claim to remain in a land which they stolen in the first place from the actual people who were ancestors to most modern jews ... it was , and still , our land . and we wont give it away to no one ... We was given this land by G-d , the real g-d
i feel no sympathy for all those muslims you try to protect , they chose to be my enemy , and if they got "massacred" , its because they were too stupid to realize with who they are dealing .... My g-d invented holy war