Chaimfan's two cents (as an evangelical Christian) in response to various subtopics in this thread:
1: It's extrarodinarily hard to believe that WALK_STRONG did not know that this would be an incendiary and enormously offensive topic and that talking about missionizing is forbidden. I suppose it is possible, but Chaim has made our rules clear to everybody. We better watch the forum for the next few days to see if there are trolling attempts. I myself was very suspicious of WS when he came on a few weeks ago, all of a sudden, out-of-the-blue asking if Chaim was "indeed a criminal". That thread of his casts grave doubt on the notion that he just happened to be ignorant of our rules about missionizing.
2: JFJ is indeed a Messianic Jewish group, but it is not the only one. In other words, all JFJ members are Messianics, but not all Messianics are members of JFJ. There are other MJ organizations, as well as some MJs who are not members of any organized group at all.
3: The orthodox Christian view, strictly speaking, is not that one must "give up" Judaism, or that Judaism is obsolete, but rather that Jesus is the Messiah for all mankind, and that observing halacha is not the literal basis for entry to heaven. For instance, Christians believe that the great patriarchs of the faith, such as King David, were saved by faith in and love for G-d, and that his obedience of G-d's commandments was evidence of this; likewise, Christians today don't believe that you are saved by abstinence before marriage or going to church, but rather that the above are evidence of salvation.
(I realize that the Jewish view differs greatly from this--I was just stating the historical Christian view for the purpose of clarification). Obviously, I have no idea what exactly WALK_STRONG believes, and I'm not gonna find out!

4: As a Christian, I am ignorant of what the actual Jewish description of the Messiah is and what the Jewish requirements of the Messiah are. I do know that several Jews believe that the Lubavitcher Rebbe was the Messiah, but know nothing about the specific arguments for and against him. Could somebody kindly link me to some good websites explaining qualifications for Messiahship, and specifically the arguments for and against the Lubavitcher rebbe being the Messiah?
(Sidenote: Regardless of whether he was the Messiah, I do believe that the Lubavitcher rebbe was one of the holiest men who ever lived.) Thank you!