hahaha. so if they even TOUCH pigs, theyre doomed !??? wow! nice!
Oh yes.
If a muslim even touches a piece of pigskin leather before death, he's BARRED from praradise and goes straight to hell.
I don't know for the life of me why every bus in Israel doesn't contain small bags of pork rind under the seats to deter terrorists.
and Jewish people, I assume they are allowed to touch, but not eat?
A Jew can pat a pig if he wants....just can't eat him.
Kosher means appropriate.....nothing to do with clean.
Stupid mohammerhead misunderstood Torah and took 'kosher' to mean 'clean'. Same applies to dogs. They're not kosher to eat, but a Jew can cuddle one. Idiot muzzies think they're unclean and won't touch them at all!
ah ok. thanks for that-you learn something VERY interesting veryday, especially with wise friends

lol, stupid muhhammed, imagine if they fought against the certain european armies, whom used boar as torches, and then used to storm the enemy...man id have loved to see those mosquitos' faces and retreat...a sweet victory for the european.
hahahaha, the more i think of this thought, im getting these funny images

i think maybe we should make use of this idea, what do you think?