I warned you guys about this atheist before. I know socialist who want to destroy Israel that can be honest about pisslam.
To Serbian army and Mentalita, you're out of your minds. If a political leader said we want to help Jews but Kosovo is great, I wouldn't trust him for a second. If someone hates Jews, you know that he's going to go after other unrighteous causes. And pappy Lepen is an outspoken Nazi. Here is the European equivilent of Ronnie and Randy Putz. They are both the same, but the youth understand how to get support for their insanity with lies.
As for people trusting the atheist Geert who wants to ban circumcision, as I've stated, these kinds of people are the reason why pisslam has gained power. They may turn around and realize it, but they attack it not for righteousness, but because they don't want to leave their evil path.
Ok, but if not Geert Wilders, then who? Who else is there to work with in Europe? Wilders has said so many wonderful things about Israel, the Jewish people, and he has a realistic understanding of the Islamic menace. For example:
Wilders stated about Israel: "I have visited many interesting countries in the Middle East – from Syria to Egypt, from Tunisia to Turkey, from Cyprus to Iran – but nowhere did I have the special feeling of solidarity that I always get when I land at Ben Gurion International Airport."
Wilders told an audience during the report that "We [in the West] are all Israel". He has also said "Israel is the West's first line of defence" against what he perceives to be a threat posed by Islam.
Wilders said Jordan should be renamed Palestine.The Jordanian government responded saying Wilders' speech was reminiscent of the Israeli right wing. He also said Israel deserves a special status in the Dutch government because it was fighting for "Jerusalem" in its name.
He said: "If Jerusalem falls into the hands of the Muslims, Athens and Rome will be next. Thus, Jerusalem is the main front protecting the West. It is not a conflict over territory but rather an ideological battle, between the mentality of the liberated West and the ideology of Islamic barbarism. There has been an independent Palestinian state since 1946, and it is the kingdom of Jordan."
He called on the Dutch government to refer to Jordan as Palestine and move its embassy to Jerusalem.
He called the prophet Muhammad a "barbarian, a mass murderer, and a pedophile" and referred to Islam as a "fascist ideology" which was "violent, dangerous, and retarded". Wilders also reportedly called Turkish Prime Minister Erdoğan a "total freak".
In the spring of 2009, Wilders launched the "Facing Jihad World Tour", a series of screenings of Fitna to public officials and influential organizations around the globe, starting in Rome. In the United States, Wilders showed the film to the United States Congress on 26 February having been invited by Arizona Republican Senator Jon Kyl. Around 40 people attended the screening. American Muslims protested, to no avail. Wilders spoke at the Conservative Political Action Conference on 28 February. He appeared before the National Press Club and the Republican Jewish Coalition that week as well.
Wilders suggests that Muslims should "tear out half of the Koran if they wished to stay in the Netherlands" because it contains "terrible things" and that Muhammad would "... in these days be hunted down as a terrorist".
He believes that all Muslim immigration to the Netherlands should be halted and all settled immigrants should be paid to leave.Referring to the increased population of Muslims in the Netherlands, he has said:
Take a walk down the street and see where this is going. You no longer feel like you are living in your own country. There is a battle going on and we have to defend ourselves. Before you know it there will be more mosques than churches!
In a speech before the Dutch Parliament, he stated:
Islam is the Trojan Horse in Europe. If we do not stop Islamification now, Eurabia and Netherabia will just be a matter of time.
AND GET THIS: Wilders was extensively discussed in American diplomatic cables, released by WikiLeaks in December 2010. In a briefing to President Barack Obama, he was described as "no friend of the US: he opposes Dutch military involvement in Afghanistan; he believes development assistance is money wasted; he opposes NATO missions outside 'allied' territory; he is against most EU initiatives; and, most troubling, he foments fear and hatred of immigrants."
