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Offline Ben m

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Re: normal atheist
« Reply #125 on: May 20, 2010, 02:22:53 PM »
Oh so first king david doesn't exist but now he exists and he's a rapist and murderer.

Kookoo. Kookoo kookooreekoo
now,if i wil see proofs that david indeed existed (and christian4jews sent me the right kind of a video.i just need a more detailed video beacuse what hey said about david culminated in a half ambigious sentence) i will not have any problems to belive in david.the problem is that acoording to the torah david raped bath sheva and then killed her husband.this is not the way a cultural hero behave.we need to take example from yehuda the maccabeean for example or abraham or the rashbam or shlomo but not from david.

What BS.... He did not Rape anyone and he did not kill anyone... These are lies which are leveled by people who don't know the facts... Do not listen to the neo-nazis you seem to fetishize.

I have posted on the Jewish understanding of the story of BathSheba... If you like I will repost it..

PS: The Maccabeas also had their dark side... So did Abraham and so did Shlomo.... Jewish heros are never perfect..


The story of David's relationship with Bathsheba (II Samuel Chap. 11) is one of the most misread stories in the Bible, and we have to be careful in reading it as if it were some kind of soap opera. In summary, however, this is what happens.

Restless one night, David is pacing the roof of his palace from where he has a view of the homes and gardens in the city below(3). And there he spies a beautiful woman bathing. She is the wife of one of his generals, Uriah, the Hittite, who is away at war.

David sends for Bathsheba and spends the night with her. When she becomes pregnant, he commands that Uriah be placed on the front lines, where he dies in battle. David then marries Bathsheba.

At this point, the prophet Nathan is sent by G-d to reprove David. (See 2 Samuel 12.) He says that he has come to inform the king of a great injustice in the land. A rich man with many sheep, stole the one beloved sheep of a poor man, and had it slaughtered for a feast.

Furious at what he hears, King David, declares, "As G-d lives, the one who has done this deserves death."

Responds the prophet, "You are that man!"

David is humbled. "I have sinned before G-d," he says.

This is an enormously complex story and there is much more here than meets the eye. Technically, Bathsheba was not a married woman since David's troops always gave their wives conditional divorces, lest a soldier be missing in action leaving his wife unable to remarry.(4) However, the Bible states clearly that David acted improperly, and the Sages explain that while David did not commit adultery in the literal sense, he violated the spirit of the law(5).

As noted in earlier installments, the Bible takes a hyper-critical position of Jewish leaders. It never whitewashes anyone's past, and in that it stands alone among the records of ancient peoples which usually describe kings as descendants of gods without faults.

David's greatness shines in both his ability to take responsibility for his actions and the humility of his admission and the repentance that follows. This is part of the reason that the ultimate redeemer of the Jewish people and the world will descend from David's line -- he will be "Messiah son of David."

Shortly thereafter, Bathsheba gives birth, but the child becomes deathly ill as the prophet Nathan had predicted. David goes into a period of prayer and fasting, but the child dies nevertheless. David realizes that the death of the baby and later the revolt of his beloved son, Absalom (II Samuel 15-19), were divine punishment and also served as atonement for his actions. David "pays his dues," repents for many years and is ultimately forgiven by G-d.

Before long Bathsheba is pregnant again. And this time, she bears a healthy child -- who is named Solomon, and who will be the golden child, gifted with unusual wisdom.
okay,i have three questions about this:
1) if batsheba wasn't technically speaking in marriage with uriah so why david needed to kill uriah?
2) what they meant by saying that david broke the spirit of the law.either he break the law or didn't.there is no middle zone.
3) why did david looked at a naked girl in a bath atthe firdt place? i think it is forbidden acording to the torah.
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Offline muman613

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Re: normal atheist
« Reply #126 on: May 20, 2010, 02:35:29 PM »
Of course there are answers to your questions. I don't have the time to go very much into it... But I am sure that eventually your questions will be answered. King David is a figure which gives the Jewish people much hope. The entire Messianic vision revolves around his offspring...

It is possible to not break the law and yet break the spirit of the law... Jewish legends are full of cases like this.. For instance I found this little bit about Queen Esther... You know according to the Purim story that she had to marry the evil King Achashveros... This alone is forbidden by Jewish law... But she did not violate the letter of the law, possibly only the spirit of the law... This little excerpt from illustrates this:

So from the beginning of Esther’s involvement with the king, it is clear that he was attracted to a depth within her, and it is through this that she is ultimately able to maneuver what needs to be done to save her people. While Esther is in the kingdom, however, she is not allowed to reveal to anyone that she is Jewish. Under Jewish law, if one’s life is in danger, there are allowances for being able to break Jewish law. Yet Esther ensured that she keep not only the spirit of the law in her circumstances, but the letter of the law as well. She managed to create a schedule so that she would always have different help maids on Shabbat, so that no one would become aware that during this time period she was doing anything different. Through her desire to maintain her Jewishness, she discovered a way to do what she needed to do. In this she beautifully fulfills the Torah principle that “nothing can stand in the way of will,” (Zohar II: 162b).

This discusses the topic in a bit more depth:


Following the Letter of the Law
Rachel Ben David

At some point in our learning of the various halachot (Jewish laws) my brother and I, both newly observant, realized that the upcoming holiday of Pesach (Passover) might be problematic. The laws of kashrut (what foods are permissible to eat) are very strict when it comes to Pesach, and we both knew that what we thought was acceptable to eat in past years in my parent's house was not going to be acceptable for us anymore. We also knew that refusing to go home for the Pesach seder was not an option - it would hurt my parents too much.

The issue of honoring your father and mother is very complex, and is an extremely sensitive issue among Baalei Teshuva (those who aren't born in religious homes but become observant later on). My brother and I became observant through NCSY (an Orthodox youth group involved in outreach), and we had some excellent Rabbis and counselors give us advice. They told us that except in cases where your parents ask you to do something which explicitly demands you break Jewish law, then you should listen to them. (Like most issues of this sort, it is important to ask a Rabbi if you have a specific case in mind and need an answer. I am just giving the outline here).

This complex situation touches on an issue that unfortunately is misconstrued by many who are not intimately familiar with observant Judaism. Most people know that there are myriad laws governing the "ritual" aspects (laws between man and G-d) of Orthodox Judaism - what you can and cannot eat, what you can and cannot do on the Sabbath, how you dress, how you pray, etc. At the same time there are just as many laws concerning the "ethical" aspects - how one treats other people (laws between man and man). The second type of laws is just as binding on Orthodox Jews as the first. There is no concept of the "letter" of the law referring to the first type, and the "spirit" of the law referring to the second.

Regarding the prohibition of Carrying on Shabbat:

Carrying in a private home is permitted on the Sabbath. It is only in a public domain that it is forbidden.

The spirit of the law, however, forbids the carrying or handling of unnecessary objects, even indoors. The Sanhedrin therefore legislated the categories of Muktza, things which may not be handled on the Sabbath. These include such useless things as pebbles and stones. They also include things which may not be used on the Sabbath, such as pencils, candles and money. (Note 6)

The spirit of the law also forbids the transfer of ownership, even inside a building. The Sanhedrin legislated a prohibition against all forms of buying, selling, trading and other commerce for a variety of reasons. The Sabbath must be a day when all business stops. (Note 7)

It is interesting to note that the prohibition against commerce is one of the few types of legislation actually recorded in the Bible. Thus, we find (Nechemiah 10:32), "If the (non-Jewish) natives of the land bring any goods or food to sell on the Sabbath day, we will buy nothing from them on the Sabbath or on any holy day." (Note 8)

You shall make yourself the Festival of Sukkoth for seven days, when you gather in [the produce] from your threshing floor and your vat.And you shall rejoice in your Festival-you, and your son, and your daughter, and your manservant, and your maidservant, and the Levite, and the stranger, and the orphan, and the widow, who are within your cities
Duet 16:13-14

Offline Ben m

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Re: normal atheist
« Reply #127 on: May 20, 2010, 02:45:08 PM »
Of course there are answers to your questions. I don't have the time to go very much into it... But I am sure that eventually your questions will be answered. King David is a figure which gives the Jewish people much hope. The entire Messianic vision revolves around his offspring...

It is possible to not break the law and yet break the spirit of the law... Jewish legends are full of cases like this.. For instance I found this little bit about Queen Esther... You know according to the Purim story that she had to marry the evil King Achashveros... This alone is forbidden by Jewish law... But she did not violate the letter of the law, possibly only the spirit of the law... This little excerpt from illustrates this:

So from the beginning of Esther’s involvement with the king, it is clear that he was attracted to a depth within her, and it is through this that she is ultimately able to maneuver what needs to be done to save her people. While Esther is in the kingdom, however, she is not allowed to reveal to anyone that she is Jewish. Under Jewish law, if one’s life is in danger, there are allowances for being able to break Jewish law. Yet Esther ensured that she keep not only the spirit of the law in her circumstances, but the letter of the law as well. She managed to create a schedule so that she would always have different help maids on Shabbat, so that no one would become aware that during this time period she was doing anything different. Through her desire to maintain her Jewishness, she discovered a way to do what she needed to do. In this she beautifully fulfills the Torah principle that “nothing can stand in the way of will,” (Zohar II: 162b).

This discusses the topic in a bit more depth:


Following the Letter of the Law
Rachel Ben David

At some point in our learning of the various halachot (Jewish laws) my brother and I, both newly observant, realized that the upcoming holiday of Pesach (Passover) might be problematic. The laws of kashrut (what foods are permissible to eat) are very strict when it comes to Pesach, and we both knew that what we thought was acceptable to eat in past years in my parent's house was not going to be acceptable for us anymore. We also knew that refusing to go home for the Pesach seder was not an option - it would hurt my parents too much.

The issue of honoring your father and mother is very complex, and is an extremely sensitive issue among Baalei Teshuva (those who aren't born in religious homes but become observant later on). My brother and I became observant through NCSY (an Orthodox youth group involved in outreach), and we had some excellent Rabbis and counselors give us advice. They told us that except in cases where your parents ask you to do something which explicitly demands you break Jewish law, then you should listen to them. (Like most issues of this sort, it is important to ask a Rabbi if you have a specific case in mind and need an answer. I am just giving the outline here).

This complex situation touches on an issue that unfortunately is misconstrued by many who are not intimately familiar with observant Judaism. Most people know that there are myriad laws governing the "ritual" aspects (laws between man and G-d) of Orthodox Judaism - what you can and cannot eat, what you can and cannot do on the Sabbath, how you dress, how you pray, etc. At the same time there are just as many laws concerning the "ethical" aspects - how one treats other people (laws between man and man). The second type of laws is just as binding on Orthodox Jews as the first. There is no concept of the "letter" of the law referring to the first type, and the "spirit" of the law referring to the second.

Regarding the prohibition of Carrying on Shabbat:

Carrying in a private home is permitted on the Sabbath. It is only in a public domain that it is forbidden.

The spirit of the law, however, forbids the carrying or handling of unnecessary objects, even indoors. The Sanhedrin therefore legislated the categories of Muktza, things which may not be handled on the Sabbath. These include such useless things as pebbles and stones. They also include things which may not be used on the Sabbath, such as pencils, candles and money. (Note 6)

The spirit of the law also forbids the transfer of ownership, even inside a building. The Sanhedrin legislated a prohibition against all forms of buying, selling, trading and other commerce for a variety of reasons. The Sabbath must be a day when all business stops. (Note 7)

It is interesting to note that the prohibition against commerce is one of the few types of legislation actually recorded in the Bible. Thus, we find (Nechemiah 10:32), "If the (non-Jewish) natives of the land bring any goods or food to sell on the Sabbath day, we will buy nothing from them on the Sabbath or on any holy day." (Note 8)

okay you catched me,i have nothing to say to contradict this. but i have only one issue.if they have this ''spirit of the law'' then why they didn't just extend the lawto include this cases?
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Offline JewishAmericanPatriot

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Re: normal atheist
« Reply #128 on: May 20, 2010, 03:18:40 PM »
I'm sorry but as this thread has drifted off topic I will say a couple of things.

1. White Nationalism is based on the principle of genetic survival for the White Race and the creation of a nation(s) intended to achive that. Any other reason is superfluous and while individual White Nationalists may support additional ideologies we all share this common goal.   

2. There is nothing inherent to White Nationalism that dictates White Nationalists must believe in anything else besides the above.

Right Skkie. I have come across more White Nationlists than any other people on my own website. There are Jews that are White Nationalists. People seem to think that white nationalists are Nazis, and they aren't. Very different. Like TO THE MAX different.

Here's one of the Jewish ones!  :)

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Offline Zelhar

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Re: normal atheist
« Reply #129 on: May 20, 2010, 03:24:42 PM »
I came to realize that "white nationalist" has been rendered a completely unusable term for any decent use. Sort of like "liberal", but worse.

Offline Ben m

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Re: normal atheist
« Reply #130 on: May 20, 2010, 04:03:17 PM »
I came to realize that "white nationalist" has been rendered a completely unusable term for any decent use. Sort of like "liberal", but worse.
why? there is a big difference between white nationalism and white supremacism. the only place where this term are synonymous is StørmFrønt.
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Offline Dan

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Re: normal atheist
« Reply #131 on: May 20, 2010, 04:10:05 PM »
@Ben m, what was you previous name?

Offline Zelhar

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Re: normal atheist
« Reply #132 on: May 20, 2010, 04:12:57 PM »
I came to realize that "white nationalist" has been rendered a completely unusable term for any decent use. Sort of like "liberal", but worse.
why? there is a big difference between white nationalism and white supremacism. the only place where this term are synonymous is StørmFrønt.
1. Pedfronters and other Aryan Nazis call themselves white nationalists.
2. Most people who are decent refuse to call themselves white nationalist for fear of being associated with 1.
3. Many if not most people can't distinguish between the two terms.

Offline Ben m

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Re: normal atheist
« Reply #133 on: May 20, 2010, 04:20:23 PM »
@Ben m, what was you previous name?
normal atheist.
enemies:negroes,musulmans and commies/liberals.
alleis:israel,united states,canada,european union,greater serbia,russia,australia and new zealand and japan/south korea and india.togheter we maight win this war.

Offline Ben m

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Re: normal atheist
« Reply #134 on: May 20, 2010, 04:22:06 PM »
I came to realize that "white nationalist" has been rendered a completely unusable term for any decent use. Sort of like "liberal", but worse.
why? there is a big difference between white nationalism and white supremacism. the only place where this term are synonymous is StørmFrønt.
1. Pedfronters and other Aryan Nazis call themselves white nationalists.
2. Most people who are decent refuse to call themselves white nationalist for fear of being associated with 1.
3. Many if not most people can't distinguish between the two terms.

well the two last points are a direct result from option 1.true white nationalists needs to claim the term back and to show this augly supremacists the true way.
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Offline JewishAmericanPatriot

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Re: normal atheist
« Reply #135 on: May 20, 2010, 06:46:28 PM »
I consider myself a White nationalist because 1) I am white, and 2) I want the white race to survive. The last thing I want is to live in a world of negroes and other mud peoples. And I don't want my children to have to live surrounded by them, G-d forbid raped and murdered by them.

I also believe white Western European civilization has given much to the world. I do not want it to die out, or the people who inspired and created it. Basically I hold the same views on this issue as Rabbi Mayer Schiller of Skver.

I realize that some people confuse white nationalist and white supremacist. I do my best to explain and educate people as to the differences.

I realize that neonazis also often call themselves white nationalists. I refuse to let neonazis define who and what I am, and I also realize they don't regard Jews as white. I say, screw them, I will identify as white because I AM white, and if they don't like it they can kiss my tuchis. :P

I'm not the only White nationalist Jew I know. As Ashedina said, there are many on her blog, such as WhiteDevil and others. There are also Jewish WN's who have their own blogs, such as Nicholas Stix, jewamongyou, Lawrence Auster, Michael Levin (author of "Why Race Matters"), Michael Hart, Rabbi Mayer Schiller of the Skver Chasidim, and others.

For more info see:
« Last Edit: May 20, 2010, 06:51:54 PM by JewishAmericanPatriot »

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Offline christians4jews

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Re: normal atheist
« Reply #136 on: May 20, 2010, 07:27:23 PM »
I consider myself a White nationalist because 1) I am white, and 2) I want the white race to survive. The last thing I want is to live in a world of negroes and other mud peoples. And I don't want my children to have to live surrounded by them, G-d forbid raped and murdered by them.

I also believe white Western European civilization has given much to the world. I do not want it to die out, or the people who inspired and created it. Basically I hold the same views on this issue as Rabbi Mayer Schiller of Skver.

I realize that some people confuse white nationalist and white supremacist. I do my best to explain and educate people as to the differences.

I realize that neonazis also often call themselves white nationalists. I refuse to let neonazis define who and what I am, and I also realize they don't regard Jews as white. I say, screw them, I will identify as white because I AM white, and if they don't like it they can kiss my tuchis. :P

I'm not the only White nationalist Jew I know. As Ashedina said, there are many on her blog, such as WhiteDevil and others. There are also Jewish WN's who have their own blogs, such as Nicholas Stix, jewamongyou, Lawrence Auster, Michael Levin (author of "Why Race Matters"), Michael Hart, Rabbi Mayer Schiller of the Skver Chasidim, and others.

For more info see:

i like this guy, top post mate.

jews are white(on the whole). Do you lot honestly let your daughter go out with a negro convert to judaism in prison?He jewish right?

What about this guy, hes a gangsta rapper called shyne and now a jewish convert, be honest would you let your daughter marry this man?

Offline muman613

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Re: normal atheist
« Reply #137 on: May 20, 2010, 07:40:30 PM »
I consider myself a White nationalist because 1) I am white, and 2) I want the white race to survive. The last thing I want is to live in a world of negroes and other mud peoples. And I don't want my children to have to live surrounded by them, G-d forbid raped and murdered by them.

I also believe white Western European civilization has given much to the world. I do not want it to die out, or the people who inspired and created it. Basically I hold the same views on this issue as Rabbi Mayer Schiller of Skver.

I realize that some people confuse white nationalist and white supremacist. I do my best to explain and educate people as to the differences.

I realize that neonazis also often call themselves white nationalists. I refuse to let neonazis define who and what I am, and I also realize they don't regard Jews as white. I say, screw them, I will identify as white because I AM white, and if they don't like it they can kiss my tuchis. :P

I'm not the only White nationalist Jew I know. As Ashedina said, there are many on her blog, such as WhiteDevil and others. There are also Jewish WN's who have their own blogs, such as Nicholas Stix, jewamongyou, Lawrence Auster, Michael Levin (author of "Why Race Matters"), Michael Hart, Rabbi Mayer Schiller of the Skver Chasidim, and others.

For more info see:

i like this guy, top post mate.

jews are white(on the whole). Do you lot honestly let your daughter go out with a negro convert to judaism in prison?He jewish right?

What about this guy, hes a gangsta rapper called shyne and now a jewish convert, be honest would you let your daughter marry this man?

I happen to know a couple of very good Righteous Black converts to Judaism... Each person is an individual and is judged on his/her own merits..

As some here have pointed out there is no such thing as 'white' race... It is a conglomeration of many different races. Many Jews, especially Sephardim, are darker skinned than ashkenazi and I do not think they are inferior.. I am good friends with several Sephardic Jews.

What do you mean that Jews are white (on the whole)?

Recently published research in the field of molecular genetics –- the study of DNA sequences –- indicates that Jewish populations of the various Diaspora communities have retained their genetic identity throughout the exile. Despite large geographic distances between the communities and the passage of thousands of years, far removed Jewish communities share a similar genetic profile. This research confirms the common ancestry and common geographical origin of world Jewry.

Jewish men from communities which developed in the Near East –- Iran, Iraq, Kurdistan, Yemen -- and European Jews have very similar, almost identical genetic profiles.

    "Despite their long-term residence in different countries and isolation from one another, most Jewish populations were not significantly different from one another at the genetic level. The results support the hypothesis that the paternal gene pools of Jewish communities from Europe, North Africa and the Middle East descended from a common Middle Eastern ancestral population, and suggest that most Jewish communities have remained relatively isolated from neighboring non-Jewish communities during and after the Diaspora."
    (M.F. Hammer, Proc. Nat'l Academy of Science, May 9, 2000)

The basis of this new field of population research is the study of the Y-chromosome, which is passed virtually unchanged from father to son. The rare mutations -– which are changes in the non-coding portion of its DNA –- can serve as markers, which can distinguish peoples. By studying the genetic signatures of various groups, comparisons can be made to determine the genetic relationships between the groups.

Y-chromosome research of the Jewish people began as an outgrowth of the study of Cohanim –- the Jewish priestly family. These studies showed a very high genetic affinity among present-day Cohanim, indicating that they do have a common paternal ancestor, estimated to have lived some 3,000 years ago. (See The Cohanim/DNA Connection)



Although the Ashkenazi (European) Jewish community separated from their Mediterranean ancestors some 1,200 years ago and lived among Central and Eastern European gentiles, their paternal gene pool still resembles that of other Jewish and Semitic groups originating in the Middle East.

A low rate of intermarriage between Diaspora Jews and local gentiles was the key reason for this continuity. Since the Jews first settled in Europe more than 50 generations ago, the intermarriage rate was estimated to be only about 0.5% in each generation.The Ashkenazi paternal gene pool does not appear to be similar to that of present-day Turkish speakers. This finding opposes the suggestion that Ashkenazim are descended from the Kuzars, a Turkish-Asian empire that converted to Judaism en masse in or about the 8th century CE.

The researchers are continuing and expanding their studies particularly of the Ashkenazi community. They are hoping that by examining the DNA markers in Jewish populations from different parts of Europe, they will be able to infer the major historical and demographic patterns in Ashkenazi populations.

You shall make yourself the Festival of Sukkoth for seven days, when you gather in [the produce] from your threshing floor and your vat.And you shall rejoice in your Festival-you, and your son, and your daughter, and your manservant, and your maidservant, and the Levite, and the stranger, and the orphan, and the widow, who are within your cities
Duet 16:13-14

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Re: normal atheist
« Reply #138 on: May 20, 2010, 09:34:58 PM »
Ben, all human genes are the same and all are animal genes.

uh no, thats definitely not the case.

Human beings are a type of animal..the same instincts as other mammals.  The only difference is that humans are capable of choosing right from wrong.  Animals, not really.  So human genes are the same essentially...same make up same brain same's the human's free will to choose right from wrong...every human has the capability.

The human body is a donation from Gd..the human is an's our soul's free will to choose good from bad.  Otherwise, we would be just animals, eating and breeding.
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

In your heart you know WE are right and in your guts you know THEY are nuts!

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Re: normal atheist
« Reply #139 on: May 20, 2010, 09:36:57 PM »
People, give me a damn break. What Jew goes on and on in defense of "white nationalism"?

Offline Dr. Dan

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Re: normal atheist
« Reply #140 on: May 20, 2010, 09:37:58 PM »
Oh so first king david doesn't exist but now he exists and he's a rapist and murderer.

Kookoo. Kookoo kookooreekoo
now,if i wil see proofs that david indeed existed (and christian4jews sent me the right kind of a video.i just need a more detailed video beacuse what hey said about david culminated in a half ambigious sentence) i will not have any problems to belive in david.the problem is that acoording to the torah david raped bath sheva and then killed her husband.this is not the way a cultural hero behave.we need to take example from yehuda the maccabeean for example or abraham or the rashbam or shlomo but not from david.

Who taught you this crap of David being a rapist?!  And King Saul was 20 million times more evil than you realize!!! He was commanded by Gd to kill all the Amelakites and he ended u saving the King who later mated with someone to bring about Haman and all other Amalekites who continue till this day to try to kill Jews...You really need to think before you write and speak, don't know anything about Torah and you should throw away any anti semetic filth that you have learned from anyone in the past such as some Arse or Nazi....
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

In your heart you know WE are right and in your guts you know THEY are nuts!

"Science without religion is lame; Religion without science is blind."  - Albert Einstein

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Re: normal atheist
« Reply #141 on: May 20, 2010, 09:42:47 PM »
The last thing you would want is that some negro or mud person, Gd forbid, rapes one of our loved ones...does it make a difference if it were a white animal that could do the same?!  White or black is irrelevant..evil is's color blind...

I consider myself a White nationalist because 1) I am white, and 2) I want the white race to survive. The last thing I want is to live in a world of negroes and other mud peoples. And I don't want my children to have to live surrounded by them, G-d forbid raped and murdered by them.

I also believe white Western European civilization has given much to the world. I do not want it to die out, or the people who inspired and created it. Basically I hold the same views on this issue as Rabbi Mayer Schiller of Skver.

I realize that some people confuse white nationalist and white supremacist. I do my best to explain and educate people as to the differences.

I realize that neonazis also often call themselves white nationalists. I refuse to let neonazis define who and what I am, and I also realize they don't regard Jews as white. I say, screw them, I will identify as white because I AM white, and if they don't like it they can kiss my tuchis. :P

I'm not the only White nationalist Jew I know. As Ashedina said, there are many on her blog, such as WhiteDevil and others. There are also Jewish WN's who have their own blogs, such as Nicholas Stix, jewamongyou, Lawrence Auster, Michael Levin (author of "Why Race Matters"), Michael Hart, Rabbi Mayer Schiller of the Skver Chasidim, and others.

For more info see:
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

In your heart you know WE are right and in your guts you know THEY are nuts!

"Science without religion is lame; Religion without science is blind."  - Albert Einstein

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Re: normal atheist
« Reply #142 on: May 20, 2010, 09:47:16 PM »
Dr. Dan, this creature is either an Arab troll or a WN troll. He's not worth your exasperation.

Offline IsraeliGovtAreKapos

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Re: normal atheist
« Reply #143 on: May 20, 2010, 09:57:12 PM »
He's probably a Shabak agent, Dr Brennan Fan.

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Re: normal atheist
« Reply #144 on: May 20, 2010, 10:03:40 PM »
He's probably a Shabak agent, Dr Brennan Fan.
I didn't think of that. I am sure that the Shabak is trying to bust right-wing, patriotic Jews, but no Jew supports white nationalism. Why would a Shabak agent pose as a "Jewish white nationalist"?

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Re: normal atheist
« Reply #145 on: May 20, 2010, 10:06:47 PM »
He's probably a Shabak agent, Dr Brennan Fan.
I didn't think of that. I am sure that the Shabak is trying to bust right-wing, patriotic Jews, but no Jew supports white nationalism. Why would a Shabak agent pose as a "Jewish white nationalist"?

He does try to image himself as a right-winger on the Hebrew forum but he keeps talking obsessively about Roni the Nazi and other Lefties. Anyway he's either a Shabak agent or just a nutcase.

Offline briann

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Re: normal atheist
« Reply #146 on: May 20, 2010, 10:08:38 PM »
He's probably a Shabak agent, Dr Brennan Fan.
I didn't think of that. I am sure that the Shabak is trying to bust right-wing, patriotic Jews, but no Jew supports white nationalism. Why would a Shabak agent pose as a "Jewish white nationalist"?

He does try to image himself as a right-winger on the Hebrew forum but he keeps talking obsessively about Roni the Nazi and other Lefties. Anyway he's either a Shabak agent or just a nutcase.

Whatever he is, I say, if he doesnt stop with his 'white nationalism' talk, we can confirm he is a troll, ban him, and call it a day.

Offline Skkie

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Re: normal atheist
« Reply #147 on: May 20, 2010, 11:41:37 PM »
I consider myself a White nationalist because 1) I am white, and 2) I want the white race to survive. The last thing I want is to live in a world of negroes and other mud peoples. And I don't want my children to have to live surrounded by them, G-d forbid raped and murdered by them.

I also believe white Western European civilization has given much to the world. I do not want it to die out, or the people who inspired and created it. Basically I hold the same views on this issue as Rabbi Mayer Schiller of Skver.

I realize that some people confuse white nationalist and white supremacist. I do my best to explain and educate people as to the differences.

I realize that neonazis also often call themselves white nationalists. I refuse to let neonazis define who and what I am, and I also realize they don't regard Jews as white. I say, screw them, I will identify as white because I AM white, and if they don't like it they can kiss my tuchis. :P

I'm not the only White nationalist Jew I know. As Ashedina said, there are many on her blog, such as WhiteDevil and others. There are also Jewish WN's who have their own blogs, such as Nicholas Stix, jewamongyou, Lawrence Auster, Michael Levin (author of "Why Race Matters"), Michael Hart, Rabbi Mayer Schiller of the Skver Chasidim, and others.

For more info see:

Good post.

Ben, all human genes are the same and all are animal genes.

uh no, thats definitely not the case.

Human beings are a type of animal..the same instincts as other mammals.  The only difference is that humans are capable of choosing right from wrong.  Animals, not really.  So human genes are the same essentially...same make up same brain same's the human's free will to choose right from wrong...every human has the capability.

The human body is a donation from Gd..the human is an's our soul's free will to choose good from bad.  Otherwise, we would be just animals, eating and breeding.

uh, no. There are specific genetic differences between Humans and other animals and between the White population and nonwhites. Small genetic differences have a potentially large affect on the organism. You can argue over how important those differences are and what affect they have on behavior but its completely false to say "all human genes are the same". 

Offline muman613

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Re: normal atheist
« Reply #148 on: May 20, 2010, 11:58:17 PM »

If you were dying from an incurable disease and a black man with the same blood type was available to donate an organ which you needed, would you refuse the organ because of these 'genetic differences' you talk about? I think you would be a fool to die rather than be saved by an organ from a black man. You do realize that some blacks have the same blood types as some whites...

« Last Edit: May 21, 2010, 12:04:18 AM by muman613 »
You shall make yourself the Festival of Sukkoth for seven days, when you gather in [the produce] from your threshing floor and your vat.And you shall rejoice in your Festival-you, and your son, and your daughter, and your manservant, and your maidservant, and the Levite, and the stranger, and the orphan, and the widow, who are within your cities
Duet 16:13-14

Offline Hyades

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Re: normal atheist
« Reply #149 on: May 21, 2010, 01:16:19 AM »
White nationalism is stupid anyway. I am either a white supremacist or white racist or I am nationalist, since "white" is not a nation, it is just the colour of your skin.
As a white nationalist you would have to belong to a nation called "white". Where is the country where the people call themselves white? I know of Britain, Norway, Germany, France,... none of them call themselves whites. A nationlist from these countries would call him/herself British, Norwegian etc. nationalist - no matter what race or religion he/she has.