'No, I tarnish Islam. '
And by extension all muslims.
'What ethnic cleansing? '
Ahh right, now whose being revisionist. it is FACT that Plan Dalet ethnically cleansed large swathes of palestine and attempted to de-arabise Galilee.
'There is nothing comparable to Nazis Germany or Turkish treatment of the Abanians within Israel.'
The history of the nakba would disagree with you. While not equivalent, one can indeed compare it.
'The Jews were the indigenous peoples of "Palestine" before 1948.'
Ahh so there was only Jews in palestine at the time, nobody else? Were all jews in the world indigenous to palestine at this time?
'the bulk of Arabs came after 1888 to get employment from the Jews who were rebuilding their homelands that they purchased from absentee Turkish and Arab (singular) landlords.'
Read much Joan Peters do we? laughable, really i thought you better than producing this old propaganda. I suggest you burn your copy of 'from time immemorial' as it ranks alongside the 'Protocols of the Elders of Zion' as infamous frauds. Arabs and more precisely those non-jews indigenous to palestine ethnically cleansed during the nakba were semitic people. Your screaming at facts here.
'Ok, who was in the Holyland first the Christian or the Mohammadan?'
The christian faith, but islam is a religion which spread, islam is not a people. So christian converts can conquer land but muslim converts can't is that your belief?
'Care to discuss how Tamorlane's invasion of India'
Tamerlane or more precisely Timur-i-Leng had both turkish and mongol descent. now if you know your history you know the mongols only notionally adopted islam as their faith. Indeed Tamerlane nearly obliterated the ottoman empire at an early stage. his viciousness had little to do with Islam, but its interesting you try and portray it as such. Also you neglect to mention his descendants the Mughals occupied most of india and actually created one of the most religiously tolerant regimes in Islamic history. but this obvioulsy doesn't fit with your agenda of painting islam as the devil.
Im no fan of Edward Said, never mind the fact he was a Christian anyway. You seem to have a bee in your bonnet about him?
'You too continually over look the fact that the Mohammadan has dozens of states'
And what? Are all muslim one people or one ethnic race...what kind of bollox is this? Jews are not one people, or race. Do you think all catholics should live in one country?

? Your showing the facist side of zionism now, coveting land not yours. Which is what happened in 1948.
Funny that you mention Ibn Warraqs and his criticism of islam and their societies, but funny also that any jew who criticses the torah or israel is labelled a self-hating anti-semite pig blah blah blah...., may i now expect you to extol the virtues of Norman Finkelsetin or is it just those who criticse the religion you hate that you have time for?
BTW, on a positive note, i have enjoyed our debate, glad it hasn't entered into the usual slagging match.